Passionately Promoting A More Perfect World



How exactly did we as a civilization screw up badly enough that “high occupancy vehicle” means “contains two or more.”

@sinesalvatorem how many people would be a high-occupancy vehicle in Redacted?

Um, I’m not sure we have that category. Definitely not “two or more”, because that’s just a “vehicle”. Who the fuck drives alone?

If we have the term, my guess would be that it means “more than four”.

  1. nomderonge reblogged this from rustingbridges
  2. baconmancr reblogged this from argumate
  3. poipoipoi-2016 reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    Meanwhile, I just drove 3,000 miles by myself. Bonus: California carpooled with some family members from Chicago to...
  4. oktavia-von-gwwcendorff reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    Okay I guess that answers the original question anyway x3
  5. maybe-a-lizard reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    SAME. When I first came to the US I was SO CONFUSED about all those single people in cars. Where were they all going???
  6. sinesalvatorem reblogged this from oktavia-von-gwwcendorff and added:
    Um, I’m not sure we have that category. Definitely not “two or more”, because that’s just a “vehicle”. Who the fuck...
  7. vhues reblogged this from argumate
  8. nathanielbuildsatesseract reblogged this from comparativelysuperlative and added:
    What the fuck
  9. trydianth reblogged this from argumate
  10. shieldfoss reblogged this from comparativelysuperlative
  11. argumate reblogged this from rustingbridges and added:
    the fun thing is the way chariots were the vehicles of choice in the early empires and were seemingly developed...
  12. rustingbridges reblogged this from comparativelysuperlative and added:
    look, that’s actually pretty good, if you look at the historical trends the modal vehicle contained either zero persons...
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