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/loli/ - Lolis

Lolis are Love, Lolis are Life


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What does /loli/ think?

Captcha: kidcan

Would you become a teacher for the lolis?



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I'd rather be taught by loli teachers.



bad idea

I gave up a teaching position of sorts, partly because a couple of girls crushed on me every season and I don't think I could have held out forever against the temptation. And that was just four hours a week with mostly young teens.



Probably not, even in the 2D world.


Much as I love drawn lolis, I prefer highschool teens IRL. Might be an echoing frustration of my non-existent sex life at the time.



That's an extremely common fetish/fantasy. Wonder why…



Sauce on second pic?



She's the teacher from Toaru Majutsu no Index. Show starts of alright then turns into generic ecchi shit.


I'm gonna become a teacher next year. Wish me luck!



The LN is pretty great.


Please don't do anything bad.


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>Please don't do anything bad.

Whatever might you be implying, anon? ;^)


Are there any good doujins about cute lolis hoking up with their teacher?



>any loli x sensei manga

Probably about 10000 or so, it's literally the most common loli pairing, except for loli x onii-chan


entirely a matter of taste, but honestly the best loli x teacher manga of all time is still KnJ, it's spawned some fantastic doujins too, so you can go read those if you haven't seen them all already.


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Best loli student mango coming through!


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out of my way peasants



>Kodomo no Jikan

Get that overrated garbage out of my sight before I slap the taste off your mouth.



Equally as over rated as the garbage above it.





I liked the characterization of the girls and the teacher and found the plot, even with the slow, repetitive pace, absorbing at the beginning… but then I hated the end. Are there any that progress at a decent clip towards a happy ending with the teacher in a loving relationship with the girl(s)?



Wasn't the end he waits for Rin to graduate high school and then they start dating?


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Last chapter is a timeskip to 3 years after Rin's elementary school graduation, and they (try to) fuck when she's 15.




Isn't that actually from Idolmaster?



I read and was up to date with that shit back in 2010, I fell off waiting for new chapters and never went back.

This thread spurred me to read the last chapter. I find the only thing that didn't make sense to me was that pointless bitch kuro loved getting married. Kind of funny how I don't feel like I missed much despite a 40 chapter gap between what I read and the ending.

Never really thought the author would go for a "AND THEN THEY FUCKED" ending, despite the raunchy nature. Pleasantly surprised. 15yo rin is fucking perfect.

Dunno if he redeems himself but always thought that reiji cat was a fucking creep and hoped he ended up in jail somehow, disappointed that didn't happen.



Does anybody have a link for that?

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