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The Home of Startup Recruitment

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About Us

At Spotted Recruit we have assisted over 100 US and European tech companies to build their startup teams in Japan. Entering the Japan market is not easy and global companies need local talent in order to make their Japan operations a success. Most of our clients who are new to the region look for experienced sales professionals with key contacts in their target industries as well as customer facing engineers. Working for this type of company usually involves reporting overseas whilst facing Japanese customers, so business level communication skills in both English and Japanese are often a must.

Traditionally a country where entrepreneurship is seldom seen, Japan has recently experienced a massive increase in the number of well funded innovative tech startups popping up.

Spotted Recruit works with almost 200 Japanese tech startups who are looking for Engineering, Creative, Sales, Marketing and Executive talent. Most of our startups look for people passionate about technology who relish the challenge of wearing multiple hats and are excited to build something innovative.

Working for a Japanese startup will provide you with unique experience that can’t be found anywhere else -- you’ll be part of a fast-paced, energetic team and be given responsibility that you wouldn't normally get to have in a big corporation.

At Spotted Recruit, we are genuinely passionate about tech startups. Our team isn’t concerned by how many people are in your company, or how well designed your office is… our recruiters get excited by startups looking to disrupt industries and create something special.

We capture the passion and energy that you have for your own startup and approach appropriate candidates with the same level of excitement.

Our recruiters are specialised by profession and we can provide you with specialist points of contact focused on Backend, Frontend and Full Stack Engineers, as well as Pre/Post-Sales Engineers.

Japan is a unique market that requires local knowledge in order to identify the right candidate. In a business culture where deals are often based on the strength of a relationship, making sure you have the best people in place to represent your company is critical.

Whether you are a Global or Japanese startup, our team of experienced bilingual recruiters are able to understand both the expectations of a tech startup as well as the right candidate criteria that will help them achieve their business goals.

Our non-engineer recruiting team has dedicated points of contact that support hiring for Sales, Marketing, Back Office and CxO level positions and understand the type of profile that will succeed in a startup.

Our services

  • Talent AcquisitionWe provide a full end-to-end portfolio of talent acquisition services to ensure your company can continue to scale without hindrance. Our Talent Acquisition services include Retained and Contingency Search, Programmer Skills Checks, Advisory Board Member Introduction and much more.
  • TechnologySpotted Recruit is in Alpha phase development of a revolutionary HR Tech software that will transform the recruitment experience for both employers and jobseekers a like.
  • Board RecruitmentSpotted Recruit supports startups identify game changing individuals to join their Board of Directors and Advisory Boards. Our network penetrates deep into the Tokyo corporate community and we can connect you with experienced executives who best match your long term business goals.
  • CapitalEach quarter Spotted Capital provides seed investment to a select batch of imaginative future tech entrepreneurs to help turn their basic concept into a Proof of Concept.
  • IncubationAs part of Spotted Capital, we provide full business support services to companies selected to be part of our quarterly batch, removing the back office stress and enabling them to focus on what they do best.
  • Coding Skills CheckSpotted Recruit provide online skills checks across several languages including Java, Ruby, Python, Scala and C++ for engineers you are considering to bring on board. Our comprehensive tests allow you to identify your new engineer’s strengths and possible weaknesses.

The crew

Spotted Recruit started out as a small team who possessed a different concept on how recruitment should be done and who wanted to create something specifically for tech startups.

Why Spotted?


OF CANDIDATESwe introduced got an interview


OF OUR CANDIDATESgot an offer from our clients


OF OUR CANDIDATESchose to accept given offer
Rogerio Taques
Rogerio Taques
UX/UI EngineerUX/UIエンジニア

Through Spotted, I've got an offer that made me decide to leave a huge and global tehnology company in favor of a small, but global, startup. I'm really glad to have taken that decision. The opportunities and satisfaction I have now are very much higher.

Spotted Recruitを通じて、大手グローバルIT企業を退社し、小さいながらもグローバルなスタートアップ企業で働くことを決心させてくれた内定をもらうことができました。現在の仕事の幅や満足度が以前よりもっと高くなったので、この決断をしたことを非常に嬉しく思います。

Fernando Ribeiro
Fernando Ribeiro
IOS EngineerIOS エンジニア

Spotted really helped me to find an opportunity that matched with my profile, in a short period of time and direct to the point, they provide me the best in all steps of my selection process. I'm very thankful to meet Spotted


Eiji Hirata
Eiji Hirata
Scrum Masterスクラムマスター

If you are searching for a new position, the position that you wont be introduced by other recruitment agents, this is the place to contact and register. After checking and discussing my experience and requests,Spotted Recruit has introduced me a position exactly matching my wish. They work closely with their client companies to provide extra information.


Karuna Murti
Karuna Murti
Senior Engineerシニアエンジニア

I think Spotted Recruit is a very nice recruitment firm. Their strength is in their ability in describing jobs to candidates and following up with both the candidate and client side extensively.

Spotted Recruitは、とてもいい転職エージェントです。ただ話をして紹介するのではなく、企業についての細かい説明をしてくれたり、私の希望を親身になって聞いてくれたりしてくれました。また転職後のサポートもしてくれました。

Server Side Engineer サーバーサイドエンジニア

I decided to work for the company because Spotted Recruit has been very supportive for me. I think the company is perfect for me and it is all because of my agent's hard work. He gave me not only the basic information such as salary and what the company does but also the atmosphere and what kind of project they were going to work on and the schedule. He is a very good agent and you can trust him.

入社先企業は、私の趣向に大変マッチしており、また選考の過程では、面接に対する大変具体的なアドバイスをはじめ、給与交渉や日程調整において先方の温度感やプロジェクトのスケジュールまで加味した上での具体的なご提案やご対応を頂くなど、大変きめ細かく、的確、迅速なサポートを頂きました。Spotted Recruitは、大変秀でた信頼のおけるエージェントです。

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