
tbh my music taste is so hard to describe like it’s literally everything except for the songs i dont like

“ Sehun - 170506 Nature Republic fansign
Credit: Aiolos.


Sehun - 170506 Nature Republic fansign

Credit: Aiolos.


super cutie kim jongin

“ As of today, September 30, I’ve been on here for six god damn years! So, in celebration, I’ve decided to put together a follow forever for the first time in a really long time that also says thanks for helping me reach 4k! I’ve been on...


As of today, September 30, I’ve been on here for six god damn years! So, in celebration, I’ve decided to put together a follow forever for the first time in a really long time that also says thanks for helping me reach 4k! I’ve been on here a really long time now and I really appreciate every one who follows me, mutuals or not  ❤ ❤ ❤ 

♕ ♕

@lawlliets @peachysuho @gothchanbaek @lottomp3byexo @305heaux @curlyheaux @hotpinks @ackreeits @brbcrawlingtokorea @voguekorea @tellmewhatislove @fkaho @lipstick-chateau @modelsoo @mokuokeawe @lula-loves @tipannies @exodusandchill @oilyho @wolfbyexosavedkpop @krellysworld @c92 @verbaljinx @getlayd @yixingsgf @witchygf @taeyeonstan @keenforirene @r-velvets @minseokked @jessicasboyfriend @sehunnified  @milkbyfx @minseokhyun @exomoonlightmp3 @kimsjunmyeons @junmyeonsbae @zhangyixings @gingerfany

@1amber @breadtalks @yulks @highpcy @pcystrophywife @palomyeol @61cy @trillmp3 @suhosridingcrop @snorlaxatives @groaneveld @larastonesbitch @leaderirene @frackoviak @taendelion @taeblush @queenhyo @hoodasssuga @yixingsosweet @shypcy @bias-less @suavesehun @chanyeolsheaux @chanys @exosheaux @yeolpeach @istanpcy @voulair @iluvpcy @idontgiveasuga @itachidere @untouchabyeolman @kriswooh @vaginal-erection @4-velvets  @voulair  @prankchanyeol @suhomatsu @theleftbuttcheek @yoonyvl @luhan-vevo

@gfriendsmp3 @luderella @kuroi-pearl @naliz @ot9s @parkchny@krisinsanity @sassysuho @chanyoelpark @thatsrightmytype @asslord @yuristiffany @breadtalks @92-pcy @imbaekhyunsgf @suhoisbeautiful @sweetyeol @tiffanyhwangz @seulge @chaeyoungs @hopeyeol @lottopcy @sooyulti @chanyeolve @ailee @chanyeolswaitingforme @bychanyeol @beautyeol @brbcrawlingtokorea @sehuns-wife @sehunsluckyone @ohhsenshine @yixingofficial @yixingofficial @jongdae-andnight @blondejongin @dumblets @denisgodlas @istanpcy @jikooksgf @luderella @minseokked @taeyongruinedbenatural @foxshiromulder

♕ ♕

“ hello!! wOOW i can’t believe it’s already been three years since i’ve created this blog and in that period i’ve followed and unfollowed a lot of people and so basically this is just a thank you post to the many blogs that i’ve been...


hello!! wOOW i can’t believe it’s already been three years since i’ve created this blog and in that period i’ve followed and unfollowed a lot of people and so basically this is just a thank you post to the many blogs that i’ve been following whether it’s been for three years or for one week. you all are amazing and im so thankful everyday to see you guys on my dash, positive, happy, and healthy. i know i’m more of a quiet blog,, i rarely talk at all but im here lmao…always observing and so these are some of the most amazing blogs and people that i could’ve possibly followed soo once again thaNK YOU ♡ 

insp cr: x

# - D

@8gmilk @absolutehun @aishbaek @babyboysol @baehkkyun @baekhyun-ah @baekzone @bakingsodaz @beautyeol @bhyunq @blackdyo @blondejongin @brbcrawlingtokorea @bubbleflexe @byunbaeks @byunbunnie @byunny @celestyeol @chankyung @chanyoelpark @cheolyans @cherryblossom @cutaekai @cutiehuns @cytaoplasm @daenso @derp-yeoll @dimplay @dokynsoo @domkyungsoo

E - L

@essentyeol @ethereal-baek @exoturnback @fan-qins @galaxychen @hearteus @iridiscentao @irpsychotic @itsyeols @jellybaeek @jngn-km @jonginism @jonginssoo @joomyun @kaibility @kaiffeines @kailifornia @kaillusive @kaimint @kaisehs @kimdos @krellysworld @krisinsanity @krismehard @kyungsol @lawlliets @leuhans @lionbaek @littlebyuns @luludeery 

