LicensePlist - A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications


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LicensePlist - A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications

  1. 1. LicensePlist A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications Masayuki Ono(@_mono) potatotips #40 (iOS/Android Tips )
  2. 2. ! Self-introduction ! Twitter: @_mono Qiita: mono0926 Medium: @mono0926 Favorite Language: Swift"
  3. 3. LicensePlist • A license list generator of all your
 dependencies for iOS applications. • Made of Swift Packge Manager (SwiftPM). • ⭐759 (May 24, 2017) • CocoaPods • Carthage • Source code added manually
  4. 4. Existing Tools for displaying the licenses • VTAcknowledgementsViewController⭐753 • TRZSlideLicenseViewController⭐121 • AcknowList⭐84 • CarthageLicenseScript⭐68 • LicensesKit⭐39 • SwiftyAcknowledgements⭐32 *Number of Stars: May 24, 2017
  5. 5. ios-license-generator⭐23 • Written in Golang. • Supports CocoaPods and Carthage.
  6. 6. LicensePlist was born $ • Written in Swift. • Made of Swift Packge Manager (SwiftPM). • Supports all your dependencies, including files added manually or using Carthage or CocoaPods. • Generates plist files, which show up in Settings app.
  7. 7. Demo
  8. 8. Processing Flow Licenses Settings.bundle Carthage
  9. 9. Processing Flow Licenses Settings.bundle Carthage 1
  10. 10. Processing Flow Licenses Settings.bundle Carthage 1 2
  11. 11. Processing Flow Licenses Settings.bundle Carthage 1 2 3
  12. 12. Collect CocoaPods dependencies and licenses platform :ios, '9.0' inhibit_all_warnings! use_frameworks! target 'SomeLib' do pod 'SDWebImage' target 'MyApp' do pod 'Alamofire' end end Podfile
  13. 13. Collect CocoaPods dependencies and licenses platform :ios, '9.0' inhibit_all_warnings! use_frameworks! target 'SomeLib' do pod 'SDWebImage' target 'MyApp' do pod 'Alamofire' end end Podfile Pods ├── Manifest.lock ├── Pods.xcodeproj ├── SDWebImage │   ├── LICENSE │   └── SDWebImage └── Target Support Files ├── Pods-SomeLib │   ├── Info.plist │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-acknowledgements.markdown │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-acknowledgements.plist │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-dummy.m │   └── Pods-SomeLib.release.xcconfig ├── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp │   ├── Info.plist │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp-acknowledgements.markdown │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp-acknowledgements.plist │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp-dummy.m │   └── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp.release.xcconfig └── SDWebImage
  14. 14. Collect CocoaPods dependencies and licenses platform :ios, '9.0' inhibit_all_warnings! use_frameworks! target 'SomeLib' do pod 'SDWebImage' target 'MyApp' do pod 'Alamofire' end end Podfile Pods ├── Manifest.lock ├── Pods.xcodeproj ├── SDWebImage │   ├── LICENSE │   └── SDWebImage └── Target Support Files ├── Pods-SomeLib │   ├── Info.plist │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-acknowledgements.markdown │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-acknowledgements.plist │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-dummy.m │   └── Pods-SomeLib.release.xcconfig ├── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp │   ├── Info.plist │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp-acknowledgements.markdown │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp-acknowledgements.plist │   ├── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp-dummy.m │   └── Pods-SomeLib-MyApp.release.xcconfig └── SDWebImage License Body
