The Teeny Tiny Mansion (TTTM) is a mockup text adventure game that is formally proven to have no "dead ends". I.e. all player actions will result in a state in which the game is still winnable. I started thinking about formal verification for adventures games after I half-jokingly wrote the following tweet, referring to a bug that has been discussed on the Thimbleweed Park Development Blog: TTTM is a proof-of-concept showing that formally verified adventure games are possible, and how they could be built. (Please note that TTTM does not aim to be a very interesting game. So keep your expectations low.) I'll first briefly describe why I think formal verification of adventure games is useful, then describe the TTTM game itself, and then describe how the formal proof I have implemented works. Finally I'll close with some additional remarks on how this techniques could be employed in real-world games. My aim is not only to explain how to to formally verify an adventure game, but also to sneak in some basic knowledge about formal verification and maybe get you interested in formal methods in general. This example uses cbmc as C model checker. The Makefile builds the game and runs all the formal tests necessary to prove that there are no dead ends in the game. Why Formal Verification for Adventure Games? -------------------------------------------- (Good) Adventure Games are not linear. The player has a choice in what order to solve puzzles and has certain freedoms in exploring the world. However, to much freedom can increase the complexity of a game significantly, and make it impossible for game designers and beta testers to make sure the game cannot get into a state that the designers did not anticipate. The most extreme example of this is a situation where the player gets stuck and cannot win the game anymore (without loading a previously saved state of the game). Not only can formal verification help finding those problems early in the design (before beta testing). I believe it would also enable game designers to create more open games, that would be impossible to audit thoroughly by staring at a story graph and by employing human beta testers. This project (TTTM) demonstrates a method that can be used to prove that an adventure game does not have a reachable state in which the game cannot be completed. The Teeny Tiny Mansion ---------------------- TTTM has 2 playable characters (Alice and Bob) and 4 rooms (Red Room, Blue Room, West Room, and East Room). There are also 3 doors: +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Red | | Blue | | Room | | Room | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------- ---------+ +--------- --------+ | | | | | Red Door | | Blue Door | | | | | +-------- ---------+ +--------- --------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| | | West Green East | | Room Door Room | | |-----------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ Alice's goal is to go to the Red Room and Bob's goal is to go to the Blue Room. There are 3 keys in the game: Red Key, Blue Key, and Green Key. A character can only walk through a door if she/he has the matching key in her/his inventory. (The doors automatically close behind them when they walk through.) Characters can pass keys to each other when they are in the same room. Initially Alice, Bob, and the three keys are randomly placed in the West Room and East Room. When a character reaches her/his destination room then the character will refuse to leave again. There are two possible scenarios for dead ends: 1. The random initial position might be unsolvable. For example, both characters could be placed in the West Room and all keys in the East Room. 2. A character can walk into her or his destination room without providing the necessary assistance to the other character first. The game avoids those scenarios (unless compiled with -D BAD_GAME_DESIGN) by adding the following features: 1. Only solvable initial configurations are created. 2. A character refuses to walk into her/his destination room when the other character still needs help from this character first to ultimately reach his/her destination room. Formal methods are used to confirm that the game with this two additional features indeed cannot reach an unwinnable state. My simple game engine --------------------- For simplicity TTTM (and its formal proofs) are written in plain C99. The game itself has two major data types: typedef ... game_state_t; typedef ... game_action_t; The function make_initstate() creates a pseudo-random init state for the game: game_state_t state; uint32_t initseed = ...; make_initstate(&state, initseed); The function query_actions() creates a list of possible actions that the user can perform in a given state: game_action_t action_list[MAX_ACTIONS]; int num_actions = query_actions(&state, action_list); And the function apply_action() applies a given action to a given game state: int user_input = ...; apply_action(&state, &action_list[user_input]); The game simply creates an initial state and then runs a loop that calls query_actions(), asks the user which action they want to perform, and then calls apply_action() for the selected action, until the game