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Update 9.19: Second Common Test

Join now to get the first taste of Ranked Battles and help refine the update.

Welcome the Chrysler K Grand Finals Premium Tank

Plus, enjoy x3 XP on daily first victories this weekend, and a new batch of tanks to master!

Light Tank Focus: Germany

In May, special missions for small tanks!

Ice Cream Social Tournament

Meet tankers, play tanks and win Gold!

Create Your Own Emblem and Win

Get Gold and a MeatheadMilitia emblem!

The 2017 WGL Grand Finals Head to Moscow

Show your support, get exclusive Emblems, and watch LIVE!

TankRewards in May

A month honoring Creighton Abrams!

NA Replays - Your RNG Wanted

Send in your replays for the chance to be included in the next NA Replays video!

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