uOFW, the alternate Firmware project for the PSP


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54 Responses

  1. john says:

    I was thinking about it, there is no way to extract the psvita firmware and then change the psp firmware to the ecfw and then flash it on a psvita?

  2. thanatosysp4r4d0x says:

    AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! I can’t believe in what i’m seeing! IT’S A DREAM COMING TRUE!!! PSP´s becoming free of shackles! It´s even more and more valuable buy a PSP, even nowadays! It´s really the best portable device which exists…

  3. Alex says:

    This sounds amazing! If only I knew how to program… Thinking of starting now, but it’ll be a very long time before I’d be at the level required for this. 🙁

    • gunblade says:

      sounds fun dough ….uofw. sounds good must have been fun on the reversenginering.. thks guys would be nice to have a psp go now sounds like emulations would be better last i heard windows on the psp still took a while to load lol.. would be cool to just have it on boot or jus *** an app..

  4. stOneskull says:

    the possibilities are only limited to hardware capabilities

    • gunblade says:

      i long time thought of that when i first herd about how much ram the psp had i always wanted to add more to it.. hope this helps.. thinking it can…

  5. psVitovic says:

    imagine if one day psp’s would run linux and in the same time play psp games… and imagine if something like that happened to the psvita… psvita 3G would emediatly be the best selling device ever because the first thing to hack on it would be to make it a mobile phone – the thing that everybody expected before it got out… PSVITA 3G MOBILE PHONE – THE TRUE iPHONE KILLER

  6. psVitovic says:

    PSVITA 3G – SonyOS+AndroidOS… bye bye apple

  7. qwikrazor87 says:

    That is amazing. I hope the project reaches completion.

  8. ricardo says:

    I hope the same thing to happen with psvita in 3 years

  9. errm says:

    PSP is dead, post vita news

  10. svenn says:

    Linux on psp, we can dream can we ? Its nice they try, but it really looks like a un-do-able job. Howmuch developers have worked on OFW6.60 ? Howmany hours in just coding, now they wanne reverse it with <10 man ? Its a very nice idea, if i'd had the knowledge & time I'd contribute, but i fear it will end up as utopia, an empty 2 topic forum.

    Nevertheless, goodluck !

  11. gunblade says:

    well in one movie i watch a team of 4 coders got in to a computer system in five minutes…(good movie)..but yea would be sumtime since alot diferent firmware from 1.xx….

  12. Pirate says:

    It, will not end as utopia did at all.. If, i do remember correctly they have been doing this for a LONG time. I would dig up the topic on the form but i am lazy at the moment… This idea is beast so let’s keep it that way!

  13. HIMFan says:

    You put the last question asked by Wololo. But you didn’t put their names before the last answer. It just appears as though the question is asked and answered by Wololo.

  14. Rios says:

    This is an awesome project, good luck guys. 😉

  15. juniorsinistro says:

    FBA full,yes

  16. Del_Inferno says:

    So if the source code is released, China can make knock offs with complete firmware functionality…25 dollar PSP anyone?

    • mlc says:

      even those knockoffs would presumably be dependent upon the pricing of the components… so more like 50 or 70 dollar PSP’s that are ever so slightly more likely to break. hardly a bargain when compared to the enormous number of used PSPs that are available and probably would be more dependable.

      I may be wrong though, it just seems absurd that all the components of a PSP would cost less than 50 bucks. (though I’m not accounting for quantity discounts and the scale of whichever counterfeiting operation does it, so maybe they could get their components for that little if they planned to make tons of fake PSPs)

      • Del_Inferno says:

        Who knows really? I was just thinking that with all of this knowledge of how the system is operating they could make the most complete clone we have ever seen. Look at the clones of Nintendo systems! Im sure they could find cheap manufacturing.

  17. Orochi says:

    is it possible that we can run android ios like gingerbread or ics some alike it will be awesome but just impossible think so any thought about this

  18. utopia firmware comes up again xD

  19. naki says:

    I was just wondering where this project went… good that its still going strong 🙂

  20. sgii says:

    What does the “u” mean in “uOFW” ?

  21. Dovahkiin says:

    WOW! I thought this was dead…

  22. KryptikZ says:

    Cantcha make a Software Flasher for ps3 without using those flashers?,im just wondering

  23. auron says:

    this is cool, but couldn’t they RE the vita and put a cfw on it.

  24. Madblaster6 says:

    I don’t understand. I don’t see a use for this on 7 year old system.

  25. chris says:

    I wonder, could this possibly be ran on a PSP with the newer motherboard that has the newer IPL? If so, then this could be what late PSP 2000, PSP 3000, and PSP GO owners have been waiting for.

    • wololo says:

      I think for newer motherboards this would need an exploit first, just like LCFWs do

      • chris says:

        Ah, I see. Understood sir! 🙂 Let the waiting begin. This could unlock many new possibilities for the PSP from what I read. I’m interested in this project and I fully support the motive these guys have! From what I gathered from the information provided here, this could allow us to do things from a simple rearrangement of the PSP XMB icons, all the way to an entirely fully custom menu coded from scratch! There would be more possibilities than that as well. It’s almost unbelievable. 🙂 Well, looks like I have something I can look forward to messing around with after my college degrees in engineering and computer programming are all taken care of. 🙂

  26. Pirate says:

    Well, it is essentially just overwriting the current firmware files. So we could just reuse the 6.60 exploit to update it with this Firmware.

  27. ProfX says:

    By the looks of it the code hasn’t been updated in 2 months what a shame

    • Felix says:

      A not-updated GIT repository does not necessarily mean that nothing is going on behind the lines. We are working on a few modules right now, however, we are very busy with real life as well (as pointed out in the interview). Our aim is to upload “high-quality” source codes of modules (best case: the reversed engineered module runs on your PSP without any flaws) and this takes some time. We could commit some new code files right now, but they wouldn’t be of much use as they are in-complete and missing a lot of important information, making them hard to understand. More contributors definitely would speed up the uOFW project and thus could result in more repository updates then right now.

  28. Raikiri says:

    Nice article indeed. Thanks.

  29. Pr3dator says:

    Hi, I’m a person who knows a lot of programming (C, C++, Python and a bit of Assembly) and I want to get into decryption (basically cryptography). Could someone point in the right direction to learn the basics and then the more advanced stuff (I know stuff like Caesar Cipher, A1Z26 Cipher, etc).

  1. November 15, 2012

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