M - T

@milkyeoll @naptea @obaekhyun @oh-sehun @ohbaekhyuns @ohxing @otp12exo @parkchny @parknamja @pork-chonyal @pornbaek @qrishan @sassytaohun @sebaeked @sefuns @sehunniez @sehunsi @sehunsluckyone @sehwun @sekairis @senfinity @slayeol @solobaek @souno @suhocean @tellmewhatislove @tipannies

U - Z

@veriloquentmind @waiting-for-my-peterpan @wolfbyexosavedkpop @wooyefan @wooyoung @wu-fan @wuboxian @wuyifanxing @xehun @xehunf @xehunter @xingrens @xiumania @yeolhighness @yeollovemebaek @zhehun

My first follow forever :)


Ok so I kind of hit a follower goal yesterday and I felt like I should do one of these thingies :P

And more importantly, I joined tumblr for the simplest of reasons. so i could see more of exo. When i joined tumblr i had no idea what to expect. Obviously exo pics and vids but none of the lame/cheesy/funny exo posts that y'all post which always manage to crack me up. None of the beautiful/cute/downright breathtaking artworks and cartoons that you all make. None of the twitter and instagram screenshots of exo related stuff that helps me keep upto date with a social media that I don’t have. None of the emotional/encouraging posts that are there for exo. None of the other kpop posts that help me broaden my mind in kpop and help get to know more and new groups and shows. NONE OF THE GIFS that y'all painstakingly make! NONE OF THE FANFICS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) AND EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, none of the most amazing people that i have gotten to meet here (i’m looking at you mutuals ;) and honestly its just been such an amazing learning experience so far and i don’t wanna let go of this ever. 

So, for this post, just wanna say thank you. thank you for chancing by on my dash everyday and entertaining me. thank you for whatever you do. and even if you don’t do any of the artwork or post any of the stuff and you just reblog? that is good enough too! in fact reblogging is so much more imp because if you hadn’t reblogged then my tumblr wouldn’t be what it is now. thank you for helping me out in appreciating a group and a fandom to its fullest extent. thank you for making me feel proud of exo, proud of being an exo-l and proud of being a part of this crazy little  world called kpop :)

*mutuals are in bold <3


@50shadesofghei @305heaux @3xoxiumin @artificialpuppy @byunutella  @chandaddie @chanyeolve @bigspoonkyungsoo @bigbootybyun  @chanstering @baehkyn @beom-sil @baekangels @calumcdizzlehood @chenosaurdonut @berribaek @baekyeolprompts @bopkingkyungsoo  @chanyoool @basedsehun @curlyhaired-cunt @cucumbyeoll @anonwhobelieves @ch3nch4ny3xol @calcyeolaytor @chanyeolsbandaid @artfclove @chan-yeoldelling @chitra89 @chenbaekery @baekhyuns-jiggly-cheeks @angel-in-slow-motion @baaekyeol @chenrrerorocher @chanyeol–sehun @byunbaek-net @brbcrawlingtokorea @baekhyuntella @byunchen  @aeribaek @assbuttbaek @byunkin @baozzis @chanbaek-is-my-father  @awkwardksoo @baekmine @allthekaisoo @chanyeol0ppa @angelksoo @baekoneggyeolk-ed @chancasso @ahbaekhyun @chanyoelpark @baby-baek @chanyeol-sexual @baek-to-basics @asexualdokyungsoo @baecon-n-eggyeolk @chenterrupting @bubble-brat @chanwaffles @chanyeol-gifs @baehkkyun @baekyeol @chan-rapper @byunbunnie​ @chanbaekah​ @chanssoo​ @blondejongin​ @chengineering​ @angelcaiuexo @baebyunie 


@deastroying  @goatfanclub  @daenso  @elaysium  @dorkdo  @exofan-fanart  @elluts  @dokynsoo  @dokyungsmooth  @eternal-chanbaek  @galaxy-sicanova  @exodusandchill  @esembitch  @fybaekhyunhands  @exoluxionlove  @dokxungsoo  @exodez  @exoat2am  @ethereal-baek  @exotic-by-night  @fallingsoo  @doctorholmes221  @chanffeine  @fykaisoo  @dyodorant  @etherealchen  @fy-zyixing  @fun-chanbaek  @galaxychen  @fychanbaekyeah  @fuckyeahjoonmyun  @exo-academy  @eggso  @grumpyeols  @ggaeal  @dyo-alone  @fykai  @fy-kimkai  @dokyungsooswife  @getlayd  @fy-sehunoh  @detectivetrabula  @exokaibiased  @daebaksoo  @fy-chanbaek  @derp-yeoll  @dyoru  @exo–vines  @damnit-exo @exo–sexo @funny-exo-vines @fydokyungsoo @fuckyeahxiumin @fyeah-chanyeol @fychen @exostentialcrisis @exokmplanet @duckhymne @exoexoticfromindia @dayafterdae​ @exovines​ @dokyungsalty​


