The Grinch Code of Conduct


I have designed and committed to this code for ethical and prudential reasons. This code should not be used to evaluate any other person’s behavior unless they have also committed to following it, nor should adherence to it be demanded as a condition of anything. I will get very angry if this occurs.


If you believe I have violated some part of this code, I’d appreciate it if you let me know.

The Truth Is Valuable

There are several reasons I might make a statement which is not technically true (see below), but I commit to never make such a statement with the deliberate intention of moving any of your beliefs away from alignment with reality.

Honest Clarification

I often make jokes, employ sarcasm, and reblog/retweet things I think are ridiculous without comment. I commit to answer honestly and straightforwardly when I am asked whether I am joking or if I endorse a given position.

Proportional Response

“Bad argument gets counterargument. Does not get bullet. Never. Never ever never for ever.”

Individual Treatment

I will never mock an individual unless it regards their particular deliberate affiliations, speech, or actions.

Requests To Disengage

If you request that I stop speaking to you, I will.


  • If you speak to me, I may respond.
  • I may rebut public false claims or mischaracterizations about me or my beliefs.

I will not attempt to evade the “block” features of social media sites in order to contact anyone.

Record Keeping

I will not delete or otherwise attempt to hide public statements. Exceptions:

  • I believe the statement poses a serious risk of imminent harm to others. 
  • On platforms that don’t permit editing (Twitter) I may delete a post immediately after publication in order to correct minor typographical or grammatical errors.

If I edit an existing statement in order to change its intended meaning, that edit will be clearly indicated and the old version of the text will be preserved. (Editing for typos, spelling, and grammar will not typically be noted. Editing for clarity will be noted at my discretion.)

Transparent Pseudonymity

I do not speak anonymously.

On the internet, I tend to speak under a pseudonym, because that’s what people do here. But my name is Sam Burnstein, that name is attached to my twitter account (@GrumplessGrinch), and every pseudonym I speak under (here I’m excluding e.g. game user IDs) is easy to track to my twitter account, by design.

I do not send anonymous Tumblr asks or employ sockpuppets.


I am frequently wrong. If I change my mind as the result of arguments presented to me in conversation, I will make it clear that I have done so and that my previous stance has been repudiated.

Lovecraftian Horrors Disclaimer

I am too curious. Sometimes I seek beyond the outer gates. I take precautions, but my precautions may not be sufficient. Someday I may bring something back. Sometimes I fear I already have.

In the event that my epistemic hygiene proves (or has proved) insufficient, I am extremely sorry.

If this inclines you to believe that I’m ridiculous and full of shit, yes good that is true.

Angry Bees

I will not send you angry bees in the mail.

Change Log

7/18/15: Code of conduct originally posted.

7/19/15: Added change log. Added provisions 7 (“Record Keeping”) and 8 (“Errors”). Renumbered list to maintain “Angry Bees” as the final provision.

11/23/15: Added provision 9 (“Lovecraftian Horrors Disclaimer”). Renumbered list to maintain “Angry Bees” as the final provision.

2/28/16: Removed numbering, section titles should be sufficient. Added section titled “Transparent Pseudonymity”. Slightly reworded “Introduction” for improved aesthetics, meaning preserved.

3/27/16: Added section “Requests To Disengage” Updated wording after posting to clarify that I will not attempt to evade blocks in order to contact someone, but not to rule out the possibility of evading blocks for other purposes.