  15. 15. Collect CocoaPods dependencies and lienses <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict>     <key>PreferenceSpecifiers</key>     <array>         <dict>             <key>FooterText</key>             <string>This application makes use of the following third party libraries:</string>             <key>Title</key>             <string>Acknowledgements</string>             <key>Type</key>             <string>PSGroupSpecifier</string>         </dict>         <dict>             <key>FooterText</key>             <string>Copyright (c) 2016 Olivier Poitrey </string>             <key>License</key>             <string>MIT</string>             <key>Title</key>             <string>SDWebImage</string>             <key>Type</key>             <string>PSGroupSpecifier</string>         </dict>         <dict>             <key>FooterText</key>             <string>The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Le Van Nghia Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: Pods-SomeLib-MyApp-acknowledgements.plist
  16. 16. Collect CocoaPods dependencies and lienses <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict>     <key>PreferenceSpecifiers</key>     <array>         <dict>             <key>FooterText</key>             <string>This application makes use of the following third party libraries:</string>             <key>Title</key>             <string>Acknowledgements</string>             <key>Type</key>             <string>PSGroupSpecifier</string>         </dict>         <dict>             <key>FooterText</key>             <string>Copyright (c) 2016 Olivier Poitrey </string>             <key>License</key>             <string>MIT</string>             <key>Title</key>             <string>SDWebImage</string>             <key>Type</key>             <string>PSGroupSpecifier</string>         </dict>         <dict>             <key>FooterText</key>             <string>The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Le Van Nghia Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: Pods-SomeLib-MyApp-acknowledgements.plist
  17. 17. Collect Carthage dependencies github "ikesyo/Himotoki" github "ishkawa/APIKit" Cartfile
  18. 18. Collect Carthage dependencies github "ikesyo/Himotoki" github "ishkawa/APIKit" Cartfile github "antitypical/Result" "3.2.2" github "ikesyo/Himotoki" "3.0.1" github "ishkawa/APIKit" "3.1.2" Cartfile.resolved
  19. 19. Collect Carthage dependencies github "ikesyo/Himotoki" github "ishkawa/APIKit" Cartfile github "antitypical/Result" "3.2.2" github "ikesyo/Himotoki" "3.0.1" github "ishkawa/APIKit" "3.1.2" Cartfile.resolved Dependencies are added.
  20. 20. Collect GitHub libraries’ licenses ➜ curl "" { "name": "", "path": "", "sha": "d89aa6fe6d15f1966b4456d2fe525503666fe18d", "size": 1076, "url": "", "html_url": "", "git_url": " d89aa6fe6d15f1966b4456d2fe525503666fe18d", "download_url": "", "type": "file", "content": “VGhlIE1JVCBMaWNlbnNlIChNSVQpCgpDb3B5cmlnEZST00sCk9VnVCBPRiBPUiBJTiBDT05ORUNUSU… 9OIFdJVEggVEhFIFNPRlRXQVJFIE9SIFRInRSBVU0UgT1IgT1EVBTElOR1MgSU4gVEhFClNPRlRXQVJFLgo=n”, "encoding": "base64", "_links": { … }, … } See:
  21. 21. Collect GitHub libraries’ licenses ➜ curl "" { "name": "", "path": "", "sha": "d89aa6fe6d15f1966b4456d2fe525503666fe18d", "size": 1076, "url": "", "html_url": "", "git_url": " d89aa6fe6d15f1966b4456d2fe525503666fe18d", "download_url": "", "type": "file", "content": “VGhlIE1JVCBMaWNlbnNlIChNSVQpCgpDb3B5cmlnEZST00sCk9VnVCBPRiBPUiBJTiBDT05ORUNUSU… 9OIFdJVEggVEhFIFNPRlRXQVJFIE9SIFRInRSBVU0UgT1IgT1EVBTElOR1MgSU4gVEhFClNPRlRXQVJFLgo=n”, "encoding": "base64", "_links": { … }, … } See:
