24 Feb 2017
In October of last year, I published a new library - typed-process. It builds on top of the veritable process package, and provides an alternative API (which I'll explain in a bit). It's not the first time I've written such a wrapper library; I first did so when creating Data.Conduit.Process, which is just a thin wraper around Data.Streaming.Process.
With this proliferation of APIs, why did I go for another one? With Data.(Conduit/Streaming).Process, I tried to stay as close as possible to the underlying process API. And the underlying process API is rigid for (at least) two reasons:
- It's one of the most used APIs in the Haskell ecosystem, so breaking changes carry a very high cost
- Since process is a dependency of GHC itself (a boot library), we're limited in adding dependencies
After I got sufficiently fed up with limitations in the existing APIs, I decided to take a crack at doing it all from scratch. I made a small announcement on Twitter, and have been using this library regularly since its release. In addition, a few people have raised questions on the process issue tracker whose simplest answer is IMO "use typed-process." Therefore, I think now's a good time to discuss the library more publicly and get some feedback as to what to do with it.
Overview of typed-process
There is both a typed-process tutorial and Haddock documentation available. If you want details, you should read those. This section is intended to give a little taste of typed-process to set the stage for the rest of the post.
Everything starts with the ProcessConfig
datatype, which specified
all the rules for how we're going to run an external process. This
includes all of the common settings from the CreateProcess
type in
the process package, like changing the working directory or
environment variables. Importantly (and the source of the "typed" in
the library name), ProcessConfig
takes three type parameters,
representing the type of the three standard streams (input, output,
and error). For example, ProcessConfig Handle Handle Handle
indicates that all three streams will have Handle
s, whereas
ProcessConfig () (STM ByteString) ()
indicates that input and error
will be unit, but output can be access as an STM
action which
returns a ByteString
. (Much more on this later.)
There are multiple helper functions - like withProcess
- to take a ProcessConfig
and turn it into a live,
running process. These running processes are represented by the
type, which like ProcessConfig
takes three type
parameters. There are underscore variants of these launch functions
(like withProcess_
and readProcess_
) to automatically check the
exit code of a process and, if unsuccessful, throw a runtime
You can access the exit code of a process with waitExitCode
, which are blocking and non-blocking,
respectively. These functions also come in STM
variants to more
easily work with processes from atomic sections of code.
Alright, enough overview, let's start talking about motivation.
Downsides of process
The typed-process tutorial identifies five limitations in the process library that I wanted to overcome. (There's also a sixth issue I'm aware of, a race condition, which I've added as a bonus section.) Let's dive into these more deeply, and see how typed-process addresses them.
Type variables
I've made a big deal about type variables so far. I believe this is the biggest driving force behind the more usable API in typed-process. Let's consider some idiomatic process-based code.
#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-8.0 runghc import Control.Exception import System.Process import System.IO import System.Exit main :: IO () main = do (Just inh, Just outh, Nothing, ph) <- createProcess (proc "cat" ["-", "/usr/share/dict/words"]) { std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = CreatePipe } hPutStrLn inh "This is the list of all words:" hClose inh out <- hGetContents outh evaluate $ length out -- lazy I/O :( mapM_ putStrLn $ take 100 $ lines out ec <- waitForProcess ph if (ec == ExitSuccess) then return () else error $ "cat process failed: " ++ show ec
The fact that std_in
and std_out
specify the creation of a
is not reflected in the types at all. If we left those
changes out, our program would still compile, but our pattern match of
(Just inh, Just outh
would fail. By moving this information into the
type system, we can catch bugs at compile time. Here's the equivalent
code as above:
#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-8.0 runghc --package typed-process import Control.Exception import System.Process.Typed import System.IO main :: IO () main = do let procConf = setStdin createPipe $ setStdout createPipe $ proc "cat" ["-", "/usr/share/dict/words"] withProcess_ procConf $ \p -> do hPutStrLn (getStdin p) "This is the list of all words:" hClose $ getStdin p out <- hGetContents $ getStdout p evaluate $ length out -- lazy I/O :( mapM_ putStrLn $ take 100 $ lines out
If you leave off the setStdin
or setStdout
calls, the program will
not compile. But this is only the beginning. Instead of being limited
to either generating a Handle
or not, we now have huge amounts of
flexibility in how we configure our streams. For example, here's an
alternative approach to providing standard input to the process:
#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-8.0 runghc --package typed-process {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Exception import System.Process.Typed import System.IO main :: IO () main = do let procConf = setStdin (byteStringInput "This is the list of all words:\n") $ setStdout createPipe $ proc "cat" ["-", "/usr/share/dict/words"] withProcess_ procConf $ \p -> do out <- hGetContents $ getStdout p evaluate $ length out -- lazy I/O :( mapM_ putStrLn $ take 100 $ lines out
There are functions in the process package that allow specifying standard input this easily, but they are not as composable as this approach (as we'll discuss below).
There's much more to be said about these type parameters, but hopefully this taste, plus the further examples in this post, will demonstrate their usefulness.
