(via overfierce)
(Source: cooksforkisses, via workoutinpink)
(Source: ruinedchildhood, via forgave)
two dudes, sittin in the hot tub, five feet apart cuz theyre not gay
theyre definitely gay you can tell they want to hold hands but theyre not ready yet
(Source: fotki.yandex.ru, via bob-belcher)
(Source: hilarioushumorfromouterspace, via perks-of-being-chinese)
Apply eyeliner only from the outer third of the eye and blend it out. This will help elongate your eyes and prevent the eyeliner from “rounding” them off.
(Source: makeuptips-, via makeuptips-)
(Source: audrelawwd, via encourage)
(Source: oncethingslookup, via overfierce)
(Source: capsat, via crystallized-teardrops)
(via manda)
(Source: cannabinomad, via perks-of-being-chinese)
I reblog this every time I see it, because it’s one of life’s hardest lessons.
(Source: lierdumoa, via crystallized-teardrops)
question: how would you deal with cyber attacks against the US government?
donald trump: i am so strongly against cyber. we came up with the internet. cyber is a big issue. we need to be SMART and QUICK. let me tell you. my son has a computer. he’s 10! he’s so good on that computer so good you wouldn’t believe it!
This sounds like a joke BUT HE SAID THIS!!!!
(via only1600kids)