is won. Note that nothing in this interface is in any way specific to the TTTM game itself. Therefore the method for proving the absence of dead ends that I describe below is generic. Formally proving the game has no dead ends ------------------------------------------ For the formal proof we need to provide a few additional functions. Note that the proofs simultaneously prove the correctness of the actual game and those additional functions. So even though there is additional work required to write those additional functions, we don't create an additional surface for new bugs as all bugs in those additional functions would be caught by the formal checks we perform using them. (Depending on how formal_action_valid() is implemented there might be an exception to that rule for this function. See also Closing Thoughts below.) First we need to define a set of valid states. This is done by creating a function that evaluates set membership for this set: bool formal_state_valid(const game_state_t *state); I.e. this function returns true for all states that are members of the set of valid states, and false for all other states. The set of valid states must have the following properties: - It is an over-approximation of all reachable states. I.e. all states that are reachable from an initial state must be members of the set. - All valid states must be "alive", i.e. it must be possible to finish the game from a valid state. - The set membership must be an inductive invariant. That means a state reachable from a valid state via a valid action must also be a valid state. We also need a function that tells us if a given action is valid in a given state: bool formal_action_valid(const game_state_t *state, const game_action_t *action); In our case this function is trivial: It simply calls query_actions() and checks if the given action is a member of the list created by query_actions(). Then we need a rather complex function that takes a game state and produces an action that brings us closer to finishing the game: void formal_actor(const game_state_t *state, game_action_t *action); For long games we need an additional function that scores the current game state. This function is needed if the longest path from any valid state to the end of the game is too long for the naive implementation of the formal proof that I describe in the next section: typedef ... critic_score_t; critic_score_t formal_critic(const game_state_t *state); There must also be a transitive less-than operator for those scores that allows us to measure game progress: bool lt_scores(critic_score_t score1, critic_score_t score2); In TTTM critic_score_t is simply int and lt_scores() is implemented as score1 < score2. There are a few proofs in tttm.c that together prove that there are no dead ends in the game. The Makefile runs them all (with cbmc). The proof functions all have names that start with "prove_". For example, to prove with cbmc that all initial states are valid states: cbmc -D FORMAL --function prove_init_validness tttm.c The following sections describe the individual proofs in more detail. Proving properties of the set of valid states --------------------------------------------- First let's check if all initial states are contained in the set of valid states. The following function implements this proof: void prove_init_validness(uint32_t seed) { game_state_t state; make_initstate(&state, seed); assert(formal_state_valid(&state)); } The formal verification tool effectively runs this function with all possible seed values and checks if the assert() is violated in any of the cases. But it uses a more much efficient method to accomplish this than running the function 2^32 (approximately 4 billion) times. Next we need to prove that formal_state_valid() is an inductive invariant. This is also relatively simple: void prove_completeness(game_state_t state, game_action_t action) { if (!formal_state_valid(&state)) return; if (!formal_action_valid(&state, &action)) return; apply_action(&state, &action); assert(formal_state_valid(&state)); } The "if (..) return" statements effectively implement assumptions: We assume that the given state is valid and that the given action is valid for that state. In all other cases we simply return early before asserting anything. For valid state-action pairs we then apply the action to the state and assert that the new state is also a valid state. If the set of valid states is not an inductive invariant, then this assert will fail for at least one valid state-action-pair, and the model checker will find this case for us. Finally we need to check that formal_actor() only returns valid actions. This allows us to assume that formal_actor() will always return a valid action in the more complex proofs below, drastically decreasing the complexity of those proofs. void prove_actor_validness(game_state_t state) { if (!formal_state_valid(&state)) return; game_action_t action; formal_actor(&state, &action); assert(formal_action_valid(&state, &action)); } Now we have everything in place to actually prove the absence of dead ends in our game. I describe two methods for doing that in the next two sections. Proving bounded liveness for the actor function ----------------------------------------------- It is possible to finish TTTM from any valid state in 18 actions or fewer. Thus the MAX_FINISH_DEPTH define in tttm.c is set to 18. We have already proven that all reachable states are contained within our set of valid states. If we can now prove that formal_actor() can finish the game within 18 actions from any valid state, then we have proven that the game has no dead ends. void prove_bounded_liveness(game_state_t state) { if (!formal_state_valid(&state)) return; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FINISH_DEPTH; i++) { game_action_t action; formal_actor(&state, &action); // assert(formal_action_valid(&state, &action)); if (action.op == OP_FINISH) return; apply_action(&state, &action); } assert(0); } (The action satisfying "action.op == OP_FINISH" is only valid when the game is completed.) Notice the commented-out assert()? We don't need this assert because prove_actor_validness() has already proven that formal_actor() will always return a valid action for the given state. Enabling this assert would drastically increase the complexity of the prove without adding anything useful to it. If proving prove_bounded_liveness() succeeds then we are done. However, if it does not succeed then this can mean any of the following: - Maybe the game does contain a dead end. Then we have to fix it. - Maybe the game is OK but the formal_actor() function does not know how to solve it from a certain state. - Maybe the game is OK and formal_actor() is OK, but MAX_FINISH_DEPTH is an insufficient number of actions to solve from any valid state. When an error is reported by cbmc then it will output the value of the state argument as part of its report. One can set the CEX_STATE define to this value, recompile, and run ./tttm to play interactively from that initial state, or run ./tttm_autorun to let formal_actor() solve from that initial state. This can be used to narrow down the issue and come up with a suitable fix. For large values of MAX_FINISH_DEPTH and complex games this approach will not yield a proof that can be computed with current C model checkers. In the following section I describe a slightly more complex method that will also work with long and complex games. Proving unbounded liveness for the actor function ------------------------------------------------- Long games would require large values for MAX_FINISH_DEPTH, exponentially exploding the search space for the model checker for proving that the game can be completed from any valid state. However, we can replace the notion of completing the game within a certain bound with the notion of making progress within a certain bound. As long as we can guarantee that formal_actor() can make progress within a certain bound, and assuming that the game has only a finite number of states, we can guarantee that formal_actor() will ultimately solve the game. In order to measure progress we need a formal_critic() function that takes a (valid) state and returns a metric the measures how far we have come in the game. In TTTM this metric is simply an integer, but it could be any data structure as long as a transitive less-than operator to compare two scores is provided. Transitivity simply means that A < B and B < C implies A < C. Without transitivity we could go in circles and still make constant "progress". Let's first prove transitivity for our score compare function: void prove_transitiveness(game_state_t state1, game_state_t state2, game_state_t state3) { if (!formal_state_valid(&state1)) return; if (!formal_state_valid(&state2)) return; if (!formal_state_valid(&state3)) return; critic_score_t score1 = formal_critic(&state1); critic_score_t score2 = formal_critic(&state2); critic_score_t score3 = formal_critic(&state3); if (lt_scores(score1, score2) && lt_scores(score2, score3)) assert(lt_scores(score1, score3)); } Now lets prove that formal_actor() will always make progress within at most 4 actions (the value of MAX_PROGRESS_DEPTH in tttm.c): void prove_unbounded_liveness(game_state_t state) { if (!formal_state_valid(&state)) return; critic_score_t old_score = formal_critic(&state); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PROGRESS_DEPTH; i++) { game_action_t action; formal_actor(&state, &action); // assert(formal_action_valid(&state, &action)); if (action.op == OP_FINISH) return; apply_action(&state, &action); } critic_score_t new_score = formal_critic(&state); assert(lt_scores(old_score, new_score)); } On my machine and with cbmc, TTTM can be proven to be free of dead ends within 15 seconds using the bounded method implemented in prove_bounded_liveness(), and within 2 seconds using prove_unbounded_liveness(). The more complex unbounded method would not have been absolutely necessary to prove TTTM, but for longer games that cannot be solved in a small number of actions, the bounded approach becomes infeasible and only unbounded checks are of any practical interest. Additional Remarks on Actors and Critics ---------------------------------------- There is no need for formal_actor() and formal_critic() to be independent functions. In most cases it would probably be much easier to create one single function that returns