As a companion to my Economic History books page, which stresses economic history by region or country, I have created a new Economic History Papers page. It collects surveys, papers, and blogs which cover topics in global economic history and comparative historical development. But it’s a work in progress! So there are gaps.
Most Recent Post
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Recent & Popular Posts
- Sven Beckert's Empire of Cotton: A Reductionist Summary
- Did the "Invisible Blockade" against Allende work?
- Ideology & Human Development (on Cuba's social development)
- Nazi political economy
- State Capacity & the Sino-Japanese Divergence
- Fascism was not left-wing!!!
- Random Thoughts on Robert Allen's theory of the Industrial Revolution
- The Calico Acts: Was British cotton made possible by infant industry protection from Indian competition?
- Did inequality cause the First World War?
- The Napoleonic Blockade & the Infant Industry Argument
- Economic History Books
- Greece from Post-war orthodoxy to "Democratic Peronism"
- Where do pro-social institutions come from?
- The Bairoch conjecture & the "tariff-growth paradox" of the late 19th century
- Critiques of Edward Baptist
- Critiques of The History Manifesto
Follow me on Twitter
My TweetsCriticisms of The History Manifesto
Cotton / Slavery Posts
- Baptism by Blood Cotton (critique of Ed Baptist’s book on slavery)
- McCloskey: Cotton wasn't necessary to the Industrial Revolution
- Piketty & Slave Wealth
- Plant breeding drove cotton productivity gains in the US South
- The Baptist Question Redux: Emancipation & Cotton Productivity
- Was slavery necessary to the Industrial Revolution?
Other Posts (Random)
- Conscientiousness & technology
- Anachronism & Relevance in History: a comment on Steve Pincus
- The Little Divergence
- Ideology & Human Development (On health & education in developing countries esp. Cuba)
- Educational Romanticism & Economic Development
- Economic Growth in Ancient Greece
- "The Great War and Modern Memory" by Paul Fussell
- Inequality & the First Globalisation (1870-1914)
- Don't Keep Saying He Didn't Explain England (a note on A Farewell to Alms)
- Azar Gat's Nations
- The Mystery of US Behaviour in the World
- Nazi Political Economy
- Proto et al. on intelligence & cooperation
- "Experimenting with Social Norms in Small-Scale Societies" (Henrich & Ensminger book)
- Edward Said on Bernard Lewis
- Global Income Distribution in 20 Charts
- The "Anthropology" of Financial Crises (Germany in the Great Recession)
- Ian Morris’s calculations about the ancient Greek economy
- Economic History Link Dump Splat (15 Jan. 2015)
- Markets & Famine: Amartya Sen is not the last word !
- Preindustrial income inequality
- Chile’s First Globalisation: Inequality, Frontier Expansion, and Immigration
- Did the “Invisible Blockade” against Allende’s Chile work?
Language Posts
- ελαδιοξιδιολατολαχανοκαρυκευμα (a very brief history of Greek diglossia)
- Polish Illiquidity Preference
- Samples of Greek & Latin "Restored Pronunciation"
- Toponyms & Ethnonyms: A Brief Ramble
- 大東亞共現代性圏 (about “Japanese-made Chinese” words)
- שׂבולת שׂמית (“Shemitic Sibboleth”)
- A Fine Theorem (Kevin Bryan)
- Abandoned Footnotes (Xavier Marquez)
- Adam Tooze
- An Africanist Perspective (Ken Opalo)
- Andrew Batson
- Andrew Gelman
- Andrew Williams
- Anton Howes
- Ben Southwood
- Brad DeLong
- Bradley Hansen
- Branko Milanovic
- Cherokee Gothic
- Chinese Economic History
- Chris Blattman
- Cliodynamica (Peter Turchin)
- Crooked Timber
- Dan Allosso (
- Dani Rodrik
- Developing Economics
- Development Book Review
- Doug Campbell
- Economic Growth in History (Nuno Palma)
- Economic History Blog (Latin America)
- Enlightened Economics