@itsdonekyungsoo @kyungbooo @krellysworld @kingjunmyeonn @j-a-z-z-z @kaiptivated @krismehard @irideschen @kpopluvs @kai-tastrophe @kjonginswife @hobyeol @killed-by-chen @kaisdonuts @imchanbaektrash @jiminiepabp6131 @jungmoneyhoseok @jonginence @iwantthegoodgood @kimjunnoodle @jibootee @jingyeolbaeks @kaisooedly @kimkaisohsehun @irpsychotic @jognogandsoo @kookiexyeol @krokiecik @kiiungsoo @intokai @kaisanctuary @jongin-is-bae @kpop–l @kaisoh @infinitybaek @kyungception @kaichouchou @krapyeol @kaislotto @kai-tholic @iwoulddieforsuho @holykyungsoo @ihaveathingforexo @jeonghanine @kaisooanimal @kaisoosex @hna39 @jonginsbody @kaimilky @kaisoomakesmylifecomplete @kyungsoo-jongin-kaisoo @jonginwho @jonginization @kaimint @kimjongin @kyunseu @j-holy @kaibility @jellybaeek @jonginsdongin @kyungsoostrash​ @junmyeon-please @krisinsanity @kyvngsoo @jonggdaee​ @jongdaerivative​ @incorrectexoquotes​ @kpopmeplease​ @kangdaesungofficial


@namchic @official-donghae  @official-kimheechul @official-kimkey @official-kimjongdae @nyan-my-neko-chan @mytypeofaesthetics @official-choiminho @nise-mono @official-ryeowook @official-kyuhyun @omg-leo-mmmm @mako-haru-chan @lottobyexosavedkpop @officialsjsungmin @missa-lalisa @lycheepeaches @official-byunbaekhyun @official-kimminseok @officialsmtown @official-ohsehun @official-dks @leesooman-official @officialhuangzitao @official-joonmyeon @official-kimkai @lovely-chanlu @official-zhangyixing @monsterluckyonee @luhtella @layshands @meari-observa @littlechefsoo @my-baeked-potato @of-yehets-and-ohorats @j-jennie @manlysexsoo @minna88-7cmb @oohsenun @lovekatelynmarie @neo-culture-trash @lottomp3byexo @ohyaahkkaebsong @minseoxual @mingexo @littlebyuns @laygacy @lawlliets @magiclitchii​ @mndlssdreaming​ @overdosed-by-jongin​ @ninihoneykom​ @ohmy-kyungsoo​ @nabi-scenarios​ @ohsehundaily​ @ohxing​ @luderella​ @overnightprincess​ @lumenardens​ @owlcitybvbarmy​ @mainlyawkward​


@pcyspurrs  @sayhunmyname  @perfect-prince-kai  @popped-in-exo @sehunlays @senshines @sehuntiful @smuttyfairy @panic-in-paradise @sehunsi @realblingbling @rukkikrahv @satyadixit-blog-blog @pcybang @somewhatofficialleeteuk @sesooyah @suhohohomerryxmas @suavesehun @smol-korean-bean @peeseewhy @sehun-the-last-airbender @sehunnified @sehuneta @sehunsthickthighs @sebaekkk @somewhatofficialyifan @peppermintfish @shutupcyeol @spark-chanyeol @peperoyeol @selutty @saintksoo @pearsona @petitbaekhyun @sebaek-scum @sehun–trash @parkchny @silencesneeze @sehunkaitrash @pcybiased @sehungotbaek @slutforexo @squishy-penguinsoo @sehuntiago @sehunsthickthighs @protectsquishykyungsoo @sehunsdickistoolongforyourdash​ @sefuns @stripperbaozi @polyarobaek @suhos-butt​ @pork-chanyurr@sehunsmeatballs​ @smol-suho​ @pheonixart​ @sweetjongininie​ @pornbaek​ @sunkai​ @paradoxxxxx​ @shypcy​ @sebaeked​ @sehun8gfat​ @strawberrymilkyeol​ @please-dyo-me​ @suhocean​ @prankchanyeol​ @slayeol​ @park-chanyeol​ @pcyvines​ @peachyeollie​ @pcyhappyvirus​ @staff​ @plagaart​ @peeseewhy


