I’d like to formally make a blanket apology for literally anything I said before I turned 20.
I’m still under 20 for another eight months. You’re all fuckers and I apologize for nothing. See you in 2018 and we’ll talk.
This is exactly what I mean.
(via mynewurl)
my favorite part of gay culture is calling something homophobic that is obviously Not Homophobic and watching non-lgbt ppl get their shit in a twist over it
(via joshpeck)
I may not be a perfect person but at least I have never yelled at an employee in a store
please stop trying to make ed sheeran sexy. i don’t want to picture him feeling any kind of desire. the only thing i can picture him doing is taking his pet lizard out to the park for some sun, and that’s alright by me
(via twerkingmantis)