The Amazing Shortcut Keypad

What Does It Do?

Automate any keyboard or mouse action at the press of a button

The Amazing Shortcut Keypad can automate anything you can do with your keyboard or mouse, in any possible combination!

This includes typing text, entering keyboard shortcuts, sending media commands, controlling the mouse, and much, much more.

No coding required!

The keypad is assigned commands using a simple drag-and-drop interface, allowing you to automate in a matter of seconds.

There is absolutely no coding involved and the software is quick and simple to use for beginners and experts alike.

Amazing online examples

There are loads of automation examples which can be loaded from the web and onto your keypad in an instant.

This means you can harness the full power of the keypad without having to come up with anything yourself - it has all been done for you!

See It In Action

The Crowdfunding Master Plan

Coming to a website near you in summer 2017!

The Amazing Shortcut Keypad will be crowdfunded in summer 2017 - this will be your chance to get your very own Amazing Shortcut Keypad and unleash the power of simple and speedy computer automation.

To make sure you don't miss out, sign up to the mailing list and you'll be notified when crowdfunding begins.

Time for a redesign

Between now and the summer, the keypad itself is being redesigned into something truly beautiful.

The finished product will have a sturdy 3D printed casing which will hold a custom-designed circuit board, topped off with delightfully clicky key switches and colourful keycaps.

The Amazing Shortcut Keypad will look and feel great whilst giving you powerful computer automation right at your finger tips.

Mailing List - Stay in Touch!

If you'd like to be informed when the keypad crowdfunding campaign is launched, then please enter your email. Thanks!

(P.S. You won't be spammed or anything like that, this is purely for telling you about crowdfunding).

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