Imaging tools for medical decision makers

Getting the most out of every image

In an environment with ever more powerful computing possibilities, new drugs under development, and the constant need to evaluate the effectiveness of complex treatment choices, medical imaging is an integral and growing part of medical practice.

Feedback is at the forefront of medical image processing, analysis expertise and novel quantification techniques with our Cadran and Texrad product families.

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  • Medical imaging tools for decision support
  • Cadran Image Storage Management offers fully featured image display, review and manipulation options and enterprise archiving for clinical, non-clinical and teaching use
  • Medical images wherever and whenever you need them. Fully featured archive, robust and secure.

Cadran is produced by Cambridge Computed Imaging Ltd. CCI are specialists in providing software that helps doctors use medical images to make decisions.

Clinicians can display, review and manipulate images using in-line measurement and analysis tools to assist diagnosis and quantify treatment response.

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  • Stratification of clinical diagnostic images for prognosis, risk and treatment response
  • TexRAD analyses the textures in radiological scans and has the potential to assist clinicians in assessing the prognosis of patients with cancer. TexRAD analysis has been retrospectively performed on images from a wide range of conditions including colorectal, breast, lung, prostrate, oesophageal, head and neck, and renal cancers

TexRAD offers an innovative quantitative tool to clinicians researching the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment response of cancer.

TexRAD helps users analyse, detect and measure textures in medical images, revealing more information than is evident to the naked eye.

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Feedback plc

With CCI and TexRAD, Feedback has firmly repositioned itself as specialists in quantitative tools for medical imaging.

We develop software and systems that provide innovative techniques and improved workflows for practitioners involved in medical research and treating patients. We build products that put new and more effective tools into the hands of clinical decision makers, improving patient care and reducing costs. And we provide our system as a platform to accelerate other imaging tools to market.

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