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Everything about Litecoin.
49 articles in English.
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Official Litecoin Website

Upgrade your clients to Litecoin 0.10.4 Please visit for up-to-date list of Litecoin exchanges, merchants and services.


Litecoin Logo

Litecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world. Litecoin is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized. Mathematics secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances.

Compared to Bitcoin, Litecoin features faster transaction confirmation times (2.5 minutes) and improved storage efficiency.

With substantial industry support, trade volume, and liquidity, Litecoin is a proven medium of commerce complementary to Bitcoin. Litecoin is the second most popular cryptocurrency.

For more information, visit the Litecoin page.

Getting Started

WARNING: Do not download Litecoin clients from any web sites other than (linked above). You should see a security certificate in your browser: HTTPS security.png
  • Use bootstrap.dat to reduce blockchain download time (from about two days to one hour).
  • Encrypt your wallet with a passphrase. Make sure it is something you will remember!
  • Join the Litecoin forums or log on to IRC and introduce yourself.
  • Start with what interests you: Mining, Development, Trading or use of Litecoin as a currency.


If you are running a previous version of the Litecoin client and you need to upgrade, please follow the Litecoin upgrade instructions.



Merchants & Services

Please visit for up-to-date listings of Litecoin related services.

Following information is becoming updated and will soon be removed:




Other pages

  • Help - Documentation on wiki editing.

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