We’re constantly being lectured about White Privilege, but the long term trend in the United States over the last half century is for groups on the margins of whiteness, such as Hispanics, South Asians, and, now, Arabs, to demand that the government grant them the status and associated privileges of being officially Nonwhite in modern America.
Changes to census race questions may make whites less than 50 percent of population sooner
Associated Press Nov. 18, 2015 | 5:23 p.m. EST + More
By RUSSELL CONTRERAS, Associated Press
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — The Census Bureau is considering changes to its race and ethnicity questions that would reclassify some minorities who were considered “white” in the past, a move that may speed up the date when America’s white population falls below 50 percent.
Census Director John Thompson told The Associated Press this week that the bureau is testing a number of new questions and may combine its race and ethnicity questions into one category for the 2020 census. That would allow respondents to choose multiple races.
Congress shouldn’t defer to the Obama Administration in letting them treat these questions as if they were non-political technocratic issues for the Census Bureau to resolve. These are very political decisions.
The possible changes include allowing Latinos to give more details about their ethnic backgrounds and creating a new, distinct category for people of Middle Eastern and North African descent. …
Putting Carlos Slim on your Board of Directors will garner you double the diversity Pokemon points!
Redefining Arabs as nonwhites will allow the government to give out far more affirmative action benefits to Arabs. The EEOC can’t sue you for disparate impact against Arabs if it doesn’t have a count of Arabs. But now it will. The Obama Administration can bring in Arabs refugees, who will then be counted toward quotas.
Much of this push to make Arabs nonwhite comes from Arab businessmen who want Minority Business Development funds and Small Business Administration low cost loans like Indian businessmen have been getting ever since they got themselves declared nonwhite over 30 years ago.
In the past, “white” was the only racial option available to Arab-American respondents, a classification that didn’t truly reflect their social standing and hurt efforts for their political empowerment in post-Sept. 11 America, said Samer Khalaf, president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.
“If you are going to classify me as white, then treat (me) as white,” Khalaf said. “Especially when I go to the airport. So yeah, it’s inaccurate.”
For years, many U.S. Latinos also checked the “white” box because options were limited, said Lorenzo Cano, associate director of the Center of Mexican American Studies at the University of Houston.
But the feds just treated them as a separate race, except for crime offender statistics.
But many Latinos are now opting to check “American Indian” to identify with their links to indigenous populations in Latin America.
I doubt it. But maybe it’s true. The issue is that the Census has no categories for non-American Indians like Mayas, or for what Mexicans call “mestizos.”
Overall, “these changes could reduce the number of people who identify as white,” Cano said.
It’s obviously nuts for Republicans, as the de facto White Party, to agree to shrink the number of de jure whites, but Republicans never seem to get this. When you make people eligible for minority business development funds and the like for declaring themselves nonwhite, you automatically make them more sympathetic to the Democrats, who are obviously more committed to defending affirmative action for nonwhites.
The Reagan Administration went along with shifting South Asians from the Caucasian to Oriental category back in the early 1980s. It seemed like a good idea at the time because Indian immigrant entrepreneurs were demanding it and they seem like Natural Republicans. But Indians appear to now be vociferously Democratic despite their high incomes for various rationalizations.
It would be really stupid for Republicans to allow Syrians, Lebanese, and even Armenians to become a Protected Minority and thus Natural Democrats. But Republicans don’t like thinking about the details of identity politics, so they get taken to the cleaners repeatedly.
The Census Bureau has estimated that the country’s population will have more minorities than whites for the first time around 2043 or 2044, a result of higher birth rates among Hispanics and a stagnating or declining birth rate among blacks, whites and Asians.
Immigration is, of course, irrelevant. Why are you wondering about the influence of immigration?
How far will this Flight from White process go? Who will jump ship in the future?
You can already see Quentin Tarantino arguing that Italians aren’t really all that white.
My guess would be that the Poles will be the last to opt out of Whiteness, out of a general lack of opportunism. But by 2050 even Poles will probably be petitioning the feds to declare them Mongolic Eurasians or whatever will sound cool by then.
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Me too. Which means you can just let me walk in and get on the plane, while you make Khalaf and his friends wait in long lines, get scanned and frisked, and take off their shoes, belts, underwear, and bomb vests.
Yeah, it would be nice to be treated like a white man for a change.
Why don’t we just call it European and be done with it. “White” is just in opposition to “black” and says nothing about who we really are.
I'm so Anglocentric, I capitalize (/-ise) "Anglocentric", despite Oxford and the others hectoring me to follow the French practice (/practise) of minuscules. No froggy, I.
As to resident Hispanics’ racial/ethnic self-identifications, here is an extract from a long reply that I posted, elsewhere on this Web site, last year, in response to Harvard’s most-esteemed graduate, Ms. Nurit Baytch:
From Wikipedia: “According to the 2007 American Community Survey, 92% of Hispanic and Latinos were White.” [ Read More
In contrast, the northern border seems like more of an administrative than identity divide. The Blackfoot Indians are in both countries.
Not even 92 percent of Canadians are White, let alone 92 percent of Hispanics. The American Community Survey is a complete joke.
What is The American Community Survey's definition of a "White Hispanic? Any Hispanic who is not fluent in one of Latin America's Native Indigenous languages? By that definition, George Lopez for example is a "White Hispanic" because he is not fluent in Mayan or Aztec.
Spike Lee recently barfed “White Hollywood Execs ‘Better Get Smart’ Because They’ll Be Minority Soon”. Whites have been a minority in California (that state where Hollywood is located) for going on 10 years now.
OT: Are there any US (or world) sports where team rivalries follow religious lines, like Catholics vs Protestants vs Muslims vs Jews? Do they turn bloody more quickly, and were they discouraged in consequence of the potential for violence?
FC Barcelona is a symbol of catalan independence, while Espanyol Barcelona of spanish identity in Catalonia. Celtic Glasgow was founded by Irish immigrants and has a long standing rivalry with Ranger FC.
But these days soccer is more of a globalized business actively rejecting group identities.
Celtic=catholic=Irish nationalist
Rangers=protestant=Ulster loyalist.To your questions
1. yes
2. not really, it was seen as substitute for real violence.
Hispanic births plunged over 25 percent from 2006 to 2014.
Yesterday Pew Research reported that more Mexicans are leaving than coming to the US.
Crayola could bring back ‘flesh tone’ which, I recall, was more of a Miss Piggy pink than white. This, then, could be used as a baseline to create a color scale to determine ‘White’ sort of like the plastic color charts used to pick out Sherwin-Williams house paint at your local hardware store…
Steve: OT, but are you going to post on Bill Simmon’s interview of Obama? Two of your favorites together with some great lines. gq.com
So there is an Hispanic flight towards Indian/Native American in order get a better share of racial spoils? How about the push by Hawaii natives for the Feds (aka the great white fathers in DC) to grant them tribal status so they can open Indian casinos? If Hillary gets elected this will be a done deal. Going by what I see on Dog The Bounty Hunter the Hawaii natives will blow their Indian casino checks on meth and marijuana.
It’s cute you think the US as we know it is going to be around in 2050. I wouldn’t give it until 2020 at this rate.
Weren’t the Irish really the first blacks? (Seriously: look at how the English treated the Irish even before the first black slaves were brought to Jamestown.)
So, I feel that the fact that I am more Irish than any other single ethnicity means I am not white. The fact that I had one ancestor who came over on the Mayflower? Hey… a lot more Irish ancestors than Mayflower ancestors.
And, anyway, the “one drop rule” ought to apply to us “Black Irish” too!
Dave Miller in Sacramento
If I recall correctly, at the end of the movie 1900, the Robert de Niro aristocrat is saved from being lynched by the Communist peasants because the leader of the Communists, his friend, claims he has already died–in the religious sense of being transformed.
Maybe we can claim the same thing: our old whiteness has died, so our new, chastened whiteness doesn’t deserve to be discriminated against.
Back in the ’80s, the Miami-Notre Dame rivalry was billed as “Catholics vs. convicts” … does that count?
Uh…Spike? Those Hollywood execs are not really White. They’ve always been a minority for the last 2000 years or so.
It will be interesting to watch the Jews, who are now white, deal with the Muslim MENA, who are set to no longer be. I predict many lulz.
Arabs have thrown in their lot with Pakistanis and other non-whites for political/religious reasons. So why not make it official. Maybe it will motivate the next generation. Downward mobility hurts.
What is the deal with Spike Lee, he has made a lot of movies that bluntly discussed race (he is the black Sailer), however when it comes to the people that run Hollywood he cannot tell the difference. Is it because of fear that he has to say Hollywood is run by whites and not another group, or is it a genuine inability to not see the difference ?
By "another group," are you implying that somehow Outer Mongolians have managed to take over Hollywood when we weren't paying attention?
Yesterday Pew Research reported that more Mexicans are leaving than coming to the US.
Pew Research may have reported it,but it is exceptionally unlikely to be true.
I quoted a short exterpt who might explain one of the reasons they return home. If....or should I said when, another big economic collapse come. All bets of off.
To be fair, this is just sound procedure. North Africans and Near Easterners are further away genetically and phenotypically from the founding northwest European stock of America than Greeks, Sicilians and yes, European Jews are.
My thoughts are:
1) I really doubt that when they say “Middle Eastern”, they mean Middle Easterners as a whole. This seems to be aimed at Muslims. Christians and Jews from the Middle East are not likely the intended members of the new group. If there really was a category open to “Middle Eastern”, after all, where would the boundaries be? As Steve says, even Christian Armenians are often considered Middle Eastern. If the law passes, and then Turkey joins the EU, will Turks in the USA suddenly lose their Middle Easternness and become white all over again? And I really can’t fathom an “…except Jews” clause to the new group. I’d be curious where the southern and eastern borders of the Middle Eastern category are as well, but I think this would be less relevant because the people on the other side of those borders are already considered minorities in the US.
2) Some people say Arabs, or Muslims in general, are actually against this proposal because they feel the government is spying on them. While it’s true that there are Arabs with “American” sounding names, in most cases it’s fairly obvious just from a list of names which people are likely to be Muslims.
So, I feel that the fact that I am more Irish than any other single ethnicity means I am not white. The fact that I had one ancestor who came over on the Mayflower? Hey... a lot more Irish ancestors than Mayflower ancestors.
And, anyway, the "one drop rule" ought to apply to us "Black Irish" too!
Dave Miller in Sacramento
I will see your Irish [paternal grandmother (nee O'Halloran)], and raise you a Huguenot:
There were many in soccer.
FC Barcelona is a symbol of catalan independence, while Espanyol Barcelona of spanish identity in Catalonia. Celtic Glasgow was founded by Irish immigrants and has a long standing rivalry with Ranger FC.
But these days soccer is more of a globalized business actively rejecting group identities.
How about chariot racing, after Jewish prince Judah Ben-Hur killed Roman tribune, and presumed pagan, Messala, in the Circus Maximus?
From Wikipedia: “According to the 2007 American Community Survey, 92% of Hispanic and Latinos were White.” [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hispanic_and_Latino_Americans#Race ]
In the 2010 United States Census– which frankly confused many American residents, Hispanic and otherwise, by its mix of (supposedly) racial categories (e.g., “Asians”– a laughable geographical proxy for race, let alone for any distinct ethnicities!) and the separate ethnicity question (“Is this person of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?”)– here is the breakdown of Hispanics by (supposed) race(s) [with the Census' category titles simplified by me, and their relative percentages also added]:
Total: 50,477,594 [100.00%]
White (only): 26,735,713 [52.97%]
Black (only): 1,243,471 [2.46%]
Native (only): 685,150 [1.36%]
Asian (only): 209,128 [0.41%]
Pacific (only): 58,437 [0.12%]
Some other race (only): 18,503,103 [36.66%]
Multiracial: 3,042,592 [6.03%]
As the 2010 Census Brief on “The Hispanic Population: 2010″ itself explains:
For the 2010 Census, a new instruction was added immediately preceding the questions on Hispanic origin and race, which was not used in Census 2000. The instruction stated that “For this census, Hispanic origins are not races” because in the federal statistical system, Hispanic origin is considered to be a separate concept from race. However, this did not preclude individuals from self-identifying their race as “Latino,” “Mexican,” “Puerto Rican,” “Salvadoran,” or other national origins or ethnicities; in fact, many did so. If the response provided to the race question could not be classified in one or more of the five OMB race groups, it was generally classified in the category Some Other Race. Therefore, responses to the question on race that reflect a Hispanic origin were classified in the Some Other Race category.
[ http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-04.pdf ]
The newly included claim, here, that "many Latinos are now opting to check 'American Indian' to identify with their links to indigenous populations in Latin America" is, as a former president might have noted, if asked, wholly dependent upon what the definition of "many" is!?!
My impression is that American Indians police the southern boundary of American Indianness carefully. There are very few tribes that cross the border.
In contrast, the northern border seems like more of an administrative than identity divide. The Blackfoot Indians are in both countries.
Let's hope the real terrorists don't figure out we don't really control our less-talked-about massive border (btw, simply being fluent in French almost guarantees you Canadian citizenship via Quebec...)
On the other hand, this will make it easier for Whites to grasp our true demographic situation. With lots of the mos eisley hodgepodge being considered “white” in the official data, it’s been harder to know where we really stand.
Trump campaign and Ann Coulter are the closest thing “our side” has to a megaphone these days. Hopefully they can draw some attention to this change. “Obama is going to bring in 100,000 muslims and they’re all going to get jobs before you are, and they can’t be fired” is good propaganda.
FC Barcelona is a symbol of catalan independence, while Espanyol Barcelona of spanish identity in Catalonia. Celtic Glasgow was founded by Irish immigrants and has a long standing rivalry with Ranger FC.
But these days soccer is more of a globalized business actively rejecting group identities.
Liverpool FC used to be Protestant, Everton Catholic. (Paul McCartney once claimed to be a fan of both). Ajax Amsterdam, Tottenham Hotspur and AS Roma are traditionally Jewish clubs, although actual Jews are only a small proportion of their fan bases.
You have it the wrong way round. It was Liverpool that was Catholic and Everton Protestant. Everton also used to get a lot of stick up until the mid 90's for the fact that they had never had a black player too. Liverpool used to be a very divided city and even had it's own Orange Marches at one time, like in Northern Ireland. These divisions have largely been lost now, although they still mean more in Scotland, where Catholic Celtic and Protestant Rangers play in Glasgow, whilst Edinburgh has Catholic Hibs and Protestant Hearts. I believe sectarian chanting has been banned in Scotland, but you can see many of the songs they used to sing on youtube, like the 'hello, hello, we are the Billy Boys' of Rangers and various Sinn Fein/IRA songs from the Celtic faithful. For me as an Englishman this was the only thing that made Scottish football interesting, and they banned it.
As to the subject in hand....if the number of non-white groups continue expanding, and immigration of non-white immigrant group continues, how can whites be expected to bear the burden of affirmative action when they are, say, 30% of the population? In what way would this treatment of whites be any different in principle to anti- Jewish laws in Nazi Germany, to use their favourite example?
(Rhetorical question: of course it's different, because whites deserve it).
Does this mean George Zimmerman will no longer be considered “White” in the 2020 U.S census?
Jonathan Pollard’s been released.
In contrast, the northern border seems like more of an administrative than identity divide. The Blackfoot Indians are in both countries.
I would add to that, the USA (in theory) adheres to the Jay Treaty whereas Canada does not. The result is the Canadian Blackfeet can legally cross and domicile on the USA side but not vice-versa. This often is determined by the individual manning the border crossing as opposed to the law
Hey, you know what they say about Sicilians.
As a bone to be thrown to Israel after the Iran nuke deal after Pollard did 30 years … I can live with it.
If the release of Pollard was the quid for the Iran deal quo, then it indicates that Pollard must be a big deal to Israel; not a trifling little humanitarian concern, but a rather substantive matter of interest to the security of the state. Like preventing him from revealing more of what he knows, or maintaining the incentives for others to spy for Israel.
Part of what explains The Stupid Party is something I touch on here: http://tinyurl.com/ntze8tx
The GOP is a southern party with northern leadership. The people in positions of authority within the greater party structure (elected officials, functionaries, advocates, chattering skulls, etc) are almost always from the dominant regions of the country. That’s their cultural identity and therefore their affinity.
The two parties have taken turns being the custodians of the other regions, operating like game wardens. From FDR forward, the Deep South and Appalachia, for example, were wards of the Democrats. They finally had enough and left for the GOP, but they are getting the same treatment, just with better lip service and slightly less white hatred.
“Republicans don’t like thinking about the details of identity politics, so they get taken to the cleaners repeatedly.”
If businesses don’t care about it, Republican politicians seldom do. That’s why the almost unanimous opposition of Republican governors towards Syrian refugee resettlement has been such a big surprise. Governors, tasked with encouraging business development in their states, are generally the business lobby’s biggest butt boy. The only thing Republicans pols can be reliably counted on to do is cut taxes, regulations, and labor costs for businesses.
