Passionately Promoting A More Perfect World

Oh, just BTW, I got shouted at by a homeless man on the BART on Wednesday night.

I thought I wouldn’t have an encounter during the short hop from Millbrae to Daly City, but the odds were not in my favour. The guy was on the train already at Millbrae and didn’t waste a second before yelling “This motherfucker GAY! Get this bitchnigga off the train!”, which he kept up for the next four stops.

(For some reason, I didn’t even know “bitchnigga” was the AAVE version of “shemale”, but I hear it every other week now.)

Anyway, harassment is sufficiently routine that I hardly remember it now. It only just occurred to me to document it.

P = 50% on my being assaulted by the end of the year. Place your bets if you think this is too high or too low!

  1. raginrayguns reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    this is how you know you transitioned to a new volume of the series, some new shit is introduced cause the author just...
  2. kyrosg reblogged this from sinesalvatorem
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  4. michaelblume reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    If you have a smartphone, you could install the BART Watch app on your phone. You can take a picture of the obnoxious...
  5. inquisitivefeminist said: :( :(
  6. endecision said: :(
  7. somewhere-in-the-dungeon said: How is your self defense? If the probability is that high, some kind of martial art may be helpful. (I find it’s main use is making me feel more relaxed when in dangerous situations.)
  8. somnilogical said: it’s possible to transfer cars when the train is in motion i do this when people yell at me and they don’t tend to follow maybe because they are usually drunk and bodily coordination is hard?
  9. walterlw said: Is that probability assuming that you are still using the subway regularly, or should we take into account that you might find alternate transportation?
  10. poipoipoi-2016 said: This is SF. How…
  11. thetransintransgenic said: (Do you have mace or something?)
  12. sinesalvatorem posted this