the next action and also a score for the current state. In TTTM the actor and critic functions are ad-hoc implementations for this very simple game. For more complex games a more structured approach would be needed. I will outline such an approach in the following paragraphs. Lets assume an adventure game with multiple playable characters. Each puzzle requires a certain set of characters to be in the right locations each while holding the right items in their inventory. Then they need to execute a sequence of actions that solves the puzzle. Completion of a puzzle unlocks more puzzles, i.e. a puzzle can be in one of the following three states: locked, unlocked, or completed. The actor for such a game would consist of two main parts: 1. some code that looks at the game state and decides which puzzle to solve right now, and 2. some code that determines the next action to solve the current puzzle. The first part would simply determine which puzzles are in the unlocked state and then chooses one using a pre-determined list of priorities. Note that the unlocked state of a puzzle does not need to be explicitly expressed in the game state. It could also be simply implied by other things, such as the inventory items the characters have acquired so far. A function that simply counts the number of solved puzzles can be used to generate the MSB bits of the critic score. The remaining LSB bits of the score can then be used to keep track of progress within the current puzzle. Notice that some "puzzles" in this sense can be rather trivial, like for example just going to a place and picking up an object. So the combined actor-critic could look something like this: critic_score_t formal_actor_critic(const game_state_t *state, game_action_t *action) { puzzle_enum_t current_puzzle = determine_current_puzzle(state); critic_score_t num_solved_puzzles = count_solved_puzzles(state); critic_score_t current_task_score = 0; // default for when no action is found action = INVALID_ACTION; if (current_puzzle == PUZZLE_A) { ... } if (current_puzzle == PUZZLE_B) { ... } return (num_solved_puzzles << TASK_SCORE_BITS) | (current_task_score); } For the kind of puzzle described above, solving the puzzle can be broken down in four phases: 1. Bringing the character to a meeting point where they can exchange objects. 2. Exchanging objects. 3. Bringing the characters to the places they need to be to solve the puzzle. 4. Executing the sequence of puzzle-specific actions required to solve the puzzle. The first three phases can be summarized as setting up to solve the puzzle and only differ in the set of characters, objects and locations involved. It should be fairly simply to generalize this part and re-use the same code for all the puzzles. The code in formal_actor_critic() for solving a puzzle could look something like this (the prefix "pa_" is used for functions specific to solving puzzle A): if (current_puzzle == PUZZLE_A) { if (!pa_everyone_has_right_object(state)) { // We are in phase 1 or 2 if (!pa_everyone_is_at_meeting_place(state)) { // We are in phase 1 current_task_score = 1 << PHASE_SCORE_BITS; current_task_score -= pa_sum_of_distance_to_meeting_place(state); action = pa_move_to_meeting_action(state); } else { // We are in phase 2 current_task_score = 2 << PHASE_SCORE_BITS; current_task_score -= pa_sum_of_object_in_wrong_inventory(state); action = pa_exchange_inventory_items_action(state); } } else { // We are in phase 3 or 4 if (!pa_everyone_is_in_place(state)) { // We are in phase 3 current_task_score = 3 << PHASE_SCORE_BITS; current_task_score -= pa_sum_of_distance_to_puzzle_places(state); action = pa_move_to_puzzle_action(state); } else { // We are in phase 4 current_task_score = 4 << PHASE_SCORE_BITS; current_task_score += pa_puzzle_steps_performed(state); action = pa_puzzle_step_action(state); } } } The main challenge here is of course that formal_actor_critic() has no additional state that it can use to do things like remembering which puzzle it is trying to solve. It has to infer the next action by only looking at the game state. I am, however, confident that the general scheme that I described above can be used to write actor-critic functions for even complex adventure games. Discussion ---------- There is an argument to be had for a solution that directly proves if a given state is solvable, without the need for an explicit actor and critic function (or even without the need for formal_state_valid). Techniques that would enable this certainly exist in the formal verification research, but I don't know if any of it is implemented in existing open source C/C++ model checkers. However, it would certainly drastically increase the overall complexity of the proof in a way that renders the use of such methods impractical for large and complex games. Furthermore I would argue that a proof using explicit functions provided by the game design team is more valuable: Consider a situation where there is a bug that would prevent a player from finishing the game using normal play, but there is also an obscure work-around that most users would never find. An automatic prover would not be able to distinguish the obscure work-around from regular game play