This coming election, though, may be their last hurrah. If they don’t finally get on board with standing up for white interests, they are dead as a party. Obama has pushed the government so far to the left that Republicans no longer have any choice but to push back.
From Wikipedia: “According to the 2007 American Community Survey, 92% of Hispanic and Latinos were White.” [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hispanic_and_Latino_Americans#Race ]
In the 2010 United States Census– which frankly confused many American residents, Hispanic and otherwise, by its mix of (supposedly) racial categories (e.g., “Asians”– a laughable geographical proxy for race, let alone for any distinct ethnicities!) and the separate ethnicity question (“Is this person of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?”)– here is the breakdown of Hispanics by (supposed) race(s) [with the Census' category titles simplified by me, and their relative percentages also added]:
Total: 50,477,594 [100.00%]
White (only): 26,735,713 [52.97%]
Black (only): 1,243,471 [2.46%]
Native (only): 685,150 [1.36%]
Asian (only): 209,128 [0.41%]
Pacific (only): 58,437 [0.12%]
Some other race (only): 18,503,103 [36.66%]
Multiracial: 3,042,592 [6.03%]
As the 2010 Census Brief on “The Hispanic Population: 2010″ itself explains:
For the 2010 Census, a new instruction was added immediately preceding the questions on Hispanic origin and race, which was not used in Census 2000. The instruction stated that “For this census, Hispanic origins are not races” because in the federal statistical system, Hispanic origin is considered to be a separate concept from race. However, this did not preclude individuals from self-identifying their race as “Latino,” “Mexican,” “Puerto Rican,” “Salvadoran,” or other national origins or ethnicities; in fact, many did so. If the response provided to the race question could not be classified in one or more of the five OMB race groups, it was generally classified in the category Some Other Race. Therefore, responses to the question on race that reflect a Hispanic origin were classified in the Some Other Race category.
[ http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-04.pdf ]
The newly included claim, here, that "many Latinos are now opting to check 'American Indian' to identify with their links to indigenous populations in Latin America" is, as a former president might have noted, if asked, wholly dependent upon what the definition of "many" is!?!
“From Wikipedia: “According to the 2007 American Community Survey, 92% of Hispanic and Latinos were White.”
Not even 92 percent of Canadians are White, let alone 92 percent of Hispanics. The American Community Survey is a complete joke.
What is The American Community Survey’s definition of a “White Hispanic? Any Hispanic who is not fluent in one of Latin America’s Native Indigenous languages? By that definition, George Lopez for example is a “White Hispanic” because he is not fluent in Mayan or Aztec.
"B03002. Hispanic or Latino origin by race". 2007 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. United States Census Bureau. while the ratio rises to 92% in the Population Estimates Program, which are the official estimates."T4-2007. Hispanic or Latino By Race [15]". 2007 Population Estimates. United States Census Bureau.
Unfortunately, the footnote links to the Census Bureau's own Web site all are now broken. I was assuming, last year, that the "92%" figure was the result of survey subjects' being required to pick one of the standard racial categories-- White, Black, Asian or Native American-- rather than being allowed, as on the U.S. Census itself, to check "Some Other Race" and then to write in something-- which usually turned out to be their national origins, or those of their immigrant ancestors. That seems to me to be how most Hispanic Americans do view themselves. They do not seem to me to view themselves as being Amerindians, even when they are clearly mestizos who appear far closer to American Indians from the American Southwest than they are to Europeans, even those from the Mediterranean region!?! I think that most of them feel that "Hispanic" is merely a top-down label that has been artificially contrived by the powers-that-be-- which, of course, it is!
“Congress shouldn’t defer to the Obama Administration in letting them treat these questions as if they were non-political technocratic issues for the Census Bureau to resolve. These are very political decisions.”
A few years ago I came to the conclusion that, whenever lying about my race or ethnicity has a chance of undermining the government’s quota regime, I will lie about my race or ethnicity.
I tell the truth about my race on the census because that’s where the government establishes the baseline, but when we bought our house we marked black on the loan application. According to my company’s records I am officially Native American (I am actually fractionally Native American, so that’s not a complete lie). I lie on these forms because banks and employers get credit against whatever presumed quota they have for employing minorities.
The only downside is that, by lying, I make blacks look better. My credit score is stellar. It’s almost 100% unlikely that we’re going to default on our mortgage. But whatever.
If the government is going to be penalizing whites then whites owe it to ourselves to undermine the system in every possible way. The only method the government would have to fight back is to send out people who actively tallied up employees, loan applicants, etc., by race, and I doubt they’re going to be doing that – at least not for a few more decades. And hell, if Fauxcohontas Elizabeth Warren can get away with it, why can’t we?
Screw President Dunning Kruger and his racial spoils buffet!
Arab activists and chauvinists aren’t the problem. Obama isn’t the problem. SJWs aren’t the problem.
John H. Thompson, head of the census, and centrist while man, and his ilk are, and always have been, the problem. Kind of like the Tsarnev boys weren’t the problem; Graham Fuller was the problem. And Reagan, as much as Dubya, was the problem. Trying to screw over the poor or being stridently anti-Communist as Reagan was for, shouldn’t be sufficient to make one a conservative deity. Reagan, like all the other faux-conservatives, was worse than useless when it came to fighting Balkanization and social degeneracy.
Has there ever been such a group of myopically ambitious/greedy and self-righteous, hyper-individualized, and yet jingoistic, spineless in the face of thugs, yet bellicose and bullying, as the centrist white American male? Has any group so readily given away their fathers’ patrimony? Decadence and degeneracy…. no matter what the GDP is or how many military toys the US has.
“Hey, you know what they say about Sicilians.”
There is a scene in “Do The Right Thing” where Spike Lee questions the racial Whiteness of the Sicilian John Turturro by mentioning how nappy his hair is.
Yeah John does not have bone straight hair like Jared Taylor for example, but it is not exactly 1970s Michael Jackson level nappy either. John Turturro has a similar hair texture as many Jews. Curly hair is common among many Southern European and Middle Eastern Caucasoids. Frankie Sivero from Goodfellas does not have bone straight hair either. He was the guy found dead in the meat truck.
My sketchy observations of affirmative action in practice are that the idea’s been successfully transformed by corporate gamesmen into a program that prefers white women in hiring. Plenty of exceptions though. Sometimes affirmative action–the idea as applied to blacks– is used to counter the malignant effects of crony hiring, ethnic affinity hiring, etc.
What do you do when you have maybe 60%+ of the work force enjoying, at least in a formal sense, hiring preferences over the remaining 40%- on the basis of—of what? How many white Euro guys spend their spare weekends figuring out how to stick it to the latest victim group du jour? For what alleged infractions are white Euro dudes to be less preferred in hiring?
I’m going on a bit of a mini-rant here, I know. But, I’ve been reading “UR” for maybe 10-12 weeks, and many of the intelligent posts and comments I’ve read seem to me to be darned near cries for help. If our political caste wants to see what the pleas of the voiceless, the disenfranchised, the disempowered, and the displaced sound like, they ought to look at “UR” for a bit.
Ok, Steve, I know the Occam’s Razor.reason for why a mostly white government would seem to hate its own white population, and professor Kevin MacDonald has spelled it out clearly. If you think he is wrong, how? And what is your answer to the question of why this ongoing white genocide?
Where was Moishe and Mendel et al when birthright citizenship was made a possibility? For every Rosenberg, it seems like there are 2-10 Alger Hisses. And the head of the Census is surnamed Thompson. The problem you allude to wouldn't be a problem if this country had an ounce of solidarity that extended beyond temporary maudlin displays and jingoistic American Exceptionalism.
Jews are White. Just look at them; Howard Stern, Jerry Seinfeld, Patton Oswalt, are about as White as it gets. So too, Sarah Silverman.
White people have always hated each other. The most mass slaughter of Whites has been by other Whites, and that includes periods when NO JEWS AT ALL lived in Europe: Caesar slaughtered a million Gauls, to cite one example. White differences are profound, and come into play frequently over different conceptions of time, food, religion, freedom, government, social organization, and more. Roundheads vs. Cavaliers being another example of inter-White hate and slaughter.
White governments are from what Murray calls SuperZips. White people who are isolated, form their own (Puritan based) culture, and hate hate hate other Whites who are from a different culture. Add to that status mongering by being "oppositional" aka "cool" and against Whites in favor of non-Whites, see Bob Dylan, Neil Young, John Mellenkamp, etc. Among other things it advertises better status and biological "fitness" in the mating game like a peacock tail; an affordable handicap.
Most of the leadership of this country comes from four schools, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford. Most of the leadership is second, third generation elite, like the Minows. Most live in a few tiny zip codes and most adhere to neo-Puritan beliefs of predestination, God/Fate chose those pre-ordained for salvation by making them born into power, those not are wicked who God/Fate wants destroyed. Christianity may have faded away but Puritan culture has decidedly not.
Kevin McDonald is an idiot who can't see what's in front of his face. White people hate hate hate each other. Its why they slaughter each other regularly. They constantly strive for status, ever more when security is seemingly eternal and not threatened. Jews are certainly part of this, so are Irish like the Kennedys, downscale Protestants like the Clintons, WASP adventurers like the Dunhams. I suspect McDonald can't handle the truth about his own people. White division and hatred of other White cultures is a feature of White society not the fault of evil mind rays from Bibi Netanyahu and Milton Berle from beyond the grave.
“But by 2050 even Poles will probably be petitioning the feds to declare them Mongolic Eurasians or whatever will sound cool by then.”
As a 25% Mongolic Eurasian, I second the motion.
Yeah, it would be nice to be treated like a white man for a change.
Why don't we just call it European and be done with it. "White" is just in opposition to "black" and says nothing about who we really are.
My ancestors left Europe 360 years ago, I am not European, I am American. White suits me just fine.
In other words, the Germans and Italians we put in camps during WWII weren’t white, because we weren’t treating them like whites.
At what point do the Irish catch a clue and peel off, citing their historic treatment? I’ve got an Irish grandmother – am I looking at AA bennies and federal loan guarantees in the future?
Yeah, so much for that “blacks are higher on the totem pole than Jews” thing. But then, part of the reason why Jews are actually higher than blacks on the totem pole is that you aren’t allowed to mention that Jews are at the top of the totem pole. You’re actually supposed to pretend they’re wherever on the totem pole Jews want you to say they are at any given time. Now that’s power.
Releasing Pollard at this time was the Obama’s way of putting the wood to Netanyahu and Israel. It makes Israel seem like part of the Iran deal which it most definitely was not.
Obama is a Jewish creation.
Jews used him to strengthen the anti-white coalition of the coloreds and ‘good’ castrated whites.
Jews led the invade/invite strategy.
Jews don’t care about the impact of massive non-white migration to US and EU.
Yet…. white Cons frame the immigration debate in terms of ‘oh, those bad Arabs might hurt the Jews.’
Why care about Jews when Jews support this measure to hurt whites?
The main sickness of the ‘right’ is the slavish devotion to the very people who mean to do the most harm to whites.
They as in Tarantino. Not exactly a source I’d put bank on.
I would think that a proper demystification of your racial issues would include not just eliminating North Africans and Arabs from Whites, but also counting pure-blooded Europeans (or as close as possible) from South of the Rio Grande as White. I think that Armenians and Georgians are Whites too.
The man should have been shanked in prison and Israel should have gotten at least a newspaper over the nose for the massive betrayal of US secrets to the USSR.
I dealt with some number of Arabs and others through a government job that partly entailed them filling out and checking off boxes on forms. None of them considered themselves white nor did I; they certainly didn’t look it to me. They checked the ‘Asian-Other’ box. Since the east is called the Orient or Asia then that’s what they are. ‘White’ is just a slang word for someone of European descent. The real question is why anyone should be getting affirmative action these days. It was originally sold as a helping hand for blacks but it wasn’t realized at the time that it would end up being a forever and ever policy. Looking to the Repukes for anything is like a drowning man grasping for straws. For them it’s all about the money, Conservatism Inc. They have no vision beyond trading up to the next gated community for themselves.
Most of this PC is being driven by a portion of the white population. Blacks and other non-whites have shown no capability of creating any ideologies but simply adopt those already in existence with an eye for what seems most likely to pay off for them. Only whites will self-destruct on behalf of an abstraction.
Those Hungarians everyone here likes could easily claim Asian ancestry.
Football in Glasgow
Celtic=catholic=Irish nationalist
Rangers=protestant=Ulster loyalist.
To your questions
1. yes
2. not really, it was seen as substitute for real violence.
“As a bone to be thrown to Israel after the Iran nuke deal after Pollard did 30 years … I can live with it.”
If the release of Pollard was the quid for the Iran deal quo, then it indicates that Pollard must be a big deal to Israel; not a trifling little humanitarian concern, but a rather substantive matter of interest to the security of the state. Like preventing him from revealing more of what he knows, or maintaining the incentives for others to spy for Israel.
Now, fewer whites will be shown as voting for Democrats, right? The ghetto’s getting closer, SWPLs!
Arabs and north Africans will not benefit much from this new category as long as any Jew can also claim a part of it (Israel being right in the middle of the middle East).
Personally I don’t view Lee as being terribly intelligent, so it wouldn’t surprise me if it was the latter. But one need not be terribly bright to realize that Naming The Jew is rarely if ever a wise strategy in the US if one cares about being respected by anyone but a few folks on the fringes of society. A wise opponent of Jewish Supremacy will only make the most oblique and plausibly deniable criticisms of Jewish power.
In contrast, the northern border seems like more of an administrative than identity divide. The Blackfoot Indians are in both countries.
OT: nice article about Bill Gates and the epiphany to researchers that genius is born, not bred:
Can’t anybody here look on the bright side. This could all end with the end of affirmative action.
If everyone can be non-White that’s it for a-a.
Hungarians non-White? Check.
Italians non-White (Arabs). Check.
Spaniards and Portuguese non-White (Moors). Check.
Irish non-White. Check.
Romanians non-White (they’re Hungarians-see above)
Bulgarians, Finns (Came from the same place as Hungarians)
Russians (much of Russia is in Asia).
A little more creativity and…
Under current theories, the Finno-Ugrics came from beyond the Urals, while the Bulgars were sloshing between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. While I won't be butt-hurt and ask you to elaborate on your reasoning and phrasing behind the particular explanation for Romanian non-whiteness, I do want to point out that haplogroup distribution shows that the people in this region are, for all intents and purposes, heavily related because they descend from communities tens of thousands of years old, with very little admixture in the last thousand years or so, minus a few Mongols and the Red Army. Sure, ethnogenesis meant that everyone created his own preferred myth and cultural development led to different writing systems, different languages, different influences. Then you had competition between medieval states, assimilation, forced assimilation and so on. But the clay from which the peoples of the region are fashioned is mostly the same, which seems obvious in retrospect, since such a rich and pleasant area to live in from Pannonia to the Danube and beyond was unlikely to have stayed empty until recorded history began. The Hungarians believe they're descended from great raiders and warriors on horseback, and took their language and identity, which is cool, despite the fact that repeated slaughters and not having high numbers in the first place meant that only a sliver of that ancestry remained even in medieval times, mostly in noble families. Romanians have the descent from the dying empire and bravest of the Getae thing going on, and a Latin language to boot. Bulgarians are part of the Slavic brotherhood and so on, while the Turkic population they got their name from was whittled down to nothing by constant wars. If you look at haplogroup distribution, all of the populations have the same markers, the only difference is in how prevalent they are. This blog post, in Romanian, which simply took European data and made comparisons of percentages between the different nations, really drives it home. It should be intelligible with Google translate.
http://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/un-pic-de-genetica-romania-si-vecinii-saiA third of the male population has genetic markers for populations that are 25,000 years old. Another 60% are populations that arrived between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago. Romanians and Bulgarians are 88% compatible in the distribution of various ancestry markers among male populations. Other results: Macedonia – 88.5%, Northern Greece (Macedonia+Thrace) – 86%, Serbia – 82%, Gagauzia (an autonomous part of Moldova) – 80%, Croatia – 78.5%, Moldova – 78%, Montenegro– 77%, Rep. Srpska – 76.5%, Hungary – 72%, Central Greece – 71%, Albania – 68.5%, Russia – 44.5%, Ukraine – 59.5%. The Slavic brotherhood is cultural, mainly - Bulgaria and Russia are just 46.5% compatible in male ancestries, Serbia and Russia just 48.5%.
Yesterday Pew Research reported that more Mexicans are leaving than coming to the US.
Everytime Hispanic immigration becomes a national issue and there is a resolve to control it news stories of a decline in Hispanic immigration appear in the media.
you ever get the urge to walk into some crowded public place and shout “allahu ackbar!”??
Why don’t they convert the race/ethnicity question into an essay format? The Census Bureau would then interpret the results to truly reflect our nation’s diversity, as the government best sees it. This would create thousands of long-term jobs in the Census Bureau alone, and would ensure that the right people get the money, programs, and electoral districts to which they’re entitled.
