Why? Because we don't need you. And that will bring you up to your A Game.
http://eroticaudios.com/content/Harper/ ... tWoman.mp3
Yay, Ms. Harper! Thank you for this very wonderful recording! Yippee!
And don't forget, sissies, Ms. Harper's excellent radio show is scheduled to be on tonight at 11 p.m. Eastern Time. Listen here: Cock Radio,
https://spreaker.com/user/cock-radio . And the Community Kink live chat-room for the show is at
https://communitykink.com/chat/?agree=0 .
* * * * *
Although in my own case, the world does need me. I am providing a beneficial and necessary function. I am helping to raise-up intellectual gods--i.e., intellectual self-owners, who know good and evil--as mankind quickly converges to its final act, mankind's Magnum Opus: the dawning of a new species, born to take over the stars. A race of technologically immortal superintelligence.
And it will be beautiful, and it will be magnificent. Noetic lightning of searing, mortally-incomprehensible pleasure will spread like wildfire across the entire universe. The universe will have its light-switch turned to the "on" position, as all matter becomes deliberately transformed into superintelligent computronium: the densest configuration of computational complexity which matter will allow.
It was Eve who offered the wisdom-fruit which broke us away from the Jaynesian gods of old; which gave us actual consciousness, i.e., the very crucial metaconception of awareness of awareness itself, i.e., mind aware of mind, i.e., self-awareness. She bit first. Now we must eat more of it and become gods. We must finalize the act.
A truly befitting and edifying conception on Mother's Day. Let us honor our great mother on this day, and go forward with her project.
Boys will be girls.
Author (under my legal name) of "Jesus Is an Anarchist", Dec. 4, 2011,
http://theophysics.freevar.com ,