and thus would incorrectly claim that the game is bug-free. Having an explicit actor function makes sure that not only the game always stays winnable, it also makes sure that the game is always winnable the intended way. Here is a concrete (made up) example: Consider a situation where in order to unlock a new puzzle a cut scene must be activated. Say the cut scene plays in the kitchen. But for some reason the player decided that the kitchen is a good place to park the characters she is not using right now. The game meanwhile is waiting with playing the cut scene until the kitchen is vacated. The game designers might have thought that a certain puzzle would force the player to move all characters to a place that is not the kitchen. But maybe the player was able to do that puzzle before the cut scene became available. An automatic prover might simply design it's auto-generated actor so that it moves all characters out of the kitchen to activate the cut-scene. But a human programmer working on the actor code would quickly realize that the "move everyone out of the kitchen puzzle" is a boring puzzle, and that instead the prerequisites for the puzzle that was designed to force the player to leave the kitchen must be fixed. When this is done then the actor does not need to know anything about triggering that cut scene, because it is now guaranteed that the cut scene will play as a side effect of a real puzzle. Instead of adding anything to the actor, something like the following assertion would need to be added to formal_state_valid(): if (puzzle_42_is_solved(state) && !cut_scene_23_has_played(state)) return false; The roles of formal_actor() and formal_critic(), formal_state_valid(), and formal_action_valid() can be summarized as follows: formal_action_valid() is a description of what the game explicitly allows the user to do. formal_state_valid() is a description of the reachable state space (or an over-approximation thereof), as implied by formal_action_valid(). This function can become very large and complex, but that is okay. formal_actor() and formal_critic() represents what the player must learn about the world in order to win the game. If there is something really odd that the actor function must do (such as explicitly vacating the kitchen to trigger a cut scene), this means that at least in some cases there will be a burden on the player to do the same odd thing in order to make progress in the game. Closing Thoughts ---------------- In order to formally prove any real-world adventure games, one would likely need to build an engine with formal verification in mind. A clear separation of the high-level game logic (inventory, possible actions in a state, etc) and the presentation to the player is required, so that the high-level game logic can be compiled independently of the actual GUI and verified stand-alone. The GUI would need to create instances of game_action_t and use the same apply_action() action function as used in the formal proof to modify the game_state_t struct. (Otherwise we would verify and ship two different games.) The game must be designed in a way so that game_action_t is sufficiently coarse to ensure that only a relatively small number of actions is required to solve the game. Otherwise it would become impractical to formally verify the game. The biggest challenge probably is to make sure that formal_action_valid() correctly identifies exactly the set of actions that can be generated using the GUI. Either a set of additional auxiliary proofs is needed to ensure that this is the case, or the game must have a way of enumerating the possible actions and formal_action_valid() could just use that feature (this is what I did for proving TTTM). Proving that a game is free of dead ends is only one property of an adventure game that can be formally verified using this technique. Another application would be to prove that certain pairs of events in the game always happen in the right order, guaranteeing that the story always makes sense independent of the sequence of actions the player chooses. I hope you found this quick exploration of formal verification of adventure games interesting. If you want to experiment with formal methods yourself I'd recommend you download CBMC or ESBMC and give it a try in your own projects. (ESBMC is based on CBMC, so they are very similar.) I myself am working on tools for formal verification of digital hardware. You can find more information about those projects here: The blog post that inspired me to think about formal verification of adventure games is "Patch Notes" from April 4th from the Thimbleweed Park Development Blog: This README and the C code for TTTM can be found here: Happy Hacking. Appendix: References to prior art and similar projects ------------------------------------------------------ Formal Verification of Selected Game-Logic Specifications; Stefan Radomski and Tim Neubacher Model-checking for adventure videogames; Pablo Moreno-Ger, Rubén Fuentes-Fernández, José-Luis Sierra-Rodríguez, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón PuzzleGraph; Rune Skovbo Johansen Contact me at @oe1cxw if you have additional references to prior art that I should add here.