Yeah, it would be nice to be treated like a white man for a change.
Why don't we just call it European and be done with it. "White" is just in opposition to "black" and says nothing about who we really are.
I’m too Anglocentric to accept “European”.
I’m so Anglocentric, I capitalize (/-ise) “Anglocentric”, despite Oxford and the others hectoring me to follow the French practice (/practise) of minuscules. No froggy, I.
In contrast, the northern border seems like more of an administrative than identity divide. The Blackfoot Indians are in both countries.
The Jay Treaty of 1794 gave Indians the right to travel between the territories of British North America and the United States and bring in goods duty-free. This is a major issue in eastern Canada with Mohawks (one of the Iroquois “Six Nations”) who have a reserve on the Ontario-New York border that they use to bring in untaxed cigarettes.
What happened to equality under the law?
When I saw this story on AR yesterday, my first reaction was that the cynical side of me, (though I’m being redundant), was telling me that this is all an attempt to create new affirmative action beneficiaries.
However, the reason I approve of this is that we need more accurate and honest count of white people, based on an honest assessment of who is and isn’t white. We officially cast a too wide of a net for “white” anyway.
To put it another way, my concern these days are white people, not some increasingly banal increasingly insulting increasingly irrelevant set of politics between a political party duopoly and the also increasingly obsolete left-right political spectrum. Why should I care about what this will do to the precious Republican Party, when that party just elevated to House Speaker, with far less resistance than I thought, someone who is such a fanatical dyed in the wool open borders no borders crackpot, that he’s not willing to participate in what I think is a disingenuous fan dance by otherwise xenophiliac Republicans who all of a sudden are pretending to be great immigration patriots when it comes to Syrian refugees, if the pretense would mean that Paul Ryan would have to, at least for outward consumption, promulgate the notion that he wants even one fewer immigrant than would otherwise be allowed?
There was an Italian-American (self-identified) panelist at a seminar on “Islamophobia” in DC yesterday, and indeed, he was making aspersions to “knowing what it’s like to be discriminated against.”
Seeing the workings of the CoF from the inside was really pretty interesting. Executive summary: Muslims upset at their low status in the victim hierarchy. Solution? Greater participation in general leftwing coalition activities/activism (eg, BLM). One of the last individuals to speak, a Nation of Islam affiliate, suggested explicitly that Muslims “learn from the Jews” in becoming more vocal and contentious (no s–t). Another panelist made the rather dubious assertion that the #1 predictor of “Islamophobia” is anti-Semitism, which would clearly indicate if nothing else that Jews are on the brain in those parts.
“out of a general lack of opportunism.”
Sure. How about Polish countermeasures.
Steve, you’re playing against type here. Normally, you’re all for greater clarity in data and mock those who like to obscure things. Besides, it doesn’t change reality one bit.
When Satya Nadella became CEO of Microsoft, nobody saw it as just another white guy becoming CEO. Nobody thinks Kate Steinle was killed by some white guy. You yourself have often noted that clubbing Jews with other whites tends to hide the underrepesentation of non-Jewish whites at Ivy Leagues. And absolutely nobody thinks Europe is seeing a huge wave of white immigrants!
This isn’t a case of people arbitrarily choosing their own boutique classifications, so the Italian example doesn’t apply. Whites see Italians as fellow whites but don’t see Indians and Arabs the same way (for good reasons).
If census classifications have implications, Republicans can try to change the rules so that their constituents aren’t hurt. As California’s affirmative action ban shows, there’s no need for such concerns to stand in the way of a reasonable system of classification.
My wife is roughly a 1/4 American Indian and of course our off spring share that diluted percentage. She has never traded on this but going forward we’ve decided that she’s going to!
Screw President Dunning Kruger and his racial spoils buffet!
Steve do you get a physical copy of the NYT? If so, did you receive one of the Cardboard VR contraptions for smartphones they were sending around? VR is the future of media and entertainment so I was wondering what your thoughts are (if you’ve tried it).
I doubt it. But maybe it’s true. The issue is that the Census has no categories for non-American Indians like Mayas, or for what Mexicans call “mestizos.”
Chattanooga has a huge Mayan population from northern Guatemala. The guidance counselors at the schools tell them to check off “Latino”, though one of them asked me and I told them that Native American was fine, especially since the Latinos back there were the ones who waged a half century race war on them. Most of them can’t speak Spanish. They learn it here in the States.
So, in reaction to all of this, all whites should start checking willy nilly whatever it is they want to call themselves. Let them deal with that. What will be their response? Give DNA tests to everyone who applies for anything?
Yes, let’s do that. Require DNA tests for all, accompanied by an IQ test. Then watch the circus begin.
Some of what you are inferring is the problem, but never underestimate WASP or pseudo-WASP hyper-individualism and self-righteousness and hatred of the “wrong” kind of whites, basically any white who has made manifest the Calvinist Deity’s displeasure by their lack of money or their daring to thwart the righteous march of the sons of the Winthrop fleet and their spiritual descendants.
And never underestimate WASP naive hubris. What did they think was going to happen once they brought the rest of the world into the Modern Era? Other people wouldn’t be so stupid.
Where was Moishe and Mendel et al when birthright citizenship was made a possibility?
For every Rosenberg, it seems like there are 2-10 Alger Hisses.
And the head of the Census is surnamed Thompson. The problem you allude to wouldn’t be a problem if this country had an ounce of solidarity that extended beyond temporary maudlin displays and jingoistic American Exceptionalism.
My part of NE Ohio was settled mostly by New Englanders of the WASPy sort. They were the builders (with an admixture of Germans) of this area's onetime industrial might. Civic-minded, often with strong charitable instincts rooted in religious feeling, their descendants are among the snottiest human beings I've ever met. Paternalistic hauteur doesn't begin to describe the feeling of being lectured by a guy who doesn't even bother to gauge whether his listeners already know what he's talking about. Those WASPy industrialists relied on immigrant labor to build their fortunes, and actively recruited labor from Puerto Rico beginning in the 1950s.
For folks, such as many WASPs, who regard worldly wealth as a good sign that one's right with God, open borders can depress labor rates for your growing business, plus give you the high ground to scold others for their "racism".
Thanks, anowow.
This is an old (2000)Law review about who is socially disadvantaged(not white) and how you get to be non white for the purposes of the Federal government contracting.
George la Noue is not a lawyer so it is written in nongobblydeegookkese.
White America lives under a colonial occupational government determined to exploit them to death. Since the very beginning “anti-racism” laws were intended to destroy whites not help blacks. This fact was somewhat obscured by the reality that America was overwhelmingly white but now that we are becoming a minority the nature of the naked exploitation, robbery, and oppression is becoming blatant. You have to wonder how long the cucks of conservatism, the alt right, etc., will continue in denial, how long till they’re willing to stop calling members of the liberal/non-white coalition hypocrites and start calling them racists and war-criminals, how long before they shift their concern from the souls of their oppressors to the fate of those oppressors victims.
Pollard served a long stretch, as long as he denounces his citizenship good riddance to him. (Too bad we can’t serve members of the ADL the same way, they’re just as treasonous.) The real significance of Pollard is that he was the sacrificial goat of a system completely bought and paid for by Israel and its lobby. He helped allow them to keep pretending they actually served the interests of their nation and constituents instead of the reality that they serve only themselves and white-hating racism and are wholly owned by billionaires and foreign governments. They’ve stopped having to even pretend that they’re not openly bought and sold by special interest groups. Pollard is obsolete.
Gee, that whole non-White majority is just inevitable isn’t it? How can you control a border? With a giant wall? Well certainly not with a government full of traitors that hate you that’s for sure. People say you can’t fight city hall. Yeah OK. I seem to remember nothing about that when they talked about how the USA got started. Remember when George Washington won the election and King George lost and America became free? No? I don’t either. But it’ll be different this time right?
Tangentially on-topic:
A woman approaching 40 asks advice columnist Carolyn Hax if her husband is too immature to be trusted with fathering children. One of her complaints: “He is well-traveled yet increasingly racist.”
Don’t you just love that “yet”?
Some laws are more legal than others.
Trump campaign and Ann Coulter are the closest thing "our side" has to a megaphone these days. Hopefully they can draw some attention to this change. "Obama is going to bring in 100,000 muslims and they're all going to get jobs before you are, and they can't be fired" is good propaganda.
Each one is costing 65k, or to put it another way, each one is pretty much getting 65k to come here.
In contrast, the northern border seems like more of an administrative than identity divide. The Blackfoot Indians are in both countries.
I knew a white anarchist whos on a terrorist no-fly list who told me how he was going to cross the Canadian border through Indian territory when he wanted to engage in a G8 protest or whatever in Toronto.
Let’s hope the real terrorists don’t figure out we don’t really control our less-talked-about massive border (btw, simply being fluent in French almost guarantees you Canadian citizenship via Quebec…)
However, the reason I approve of this is that we need more accurate and honest count of white people, based on an honest assessment of who is and isn't white. We officially cast a too wide of a net for "white" anyway.
To put it another way, my concern these days are white people, not some increasingly banal increasingly insulting increasingly irrelevant set of politics between a political party duopoly and the also increasingly obsolete left-right political spectrum. Why should I care about what this will do to the precious Republican Party, when that party just elevated to House Speaker, with far less resistance than I thought, someone who is such a fanatical dyed in the wool open borders no borders crackpot, that he's not willing to participate in what I think is a disingenuous fan dance by otherwise xenophiliac Republicans who all of a sudden are pretending to be great immigration patriots when it comes to Syrian refugees, if the pretense would mean that Paul Ryan would have to, at least for outward consumption, promulgate the notion that he wants even one fewer immigrant than would otherwise be allowed?
it also makes justifying booting them out that much easier. they rejected being seen as just American, and demanded a separate classification.
A woman approaching 40 asks advice columnist Carolyn Hax if her husband is too immature to be trusted with fathering children. One of her complaints: "He is well-traveled yet increasingly racist."
Don't you just love that "yet"?
I’ve found that there is a strong degree of provincialism among leftists and bien pensant centrists, not surprisingly being strong among the young.
In their own way they are as blissfully ignorantly smug as any of the Fox News crowd, despite their faux-cosmopolitanism. And a college semester abroad in Western Europe doesn’t count. And try learning a foreign language that isn’t a Romance language and then criticize the hicks for their monolingual ignorance.
It’s always been amusing, yet poignant, to watch black Americans become disabused of their provincial notions that America is uniquely evil and to discover that brown people in other countries are often more in your face racist and corrupt than whites.
This ignorance would be mildly annoying if it didn’t contribute to or enable horrific foreign and domestic policies. Rather than see other countries as Manichean battlegrounds or exemplars, filled with people superior to Americans, I wish, without hope, that Americans could be educated to see the rest of the world as a series of flawed systems, with lots of good people, but more than enough a-holes and systemic pathologies. Wish them well, hope they can solve their own problems, but feel no real obligation towards them.
What I don’t understand are the policy people who have been abroad, and worked abroad, and still advocate the spending and policies they do. Either they are completely cynical and venal or career minded or willing to make a deal with the devil to advance global leftism or hate their own people (HS lingering resentments) or, as I suspect, even when abroad had sheltered experiences being only familiar with the way foreigners will act around Americans in a position to give out patronage. I think people like Tom Friedman, Michael Gerson and James Traub fit this bill.
'It gave you some sense of perspective of past, present and future. It took the myopic conflict between just black and white in the United States and put it on another level because you saw the turmoil between the Armenians and the Turks, and the Cypriots and the Greeks, and the Swedes and the Danes, and the Koreans and the Japanese. Everybody had these hassles, and you saw it was a basic part of human nature, these conflicts. It opened my soul, it opened my mind.'"
That’s stupid. It is the preferred explanation for why Blacks are poor and violent (see that profound thinker Louis Farrakhan or Spike Lee), why Germany lost in WWI, why the Soviet Union did not best the US in the Space Race, why Muslims are poor and violent. Its a non-falsifiable magical explanation no different than witch-finding and is the mark of a stupid mind. One simple and unable to comprehend anything beyond an inherited blood guilt.
Jews are White. Just look at them; Howard Stern, Jerry Seinfeld, Patton Oswalt, are about as White as it gets. So too, Sarah Silverman.
White people have always hated each other. The most mass slaughter of Whites has been by other Whites, and that includes periods when NO JEWS AT ALL lived in Europe: Caesar slaughtered a million Gauls, to cite one example. White differences are profound, and come into play frequently over different conceptions of time, food, religion, freedom, government, social organization, and more. Roundheads vs. Cavaliers being another example of inter-White hate and slaughter.
White governments are from what Murray calls SuperZips. White people who are isolated, form their own (Puritan based) culture, and hate hate hate other Whites who are from a different culture. Add to that status mongering by being “oppositional” aka “cool” and against Whites in favor of non-Whites, see Bob Dylan, Neil Young, John Mellenkamp, etc. Among other things it advertises better status and biological “fitness” in the mating game like a peacock tail; an affordable handicap.
Most of the leadership of this country comes from four schools, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford. Most of the leadership is second, third generation elite, like the Minows. Most live in a few tiny zip codes and most adhere to neo-Puritan beliefs of predestination, God/Fate chose those pre-ordained for salvation by making them born into power, those not are wicked who God/Fate wants destroyed. Christianity may have faded away but Puritan culture has decidedly not.
Kevin McDonald is an idiot who can’t see what’s in front of his face. White people hate hate hate each other. Its why they slaughter each other regularly. They constantly strive for status, ever more when security is seemingly eternal and not threatened. Jews are certainly part of this, so are Irish like the Kennedys, downscale Protestants like the Clintons, WASP adventurers like the Dunhams. I suspect McDonald can’t handle the truth about his own people. White division and hatred of other White cultures is a feature of White society not the fault of evil mind rays from Bibi Netanyahu and Milton Berle from beyond the grave.
Yes and no. KMac is not an idiot, he's right, but the main driver of why the aliens succeed is because one bunch of whites thinks it can use the Others to beat the other whites. Meanwhile the Others take over. One thinks of Sigourney Weaver's disgust at the idea of weaponizing the chest bursting aliens by the big company for use against its human rivals.
I avoid voting for Ivy Leaguers and attorneys and encourage others to do likewise, which does little good, but they get the subtext.
Shouldn’t Spike Lee be more concerned with the ethnic cleansing of Blacks in California by Hispanic gangs?
Why American Landlords Love Refugee Tenants
Swedes too
Swedish private housing sector accused of profiting from refugees
“Liverpool FC used to be Protestant, Everton Catholic”
You have it the wrong way round. It was Liverpool that was Catholic and Everton Protestant. Everton also used to get a lot of stick up until the mid 90′s for the fact that they had never had a black player too. Liverpool used to be a very divided city and even had it’s own Orange Marches at one time, like in Northern Ireland. These divisions have largely been lost now, although they still mean more in Scotland, where Catholic Celtic and Protestant Rangers play in Glasgow, whilst Edinburgh has Catholic Hibs and Protestant Hearts. I believe sectarian chanting has been banned in Scotland, but you can see many of the songs they used to sing on youtube, like the ‘hello, hello, we are the Billy Boys’ of Rangers and various Sinn Fein/IRA songs from the Celtic faithful. For me as an Englishman this was the only thing that made Scottish football interesting, and they banned it.
As to the subject in hand….if the number of non-white groups continue expanding, and immigration of non-white immigrant group continues, how can whites be expected to bear the burden of affirmative action when they are, say, 30% of the population? In what way would this treatment of whites be any different in principle to anti- Jewish laws in Nazi Germany, to use their favourite example?
(Rhetorical question: of course it’s different, because whites deserve it).
And Partick Thistle--that sounds sorta pan-Scottish.
As per up thread, Paul McCartney saying he supported both Liverpool and Everton doesn't seem so odd (father Protestant/mother Catholic) going by the above!
I have read somewhere, though, that this perceived Catholic club/Protestant club identification existed in the other main English cities. Manchester United (Protestant) Manchester City (Catholic), Aston Villa (Protestant) Birmingham City (Catholic).
Some good news: the Carson boomlet seems dead and Trump is now ahead of him 15+ in several recent national and state polls. Carson also still has little to no ground organization, meaning Trump is up 20+ over all the serious candidates.
Just read an antitrump quote from CAIR’s spokesman Ibraham Cooper. With a name like that I wondered. He’s a white Canadian who converted to Islam and has called for America to become an Islamic theocracy.
CAIR is the go-to organization the MSM uses when they want the view of “moderate Muslims.”
A woman approaching 40 asks advice columnist Carolyn Hax if her husband is too immature to be trusted with fathering children. One of her complaints: "He is well-traveled yet increasingly racist."
Don't you just love that "yet"?
A woman approaching 40 asks advice columnist Carolyn Hax if her husband is too immature to be trusted with fathering children. One of her complaints: “He is well-traveled yet increasingly racist.”
As someone who is well travelled, the “yet” should be “and hence”.
