1. My Cato podcast on The Complacent Class. And Ben Sasse on how to raise an American adult. I am excited to read Ben’s forthcoming book.
2. The Korean balancing artist video (those new service sector jobs).
3. Peter Coy profile of Peter Navarro.
4. Michelle Dawson to become a knight (chevalière).
5. Indian barber cuts customers’ hair with fire (video at link with story).
I’d say “Miss You” is #1. Particularly the disco cut: https://youtu.be/hPrklRwn1HE. In Beatles v. Stones, that’s my exhibit A.
Rocks Off, Can’t You Hear Me Knockin’, and Moonlight Mile are somewhere in the top 10.
Their dark horse top 10 is Worried About You. Might be Bill Wyman’s best work and the guitar solo is a real bender. It was recorded in the brief period between Mick Taylor and Ronnie Wood – the guitarist is actually Wayne Perkins. I don’t hate Wood but I’d love to hear how Some Girls would have turned out if they had hired Perkins permanently.
Rather cheeky of them to exactly reverse the correct order.
One can only wonder what could have been had Michael Huchence not run afoul of the tender garotte and replaced as planned that guy who sings on most of their songs.
“Happy” should be ranked higher than 80, and “Get Off of My Cloud” higher than 59.
I mean this list isn’t serious. It’s just the songs ranked by mainstream popularity.
“Midnight Rambler” is the Rolling Stone-iest Rolling Stone song of all. It should probably be #1 for that alone.
#1b “Decided I couldn’t watch Netflix 8 hours straight and went to the grocery store instead #adulting.” How Americans get their groceries when they don’t go to the grocery store and they live alone?
There are many grocery delivery services and many young Americans don’t cook at all and just eat out every meal.
Thanks for the information.
“There are many grocery delivery services”. I guess they actually can watch 8 hours of Netflix, then.
“many young Americans don’t cook”
I can’t imagine not cooking.
“and just eat out every meal”
Well, eating out at lunch is common in Brazil because it is at worktime, most can go back to home to eat (I always said we should start working earlier and give people bigger lunch pauses, it is our bigger meal, but time zones do not help), but every meal? This is what happens when an affluent society wastes money instead of taking care of its societal needs.
And after eating every meal on macdonalds & cia. they become land manatees.
#6 says “All Rolling Stones Songs” but one of my favorite tracks from Aftermath, “It’s Not Easy”, is not on the list. I assume there are a bunch more not there.
Joe, you have good taste. “It’s Not Easy” is a great song. To my mind, “You Can’t Always get what You Want” is a super flop-a-roonie. The choir is especially irritating.
“Walking the dog” may not be the greatest song ever, but shouldn’t come in at 242 behind entire weal albums
3. American companies created the China miracle by shifting production to China, augmented by shifting income to tax havens via creative accounting. Of course, Navarro can’t be honest about it, and neither can Trump; instead, they take aim at China, as though China somehow overcame American business, the graduates of the HBS, and gravity. What’s the alternate history? A desperately poor China with a powerful an aggressive military, a North Korea with far more resources and a much larger population? Talk to China’s business leaders. They view America as their partner, a partner in the prosperity that originated in the West and is expanding to the East. This is the era of global prosperity and peace. Some folks prefer misery.
Soon or later,t he aggressive, fascist Chinese regime will fall and then the fools who have supported it will bitterly repent.
In what locations of the Western Hemisphere are Chinese troops stationed?
‘American companies created the China miracle by shifting production to China’
I wonder what companies like Foxconn or Sony would say about that, not to mention Puma to name three global companies. It wasn’t just American countries responsible for China’s rise into the world’s biggest sweatshop.
These lists are kind of silly, but “You Can’t Alway Get What You Want” is a great song. What amazes me is that the same languid beat goes from start to finish, but the sub-rhythms with the organ, piano and congas make it sound like it’s accelerating, breaking into a gallup at the end.
Maybe the wayward Republicans should listen to this repeatedly until they warm up to Trump. It’s an important message coming to you from 1969.
