Your Developers Cloud

CodeMill puts elastic, scalable, on demand and pay-as-you-go development power at your disposal.

How It Works

Install Our GitHub App

Apply it to entire organizations or selected repositories. Any open and unassigned issue in any of the accessed repositories and any new issue created thereafter will automatically become a task in our marketplace.

Recieve Developers Offers

Developers are then able to see what you need developed. If the repository is private they are able to request access to see it and make you offers. When you accept an offer you're preapproving a future Paypal payment and we fork the repository to the developer account so they can start working.

Merge Pull Requests

When the developer completes the task, they send you a pull request. It's like any other pull request you get, except that if you merge this one, the transaction completes and the developer is being paid.

Deliver software faster

Your development team's throughput is limited to it's size. With CodeMill you can add endless on-demand dev power.

  • Endless Scale

    You can add one, two, or hundred team members at a time, each working at a different task. You don't have to wait anymore for someone to finish a task so they can start a new one. You can simply add a new team member.

  • Elastic Teams

    Forget about traditional team structuring, where you build a team around an average expected workload. With CodeMill you increase your team when you need more dev power, and decrease it when you don't need that power anymore.


Develop Smarter

Your development team has a fixed set of expertise and knowledge. CodeMill adds endless capabilities and knowledge.

  • Add unique expertise

    Need to use a new tech that is unfamiliar to any of your team members? No problem, a CodeMill developer can surely help.

  • Make your core team smarter and more knowledgeable

    More brains means more wisdom. CodeMill contributions to your code base will help your core team members learn new things from other developers and be more knowledgeable

Save Money

Your biggest expense is on HR. CodeMill helps you save.

  • Reduce recruiting costs

    Recruiting consumes time, energy and resources. When using CodeMill you can maintain only a small core team and use the time and energy you save on recruiting for what really matters - development.

  • Pay only for what you get

    With employees and professional services, you pay before you get, and you pay alot on top of what you get. With CodeMill there aren't any leave days, no illness, no collateral expenses. And -- you pay only after you receive the code, not before.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I start using CodeMill?

    First you need to install our GitHub app. You'll be asked to apply CodeMill to at least one of your repositories or organizations. CodeMill will only be triggered for issues of applied organizations and repositories.

  • How do I create tasks in the marketplace?

    Simply create issues. CodeMill will sync any open and unassigned issue from any of your repositories that it has access to and turn it to a task in the marketplace.

  • How do offers look like?

    Developers make offers by commenting on your issues with a special price tag codemill${price} (e.g. codemill$30 see example). You can accept them in your dashboard.

  • Does CodeMill work on private repositories as well?

    Yes, the only difference is that interested developers won't be able to view the code and make an offer unless you authorize them. We will send you access requests when developers are interested in having a look at your private repositories and you can feel free to grant or deny them.

  • How do I screen developers?

    That's part of the beauty of CodeMill -- It's based completely on GitHub, where each developer has their public profile, and you can trace their work and style.

  • Can many developers work on each task?

    No, just one at a time. Once you accpet a developers' offer, it's theirs. If you're not happy with their progress though, you can unassign them and then other developers will be able to make offers or you can accept an older offer.

  • Can I communicate with developers working on my tasks?

    Sure, please do. We didn't put our own mechanism in place specifically for that because we want to keep you away from GitHub for as little as possible. The best and most transparent approach is to communicate over comments on the GitHub issue, or alternatively by using Gitter.

  • How do payments work?

    Payments are currently processed via pre-approved Paypal payments. For each offer you accept, we'll ask you to pre-approve a payment for it. This preapprovment will only be utilized if you merge a pull request for that task, which implies that you got your job done.

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