Not even 92 percent of Canadians are White, let alone 92 percent of Hispanics. The American Community Survey is a complete joke.
What is The American Community Survey's definition of a "White Hispanic? Any Hispanic who is not fluent in one of Latin America's Native Indigenous languages? By that definition, George Lopez for example is a "White Hispanic" because he is not fluent in Mayan or Aztec.
That’s not right unless the 92% are those who identify as at least part white. Mexicans are about equal between checking white and checking “some other race” on census forms.
Everytime Hispanic immigration becomes a national issue and there is a resolve to control it news stories of a decline in Hispanic immigration appear in the media.
Well, that may be true for those crossing the border in either direction, but what about all those Mexicans arriving in the U.S. through the birth canal, usually at taxpayer expense? Oh wait, they’re “Americans”. ..never mind.
OT: NYT, 11/19/15 – Concussions Ended His Football Dreams. Now, at 24, He Helps Others Achieve Theirs.
…the coming release of the film “Concussion,” in which Will Smith plays the doctor who helped identify a degenerative brain disease linked to repeated head trauma.
Another heroic black brain surgeon.
As for flight from white, I encourage all white readers here to start calling their kids Hispanic or Indian. This could mean a better college, or a huge scholarship. It also helps the colleges meet their quotas. In the very unlikely event they are ever questioned, say they can either act offended or mumble something about their mother’s mother being from Puerto Rico or maybe adopted. Even better they can say “I prefer not to talk about my family background.”
Don't lie on the census. Lie on your loan applications, college applications, etc.
I call this civil disobedience against an unjust system.
The celtic peoples have long been oppressed by whitey from the south. Free money now for Irish and Scots!
Not even 92 percent of Canadians are White, let alone 92 percent of Hispanics. The American Community Survey is a complete joke.
What is The American Community Survey's definition of a "White Hispanic? Any Hispanic who is not fluent in one of Latin America's Native Indigenous languages? By that definition, George Lopez for example is a "White Hispanic" because he is not fluent in Mayan or Aztec.
Probably more than 92% of American Hispanics have at least some “white” ancestry. But that’s not really the same as saying 92% of US Hispanics are white.
Are we sure that the Arab category is actually “disadvantaged”? Are Arabs possibly overrepresented in universities, etc.? If that were the case, this could backfire and they could start being discriminated against like Asians.
The Arab category would also be different in that it would only apply to 1-2% of the population. It would be hard to base a “disparate impact” claim on that, unless you’re dealing with a massive organization.
Republicans would be smart to start talking about this issue just to bring attention to the fact that the government runs a racial spoils system.
FC Barcelona is a symbol of catalan independence, while Espanyol Barcelona of spanish identity in Catalonia. Celtic Glasgow was founded by Irish immigrants and has a long standing rivalry with Ranger FC.
But these days soccer is more of a globalized business actively rejecting group identities.
Are Catalans not Catholic? The question was about religion not ethnicity.
It all depends on the economy. A strong economy is like a quality pressure cooker. But once the economy tanks and the gibs dry up, it’s on like LeBron.
I don’t think that’s completely true. Assad (as the whitest of notable Arabs… or the most notable of whiter Arabs) is far whiter than most southern Italians.
We polaks could be the last to ditch whiteness, although it could also be the Irish. After all, they were the indigenous celts cruelly oppressed by the evil invading Germanics.
It’s interesting how around 100 years ago whiteness was restricted to the narrowest, true nordic definition by people like Grant, then whiteness expanded up until the 70s, and it’s been steadily shrinking since, as whiteness becomes more and more of a disadvantage.
Kind of OT – useful new hybrid term, cry-bullies.
I bet this woman never noticed that whites who live in close proximity to large populations of blacks also tend to be more skeptical about far fetched equalists claims, such skepticism being slandered by these propagandists as racism.
Jews are White. Just look at them; Howard Stern, Jerry Seinfeld, Patton Oswalt, are about as White as it gets. So too, Sarah Silverman.
White people have always hated each other. The most mass slaughter of Whites has been by other Whites, and that includes periods when NO JEWS AT ALL lived in Europe: Caesar slaughtered a million Gauls, to cite one example. White differences are profound, and come into play frequently over different conceptions of time, food, religion, freedom, government, social organization, and more. Roundheads vs. Cavaliers being another example of inter-White hate and slaughter.
White governments are from what Murray calls SuperZips. White people who are isolated, form their own (Puritan based) culture, and hate hate hate other Whites who are from a different culture. Add to that status mongering by being "oppositional" aka "cool" and against Whites in favor of non-Whites, see Bob Dylan, Neil Young, John Mellenkamp, etc. Among other things it advertises better status and biological "fitness" in the mating game like a peacock tail; an affordable handicap.
Most of the leadership of this country comes from four schools, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford. Most of the leadership is second, third generation elite, like the Minows. Most live in a few tiny zip codes and most adhere to neo-Puritan beliefs of predestination, God/Fate chose those pre-ordained for salvation by making them born into power, those not are wicked who God/Fate wants destroyed. Christianity may have faded away but Puritan culture has decidedly not.
Kevin McDonald is an idiot who can't see what's in front of his face. White people hate hate hate each other. Its why they slaughter each other regularly. They constantly strive for status, ever more when security is seemingly eternal and not threatened. Jews are certainly part of this, so are Irish like the Kennedys, downscale Protestants like the Clintons, WASP adventurers like the Dunhams. I suspect McDonald can't handle the truth about his own people. White division and hatred of other White cultures is a feature of White society not the fault of evil mind rays from Bibi Netanyahu and Milton Berle from beyond the grave.
I am not a big KevMcD fan, and certainly whites would do a great job fighting each other if every Jew on earth disappeared tomorrow, but it’s difficult to deny the overrepresentation of Jews in just about every institution and phenomenon contributing to the destruction of Western Civilization and whites more broadly. Granted, certain Anglo subgroups are as well, and Jews do tend to be more intelligent which naturally means they tend to rise to influential positions, and there are great Jews like Paul Gottfried speaking out against Jewish Supremacy, but at the end of the day it’s difficult to deny that Jews tend to have it out for whites. The causes of that are probably deeper than the “group evolutionary strategy” that KM proposes, but either way the phenomenon is real.
You have it the wrong way round. It was Liverpool that was Catholic and Everton Protestant. Everton also used to get a lot of stick up until the mid 90's for the fact that they had never had a black player too. Liverpool used to be a very divided city and even had it's own Orange Marches at one time, like in Northern Ireland. These divisions have largely been lost now, although they still mean more in Scotland, where Catholic Celtic and Protestant Rangers play in Glasgow, whilst Edinburgh has Catholic Hibs and Protestant Hearts. I believe sectarian chanting has been banned in Scotland, but you can see many of the songs they used to sing on youtube, like the 'hello, hello, we are the Billy Boys' of Rangers and various Sinn Fein/IRA songs from the Celtic faithful. For me as an Englishman this was the only thing that made Scottish football interesting, and they banned it.
As to the subject in hand....if the number of non-white groups continue expanding, and immigration of non-white immigrant group continues, how can whites be expected to bear the burden of affirmative action when they are, say, 30% of the population? In what way would this treatment of whites be any different in principle to anti- Jewish laws in Nazi Germany, to use their favourite example?
(Rhetorical question: of course it's different, because whites deserve it).
What about Man City? They seem to be the NY Mets of the FA. Is there some local sociological division we don’t hear about?
And Partick Thistle–that sounds sorta pan-Scottish.
The census establishes the baseline numbers, for what share of minorities busineses are expected to hire, lend to, etc.
Don’t lie on the census. Lie on your loan applications, college applications, etc.
Jews are White. Just look at them; Howard Stern, Jerry Seinfeld, Patton Oswalt, are about as White as it gets. So too, Sarah Silverman.
White people have always hated each other. The most mass slaughter of Whites has been by other Whites, and that includes periods when NO JEWS AT ALL lived in Europe: Caesar slaughtered a million Gauls, to cite one example. White differences are profound, and come into play frequently over different conceptions of time, food, religion, freedom, government, social organization, and more. Roundheads vs. Cavaliers being another example of inter-White hate and slaughter.
White governments are from what Murray calls SuperZips. White people who are isolated, form their own (Puritan based) culture, and hate hate hate other Whites who are from a different culture. Add to that status mongering by being "oppositional" aka "cool" and against Whites in favor of non-Whites, see Bob Dylan, Neil Young, John Mellenkamp, etc. Among other things it advertises better status and biological "fitness" in the mating game like a peacock tail; an affordable handicap.
Most of the leadership of this country comes from four schools, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford. Most of the leadership is second, third generation elite, like the Minows. Most live in a few tiny zip codes and most adhere to neo-Puritan beliefs of predestination, God/Fate chose those pre-ordained for salvation by making them born into power, those not are wicked who God/Fate wants destroyed. Christianity may have faded away but Puritan culture has decidedly not.
Kevin McDonald is an idiot who can't see what's in front of his face. White people hate hate hate each other. Its why they slaughter each other regularly. They constantly strive for status, ever more when security is seemingly eternal and not threatened. Jews are certainly part of this, so are Irish like the Kennedys, downscale Protestants like the Clintons, WASP adventurers like the Dunhams. I suspect McDonald can't handle the truth about his own people. White division and hatred of other White cultures is a feature of White society not the fault of evil mind rays from Bibi Netanyahu and Milton Berle from beyond the grave.
They’re pretty unrepresentative and can’t help but look down on the peasantry as just a large resource to be squeezed. Ideologies and all the various ‘-isms’ have issued from the minds of whites who then fight like dogs over them, sometimes enlisting outsiders as allies against the other factions. The problems are within us and recognizing that is the first step.
A bone? We previously agreed to extend aid to Israel for a 10 year term. Now we are talking about increasing the annual amount from $3 to $5 billion. I thought that was the bone.
In contrast, the northern border seems like more of an administrative than identity divide. The Blackfoot Indians are in both countries.
American Indians have a history of keeping themselves separate from the Mexicans. Geronimo hated the Mexicans far worse than he hated White Americans.
“Is it because of fear that he has to say Hollywood is run by whites and not another group, or is it a genuine inability to not see the difference ?”
By “another group,” are you implying that somehow Outer Mongolians have managed to take over Hollywood when we weren’t paying attention?
No, it's because he's actually deeply enough immersed in Hollywood to see that the Hollywood Jews aren't taken seriously within the internal power structures of the inner core of the zionist community.
When Netanyahu or Peres roll into California, they touch base with the SiliconValley Jewish Venture Capitalists - the folks who will decide if & when an Intel/Google/Facebook R&D building gets built/staffed in Hertzliya.
HollywoodJews typically are crazy faggots, or surround themselves with 1000-cock-stare, has-been shiksas. And none of them can speak or read Hebrew. Videlicet - they are OUT of the loop.
Sheldon & Miri Adelson don't hang out with Hollywood or Upper West Side or ParkSlope people. Ever.
AIPAC isn't staffed by Hollywood's kids. AIPAC is largely staffed by Americans who hold an Honorable Discharge from an IDF combatant unit, but never really integrated well enough in Israel to get a middle-class job. If you're not proficient in middle-school Hebrew, you're gonna end up in the Anglo ghetto (eg, Beit Shemesh) - or alongside the Ethiopian janitors.
Not even 92 percent of Canadians are White, let alone 92 percent of Hispanics. The American Community Survey is a complete joke.
What is The American Community Survey's definition of a "White Hispanic? Any Hispanic who is not fluent in one of Latin America's Native Indigenous languages? By that definition, George Lopez for example is a "White Hispanic" because he is not fluent in Mayan or Aztec.
In the interim of nearly a year and a half, the Wikipedia.org section that I linked to, last year, and then repeated, above, has been changed to read “42%” instead of the cited “92%!” The relevant passage, at Wikipedia.org itself, cites two different footnotes, however, the second of which shows just where the earlier 92% figure originated:
“B03002. Hispanic or Latino origin by race”. 2007 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. United States Census Bureau. while the ratio rises to 92% in the Population Estimates Program, which are the official estimates.”T4-2007. Hispanic or Latino By Race [15]“. 2007 Population Estimates. United States Census Bureau.
Unfortunately, the footnote links to the Census Bureau’s own Web site all are now broken. I was assuming, last year, that the “92%” figure was the result of survey subjects’ being required to pick one of the standard racial categories– White, Black, Asian or Native American– rather than being allowed, as on the U.S. Census itself, to check “Some Other Race” and then to write in something– which usually turned out to be their national origins, or those of their immigrant ancestors. That seems to me to be how most Hispanic Americans do view themselves. They do not seem to me to view themselves as being Amerindians, even when they are clearly mestizos who appear far closer to American Indians from the American Southwest than they are to Europeans, even those from the Mediterranean region!?! I think that most of them feel that “Hispanic” is merely a top-down label that has been artificially contrived by the powers-that-be– which, of course, it is!
The opportunism of the elitist Hindu (+ misc. non-Muslim) subcontinental Asians is what really puts the lie to the identity-respecting racket. They don’t care about any mainstay Democrat issues, in fact they more often sound like annoying aggrieved Ayn Rand Book Club members — but hey, they’re all in when the topic is bonus non-white privs. Pile up those diversity doubloons. Maybe it has to do with coming from countries where large minority groups are routinely treated like crap as a point of theological tradition.
Jews are White. Just look at them; Howard Stern, Jerry Seinfeld, Patton Oswalt, are about as White as it gets. So too, Sarah Silverman.
White people have always hated each other. The most mass slaughter of Whites has been by other Whites, and that includes periods when NO JEWS AT ALL lived in Europe: Caesar slaughtered a million Gauls, to cite one example. White differences are profound, and come into play frequently over different conceptions of time, food, religion, freedom, government, social organization, and more. Roundheads vs. Cavaliers being another example of inter-White hate and slaughter.
White governments are from what Murray calls SuperZips. White people who are isolated, form their own (Puritan based) culture, and hate hate hate other Whites who are from a different culture. Add to that status mongering by being "oppositional" aka "cool" and against Whites in favor of non-Whites, see Bob Dylan, Neil Young, John Mellenkamp, etc. Among other things it advertises better status and biological "fitness" in the mating game like a peacock tail; an affordable handicap.
Most of the leadership of this country comes from four schools, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford. Most of the leadership is second, third generation elite, like the Minows. Most live in a few tiny zip codes and most adhere to neo-Puritan beliefs of predestination, God/Fate chose those pre-ordained for salvation by making them born into power, those not are wicked who God/Fate wants destroyed. Christianity may have faded away but Puritan culture has decidedly not.
Kevin McDonald is an idiot who can't see what's in front of his face. White people hate hate hate each other. Its why they slaughter each other regularly. They constantly strive for status, ever more when security is seemingly eternal and not threatened. Jews are certainly part of this, so are Irish like the Kennedys, downscale Protestants like the Clintons, WASP adventurers like the Dunhams. I suspect McDonald can't handle the truth about his own people. White division and hatred of other White cultures is a feature of White society not the fault of evil mind rays from Bibi Netanyahu and Milton Berle from beyond the grave.
Kevin McDonald is an idiot who can’t see what’s in front of his face. White people hate hate hate each other. Its why they slaughter each other regularly. They constantly strive for status, ever more when security is seemingly eternal and not threatened. Jews are certainly part of this, so are Irish like the Kennedys, downscale Protestants like the Clintons, WASP adventurers like the Dunhams. I suspect McDonald can’t handle the truth about his own people. White division and hatred of other White cultures is a feature of White society not the fault of evil mind rays from Bibi Netanyahu and Milton Berle from beyond the grave.
Yes and no. KMac is not an idiot, he’s right, but the main driver of why the aliens succeed is because one bunch of whites thinks it can use the Others to beat the other whites. Meanwhile the Others take over. One thinks of Sigourney Weaver’s disgust at the idea of weaponizing the chest bursting aliens by the big company for use against its human rivals.
I avoid voting for Ivy Leaguers and attorneys and encourage others to do likewise, which does little good, but they get the subtext.
Where was Moishe and Mendel et al when birthright citizenship was made a possibility? For every Rosenberg, it seems like there are 2-10 Alger Hisses. And the head of the Census is surnamed Thompson. The problem you allude to wouldn't be a problem if this country had an ounce of solidarity that extended beyond temporary maudlin displays and jingoistic American Exceptionalism.
” . . . [N]ever underestimate WASP or pseudo-WASP hyper-individualism and self-righteousness and hatred of the ‘wrong’ kind of whites . . . .” You’re on to something big and mostly unrecognized, anowow.
My part of NE Ohio was settled mostly by New Englanders of the WASPy sort. They were the builders (with an admixture of Germans) of this area’s onetime industrial might. Civic-minded, often with strong charitable instincts rooted in religious feeling, their descendants are among the snottiest human beings I’ve ever met. Paternalistic hauteur doesn’t begin to describe the feeling of being lectured by a guy who doesn’t even bother to gauge whether his listeners already know what he’s talking about. Those WASPy industrialists relied on immigrant labor to build their fortunes, and actively recruited labor from Puerto Rico beginning in the 1950s.
