But hope is the last thing to dieblackninja9939 wrote:Until we can see the history of an artifact they are likely to remain traits.
Joron Corbie wrote:But hope is the last thing to dieblackninja9939 wrote:Until we can see the history of an artifact they are likely to remain traits.
Centaurus wrote:Joron Corbie wrote:But hope is the last thing to dieblackninja9939 wrote:Until we can see the history of an artifact they are likely to remain traits.
Can't you make it so, that when you have the artifact you get the trait? That way you could have it both ways?
blackninja9939 wrote:Yes but that is just pointless, why add the artifact and use the existing trait? Just keep the trait, no need to add both it is just superfluous.
solomonlightman wrote:blackninja9939 wrote:Yes but that is just pointless, why add the artifact and use the existing trait? Just keep the trait, no need to add both it is just superfluous.
Well you can make "sword claimers". Say you get the arrifact sword, you get a trait "XXX sword claimer", and when you lost the artifact (lost in battle, stolen etc), your trait is not gone. Note that only the once-holders can have that claimer trait so it shows all those who has this trait had this sword, and with two or more living person with trait, they will grab any chance they get to be the real holder again.
Example here:
A is from dynastyA (dA), and his house has this Val sword for generations (vA), and now A has this sword (A has both artifactA (aA) and trait (tA)). In a duel, A lost and vA was claimed by B (B now has both aA and tA, while A only has tA left), but A is not dead.
So then A has events (tA holder events) like stole vA back, challenge B again etc to get his sword back. in another duel, A lost again and was killed, B still has vA and tA. now members of dA can try to take the sword from B (or any non-dA sword holder, if B is dead and the sword passed in dB), but without tA they have less options to do that and they need to be good enough so they can success in events.
Eventually a sword master C in dA duelled D (B's son, has both trait and sword) and got the sword back, D still has tA and can try to get it back in the future, but if he dies his descedants can't do that because vA is not dB's traditional sword.
The points of doing that are:
1.Sword as artifact just seem fit.
2.Claimer trait will show all the sword holders in the past.
3.Losing the traditional sword isn't that heart-breaking or game-breaking (for players constantly try to steal swords of traiditional houses). Sword-taking was strictly limited as once a new house get the sword they can hold it almost forever until the whole house die out. Now with this system is no longer the case: Traditional houses can try to get it back as long as they still live, so for new sword holders it is risky to try and collect all swords (for example, you are a great warrior and had 5 sword taken away from your foe, after you died, all your sons are challenged by great warriors of those houses and your house died in a blink because one by one your sons were challenged and killed)
solomonlightman wrote:blackninja9939 wrote:Yes but that is just pointless, why add the artifact and use the existing trait? Just keep the trait, no need to add both it is just superfluous.
Well you can make "sword claimers". Say you get the arrifact sword, you get a trait "XXX sword claimer", and when you lost the artifact (lost in battle, stolen etc), your trait is not gone. Note that only the once-holders can have that claimer trait so it shows all those who has this trait had this sword, and with two or more living person with trait, they will grab any chance they get to be the real holder again.
The points of doing that are:
1.Sword as artifact just seem fit.
2.Claimer trait will show all the sword holders in the past.
3.Losing the traditional sword isn't that heart-breaking or game-breaking (for players constantly try to steal swords of traiditional houses). Sword-taking was strictly limited as once a new house get the sword they can hold it almost forever until the whole house die out. Now with this system is no longer the case: Traditional houses can try to get it back as long as they still live, so for new sword holders it is risky to try and collect all swords (for example, you are a great warrior and had 5 sword taken away from your foe, after you died, all your sons are challenged by great warriors of those houses and your house died in a blink because one by one your sons were challenged and killed)
armychowmein wrote:Is it possible to use artifacts as a way to construct a valyrian sword? For example, one could collect shards of valyrian steel over time (a la the apothecary supplies in MnM), which could lead to the adding of the valyrian steel trait. I'm unaware of how artifacts interact with flags or modifiers, but is this feasible? Granted, it seems a lot of work for very little payoff considering the established routes to get a valy sword.
WbtE wrote:armychowmein wrote:Is it possible to use artifacts as a way to construct a valyrian sword? For example, one could collect shards of valyrian steel over time (a la the apothecary supplies in MnM), which could lead to the adding of the valyrian steel trait. I'm unaware of how artifacts interact with flags or modifiers, but is this feasible? Granted, it seems a lot of work for very little payoff considering the established routes to get a valy sword.
From skimming through the existing scripts, that would be possible. I think the main reason for doing it is to allow for differences in the mass of Valyrian Steel weapons (e.g. Ice could be melted down into Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper).
LancelotLoire wrote:Crowns, books, jewels, armors and non valyrian weapons.. None of those are nearly as important as a valyrian weapon. The names of people who wielded them is the kind of thing that goes down in history. The only thing I would have used for the artifact system is the crowns but even then Paradox broke it by not having what crown you wear overwrite the crown you have on in game..
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