The International Workshop on Simulation and Modeling related to Computational Science and Robotics Technology (SiMCRT2011) will be held in Kobe, Japan on November 1 – November 3, 2011. The basic objectives of the symposium are to i) bring together a diverse group of researchers in these areas in order to share and compare the different approaches to simulation and modeling for broad range of applications in computational science and robotics technology, ii) to provide an evaluation of the state of the art in related computational methods and iii) present specific applications where there is a need to develop new computational methods in order to address important design and control problems. The goal of the workshop is to establish collaborative links between engineering researchers related to information and robotics technology (IRT) and applied mathematicians working in modeling and computational methods for design and control. In addition to the formal presentations, time will be allotted for researchers to discuss and evaluate possible applications of new design strategies.

International Organizing Committee:
F. Kojima, Kobe University, Japan, kojima (at)
H.T. Banks, N. C. State University, USA, htbanks (at)
J.A. Burns, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA,  burns (at)
F. Kappel, University of Gratz, Austria, kappel (at)
M. Yamamoto, University of Tokyo, Japan, myama (at)
Z. Luo , Kobe University, Japan, luo (at)

Plenary Speakers (Tentative):
H.T. Banks (North Carolina State University, USA), J.A. Burns (Virginia Tech, USA), D. M. Bortz (University of Colorado Boulder, USA), John Banks (University of Washington, USA), Franz Kappel (University of Graz, Austria), G. Nakamura (Hokkaido University), T. Takagi (Tohoku University), M. Yamamoto (University of Tokyo), Sh. Nakagiri (Kobe University), T. Nambu (Kobe University), Z.W. Luo (Kobe University), T. Sakagami (Kobe University)

Sponsored by: Kobe University

In Cooperation with : 

We wish to thank the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development and the U.S. Army International Technology Center - Pacific for their contribution to the success of this conference.

Contact Address: 
Fumio KOJIMA, Professor Dr. Eng.
1-1, Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501 JAPAN
Phone/FAX +81-78-803-6493, E-mail ;