For folks, such as many WASPs, who regard worldly wealth as a good sign that one’s right with God, open borders can depress labor rates for your growing business, plus give you the high ground to scold others for their “racism”.
Thanks, anowow.
Our host said: But by 2050 even Poles will probably be petitioning the feds to declare them Mongolic Eurasians or whatever will sound cool by then.
Hunsdon said: Sarmatism, boss! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarmatism
Jews are White. Just look at them; Howard Stern, Jerry Seinfeld, Patton Oswalt, are about as White as it gets. So too, Sarah Silverman.
White people have always hated each other. The most mass slaughter of Whites has been by other Whites, and that includes periods when NO JEWS AT ALL lived in Europe: Caesar slaughtered a million Gauls, to cite one example. White differences are profound, and come into play frequently over different conceptions of time, food, religion, freedom, government, social organization, and more. Roundheads vs. Cavaliers being another example of inter-White hate and slaughter.
White governments are from what Murray calls SuperZips. White people who are isolated, form their own (Puritan based) culture, and hate hate hate other Whites who are from a different culture. Add to that status mongering by being "oppositional" aka "cool" and against Whites in favor of non-Whites, see Bob Dylan, Neil Young, John Mellenkamp, etc. Among other things it advertises better status and biological "fitness" in the mating game like a peacock tail; an affordable handicap.
Most of the leadership of this country comes from four schools, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford. Most of the leadership is second, third generation elite, like the Minows. Most live in a few tiny zip codes and most adhere to neo-Puritan beliefs of predestination, God/Fate chose those pre-ordained for salvation by making them born into power, those not are wicked who God/Fate wants destroyed. Christianity may have faded away but Puritan culture has decidedly not.
Kevin McDonald is an idiot who can't see what's in front of his face. White people hate hate hate each other. Its why they slaughter each other regularly. They constantly strive for status, ever more when security is seemingly eternal and not threatened. Jews are certainly part of this, so are Irish like the Kennedys, downscale Protestants like the Clintons, WASP adventurers like the Dunhams. I suspect McDonald can't handle the truth about his own people. White division and hatred of other White cultures is a feature of White society not the fault of evil mind rays from Bibi Netanyahu and Milton Berle from beyond the grave.
I grant you that Bibi’s harmless but you should fear and respect Uncle Milty.
At what point do the Irish catch a clue and peel off, citing their historic treatment? I've got an Irish grandmother - am I looking at AA bennies and federal loan guarantees in the future? Yeah, so much for that "blacks are higher on the totem pole than Jews" thing. But then, part of the reason why Jews are actually higher than blacks on the totem pole is that you aren't allowed to mention that Jews are at the top of the totem pole. You're actually supposed to pretend they're wherever on the totem pole Jews want you to say they are at any given time. Now that's power.
” “If you are going to classify me as white, then treat (me) as white,” Khalaf said. “Especially when I go to the airport. So yeah, it’s inaccurate.”
In other words, the Germans and Italians we put in camps during WWII weren’t white, because we weren’t treating them like whites.
At what point do the Irish catch a clue and peel off, citing their historic treatment? I’ve got an Irish grandmother – am I looking at AA bennies and federal loan guarantees in the future?”
Why do you as an Anglo Saxon Nordic Northern European care that Arabs don’t want to be White? You don’t even see Jews as White, even though Jews have a higher percentage of blond hair and blue eyes than Arabs.
Besides you post on the Nordicist website Stormfront, so the only group that you should consider to be your people are Northern Europeans. Your people are the Scottish and the Swedes, not the Syrians and the Saudi Arabians.
And Partick Thistle--that sounds sorta pan-Scottish.
Citeh fans draw a distinction between themselves, who actually come from Manchester, and United supporters, who come from Surrey. So yes, Mets and Yankees.
Whites are the punching bags for whatever is wrong.
Water will flow to where there is easy passage and space.
Whites have accustomed themselves to taking the abuse and even masochistically enjoying it, especially if one is an affluent white Liberal or cuck whose pain of ‘white guilt’ is symbolic than real.
If you live in a nice high rise in some glittering part of the city and have it so good, it must feel even better to know that you’re such a wonderful caring wiberal who feels some degree of ‘guilt’ about one’s ‘white privilege’.
Have the cake and eat it too. Enjoy white privilege and show off that you are, gee, troubled by it.
Of course, there are whites who really get punched. These are whites without ‘white privilege’. They don’t like the violence and abuse hurled at them.
Affluent whites don’t get literally punched since they live in nice areas. But by remaining silent about whites who do get punched or even claiming that whites deserve such retributive justice, they pretend to atone for their sins of ‘white privilege’.
But the price isn’t paid by them and their kids but by whites without privilege.
Affluent White Liberal message to whites without privilege who get punched is “You(whites without privilege) take the punches, and we(whites with privilege) will take moral credit for saying that ‘we’ deserve it.”
How long ago your ancestors moved does not affect your DNA test. Does it occur to you that many people have European ancestors that left Europe in the 20th or 21st century?
Screw President Dunning Kruger and his racial spoils buffet!
Your wife and kids absolutely should identify as Native American, even if affirmative action did not exist. Remember, the extremist idiots at stormfront and amren consider anyone who is even 1% colored to be worthy of their contempt. As your wife and kids are not African, Asian, or Hispanic, the extremist right wing cannot deport them. They will instead choose other means of expressing their contempt.
He’s not able to harangue Hispanic gangs at no personal cost, so no.
You are a member of the European race. Remember which blog you’re on here. This is important.
I am just as proudly American as you, and I have traced the English line of my family back to the London area in the 1600s, around the same time you say your ancestors left Europe. Heck, maybe they were the same people and we are related.
Yes, science is showing that the evolution of human groups can proceed very quickly and be influenced by the societies in which people live, but you and I are still extremely close genetically to European people around the world. That heredity is even being proven to be perhaps the most important factor influencing our culture, civilization, and even methods of governing ourselves and handling our property.
European people built the most amazing country in history, from complete wilderness, right here in America — and they left it to you and me, their heirs. America is great because it is a nation of genetically and historically European people. Just look south to see how things turn out when you add in another gene pool (Native “Latin American” Amerindians).
People sometimes fall into the trap of dividing their categories too finely. It’s funny, and it can be reduced to absurdity at country, town, neigborhood and street level. So, I am really just part of my neighborhood, or really just a nation of one, a lonely solipsist. This logical error ignores the towering mountain of European genetic distribution to which I belong.
I like Steve Sailor’s analogy of races as hills: clearly real and distinguishable, but sometimes blending in a distribution curve shape into their surroundings and neighbors. You and I exist firmly on the European hill, distinct from the surrounding topography — and this determines who we are and what our country is like, more than anything.
Balkanization produces weakness. I suggest we understand that we are European Man, around the world — and that we, as a group, are under attack and losing ground.
Sure do. It could work wonders in a crowded restaurant, particularly if you lit a pack of firecrackers and tossed them on the ground outside just before walking inside and shouting. Keeps folks on their toes.
I make two assumptions about the next 50-75 years.
One is that the haves will still be mostly whites.
Another one is that a much higher percentage of whites will be near-poor or poor. I do not expect the rich whites to do much of anything for the poorer ones; as we see today, they are too much interested in getting more and keeping what they have.
In the midst of all this concentration of wealth at the top as well as ethnic group and race “realignment”, I think acceptability as a potential romantic partner for whites with money will take on a new importance. It’s possible that many people who are Caucasian but not European will decide it’s better to be after all to be considered White. That would be even more true for with a mix of Caucasian ancestry — some European and some Middle Eastern or Indian, for example.
I could see this going either way: It could become more or less important to be Caucasian, depending on who the better off whites are willing to marry. Certainly since I expect family background will play a much larger role in determining future Americans’ fate in life so it’s only natural that people look at who they marry with new eyes.
In the near future if things don’t change I think the lives of most American whites could end up resembling the lives of today’s poor blacks.
“That’s not right unless the 92% are those who identify as at least part white. Mexicans are about equal between checking white and checking “some other race” on census forms.”
If being part White is the same thing as being White than The United States as a whole can also claim to be 92 percent White, not just 92 percent of Hispanics. After all how many pure Amerindians and pure Sub Saharans are there in the U.S? Not many. Even the first Black U.S president is part White. And you know the first Black U.S Attorney General also has White blood pumping through his heart.
good idea…also consider changing ones surname to Garcia , Rivera, Cortez or some other conquistador like Balboa
Trump is the straw that stirs the drink. I just saw something on TV about his alleged call for registering Muslims in a database. But he didn’t say that. He was responding in general terms to a reporter’s question. He drove everyone nuts, including Hillwitch. It was fun to watch.
Yeah, but even SHTFPlan report that article as well. http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/with-loss-of-american-jobs-illegals-now-fleeing-u-s-mexican-migration-is-at-an-end_11202015
I quoted a short exterpt who might explain one of the reasons they return home.
If….or should I said when, another big economic collapse come. All bets of off.
Don't lie on the census. Lie on your loan applications, college applications, etc.
I agree with you about the census. Other places you’d want to keep it white are political and marketing polls and online surveys.
OT: GOP Operative Plans ‘Guerrilla Campaign’ Against Donald Trump
This will be interesting to keep track of, over the next few weeks.
That’s hilarious. Even better if you do it in a crowded theatre.
If everyone can be non-White that's it for a-a.
Hungarians non-White? Check.
Italians non-White (Arabs). Check.
Spaniards and Portuguese non-White (Moors). Check.
Irish non-White. Check.
Romanians non-White (they're Hungarians-see above)
Bulgarians, Finns (Came from the same place as Hungarians)
Russians (much of Russia is in Asia).
A little more creativity and...
Then the only whites not allowed to benefit from AA will be white Americans of English ancestry, the very people who founded this nation…which still leaves me screwed. No, thanks. I’ll continue to oppose any and all forms of AA.
Gay white English-American men and white English-American women can milk their "oppression" for all it's worth.
The Swedes have no chance, which is why they're enriching the genomes of the next generation through opportunistic donations from cherished guests, so they can be non-White too.
A couple of years ago Nikki Haley caught hell from the Indian American community when it was discovered that she checked the White box in the U.S census. She has since than accepted her Nonwhite status in America and checks the Asian box just like every other Indian in America.
As an Indian you should not racially identify with the “enemy”, meaning the White people from The U.K who colonized India. For an Indian to self identify as “White” would be to say that the Indian person is of the same racial stock as the British, when they are certainly not.
Arabs were let in before 1965 . Arabs have only recently faced some prejudice and that's because of Islam. American don't have an issue with Christian Arabs. Can S.Jobs,Nader,Issa,Jamie Farr(MASH fame) or WND's Joe Farah claim they are being victimized by Whites for being non White?
Who next? Maybee Armenians, Turks,Pakistanis,Iranians and Indians can also jump on the abuse-the-host-culture bandwagon claiming they are being mistaken for Arab/MidEastern.
If everyone can be non-White that's it for a-a.
Hungarians non-White? Check.
Italians non-White (Arabs). Check.
Spaniards and Portuguese non-White (Moors). Check.
Irish non-White. Check.
Romanians non-White (they're Hungarians-see above)
Bulgarians, Finns (Came from the same place as Hungarians)
Russians (much of Russia is in Asia).
A little more creativity and...
I’m going to be a bit pedantic, but I agree with your idea. Let’s all be non-White, though that would lose us a lot of social capital, since societies on a racial continuum automatically mean white to be better. Think of Ethiopian Amharics being White, or Mexican elites, or Caribbean elites.
Under current theories, the Finno-Ugrics came from beyond the Urals, while the Bulgars were sloshing between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
While I won’t be butt-hurt and ask you to elaborate on your reasoning and phrasing behind the particular explanation for Romanian non-whiteness, I do want to point out that haplogroup distribution shows that the people in this region are, for all intents and purposes, heavily related because they descend from communities tens of thousands of years old, with very little admixture in the last thousand years or so, minus a few Mongols and the Red Army. Sure, ethnogenesis meant that everyone created his own preferred myth and cultural development led to different writing systems, different languages, different influences. Then you had competition between medieval states, assimilation, forced assimilation and so on. But the clay from which the peoples of the region are fashioned is mostly the same, which seems obvious in retrospect, since such a rich and pleasant area to live in from Pannonia to the Danube and beyond was unlikely to have stayed empty until recorded history began. The Hungarians believe they’re descended from great raiders and warriors on horseback, and took their language and identity, which is cool, despite the fact that repeated slaughters and not having high numbers in the first place meant that only a sliver of that ancestry remained even in medieval times, mostly in noble families. Romanians have the descent from the dying empire and bravest of the Getae thing going on, and a Latin language to boot. Bulgarians are part of the Slavic brotherhood and so on, while the Turkic population they got their name from was whittled down to nothing by constant wars. If you look at haplogroup distribution, all of the populations have the same markers, the only difference is in how prevalent they are.
This blog post, in Romanian, which simply took European data and made comparisons of percentages between the different nations, really drives it home. It should be intelligible with Google translate.
A third of the male population has genetic markers for populations that are 25,000 years old. Another 60% are populations that arrived between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago. Romanians and Bulgarians are 88% compatible in the distribution of various ancestry markers among male populations. Other results: Macedonia – 88.5%, Northern Greece (Macedonia+Thrace) – 86%, Serbia – 82%, Gagauzia (an autonomous part of Moldova) – 80%, Croatia – 78.5%, Moldova – 78%, Montenegro– 77%, Rep. Srpska – 76.5%, Hungary – 72%, Central Greece – 71%, Albania – 68.5%, Russia – 44.5%, Ukraine – 59.5%. The Slavic brotherhood is cultural, mainly – Bulgaria and Russia are just 46.5% compatible in male ancestries, Serbia and Russia just 48.5%.
Hungarians are from sort-of-Asia. A substantial percentage of Romanian citizens are Hungarians (and Asian originated Roma), ergo...
Or the lower class Afrikaner who live in makeshift camps to serve as warning for the high caste slaves toiling under their Black Economic Empowerment bosses.
After, what, half-a-century, isn’t it about time to start talking about ending Affirmative Action? It was never supposed to be permanent, right?
Like immigration, any politician brave enough to actually say they are for ending AA might be amazed at the positive response.
Haley was pandering to White southerners to say ‘hey I am not a threat , I’m just like you’. Before the 1965 immigration act an Indian from Haley’s neck of the woods in India tried to claim White status and be allowed to stay in America, the supreme court struck his appeal down and deemed him non-White .
Arabs were let in before 1965 . Arabs have only recently faced some prejudice and that’s because of Islam. American don’t have an issue with Christian Arabs. Can S.Jobs,Nader,Issa,Jamie Farr(MASH fame) or WND’s Joe Farah claim they are being victimized by Whites for being non White?
Who next? Maybee Armenians, Turks,Pakistanis,Iranians and Indians can also jump on the abuse-the-host-culture bandwagon claiming they are being mistaken for Arab/MidEastern.
No, the indigenous Subcontinentals in America need to check the “Asian” box, so that the federal government knows that they are of the same racial stock as the Japanese, not the bloody British.
Can an Indian couple produce an off spring who looks like Steve Sailer phenotype wise? The answer is obviously no. Not many European Whites are losing sleep at night over Indians being kicked out of the White club.
It was amusing to see Spike Lee antagonize Tarantino, which quickly reminded Tarantino of race’s political character and the fact that you can’t undo your inheritance just because you’d like to or because it serves your enterprise: Tarantino is the epitome of the Reddit-tier White boy.
Under current theories, the Finno-Ugrics came from beyond the Urals, while the Bulgars were sloshing between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. While I won't be butt-hurt and ask you to elaborate on your reasoning and phrasing behind the particular explanation for Romanian non-whiteness, I do want to point out that haplogroup distribution shows that the people in this region are, for all intents and purposes, heavily related because they descend from communities tens of thousands of years old, with very little admixture in the last thousand years or so, minus a few Mongols and the Red Army. Sure, ethnogenesis meant that everyone created his own preferred myth and cultural development led to different writing systems, different languages, different influences. Then you had competition between medieval states, assimilation, forced assimilation and so on. But the clay from which the peoples of the region are fashioned is mostly the same, which seems obvious in retrospect, since such a rich and pleasant area to live in from Pannonia to the Danube and beyond was unlikely to have stayed empty until recorded history began. The Hungarians believe they're descended from great raiders and warriors on horseback, and took their language and identity, which is cool, despite the fact that repeated slaughters and not having high numbers in the first place meant that only a sliver of that ancestry remained even in medieval times, mostly in noble families. Romanians have the descent from the dying empire and bravest of the Getae thing going on, and a Latin language to boot. Bulgarians are part of the Slavic brotherhood and so on, while the Turkic population they got their name from was whittled down to nothing by constant wars. If you look at haplogroup distribution, all of the populations have the same markers, the only difference is in how prevalent they are. This blog post, in Romanian, which simply took European data and made comparisons of percentages between the different nations, really drives it home. It should be intelligible with Google translate.
http://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/un-pic-de-genetica-romania-si-vecinii-saiA third of the male population has genetic markers for populations that are 25,000 years old. Another 60% are populations that arrived between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago. Romanians and Bulgarians are 88% compatible in the distribution of various ancestry markers among male populations. Other results: Macedonia – 88.5%, Northern Greece (Macedonia+Thrace) – 86%, Serbia – 82%, Gagauzia (an autonomous part of Moldova) – 80%, Croatia – 78.5%, Moldova – 78%, Montenegro– 77%, Rep. Srpska – 76.5%, Hungary – 72%, Central Greece – 71%, Albania – 68.5%, Russia – 44.5%, Ukraine – 59.5%. The Slavic brotherhood is cultural, mainly - Bulgaria and Russia are just 46.5% compatible in male ancestries, Serbia and Russia just 48.5%.
