
Mechanical Keyboard malfunctioning

As there was not a subsection on the forums for keyboards or the like, i am trying this section hoping to get some help.

My keyboard is a Razer Blackwidow ultimate, and it has a few problems with it.

During a gaming session, it stopped working for about 5 seconds, and then it alt+tabbed me out of the game and locked me out of the computer. Upon trying to get back in, i noticed my password wasnt working. after trying it several times, i noticed my "l" key did not work.

I tried another keyboard, and was able to log in to windows. I uninstalled Razer synapse, and redid the firmware for the keyboard, but still no luck.

While doing this, i noticed that when the "w" key is pressed, it produces an "m" on the first press, then nothing.
The "s" key does not work either.

I have so far popped off the offending keys, and sprayed compressed air in the switches.

Nothing so far has worked, and of course the warranty on razer keyboards is only one year, and i have owned it for 1 year and 1 month.

If anyone has any suggestions, please help! it was a good keyboard until now :"(
3 answers Last reply Best Answer
More about mechanical keyboard malfunctioning
  1. Best answer
    I would head for device manager and uninstall all the installed drivers for keyboards .

    turn the pc off and reboot with the Blackwidow plugged in

    Hopefully windows will reload a fresh driver and all will be good
  2. Outlander_04 said:
    I would head for device manager and uninstall all the installed drivers for keyboards .

    turn the pc off and reboot with the Blackwidow plugged in

    Hopefully windows will reload a fresh driver and all will be good

    I did as you suggested, and when the pc rebooted, the keyboard worked fine for about 10 seconds until the little popped up that stated 'drivers had been installed' then the problems came back. What i ended up doing is downloading the legacy drivers, back before synapse was required. All is well now. Thanks for your help
  3. Best answer selected by velosteraptor.
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Homebuilt Keyboards Razer Systems