1b. About more young people living with their parents, is this perpetual adolescence? Or is it a return to the norms of the real Old Days, when people couldn’t afford not to live with their parents? If more of those people moved out, they’d have less money available for health savings accounts or “private” social security of whatever hare-brained scheme Conservatism Inc thought up. People are delaying marriage, so that push factor is no longer there. And since house sizes are bigger the parents will have more room.
However, the rest of the article was pretty good, much better than I expected given who the author is.
Shouldn’t living with your parents make you more conservative? It certainly seems like living in your own household is a modern and liberal thing, as opposed to traditional filial piety which means housing, feeding, and taking care of your parents at a minimum.
It is a racket. My parents lived with their parents until marrying and they used to give their wages to their parents.
The New York Times had an article in February noting that about 40% of people between 22 and 24 receive financial assistance from their parents with the average being about $3,000 per year. I don’t know if the trend in this has been upward but it certainly suggests along with the “boomerang” phenomenon that economic conditions hold back a lot of young people from independence. When entry-levels wages don’t keep up with housing, health insurance and student loan costs, something has to give.
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/09/upshot/a-secret-of-many-urban-20-somethings-their-parents-help-with-the-rent.html
1) podcasting DC libertarians are the ultimate complacent class, offended at the suggestion the iPhone doesn’t improve much every year and that many things are getting worse
Their best song is below the median! It isn’t even in the top 300! What an embarrassing effort.
1. Ben Sasse is a good example of what’s wrong with the GOP and the political class in general. He delayed adulthood as long as possible, He got a whiff of adulthood, working in the private sector and quickly curried back to the the public sector. Now, he lectures the rest of us about being and adult. The guy is an empty suit, which is why he is the hero of the libertardian fraudsters, I guess.
Yep. He’s a Bubble Boy.
#2. That’s not a service sector job! That’s an artist who deserves government funding!
1. Cato is far from my favorite Roman. Not enough love in his heart, although, God bless him, he tried to find an alternative. Sort of like a pagan Chesterton – not as blustery, of course, but also not as likable ………….
4. Good for her! Everyone I know and love, when I stop and think about it, reminds me a little of people like Michelle Dawson………..
6. My favorite pop songs out of the thousands that are “popular” generally top out at 2 or 3 per artist; and I like the singers best when they sound like they are not pretending to be someone they are not…….
The vocalist on Ruby Tuesday is not pretending to be a bluesy American and actually sounds like a character from a Somerset Maugham novel, so I like that song for that………..
That being said, if Rachmaninoff could sue for chord change theft, the writer of Ruby Tuesday would have to settle……..
There is an even more famous English song from the 60s that is a slowed-down and sentimentalized version of the theme song of the Magilla Gorilla and Mr Peebles show. (Hint – there is a famous anecdote about how the writer composed the melody in a dream and on waking wondered if he had heard the song somewhere before. He did! If he ever heard the Magilla Gorilla theme song, that is).
7. That is a well written obituary, although it clearly has been edited down to a small percentage of its original length.
Newspapers never know what to think about the relative importance of economists.
I would much rather watch a movie about the twentieth best economist of his generation, or the twentieth best pop music group, than watch the dreck about the most famous economists and the most famous music groups.
Who is your favorite Roman, and why?
Maybe Horace, because in his odes and other poems he tried to make truth, gratitude, and kindness more valued than they were in his time. Not quite “hope, faith, and charity” but amazingly profound for a pagan. Dante was impressed enough to place him in the Elysian Fields with other magnanimous poets like Homer. Then there are the eloquent Roman martyrs (all discussed very well in “The Saints of the Canon”, a 1910 or so booklet available on-line at sanctamissa.org) … Perpetua and Felicity, Lucy, Cecilia … Linus, Clement, Lawrence…Agnes, Cosmas and Damian, Agatha, and Anastasia …. I have never met someone named after Perpetua or Clement, but all the others seem like they are still popular names.