I’m saying be creative not factual.
Hungarians are from sort-of-Asia. A substantial percentage of Romanian citizens are Hungarians (and Asian originated Roma), ergo…
Hmmm… the DFL caucus meets up the hill in March… and Iowa’s comes before that…
If affirmative action is for minorities, will whites begin to receive it in 2043(even though there will still be more of us than any other single group.) If not, I will simply advise my kids to give my grandchildren Spanish names.
You have it the wrong way round. It was Liverpool that was Catholic and Everton Protestant. Everton also used to get a lot of stick up until the mid 90's for the fact that they had never had a black player too. Liverpool used to be a very divided city and even had it's own Orange Marches at one time, like in Northern Ireland. These divisions have largely been lost now, although they still mean more in Scotland, where Catholic Celtic and Protestant Rangers play in Glasgow, whilst Edinburgh has Catholic Hibs and Protestant Hearts. I believe sectarian chanting has been banned in Scotland, but you can see many of the songs they used to sing on youtube, like the 'hello, hello, we are the Billy Boys' of Rangers and various Sinn Fein/IRA songs from the Celtic faithful. For me as an Englishman this was the only thing that made Scottish football interesting, and they banned it.
As to the subject in hand....if the number of non-white groups continue expanding, and immigration of non-white immigrant group continues, how can whites be expected to bear the burden of affirmative action when they are, say, 30% of the population? In what way would this treatment of whites be any different in principle to anti- Jewish laws in Nazi Germany, to use their favourite example?
(Rhetorical question: of course it's different, because whites deserve it).
Well this is most murky on Wiki as to which club, Everton or Liverpool, was the Catholic club and which was Protestant.
As per up thread, Paul McCartney saying he supported both Liverpool and Everton doesn’t seem so odd (father Protestant/mother Catholic) going by the above!
I have read somewhere, though, that this perceived Catholic club/Protestant club identification existed in the other main English cities. Manchester United (Protestant) Manchester City (Catholic), Aston Villa (Protestant) Birmingham City (Catholic).
“No, the indigenous Subcontinentals in America need to check the “Asian” box, so that the federal government knows that they are of the same racial stock as the Japanese, not the bloody British.”
Can an Indian couple produce an off spring who looks like Steve Sailer phenotype wise? The answer is obviously no. Not many European Whites are losing sleep at night over Indians being kicked out of the White club.
Like immigration, any politician brave enough to actually say they are for ending AA might be amazed at the positive response.
I don’t know if this is codified anywhere, but I think a lot of the set asides and programs that non-black minorities take advantage of are not considered affirmative action, but rather as promoting diversity. At least that is how I’ve interpreted some of the arguments from the left. They feel that if a group just got off the boat and has never faced discrimination, they should still be favored so as to further diversify the business or institution that is deemed too white. On the other hard benefits to blacks are still seen as some sort of compensation for the wrongs of the past.
The bright side about these darker groups wanting to abandon Whiteness is that it makes the White race even more blond haired and blue eyed, because it sure as hell is not blond ethnic groups like the Icelandics and the Finns trying to abandon Whiteness. Blond haired and blue eyed people are not abandonimg Whiteness in droves because countries like Tunisia and Palestine are not blond countries.
The only thing this will result in is less dark brown/black hair and brown eyes in the White race. But if you are a Nordicist Northern European than you are not really trying to preserve those features. Its blond hair and blue eyes that you are trying to preserve.
In contrast, the northern border seems like more of an administrative than identity divide. The Blackfoot Indians are in both countries.
If you’re referring to the Montana tribe, it’s Blackfeet, singular and plural.
How does census categorization cause “preservation” or otherwise? It is just a debate about sticking a label on (already existing) people. No more consequential than the fashion du jour.
Well what if blonde or blue eyed people could sell out ? By saying that they were obviously the offspring of Sami Reindeer herders, do you think that they would behave any better ?
The point is to destroy democracy by making sure that the voters can be replaced if their decisions do not please the powerful. This is happening in many countries. A world where everyone was of the same nation would be like a world where everyone had the same face (Solgenitzen more or less). Those who are opposed to this should recognize the right of their allies to live under a form of government that does not confirm to their own views but might be right.
The only group that is well and truly screwed is straight white English-American men.
Gay white English-American men and white English-American women can milk their “oppression” for all it’s worth.
Can an Indian couple produce an off spring who looks like Steve Sailer phenotype wise? The answer is obviously no. Not many European Whites are losing sleep at night over Indians being kicked out of the White club.
Subcontinentals were not “kicked out of the White club;” they demanded out of it, so that they all could board the gravy train as “oppressed people of color,” in the eyes of the federal government. If their arriving as immigrants and immediately being able to be advantaged over the native-born White majority– including their getting SBA loans, so as to own all of those 7-11s, motels, etc.– does not keep many of us Whites up at night, it is only because most of us Whites are unaware of how the whole preferences racket operates, vis-a-vis that anti-White segment of the population. Even if Subcontinentals were not thus-entitled by their categorization, it is bloody ridiculous for the government, or anyone else, to pretend that Subcontinentals and East Asians are in the same racial category, and that a government-created demographical category called “Asian(s)” has any coherent meaning, racially or ethnically, whether in a scientific or a sociological sense. I oppose both Affirmative Action, especially for recent immigrants, and patent nonsense, especially for use by government bureaucrats to harm the lives and prospects of the native-born White majority, for which I hold an inane fondness.
That’s a subjective yardstick as well as only a single individual – the genetic data are clear even for Druze.
As per up thread, Paul McCartney saying he supported both Liverpool and Everton doesn't seem so odd (father Protestant/mother Catholic) going by the above!
I have read somewhere, though, that this perceived Catholic club/Protestant club identification existed in the other main English cities. Manchester United (Protestant) Manchester City (Catholic), Aston Villa (Protestant) Birmingham City (Catholic).
Well, I stand corrected! And as for the Catholic/Protestant division of clubs in Birmingham and Mnachester–this is news to me. I shall have to read further.
” it is bloody ridiculous for the government, or anyone else, to pretend that Subcontinentals and East Asians are in the same racial category,”
And it is even more ridiculous to pretend that dark as midnight Indian Mindy Kaling and pasty pale pink skin German Swiss Steve Sailer are in the same racial category. If those two were a couple holding hands together while walking the streets everybody would classify them as an interracial couple and not a same race White couple.
If Indians were part of the White race, than in the U.S Indians and Whites dating/marrying each other would be as common on a per capita basis as German Americans and Irish Americans dating/marrying each other.
But Indian and European mixing is quite low in the U.S.
Subcontinentals in the United States, to date, mostly practice endogamy, because they are both of an alien religion and from an alien and ethnocentric culture. In the case of Indians per se, they tend to be higher-caste, and to look down on White Americans as if we were lower-caste Indians. From the other point of view, there is nothing about Subcontinentals, physically or culturally, that particularly appeals to White Americans. East Asian women, on the other hand, tend to appeal to White men, while East Asian men (with no offense meant toward our friend 'Twinkie') tend not to appeal to White women. The racial divide is the same, in each case, but the result is dependent upon the sexes involved. Whether Subcontinentals themselves will become more exogamous, in future generations, as Jews now have become, remains to be seen.
If Steve Sailer were walking down the street with, say, a famous 'Bollywood' actress, showing her around his hometown, I can well imagine what the locals would be saying to each other, as they looked on-- and I do not think that it would be, "Oh, look, a mixed-race couple!" (any more than it would be if he were walking down the street, there, with Salma Hayek).
“Well what if blonde or blue eyed people could sell out ? By saying that they were obviously the offspring of Sami Reindeer herders, do you think that they would behave any better ?”
It is a lot harder to to successfully convince people you are Nonwhite if you look like the poster boy for Nazi Germany’s 3rd Reich, like Tab Hunter for example who was considered a blond haired and blue eyed male sex symbol in 1950s and early 1960s Hollywood.
But it is a lot easier to successfully convince people you are Nonwhite if you are swarthy, have brown eyes, and black hair like the ISIS terrorist Abdelhamid Abaaoud for example.
I saw a few episodes of the Bastard Executioner, a wobbly medieval type of show made by Brits. They’re Blackwashing their past. The angel that appears to the main character is a mulatto and one of his best mates is coal black. This is a trend I’ve noticed in other places, like the show Merlin, where Guinevere and her father were black (a black blacksmith no less, who dindu nuffin, literally, he was innocent), and some other bit characters and supporting types were not from the Isles. Now, since producers of a show would never intentionally be anachronistic to score propaganda points in a UK that’s rapidly becoming ahem, non-Celtic, Angle, Saxon, Norman, Jute, this means that the UK has always been a nations of African immigration. Therefore, you might all be part black and, given the flight from White, it would be possible for you to be non-White.
The Swedes have no chance, which is why they’re enriching the genomes of the next generation through opportunistic donations from cherished guests, so they can be non-White too.
Whiskey’s assertion that Jews are just like other whites is absurd. Lots of folks, Jews foremost among them, are extremely fond of reminding us how smart Jews are. How different they are in myriad ways. A quick g**gle will show that historically, they vote 70-80% for democrats, nearly double the white rate. Another will show that they are 30-40% of the Forbes 400 richest Americans. Jews are famous for their political activism, level of political donations, media power, etc. So, his brilliant assertion is that Jews are more intelligent than whites, punch way above their weight politically, vote nearly twice as often for Democrats…and they’re no more responsible for leftism’s success than whites are.
You’ve got to work hard to be that stupid. Or mendacious. Or both.
Whiskey’s “argumentation” (assertions) are as sloppy as ever. Tons of stupid people believe Jews are wonderful folks (e.g., Ethiopian black religious nuts), therefore, Jews can’t be wonderful folks. This is a particularly stupid form of the straw man argument. Nobody here is blaming black poverty or violence on Jews (though the political climate certainly enables the latter, and Jews certainly have had a hand in that). More to the point, it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Kevin MacDonald’s work, which Whiskey has obviously never read (which is why he doesn’t criticize it in any substantive way, ever).
G**gle “Jews are not white,” to find my opinion on that, which is actually argued out at length, unlike Whiskey’s stupid assertions. Suffice it to say, it depends on one’s definition of white; if one thinks Syrians and Arabs are white, sure, many Jews are white. On the other hand, no, Sammy Davis Jr was not white, so no, simply blurting out “Jews are white” is not accurate, any more than blurting out “Christians are white” or “Atheists are white” is. Listing Jews one thinks of as white as “proof” that “Jews are white” makes about as much sense as showing pictures of white Americans to prove “Americans are white,” or pictures of white Silverados to prove “Silverados are white.”
Jews with light skin are about as white as they choose to be at any given moment (usually seems to depend on what will give them an advantage), unlike real whites like American-Americans, who don’t get a “get out of whiteness free” card (Mike Wallace interviewing Morgan Freeman) like Jews do.
Which makes his insistence that Jews are white even more absurd; who cares? If the Poles turned around and started screwing over all the other whites, I wouldn’t give them a pass.
Funny how 13 years after he published his trilogy, the mighty collective intellects of the Jewish race have concluded that the best way to answer him is with silence. That’s a new one.
P.S., he just described humanity. You could replace every instance of “white” with “human” and it would be just as true.
P.P.S., “Minow” is about as Anglo-Saxon a name as “Goldstein.”
Arabs and Hispanics in the U.S have a get out of Whiteness free card. So do you agree that it disqualifies them from being real Whites like American-Americans.
This Palestinian guy Amer Zahr talks about how he does not see himself as White.
Black Feet Matter and shit.
Previously encapsulated in the old saw, “the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.”
Why do you, as whatever you are, presume that I do?
Don’t bother trying to summarize my position on the topic.
No, I don’t. Not that there’s anything wrong with posting at Stormfront.
Protip: demolishing a person’s argument does not necessitate disagreeing with their goals in making it.
Which is why Whiskey throws them under the bus every time the Jews come up.
Oh noes! Let’s base our thinking on what the extremist idiots at Stormfront think (as opposed to, say, what the moderate smart people at Stormfront think)!
You must be joking. The theft of our nuclear secrets reads like roll call at a bar mitzvah. Espionage against us in general does too, though not to the same extent, obviously.
Here you make a good point: if NW Euros had been much more ANTISEMITIC!!!, we could’ve spared ourselves many of the problems we face today.
The Swedes have no chance, which is why they're enriching the genomes of the next generation through opportunistic donations from cherished guests, so they can be non-White too.
The blackwashing has been going on for some time now. This is from fifteen years ago.
I wonder what he’ll do with the demographic changes who currently happens in Newark NJ where the latino population had risen from 18.6% in 1980 to 33.8 in 2010? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newark,_New_Jersey#Demographics
No need to change your surname. The big institutions trying to meet their quotas don’t care about surnames, just the statistics they report at the end of every year.
The Irish? In college now, the kids are taught that the Irish weren’t considered white in the 1850s.
Go figure.
Go figure."
The Irish have too much blue eyes, gingerism and blondism to ever successfully Flight From White. The groups that have successfully Flight From White all have an overwhelmingly black haired and brown eyed majority.
According to Carleton Coon, Ireland has one of the lowest percentages of people with brown eyes in the world.
So if you meet someone in the U.S who has brown eyes and an Irish last name there is an over 9 out of 10 chance that person is not 100 percent pure unmixed Irish.
I have no doubt that Charlie Sheen for example got his brown eyes from his Spanish ancestors and not his Irish ancestors.
I have no doubt that Robert Downey Jr. got his brown eyes from his Jewish ancestors and not his Irish ancestors.
I have no doubt that Chris Christie got his brown eyes from his Italian ancestors and not his Irish ancestors.
I'm so worn out on hearing that Irish "canard" .
Amen. Anti-white or anti-gentile or anti-Anglo chauvinism are only issues and capable of real harm because whites, particularly Anglo-Saxons, don’t like each other.
This tendency of enlisting outsiders as allies or rhetorical clubs to beat each other with is particularly troubling.
I just wonder when it all started? There are many fault lines: the migrations of the 1840′s-1920 which pitted old colonial Americans vs. more recent arrivals and which still has ramifications, the Irish-English feud, the Yankee-Southern feud. The last shows that Anglo-Saxons can destroy each other without outsiders needing to be involved.
Culture and region aside, is there also something akin to the contempt with which Polish and Russian nobles (elites) and gentry (middle-class professionals) regarded their co-ethnics whom they exploited? I do see parallels between the Polish-Lithuanian and Russian empires and the Anglo-Saxon states: cosmopolitanism, imperialism, an openness for talented outsiders, maudlin patriotism and jingoism alongside ruthless exploitation of the patronized ethnic majority. There are occasional periods of xenophobia and sentimental patronization of the peasants but that’s only when the elites felt threatened and that never stopped the ongoing exploitation of the lower classes or the middle-class and elites slavish seeking of foreign approval.
Go figure.
“The Irish? In college now, the kids are taught that the Irish weren’t considered white in the 1850s.
Go figure.”
The Irish have too much blue eyes, gingerism and blondism to ever successfully Flight From White. The groups that have successfully Flight From White all have an overwhelmingly black haired and brown eyed majority.
According to Carleton Coon, Ireland has one of the lowest percentages of people with brown eyes in the world.
So if you meet someone in the U.S who has brown eyes and an Irish last name there is an over 9 out of 10 chance that person is not 100 percent pure unmixed Irish.
I have no doubt that Charlie Sheen for example got his brown eyes from his Spanish ancestors and not his Irish ancestors.
I have no doubt that Robert Downey Jr. got his brown eyes from his Jewish ancestors and not his Irish ancestors.
I have no doubt that Chris Christie got his brown eyes from his Italian ancestors and not his Irish ancestors.
The percentage of people in Ireland with brown eyes is low even by European standards, so you can imagine how low even more low it is by Hispanic Latin American and Arab Middle Eastern country standards.
How do blacks feel about all these other groups horning in on their privileges?
Jorge Ramos, star anchorman on Univision’s Nitely Nooz, has lovely baby blues. His PoC card is platinum.