- Erik Bengtsson
- Evolving Economics (Jason Collins)
- Growth Economics Blog (Dietz Vollrath)
- Historia contra Economía
- Imperial & Global Forum
- Jared Rubin
- Joe Francis
- Johan Fourie
- Kevin O'Rourke (blog)
- Leo Monasterio
- Logarithmic History
- Marc Bellemare
- Marginal Revolution
- Mark Koyama
- Nada es gratis
- Nathan Lane
- NEP-HIS Blog
- Nintil (Artir)
- Nonso Obikili
- Organizations & Markets
- Papers & Hot Beverages
- Paul Romer
- Pedro Lains
- Politikon (Spanish)
- Positive Check
- Random Critical Analysis
- Razib Khan
- Renato Colistete
- Replicated Typo
- Ricardo Hausmann
- Russian History Blog
- Scholars' Stage (T. Greer)
- Social Evolution Forum Blog
- Steve Hsu
- Stochastic Trend (David I. Stern)
- The Hardest Science (Psychology)
- The Long Run (Economic History Society)
- The Power and the Money (Noel Maurer)
- Thinking Out Aloud (Lorenzo from Oz)
- Tom Pepinsky
- Understanding Society
- Vincent Geloso
- VoxEU
- West Hunter
- West's Meditations
- Why Nations Fail
- World Bank Blogs
Journals & Periodicals
- Annales
- Australian Economic History Review
- Cliodynamics
- Economic & Political Weekly (India)
- Economic History of Developing Regions
- Economic History Review
- Book Reviews
- European Review of Economic History
- Explorations in Economic History
- Indian Economic and Social History Review
- Irish Economic and Social History
- Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte
- Journal of Comparative Economics
- Journal of Development Economics
- Journal of Interdisciplinary History
- Nature Human Behavior
- Past & Present
- Revista de História Económica
- Rivista de Storia Economica
- Scandinavian Economic History Review
- The Journal of Economic History
- Third World Quarterly
Economic History Links
- Tirthankar Roy
- African Economic History
- Lemin Wu
- Stephen Broadberry
- Ronald Edwards (Song economic history)
- Nathan Nunn
- Nippe Lagerlöf
- John Komlos
- EH-Valencia
- Joannes Buggle
- Robert Allen
- Hans Joachim Voth
- Ewout Frankema
- Finance: Past, Present and Future
- Historia Económica
- Suresh Naidu
- Jared Rubin
- Deirdre McCloskey
- Alan Macfarlane
- Victoria Bateman
- John Nye
- Oded Galor
- James Fenske
- Joerg Baten
- Alan Olmstead
- Economic History Books
- Neil Cummins
- Mark Koyama
- Kent Deng
- Avner Greif
- John Joseph Wallis
- Pasado y Presente
- Paola Guiliana
- Energy History
- Kevin O'Rourke
- Greg Clark
- Debin Ma
- Joachim Voth (blog)
- Paolo Malanima
- Noel Johnson
- Measuring Clio
- Timur Kuran
Economics Links
- Douglas Irwin
- Tino Sanandaji
- Saumitra Jha
- IGC Blog
- Chartbook of Economic Inequality
- Morten Jerven
- Francisco Rodriguez
- Garett Jones
- Romain Wacziarg
- James Fenske
- Centre for the Study of African Economies (blog)
- Economonitor
- Klaus Desmet
- William Easterly
- Dani Rodrik
- Eric Hanushek
- Jayson Lusk
- Alberto Alesina
- Poverty Analysis
- DevEconData
- Danny Quah
- Daron Acemoglu
- Lant Prichett
- Pam Jakiela
- Terry Burnham
- John Williamson
- Roving Bandit
- Tom Westland
- Branko Milanovic
- Development Research Institute (NYU)
- Center for Population Economics
- David Cesarini
- IMF Blog
- Markus Eberhardt
- Stelios Michalopoulos
- Enrico Spolaore
- Foco Económico
- Macario Schettino
- Poor Economics
- Louis Putterman
- Nathan Lane
- Javier Arnaut
- Billion Prices Project
- African Health Stats
- Piketty Data
- Human Mortality Database
- Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database
- Macro Data Guide
- Maddison Project
- Global Price & Income History
- Max Roser
- Atlas of Economic Complexity
- World Economics
- Clio Infra Project
- World Bank
- Groningen Growth & Development Centre
- IMF Data
- Harvard World Map
- World Values Survey
