im gonna go shower and become wet like a crocodile my favorite beast
please for the love of GOD stay safe
did you just tell yourself to stay safe
Self care
The fact that this has yet to devolve into boustrophedon is a miracle… or a challenge. I’m looking at you @terpsikeraunos @macdicilla @labellamordensno punctuation we read like romans
words doesn’t classical matter order in greek;
we, in a manner akin to that of a man who once was, in Rome, an orator of significant skill, who was then for his elegance of speech renowned and now for his elaborate structure of sentences cursed by generations of scholars of Latin, the language which he spoke and we now study, Cicero, write, rather than by any efficiency, functionality, or ease of legibility have our words, our honors, the breaths of our hearts, be besmirched.
I’m up to it
how to get the perfect beach body: go to a beach. cover yourself in sand. allow your body to merge with the beach. become one with the sand. become the sand guardian. guardian of the sand. poseidon will quiver before you
“Is Poseidon quivering yet, Jeeves?”
“Indubitably, sir.”