“At the age of 19, Jones traveled with Lionel Hampton to Europe and said it turned him upside down, altering his view of racism in the US.
‘It gave you some sense of perspective of past, present and future. It took the myopic conflict between just black and white in the United States and put it on another level because you saw the turmoil between the Armenians and the Turks, and the Cypriots and the Greeks, and the Swedes and the Danes, and the Koreans and the Japanese. Everybody had these hassles, and you saw it was a basic part of human nature, these conflicts. It opened my soul, it opened my mind.’”
Take the Who is White? quiz.
You've got to work hard to be that stupid. Or mendacious. Or both. Whiskey's "argumentation" (assertions) are as sloppy as ever. Tons of stupid people believe Jews are wonderful folks (e.g., Ethiopian black religious nuts), therefore, Jews can't be wonderful folks. This is a particularly stupid form of the straw man argument. Nobody here is blaming black poverty or violence on Jews (though the political climate certainly enables the latter, and Jews certainly have had a hand in that). More to the point, it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Kevin MacDonald's work, which Whiskey has obviously never read (which is why he doesn't criticize it in any substantive way, ever). G**gle "Jews are not white," to find my opinion on that, which is actually argued out at length, unlike Whiskey's stupid assertions. Suffice it to say, it depends on one's definition of white; if one thinks Syrians and Arabs are white, sure, many Jews are white. On the other hand, no, Sammy Davis Jr was not white, so no, simply blurting out "Jews are white" is not accurate, any more than blurting out "Christians are white" or "Atheists are white" is. Listing Jews one thinks of as white as "proof" that "Jews are white" makes about as much sense as showing pictures of white Americans to prove "Americans are white," or pictures of white Silverados to prove "Silverados are white."
Jews with light skin are about as white as they choose to be at any given moment (usually seems to depend on what will give them an advantage), unlike real whites like American-Americans, who don't get a "get out of whiteness free" card (Mike Wallace interviewing Morgan Freeman) like Jews do. Which makes his insistence that Jews are white even more absurd; who cares? If the Poles turned around and started screwing over all the other whites, I wouldn't give them a pass. Funny how 13 years after he published his trilogy, the mighty collective intellects of the Jewish race have concluded that the best way to answer him is with silence. That's a new one.
P.S., he just described humanity. You could replace every instance of "white" with "human" and it would be just as true.
P.P.S., "Minow" is about as Anglo-Saxon a name as "Goldstein."
“Jews with light skin are about as white as they choose to be at any given moment (usually seems to depend on what will give them an advantage), unlike real whites like American-Americans, who don’t get a “get out of whiteness free” card (Mike Wallace interviewing Morgan Freeman) like Jews do.”
Arabs and Hispanics in the U.S have a get out of Whiteness free card. So do you agree that it disqualifies them from being real Whites like American-Americans.
This Palestinian guy Amer Zahr talks about how he does not see himself as White.
Steve Sailer is an adoptee who has publicly stated that he is at least part Jewish, by birth. For most of their history in the United States, and for a far longer period in Europe, Jews seldom intermarried with indigenous Europeans, despite Ashkenazi Jews being of seemingly the same race (although actually a European-Middle Eastern hybrid, as demonstrated, now, in the age of genetic testing). That was because of both their religion, when applicable, and their ethnocentric culture. When someone saw Marilyn Monroe walking down the street, in New York, with Arthur Miller, they did not point at them and say, “Oh, look, a mixed-race couple!” Ditto with Elizabeth Taylor and Eddie Fisher, in Hollywood, and any other such celebrity couple. They did so with May Britt and Sammy Davis, Jr., of course– but not because he had coverted to Judaism, after his car accident, and not even because his mother was a Cuban American, making Sammy Davis himself an Hispanic American, too (although he always lied, and said that his mother was from San Juan, Puerto Rico, instead of a native New Yorker of Afro-Cuban extraction).
Subcontinentals in the United States, to date, mostly practice endogamy, because they are both of an alien religion and from an alien and ethnocentric culture. In the case of Indians per se, they tend to be higher-caste, and to look down on White Americans as if we were lower-caste Indians. From the other point of view, there is nothing about Subcontinentals, physically or culturally, that particularly appeals to White Americans. East Asian women, on the other hand, tend to appeal to White men, while East Asian men (with no offense meant toward our friend ‘Twinkie’) tend not to appeal to White women. The racial divide is the same, in each case, but the result is dependent upon the sexes involved. Whether Subcontinentals themselves will become more exogamous, in future generations, as Jews now have become, remains to be seen.
If Steve Sailer were walking down the street with, say, a famous ‘Bollywood’ actress, showing her around his hometown, I can well imagine what the locals would be saying to each other, as they looked on– and I do not think that it would be, “Oh, look, a mixed-race couple!” (any more than it would be if he were walking down the street, there, with Salma Hayek).
http://fotonin.com/932386.htmlBollywood actress Freida Pinto would not even be considered White in Cairo, let alone be considered White in Steve Sailer's home state of California.It already looked very interracial when Freida Pinto played James Franco's love interest in Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, even though James Franco has a Mediterranean appearance.So can you imagine how even more interracial it would look if Freida Pinto was with Steve Sailer who looks super Northern European WASPy and not Mediterranean at all.
Go figure.
“The Irish? In college now, the kids are taught that the Irish weren’t considered white in the 1850s.”
I’m so worn out on hearing that Irish “canard” .
The goal of big city mayors is to use gentrification to drive out blacks. And I suppose Syrians will serve that purpose.
Also, whites don’t want to run stores and businesses in black areas. Too dangerous. So, they bring Muslim, Asian, and Hispanics to serve as buffers and middlemen between themselves and blacks.
Recall Michael Brown stole cigars from a Pakistani store-owner.
White Liberals value immigrants as the buffer between themselves and blacks whom they profess to care about but don’t want to deal with on a daily basis.
There was also talk of using Syrians in Detroit to bring that place back to life.
Boy. Out of the frying pan into the fire.
Putting Syrians in big cities with lots of Negroes is to put them in another war zone.
Who cares if Syrians are put into another war zone, as long as it is not Northern Europeans. The only group you should care about and have compassion for are Northern Europeans because they discovered America and turned into the 1st World powerhouse that it is, not the Syrians.
There is a silver lining to categorizing Arabs as ‘non-whites’.
If Arab Semites are no longer whites and to be categorized separately, one could argue that the same should be applied to Jewish Semites.
If Jews are counted separately from whites—why not since Jews insist that they don’t want to be associated with white people/power?—, it will become apparent that they are the MOST privileged and over-represented group in elite positions.
So, whites may lose to Arabs via AA but they can gain from Jews via AA.
If whites must lose positions to make room for Arabs, then Jews should must lose positions to make room for whites.
Since Jews support this policy of counting Arabs separately, they should accept being counted separately too.
Subcontinentals in the United States, to date, mostly practice endogamy, because they are both of an alien religion and from an alien and ethnocentric culture. In the case of Indians per se, they tend to be higher-caste, and to look down on White Americans as if we were lower-caste Indians. From the other point of view, there is nothing about Subcontinentals, physically or culturally, that particularly appeals to White Americans. East Asian women, on the other hand, tend to appeal to White men, while East Asian men (with no offense meant toward our friend 'Twinkie') tend not to appeal to White women. The racial divide is the same, in each case, but the result is dependent upon the sexes involved. Whether Subcontinentals themselves will become more exogamous, in future generations, as Jews now have become, remains to be seen.
If Steve Sailer were walking down the street with, say, a famous 'Bollywood' actress, showing her around his hometown, I can well imagine what the locals would be saying to each other, as they looked on-- and I do not think that it would be, "Oh, look, a mixed-race couple!" (any more than it would be if he were walking down the street, there, with Salma Hayek).
“Steve Sailer is an adoptee who has publicly stated that he is at least part Jewish, by birth.”
I will believe Steve is Jewish until he himself says it. Even if he is Jewish, that still does not change the fact that he is pasty pink skin and not swarthy or Brown. A lot of Ashkenazis can get just as bad of a sun burn as WASPs.
“Jews seldom intermarried with indigenous Europeans, despite Ashkenazi Jews being of seemingly the same race (although actually a European-Middle Eastern hybrid,”
Than how the hell did Jews become half European if they seldom intermixed with Europeans? You contradict yourself.
“From the other point of view, there is nothing about Subcontinentals, physically or culturally, that particularly appeals to White Americans.”
Why would Indians not be physically appealing to White Americans if Indians belong to the White race? Don’t White Americans know that if they mix with Indians, than they are going to get beautiful blond haired and blue eyed children.
“If Steve Sailer were walking down the street with, say, a famous ‘Bollywood’ actress, showing her around his hometown, I can well imagine what the locals would be saying to each other, as they looked on– and I do not think that it would be, “Oh, look, a mixed-race couple!” (any more than it would be if he were walking down the street, there, with Salma Hayek).
If Steve Sailer was walking around and holding hands with Bollywood actress Freida Pinto in public, they would definitely be identified as an interracial couple.
Bollywood actress Freida Pinto would not even be considered White in Cairo, let alone be considered White in Steve Sailer’s home state of California.
It already looked very interracial when Freida Pinto played James Franco’s love interest in Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, even though James Franco has a Mediterranean appearance.
So can you imagine how even more interracial it would look if Freida Pinto was with Steve Sailer who looks super Northern European WASPy and not Mediterranean at all.
The Ashkenazi Jews began in the Middle Ages, when small numbers of Jewish men moved into the European heartland. They took wives from among the locals, until they had sufficient size to perpetuate their own community, and then became highly endogamous and ethnocentric, as was the Jewish norm within the Diaspora. The new Ashkenazi Jews remained highly endogamous and ethnocentric for the next several hundred years. That is why they now retain the easily detectable DNA signatures of both indigenous Europeans and Levantine Jews.
Most 'Bollywood' actresses look a lot more like the young Ms. Bhutto than like Ms. Kaling, just as most Mexican television actresses are overwhelmingly European-looking rather than mestizo, let alone Amerindian. That is precisely why I brought up the image of "a famous 'Bollywood' actress," rather than an untouchable from Calcutta.
You do know that most indigenous Europeans are neither blond(e)-haired nor blue-eyed, do you not? Do you think that blond(e)-haired and blue-eyed Scandinavians all are attracted to swarthy Italians, Greeks, and Iberians? Do you think that all dark-haired and dark-eyed Mediterraneans are attracted to blond(e)-haired and blue-eyed Scandinavians? Being of the same larger racial group does not mean being attracted to all of the available phenotypes within that larger racial group, anymore than it means finding anyone outside of that larger racial group unattractive. Thus, the aforementioned penchant that many White men and East Asian women have for each other, while most of those same men and women are not attracted to Blacks of either sex. There is no reason to assume that Europeans and Subcontinentals would find each other attractive, just because we are all Caucasoids.
Are you kidding? Ask a real Indian rishta-proposal-auntie. Frieda Pinto wouldn't be pigeon-holed as "wheatish", much less as "dusky". She's "fair skinned".
You must never have chased pussy at a Goa Catholic church.
They feel that if a group just got off the boat and has never faced discrimination, they should still be favored so as to further diversify the business or institution that is deemed too white.
Such policies seem like “hate-policies”. Surely it can’t be good to have this is in the USA, beacon of liberty and land of fair-play?
What specifically is wrong with white?
The goal of big city mayors is to use gentrification to drive out blacks. And I suppose Syrians will serve that purpose.
I think there probably is a lot of truth that ‘nice people’ (liberal, conservative, across the board) wanted to avoid the Black issue when they realized it was fundamentally intractable and their environmentalist assumptions were wrong. Rather then say, “gosh, we were wrong!” they (without explicit coordination) decided to bury it under multi-culturalism and open immigration. “Look at the nice black-skinned Indians and all the nice dark-skinned people, see?”. Some may have hoped that Blacks would emulate these others, but that assumes a lot about behavior being highly environmental, which might be an incorrect assumption.
By "another group," are you implying that somehow Outer Mongolians have managed to take over Hollywood when we weren't paying attention?
>>>> “Is it because of fear that he has to say Hollywood is run by whites and not another group, or is it a genuine inability to not see the difference ?”
No, it’s because he’s actually deeply enough immersed in Hollywood to see that the Hollywood Jews aren’t taken seriously within the internal power structures of the inner core of the zionist community.
When Netanyahu or Peres roll into California, they touch base with the SiliconValley Jewish Venture Capitalists – the folks who will decide if & when an Intel/Google/Facebook R&D building gets built/staffed in Hertzliya.
HollywoodJews typically are crazy faggots, or surround themselves with 1000-cock-stare, has-been shiksas. And none of them can speak or read Hebrew. Videlicet – they are OUT of the loop.
Sheldon & Miri Adelson don’t hang out with Hollywood or Upper West Side or ParkSlope people. Ever.
AIPAC isn’t staffed by Hollywood’s kids. AIPAC is largely staffed by Americans who hold an Honorable Discharge from an IDF combatant unit, but never really integrated well enough in Israel to get a middle-class job. If you’re not proficient in middle-school Hebrew, you’re gonna end up in the Anglo ghetto (eg, Beit Shemesh) – or alongside the Ethiopian janitors.
http://fotonin.com/932386.htmlBollywood actress Freida Pinto would not even be considered White in Cairo, let alone be considered White in Steve Sailer's home state of California.It already looked very interracial when Freida Pinto played James Franco's love interest in Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, even though James Franco has a Mediterranean appearance.So can you imagine how even more interracial it would look if Freida Pinto was with Steve Sailer who looks super Northern European WASPy and not Mediterranean at all.
How swarthy or brown was Benazir Bhutto? Was she of a different race from Mindy Kaling? (If the latter is “dark as midnight,” what is the singer ‘Seal’?) Is British actress Tilda Swinton of a different race from Greek actress Irene Papas? Could the average young Greek woman, these days, produce a blond(e)-haired and blue-eyed child, regardless of who impregnated her? Are the modern Greeks, in general, part of the “White race?” Are you yourself, as an Italian American, a part of the “White race?” Who among the foregoing join ‘Seal” in being other than a Caucasoid? There are three primary races, and Subcontinentals belong to the same one as Europeans– not the same one as East Asians!
The Ashkenazi Jews began in the Middle Ages, when small numbers of Jewish men moved into the European heartland. They took wives from among the locals, until they had sufficient size to perpetuate their own community, and then became highly endogamous and ethnocentric, as was the Jewish norm within the Diaspora. The new Ashkenazi Jews remained highly endogamous and ethnocentric for the next several hundred years. That is why they now retain the easily detectable DNA signatures of both indigenous Europeans and Levantine Jews.
Most ‘Bollywood’ actresses look a lot more like the young Ms. Bhutto than like Ms. Kaling, just as most Mexican television actresses are overwhelmingly European-looking rather than mestizo, let alone Amerindian. That is precisely why I brought up the image of “a famous ‘Bollywood’ actress,” rather than an untouchable from Calcutta.
You do know that most indigenous Europeans are neither blond(e)-haired nor blue-eyed, do you not? Do you think that blond(e)-haired and blue-eyed Scandinavians all are attracted to swarthy Italians, Greeks, and Iberians? Do you think that all dark-haired and dark-eyed Mediterraneans are attracted to blond(e)-haired and blue-eyed Scandinavians? Being of the same larger racial group does not mean being attracted to all of the available phenotypes within that larger racial group, anymore than it means finding anyone outside of that larger racial group unattractive. Thus, the aforementioned penchant that many White men and East Asian women have for each other, while most of those same men and women are not attracted to Blacks of either sex. There is no reason to assume that Europeans and Subcontinentals would find each other attractive, just because we are all Caucasoids.
If Indians are Caucasoids they would have the same racial features as Europeans. Why wouldn't Europeans be attracted to Indians if the two racially look alike? After all studies have shown that most people are attracted to those who racially look like themselves. So Indians and Europeans should naturally find each other attractive when the two racially look like each other according to you.
If most Europeans are not attracted to Indians, they obviously do not believe Indians racially look like them.
Among White people who only date Whites and and are not open to interracial dating of any kind, I am 100 percent certain that they are just as racially turned off by Indians as they are by Sub Saharans and Orientals. Indians would not be included in their definition of White.
When African American Yoofs go around polar bear hunting, I guarantee they are not knocking out Indians that's for damn sure.
http://fotonin.com/932386.htmlBollywood actress Freida Pinto would not even be considered White in Cairo, let alone be considered White in Steve Sailer's home state of California.It already looked very interracial when Freida Pinto played James Franco's love interest in Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, even though James Franco has a Mediterranean appearance.So can you imagine how even more interracial it would look if Freida Pinto was with Steve Sailer who looks super Northern European WASPy and not Mediterranean at all.
>>> Bollywood actress Freida Pinto
Are you kidding? Ask a real Indian rishta-proposal-auntie. Frieda Pinto wouldn’t be pigeon-holed as “wheatish”, much less as “dusky”. She’s “fair skinned”.