  22. 22. Collect GitHub libraries’ licenses let content = “TUlUIExpY2Vuc2UKCkNvcHlyaWdodCAoYykgMjAxNyBNYXNheXVraSBPbm8KnClBlcm1 pc3Npb24gaXMgaGVyZWJ5IGdyYW50ZWQsIGZyZWUgb2YgY2hhcmdlnLCB0byBhb… MSVRZLCBXSEVUSEVSIElOIEFOIEFDVElPTiBPRiBDT05UUkFDnVCwgVE9SVCBPUiBPVEh FUldJU0UsIEFSSVNJTkcgRlJPTSwKT1VUIE9GIE9SnIElOIENPTk5FQ1RJT04gV0lUSCB USEUgU09GVFdBUkUgT1IgVEhFIFVTRSBPnUiBPVEhFUiBERUFMSU5HUyBJTiBUSEUKU09 GVFdBUkUuCg==n” let decoded = String(data: Data(base64Encoded: content, options: [.ignoreUnknownCharacters])!, encoding: .utf8)! Parse base 64 encoded `content`
  23. 23. Collect GitHub libraries’ licenses let content = “TUlUIExpY2Vuc2UKCkNvcHlyaWdodCAoYykgMjAxNyBNYXNheXVraSBPbm8KnClBlcm1 pc3Npb24gaXMgaGVyZWJ5IGdyYW50ZWQsIGZyZWUgb2YgY2hhcmdlnLCB0byBhb… MSVRZLCBXSEVUSEVSIElOIEFOIEFDVElPTiBPRiBDT05UUkFDnVCwgVE9SVCBPUiBPVEh FUldJU0UsIEFSSVNJTkcgRlJPTSwKT1VUIE9GIE9SnIElOIENPTk5FQ1RJT04gV0lUSCB USEUgU09GVFdBUkUgT1IgVEhFIFVTRSBPnUiBPVEhFUiBERUFMSU5HUyBJTiBUSEUKU09 GVFdBUkUuCg==n” let decoded = String(data: Data(base64Encoded: content, options: [.ignoreUnknownCharacters])!, encoding: .utf8)! Parse base 64 encoded `content` `content` contains ‘n’ and so it should be ignored.
  24. 24. Parallel processing by using `(NS)Operation` Collect Carthage licenses let queue = OperationQueue() let carthageOperations = {$0) } queue.addOperations(carthageOperations, waitUntilFinished: true) githubLicenses = { $0.result?.value }.flatMap { $0 }
  25. 25. Parallel processing by using `(NS)Operation` Collect Carthage licenses let queue = OperationQueue() let carthageOperations = {$0) } queue.addOperations(carthageOperations, waitUntilFinished: true) githubLicenses = { $0.result?.value }.flatMap { $0 }
  26. 26. Parallel processing by using `(NS)Operation` Collect Carthage licenses let queue = OperationQueue() let carthageOperations = {$0) } queue.addOperations(carthageOperations, waitUntilFinished: true) githubLicenses = { $0.result?.value }.flatMap { $0 }
  27. 27. Parallel processing by using `(NS)Operation` Collect Carthage licenses let queue = OperationQueue() let carthageOperations = {$0) } queue.addOperations(carthageOperations, waitUntilFinished: true) githubLicenses = { $0.result?.value }.flatMap { $0 } About 5 times faster$
  28. 28. Parallel processing by using `(NS)Operation` Collect Carthage licenses let queue = OperationQueue() let carthageOperations = {$0) } queue.addOperations(carthageOperations, waitUntilFinished: true) githubLicenses = { $0.result?.value }.flatMap { $0 } About 5 times faster$ Wrapped Operation class→
  29. 29. Generate plist files let rootItems: [[String: String]] = … let root = try! ["PreferenceSpecifiers": rootItems], format: .xml, options: 0) try! root.write(to: rootPath) Generating plist files is easy by using `PropertyListSerialization`
  30. 30. Generate plist files let rootItems: [[String: String]] = … let root = try! ["PreferenceSpecifiers": rootItems], format: .xml, options: 0) try! root.write(to: rootPath) • PropertyListSerialization - Foundation | Apple Developer Documentation • Property List Programming Guide - Apple Developer • Implementing an iOS Settings Bundle Generating plist files is easy by using `PropertyListSerialization`
  31. 31. Config file(YAML)
  32. 32. Install Homebrew • `brew install mono0926/license-plist/license-plist` • Swift Package Manager(SwiftPM) Homebrew From Releases From Source • `make install` CocoaPods (Not yet supported) • Support CocoaPods distribution · Issue #52 by @ikesyo
  33. 33. See: Automate your license files management
  34. 34. Links How to create command-line tool made of SwiftPM. • Building a command line tool using the Swift Package Manager • Swift Package Manager (SwiftPM) - Qiita • Swift Package Manager(SwiftPM) Homebrew - Qiita How to get started with OSS(open source software). • Swift - Qiita • iOS OSS Developers.IO • How to Get Started with Open Source – Hacker Noon