@takeachansoo @unreal–pcy @theboyswhocriedwolf @vitunkpoppi @verbaljinx @tipannies @v-dyo @theofficialfluteblower @undefined @tahyns @whereisexom @unofficiallyrealpcy @taopanda @toomanyfeelsexogdi @untouchabyeolman @wannatouchmagoodgood @wugalaxy @wuboxian @tinyjunmyeon @wild-for-yeol @thesuhoeffect @wuyifanxing @tellmewhatislove @wolfbyexosavedkpop @viruspcy @twitchyeol @wesehun94 @tae-smile


@yeolpc @yeolgasms @zelo @yixingish @zeren-dipity @xingblingmi @yiixingsdimples @xiundeer @yixing-senpai @yo-kingsoo @yourdailychanyeol @xiunet @xiu-love-min @yixingmyunicorn @xiubottom @yahminseok @xi-umin-hyung @xiuminsdreams​ @xo-exo​ @yeolhighness​ @xehun​ @yeolcumbaek​ @yourdailysuho​ @xoxo-reactions​ @yourdailybaekhyun​ @yourdailychanyeol​ 

“ Hey guys, I know that I took a bit of a sudden hiatus but I really needed to reflect on some things and I didn’t want to come back until I was fully ready. I meant to release this post before I went on my break but I forgot. Some of...


Hey guys, I know that I took a bit of a sudden hiatus but I really needed to reflect on some things and I didn’t want to come back until I was fully ready. I meant to release this post before I went on my break but I forgot. Some of you may have already unfollowed me but that’s ok and I completely understand. I really missed this fandom especially all of my mutuals. All of you have made my experience in this website amazing and you guys are the best!

Bolded = Mutuals

Keep reading

“ “ hello! i recently just hit 13k and today also marks the day of one year since i got into bts, changed blogging style and uploaded my first bts edit! i’ve been on tumblr for 3 years but this past one year is kinda special to me because...


hello! i recently just hit 13k and today also marks the day of one year since i got into bts, changed blogging style and uploaded my first bts edit! i’ve been on tumblr for 3 years but this past one year is kinda special to me because getting into bts has caused my life to change so much. so many things have happened that would never have happened if i didn’t become a bts fan – i’ve got to know so many precious friends and even met a few of them irl, i’ve developed a lot editing wise, and last but not least i’ve become a fan of a group with seven amazing boys who attain so much talent and humbleness. they have brought me so much joy this past year and really changed me to a different person. if it wasn’t for bts, i don’t know what i’d do today honestly! im so thankful for all the moments, memories, happiness and joy that i have shared with them and the rest of this fandom this year, and i look forward to more years to come!~

bold – mutuals
italics – faves

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“ Forgive my banner since I’m too lazy to be creative. So yeah, a month ago i’ve hit finally hit one of my two follower goals. I seriously can’t believe, ‘cause this number of followers seemed like a dream to me when I first created my blog....


Forgive my banner since I’m too lazy to be creative. So yeah, a month ago i’ve hit finally hit one of my two follower goals. I seriously can’t believe, ‘cause this number of followers seemed like a dream to me when I first created my blog. I don’t even know why you guys are following me, but still thank you very much. Thank you for coping up with my shitposts, random vid edits, and all my edits.

@ my followers. You guys are the cutest I’m cry. I love you all so much. And to those that constantly likes and reblogs my posts and reblogs, I see you. And I love you.

Now I want to thank these blogs who makes my dash a masterpiece for these past months.
mutuals || ✿ (hover over this, it’s my lil message for you)


@absuholute || @angelickai || @angel-in-slow-motion || @angelksoo || @arigataou || @baekhyun-ah || @bloomingkai || @bluelunam || @brbcrawlingtokorea ||  @chenrrerorocher || @cosysuho || @dazzlingkai || @dazzlynini || @death-by-jongin || @divinekai || @dyo-alone || @dyoful || @elaysium || @elluts || @exogothline


@getlayd || @gothchanbaek || @holykyungsoo || @intokai || @jellybaeek || @jikooksgf || @jonginence || @jonginery || @jonginization || @jonginplease || @jonginsacne || @jonginssoo || @junmyeonsbae a.k.a @kingjunmyeonn  || @kaibility || @kairamelo || @kaiternity || @khunwufan || @kiauraly || @kimjongkaissoo || @kumjongin || @kyungception || @kyungster 


@lawlliets || @laymerence || @littlebyuns || @luhtella || @mageofexoplanet || @magiclitchii || @myanswerisjimin || @niniception || @parkchny || @parkjiminsbutt || @preciousjongin || @purejongins || @purpleuhan || @silencesneeze


@thekingsoo || @turtlehun || @v-dyo || @wetjongin || @wetsekai || @wuyifancy || @wuyifanxing || @y0ngsin || @yfian || @yourbiaslikesitrough




“he who” series : my exodus teasers graphics in a nutshell (you can find ‘em here)


Allure Korea March 2017 ©

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