You must never have chased pussy at a Goa Catholic church.
The Ashkenazi Jews began in the Middle Ages, when small numbers of Jewish men moved into the European heartland. They took wives from among the locals, until they had sufficient size to perpetuate their own community, and then became highly endogamous and ethnocentric, as was the Jewish norm within the Diaspora. The new Ashkenazi Jews remained highly endogamous and ethnocentric for the next several hundred years. That is why they now retain the easily detectable DNA signatures of both indigenous Europeans and Levantine Jews.
Most 'Bollywood' actresses look a lot more like the young Ms. Bhutto than like Ms. Kaling, just as most Mexican television actresses are overwhelmingly European-looking rather than mestizo, let alone Amerindian. That is precisely why I brought up the image of "a famous 'Bollywood' actress," rather than an untouchable from Calcutta.
You do know that most indigenous Europeans are neither blond(e)-haired nor blue-eyed, do you not? Do you think that blond(e)-haired and blue-eyed Scandinavians all are attracted to swarthy Italians, Greeks, and Iberians? Do you think that all dark-haired and dark-eyed Mediterraneans are attracted to blond(e)-haired and blue-eyed Scandinavians? Being of the same larger racial group does not mean being attracted to all of the available phenotypes within that larger racial group, anymore than it means finding anyone outside of that larger racial group unattractive. Thus, the aforementioned penchant that many White men and East Asian women have for each other, while most of those same men and women are not attracted to Blacks of either sex. There is no reason to assume that Europeans and Subcontinentals would find each other attractive, just because we are all Caucasoids.
“There is no reason to assume that Europeans and Subcontinentals would find each other attractive, just because we are all Caucasoids.”
If Indians are Caucasoids they would have the same racial features as Europeans. Why wouldn’t Europeans be attracted to Indians if the two racially look alike? After all studies have shown that most people are attracted to those who racially look like themselves. So Indians and Europeans should naturally find each other attractive when the two racially look like each other according to you.
If most Europeans are not attracted to Indians, they obviously do not believe Indians racially look like them.
Among White people who only date Whites and and are not open to interracial dating of any kind, I am 100 percent certain that they are just as racially turned off by Indians as they are by Sub Saharans and Orientals. Indians would not be included in their definition of White.
When African American Yoofs go around polar bear hunting, I guarantee they are not knocking out Indians that’s for damn sure.
There are three primary races: Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid. There is no doubt that East Indians, and other indigenous Subcontinentals, are Caucasoid-- not Mongoloid, like the Chinese, nor Negroid, like Bushmen. That is why Subcontinentals were previously counted in the "White or Caucasian" category, by the United States Bureau of the Census, until they lobbied to be turned into "people of color" in the ludicrous "Asian" category, instead, as I already explained, above.
You are free to feel as damn sure as you want about "polar-bear hunting" Blacks. When you match Colin Flaherty's expertise, and write your own books on the subject, however, do be sure to let us all know. Until then:
Are you kidding? Ask a real Indian rishta-proposal-auntie. Frieda Pinto wouldn't be pigeon-holed as "wheatish", much less as "dusky". She's "fair skinned".
You must never have chased pussy at a Goa Catholic church.
“Are you kidding? Ask a real Indian rishta-proposal-auntie. Frieda Pinto wouldn’t be pigeon-holed as “wheatish”, much less as “dusky”. She’s “fair skinned”.
You must never have chased pussy at a Goa Catholic church.”
And Freda Pinto would not be pigeon-holed as White in Utah, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, etc. If Indians consider her to be fair skin, that just shows how dark skin India is. Freida Pinto would not be considered fair skin anywhere in Europe. Europe’s definition of fair skin is Jessica Chastain. Freida Pinto is a darkie by European standards.
Maybe you're right. Probably there's tens of thousands of guys in Nebraska that would throw her out of bed.
Indian man who was beaten by White police officers in Alabama was mistaken for an African American burglar.
Those racist Republican Redneck Alabama police officers of English and Ulster Scotch-Irish ancestry did not get the memo from D.K that Indians are just as equally White as they are.
Those Alabama Whites are still stuck in the stone age with their very narrow Neo-Nazi definition of Whiteness. They need to step into the 21st Century and embrace a more broad liberal definition of Whiteness.
Go figure.
They were considered members of the Celtic race rather than the Anglo-Saxon race. This had nothing to do with skin color.
If Indians are Caucasoids they would have the same racial features as Europeans. Why wouldn't Europeans be attracted to Indians if the two racially look alike? After all studies have shown that most people are attracted to those who racially look like themselves. So Indians and Europeans should naturally find each other attractive when the two racially look like each other according to you.
If most Europeans are not attracted to Indians, they obviously do not believe Indians racially look like them.
Among White people who only date Whites and and are not open to interracial dating of any kind, I am 100 percent certain that they are just as racially turned off by Indians as they are by Sub Saharans and Orientals. Indians would not be included in their definition of White.
When African American Yoofs go around polar bear hunting, I guarantee they are not knocking out Indians that's for damn sure.
I note that you chose not to answer any of those questions that I posed. Does that have anything to do with the obvious fact of, say, Sicilians having different physical features from, say, Finns? Are Finns just as attracted to Sicilians as they are to other Finns, and vice versa? Do Portuguese men really think that a typical Icelandic woman looks more like a typical Portuguese woman than Benazir Bhutto did? Was “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” intended as an interracial love story, since ‘Esmeralda’ was a gypsy, and gypsies originated in the Indian Subcontinent, not in Europe?
There are three primary races: Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid. There is no doubt that East Indians, and other indigenous Subcontinentals, are Caucasoid– not Mongoloid, like the Chinese, nor Negroid, like Bushmen. That is why Subcontinentals were previously counted in the “White or Caucasian” category, by the United States Bureau of the Census, until they lobbied to be turned into “people of color” in the ludicrous “Asian” category, instead, as I already explained, above.
You are free to feel as damn sure as you want about “polar-bear hunting” Blacks. When you match Colin Flaherty’s expertise, and write your own books on the subject, however, do be sure to let us all know. Until then:
I will believe Indians are part of the White race the day there is a news story about an Indian person being beaten by a group of African Americans and the perpetrators were hurling racial slurs like Honky and Cracka while beating the victim.
Some people may try to downplay the violence involved in the Celtic-Rangers rivalry. Don’t believe it for a minute.
The goal of big city mayors is to use gentrification to drive out blacks. And I suppose Syrians will serve that purpose.
Also, whites don't want to run stores and businesses in black areas. Too dangerous. So, they bring Muslim, Asian, and Hispanics to serve as buffers and middlemen between themselves and blacks.
Recall Michael Brown stole cigars from a Pakistani store-owner.
White Liberals value immigrants as the buffer between themselves and blacks whom they profess to care about but don't want to deal with on a daily basis.
There was also talk of using Syrians in Detroit to bring that place back to life.
Boy. Out of the frying pan into the fire.
Putting Syrians in big cities with lots of Negroes is to put them in another war zone.
“Putting Syrians in big cities with lots of Negroes is to put them in another war zone.”
Who cares if Syrians are put into another war zone, as long as it is not Northern Europeans. The only group you should care about and have compassion for are Northern Europeans because they discovered America and turned into the 1st World powerhouse that it is, not the Syrians.
There are three primary races: Negroid, Caucasoid, and Mongoloid. There is no doubt that East Indians, and other indigenous Subcontinentals, are Caucasoid-- not Mongoloid, like the Chinese, nor Negroid, like Bushmen. That is why Subcontinentals were previously counted in the "White or Caucasian" category, by the United States Bureau of the Census, until they lobbied to be turned into "people of color" in the ludicrous "Asian" category, instead, as I already explained, above.
You are free to feel as damn sure as you want about "polar-bear hunting" Blacks. When you match Colin Flaherty's expertise, and write your own books on the subject, however, do be sure to let us all know. Until then:
“You are free to feel as damn sure as you want about “polar-bear hunting” Blacks. When you match Colin Flaherty’s expertise, and write your own books on the subject, however, do be sure to let us all know. Until then:”
I will believe Indians are part of the White race the day there is a news story about an Indian person being beaten by a group of African Americans and the perpetrators were hurling racial slurs like Honky and Cracka while beating the victim.
(U.S.) A person of Italian descent.
(U.S.) an Italian-American.[90]
An Italian male, especially an Italian thug or mafioso.
(U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent.[91]
(U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent. Can also be used to describe members of the 1950s subculture which Italians were stereotyped to be a part of.
(US) An Italian-American male. Usually offensive. Derives from the Italian given name, Guido. Used mostly in the Northeastern United States as a stereotype for working-class urban Italian-Americans.[92]
(U.S.) someone of Italian descent. (Derives from "Guinea Negro," was called because of some Italians who had dark complexions)
(Aus) Australian slur for the first wave of Southern European immigrants and their descendants that contrasted with the dominant Anglo-Saxon/Anglo-Celtic colonial stock. Used mostly for Mediterraneans and Southern Europeans, including the Spanish, Italians, Greeks, Macedonians, Lebanese, Arabs, Croatians and Serbians.
(U.S.) A racial term for anyone of Italian descent, derived from the Italian dialectism, "guappo," close to "dude, swaggerer" and other informal appellations, a greeting among male Neapolitans.[93][94] With Out Passport/Papers or Working On Pavement are popular alternative etymologies for the slur, supposedly derived from Italians that arrived to North America as immigrants without papers and worked in construction and blue collar work. These acronyms are dismissed as folk etymology or backronyms by etymologists.
If a group of Black Yoofs were to commit a hate crime against Indian actor Aziz Ansari for example and they started using racial slurs during the beat down, I 100 percent guarantee the racial slurs they would hurl at Aziz Ansari would be vastly different from the racial slurs they would hurl at Steve Sailer if they attacked him.
Aziz Ansari would be called Apu, a Dot Head, and a Terrorist, while Steve Sailer would be called all of the racial slurs that people use to describe pink skin people.
I will believe Indians are part of the White race the day there is a news story about an Indian person being beaten by a group of African Americans and the perpetrators were hurling racial slurs like Honky and Cracka while beating the victim.
How about if they were to use one of the following ethnic slurs, instead?
(U.S.) A person of Italian descent.
(U.S.) an Italian-American.[90]
An Italian male, especially an Italian thug or mafioso.
(U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent.[91]
(U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent. Can also be used to describe members of the 1950s subculture which Italians were stereotyped to be a part of.
(US) An Italian-American male. Usually offensive. Derives from the Italian given name, Guido. Used mostly in the Northeastern United States as a stereotype for working-class urban Italian-Americans.[92]
(U.S.) someone of Italian descent. (Derives from “Guinea Negro,” was called because of some Italians who had dark complexions)
(Aus) Australian slur for the first wave of Southern European immigrants and their descendants that contrasted with the dominant Anglo-Saxon/Anglo-Celtic colonial stock. Used mostly for Mediterraneans and Southern Europeans, including the Spanish, Italians, Greeks, Macedonians, Lebanese, Arabs, Croatians and Serbians.
(U.S.) A racial term for anyone of Italian descent, derived from the Italian dialectism, “guappo,” close to “dude, swaggerer” and other informal appellations, a greeting among male Neapolitans.[93][94] With Out Passport/Papers or Working On Pavement are popular alternative etymologies for the slur, supposedly derived from Italians that arrived to North America as immigrants without papers and worked in construction and blue collar work. These acronyms are dismissed as folk etymology or backronyms by etymologists.
Aziz Ansari would be called Apu, a Dot Head, and a Terrorist, while Steve Sailer would be called all of the racial slurs that people use to describe pink skin people.
No word on what racial or ethnic slur(s), if any, he was called….
Since that Indian guy looks like he could be the brother of the Mulatto Gus Fring from Breaking Bad, I am 100 percent confident the African American man who beat him up did not refer to him as a Cracka or a Honky or a Peckerwood or a White boy.
“No word on what racial or ethnic slur(s), if any, he was called….
Since that Indian guy looks like he could be the brother of the Mulatto Gus Fring from Breaking Bad, I am 100 percent confident the African American man who beat him up did not refer to him as a Cracka or a Honky or a Peckerwood or a White boy.
(U.S.) A person of Italian descent.
(U.S.) an Italian-American.[90]
An Italian male, especially an Italian thug or mafioso.
(U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent.[91]
(U.S.) Can be used to describe a person of Italian or Hispanic descent. Can also be used to describe members of the 1950s subculture which Italians were stereotyped to be a part of.
(US) An Italian-American male. Usually offensive. Derives from the Italian given name, Guido. Used mostly in the Northeastern United States as a stereotype for working-class urban Italian-Americans.[92]
(U.S.) someone of Italian descent. (Derives from "Guinea Negro," was called because of some Italians who had dark complexions)
(Aus) Australian slur for the first wave of Southern European immigrants and their descendants that contrasted with the dominant Anglo-Saxon/Anglo-Celtic colonial stock. Used mostly for Mediterraneans and Southern Europeans, including the Spanish, Italians, Greeks, Macedonians, Lebanese, Arabs, Croatians and Serbians.
(U.S.) A racial term for anyone of Italian descent, derived from the Italian dialectism, "guappo," close to "dude, swaggerer" and other informal appellations, a greeting among male Neapolitans.[93][94] With Out Passport/Papers or Working On Pavement are popular alternative etymologies for the slur, supposedly derived from Italians that arrived to North America as immigrants without papers and worked in construction and blue collar work. These acronyms are dismissed as folk etymology or backronyms by etymologists.
“How about if they were to use one of the following ethnic slurs, instead?
(U.S.) A person of Italian descent.
(U.S.) an Italian-American.[90]
An Italian male, especially an Italian thug or mafioso.
Unless I was wearing a t-shirt showing my Italian pride, the chances of a group of Black thugs hurling anti-Italian racial slurs at me is slim to none. I have a much higher chance of being called a White boy or a Cracka by them.
Indians look like racial outsiders just by their phenotypes alone. Hence why someone who looks like Aziz Ansari could be called a Dot Head or a Terrorist by some ass hole on the street even if he is not wearing a t-shirt to demonstrate his Indian/South Asian pride.
Since that Indian guy looks like he could be the brother of the Mulatto Gus Fring from Breaking Bad, I am 100 percent confident the African American man who beat him up did not refer to him as a Cracka or a Honky or a Peckerwood or a White boy.
Why did they attack him, at all? There are plenty of indigenous Europeans to target, in Manhattan. I assume, regardless, that they did not mistake him for a fellow “dark as midnight” Black man….
“Why did they attack him, at all? There are plenty of indigenous Europeans to target, in Manhattan. I assume, regardless, that they did not mistake him for a fellow “dark as midnight” Black man….”
And I assume the Black thugs did not mistake the Indian man for being a member of the KKK or the Aryan Brotherhood either . Since he looks about as White as Gus Fring from Breaking Bad.
Even the former NAACP chairman Benjamin Jealous looks Whiter than that Indian man.
The Alawites lived in an isolated area and didn’t participate as much in the Islamic slave trade as orthodox Muslim Arabs. Hence, they have less sub-Saharan admixture than most other Muslim Arab groups.
I suspect that the Israeli government would prefer to have no Iran deal, the smaller aid amount and Pollard still in jail rather than what they are getting.
...the coming release of the film “Concussion,” in which Will Smith plays the doctor who helped identify a degenerative brain disease linked to repeated head trauma.
Another heroic black brain surgeon.
Bennet Omalu, the black doctor who was involved in the discovery of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, is a forensic pathologist not a neurosurgeon.
>>> Freda Pinto would not be pigeon-holed as White in Utah, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa
Maybe you’re right. Probably there’s tens of thousands of guys in Nebraska that would throw her out of bed.
I was not referring to the chance that feral Black miscreants might recognize you as being an Italian American; I was referring to the chance that they might mistake a Subcontinental– like, say, the late Benazir Bhutto, while in Western-style dress– as an Italian American, or a Greek American, or an Hispanic American, or some other relatively swarthy descendent of Southern Europeans, let alone those from the Middle East or North Africa (per the United States Bureau of the Census, to date). If you actually believe that feral Black miscreants share your own refined sense of racial and ethnic discernment, among Caucasians, I think that you need to re-examine your own presumption….
And I assume the Black thugs did not mistake the Indian man for being a member of the KKK or the Aryan Brotherhood either . Since he looks about as White as Gus Fring from Breaking Bad.
Even the former NAACP chairman Benjamin Jealous looks Whiter than that Indian man.
My point, in posting that particular link, was not that the victim looks like an indigenous European; it was that the Knockout Game (a.k.a. “polar-bear hunting”) has not been limited to European-American victims. Anyone who is not clearly Black is fair game….
I have had black men call me a “white boy” a few a times. Yeah, OK, I am white and a boy (male). If there’s a sting to that it escapes me. The “cracker” word doesn’t help much. The jailhouse term for whites is “woody”, like “cracker” is it is only a colorful description of skin tone. There doesn’t seem to be a nasty word to call white people that gets them immediately pissed off.
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