That’s all the asks for now! Next liveblog: Thursday, I suppose. Tuesday is also an option, but I’ll probably want to use that for other things. next
Oh, don’t worry - I’ve never understood the kind of person who would skip ahead in a story on the first read/watch/listen/whatever. That’s just dumb, even more so when you’re doing a liveblog. There’s a reason I’m quoting everything on the blog, except for one paragraph that was forgotten in the drafts back in 1.1 or 1.2. When I was talking about skipping before and after 3.5, I wasn’t talking about me skipping anything - I was suspecting (for some reason) that Wildbow would be skipping over the Armsmaster conversation at first and then bringing back the results of it during the heist. That was based on a naive assumption that it would go the way Taylor wanted. On the point of giving up on the story - I can’t make any promises, but if I do ever stop reading Worm without finishing it, I doubt it will be for that reason. Worm Krixwell liveblogs Arc 3 Asks
I mean, his own testimony couldn’t singlehandedly clear him, unless the judges had unfoolable lie detection or some power or technology that forces people to tell the truth. That would mean letting anyone who says “I didn’t do it” go free. So instead they had to check whether he was actually capable of doing what he was charged with (rotting a man’s dick off), thus having to confiscate his Halberd. Worm Krixwell liveblogs Arc 3 Asks
Maybe. Maybe not. The wiki isn’t necessarily accurate or complete - hell, we know explicitly that Brian has edited his own page. He could easily have removed anything about him killing anyone, or it could just never have been added in the first place.I suppose maybe Taylor would’ve been able to find it from other sources, but she didn’t seem to look anywhere other than the wiki and the forums. worm krixwell liveblogs arc 3 chapter 3.6
17th of May is a pretty big deal here in Norway. It’s celebrated with parades, fancy outfits and lots of flag waving. The children’s parade usually has them singing various nationalistic/patriotic songs from the 1800s/early 1900s, not to mention the national anthem, “Ja vi elsker”. There are generally orchestras in the parades too, and there’s a lot of sound - music, whistles, cheers, and so on. The russ, which I was this year, end their 2-3 weeks of shenanigans on May 17, participating in the civilian parades with their own section and their russ vehicles. They also tend to write joking text on brown paper and attach it to shop windows, the jokes usually pertaining to the shops. On TV, the major national channels NRK and TV2 air live coverage of May 17 celebration across the country all day. As for arc thoughts… You may have a point there. The way I’ve been doing it so far, I’ve covered the speculation on the new arc’s name in the first chapter’s opening post, but there hasn’t been much opportunity for retrospectives on the arc that passed. The opening posts and not checking the next chapter’s name were both things I decided on back in 1.1, when I didn’t know that the chapters didn’t have individual titles, and since then, the latter has just led to “is this the end of the arc or does it continue with the next chapter” becoming a repeated question in the chapter ending posts. I suppose I could give looking at the next chapter’s title a try and then see what I’ll do going forward when I’ve gotten past the end of Agitation! Worm Krixwell liveblogs Arc 3 Asks
Yeah, that came out of nowhere and I loved it. It was just so matter-of-fact. Really puts into perspective what kind of world Taylor lives in. Worm Krixwell liveblogs Arc 3 Asks
Sorry. Even ignoring the fuzzy borders for what should go in such a doc, that seems like a lot of work that I would quickly end up neglecting. Worm Krixwell liveblogs Arc 3 Asks
Nice. And yeah, minor differences are to be expected, especially considering that Earth-Aleph shares one thing with Wormverse Earth that our Earth (to my knowledge) doesn’t: They’re in contact with another universe. Worm Krixwell liveblogs Arc 3 Asks