Proper concurrency
Functions like readProcessWithExitCode
use some pretty hairy (IMO)
lazy I/O tricks internally to read the output and error streams from a
process. For the most part, you can simply use these functions without
worrying about the crazy innards. However, consider if you want to do
something off the beaten track, like capture the error stream while
allowing the output stream to go to the parent process's
stdout. There's no built-in function in process to handle that, so
you'll be stuck implementing that behavior. And this functionality is
far from trivial to get right.
By contrast, typed-process does not use any lazy I/O. And while it
provides a readProcess
function, there's nothing magical about it;
it's built on top of the byteStringOutput
stream config, which uses
proper threading under the surface and provides its output via STM
for even nicer concurrent coding.
#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack --install-ghc --resolver lts-8.0 runghc --package typed-process {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically) import System.Process.Typed import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8 main :: IO () main = do let procConf = setStdin closed $ setStderr byteStringOutput $ proc "stack" ["path", "--verbose"] err <- withProcess_ procConf $ atomically . getStderr putStrLn "\n\n\nCaptured the following stderr:\n\n" L8.putStrLn err
I won't dwell much on this one, since the benefits are less commonly
useful. Since many functions in typed-process provide both IO
alternatives, it can significantly simplify some concurrent
algorithms by letting you keep more logic within an atomic block. This
is similar to (and inspired by) the design choices in the async
library, which is my favorite library of all time.
Binary I/O
All input and output in typed-process works on binary data as
s, instead of textual String
data. This is:
- More semantically correct
- More efficient
- Avoids annoying platform-specific bugs
More composable
A major goal of this library has been to be as composable as possible. I've been frustrated by two issues in the process package:
- Many common changes to the API necessitate a breaking API change
(e.g., the addition of the
setting orNoStream
constructor) - There is a big split between helper functions that work on
values (likereadCreateProcess
) and those that work on raw command/argument pairs (likereadProcess
). The situation has improved in recent releases, but in older process releases, the lack ofCreateProcess
variants of many functions made it very difficult to both modify the environment/working directory for a process and capture its output or error.
For (1), I've gone the route of smart constructors throughout the
API. You cannot access the ProcessConfig
data constructor, but
instead must use proc
, shell
, or OverloadedStrings
. Instead of
record accessors, there are setter and getter functions. And instead
of a hard-coded list of stream types via a set of data constructors,
you can create arbitrary StreamSpec
s via the mkStreamSpec
function. I hope this turns out to be an API that is resilient to
breaking changes.
For (2), the solution is easy: all launch functions in typed-process
work exclusively on ProcessConfig
. Problem solved. We now have a
very clear breakdown in the API: first you configure everything you
want about your process, and then you choose whichever launch function
makes the most sense to you.
Bonus: Race condition
There's a
long standing race condition
in process - which will hopefully be
resolved soon - that
introduces a race condition on waiting for child processes. In
typed-process, we've avoided this entirely with a different approach
to child process exit codes. Namely: we fork a separate thread to wait
for the process and fill an STM TMVar
, which both ensures no race
condition and makes it possible to observe the process exiting from
within an atomic block.
As a side benefit, this also avoids the possibility of accidentally
creating zombie processes by not getting the process's exit code when
it finishes. Similarly, by encouraging the bracket pattern (via
) when interacting with a process, killing off child
processes in the case of exceptions happens far more reliably.
For the most part, I have not run into significant limitations with
typed-process so far. The biggest annoyances I have with it are those
inherited from process, specifically that command line arguments and
environment variables are specified as String
s, leading to some
character encoding issues.
I'm certain there are limitations of typed-process versus process. And for others, there may be a higher learning curve with typed-process versus process. I haven't received enough feedback on that yet to assess, however.
The other downside is dependencies, for those who worry about such things. In addition to depending on process itself (and therefore inheriting its dependencies), typed-process depends on async, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, exceptions, stm, and transformers. The conduit deps can easily be moved out, it's just for providing a convenience function that could be provided elsewhere. Regarding the others:
- transformers is only needed for
. Now thatMonadIO
has moved into base, I could make that dependency conditional. - The exceptions dependency makes
more general, and would be a shame to lose. - Dropping async and stm could be done by inlining their code here, which would work, but is a bad idea IMO.
The only reason for considering these changes would be the next section...
What's next?
I'm left with the question of what to do with this package, especially as more people ask questions that can be answered with "just use typed-process."
- Do nothing. The package can live on Hackage/Stackage as-is, people who want to use it can use it, and that's it.
- Add a note to the package process mentioning it as a potential, alternative API. Even though I'm currently the process package maintainer, I feel it would be inappropriate for me to make such a decision myself.
- Even more radically: if there is strong support for this API, we
could consider merging it back into the process package. I wouldn't
be in favor of modifying the
module (we should keep it as-is for backwards compatibility), but adding a new module with this API is certainly doable (sans the dependency issues mentioned aboved).
At the very least, this library has scratched a personal itch. If it helps others, that's a great perk :).