- Jordà-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database
- Luxembourg Income Study
- The Numerate Indian
- Dataverse (Harvard)
- Penn World Table 8.0
- Latin American Mortality Database
- Penn World Table 7.1
Political/Social Science Links
- James A. Robinson
- Publius Abroad
- World Elections
- Alexandre Afonso
- Diego Valle
- Carles Boix
- Healthy Lives
- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
- Eurasian Studies (blog)
- Derecho Mercántil (in Spanish)
- The Monkey Cage
- Barry Weingast
- Project Syndicate
- Global Health Blog
- Dart-Throwing Chimp (Jay Ulfelder)
- Craig Willy (English)
- Systemic Peace
- Geocritiq
- Social Science Evolving
- Pláwlotic
- Craig Willy (French)
- La Proa del Argo
- Francesca Jensenius
- Robinson Rojas Archive
- Democracy in Development
- Adam Przeworski
- Social Evolution Forum Blog
- Education Realist
- Demography Matters
- Social Capital Blog
- International Education Statistics (blog)
Recent Comments
- BucardoReal on About
- Andrew Stephan on The “Anthropology” of Financial Crises
- Josh on The “Anthropology” of Financial Crises
- tryblogteste on Economic History Papers, Articles & Blogs
- Thursday assorted links - Marginal REVOLUTION on The “Anthropology” of Financial Crises
- Leituras de história econômica « Renato Perim Colistete on Economic History Books
- Leituras de história econômica « Renato Perim Colistete on More frivolously assembled lists of books
- Leituras de história econômica « Renato Perim Colistete on The 25 most stimulating economic history books since 2000
- Mark Koyama review of the Roman economy - Marginal REVOLUTION on Sven Beckert’s Empire of Cotton: A Reductionist Summary
- The End of the Past | Notes On Liberty on Sven Beckert’s Empire of Cotton: A Reductionist Summary
- pseudoerasmus on Economic Growth in Ancient Greece
- j on Economic Growth in Ancient Greece
- pseudoerasmus on 大東亞共現代性圏
- David Lloyd-Jones on 大東亞共現代性圏
- Books on Indian Financial History and World Economic History | Mostly Economics on The 25 most stimulating economic history books since 2000
Genetics, Evolution, Anthropology
Language Links
Other Blogs
- ancient economic history (2)
- Ancient Greece (2)
- Ancient Greek (3)
- Behavioural economics (1)
- Biblical Hebrew (1)
- books (2)
- Branko Milanovic (2)
- Chile (2)
- China (1)
- Classics (1)
- Cold War (5)
- Cooperation (1)
- cotton (9)
- Cultural Evolution (2)
- East Asia (2)
- Economic Anthropology (1)
- Economic Development (1)
- economic growth (2)
- Economic History (16)
- Education (1)
- Edward Baptist (3)
- Emmanuel Todd (1)
- Empire of Cotton (1)
- Environmental Economics (2)
- Ethnicity (1)
- Famines (1)
- fascism (2)
- Financial Crises (3)
- Food (1)
- Foreign Investment (4)
- France (1)
- global history (2)
- great divergence (2)
- Greece (1)
- Health & Economics (1)
- historians of capitalism (6)
- History (5)
- History Manifesto (3)
- Human Development (2)
- import substitution industrialization (2)
- Income distribution (4)
- industrial policy (4)
- Industrial Revolution (9)
- Inequality (7)
- Infant industry argument (4)
- Institutions (2)
- International Monetary Economics (2)
- International Relations (5)
- international trade (1)
- Japan (1)
- Languages (5)
- Latin (1)
- Latin America (1)
- Links (2)
- Literary Criticism (1)
- Middle East & Islam (1)
- Political Development (1)
- Political Economy (5)
- productivity (1)
- protectionism (4)
- Robert Allen (1)
- Slavery (6)
- Social & Civic Capital (2)
- Social Development (1)
- Social Evolution (2)
- Social Science (1)
- Sociometrics (3)
- Sven Beckert (1)
- Technology (2)
- the First Globalization (2)
- The First World War (2)
- The Half has never been told (3)
- trade & development (4)
- U.S. foreign policy (4)
- Uncategorized (7)