Arms Control Wonk: Leading Voices on Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation

Guest Post: The Chinpo Shipping Case Implodes

Catherine Dill

A guest post from my colleague Andrea Berger: Chinpo Shipping (Private) Pty is our model proliferation finance prosecution. Or at least it was, until last week, when it all came apart at the seams. In June 2014, Singaporean prosecutors filed charges against Chinpo Shipping and its director for its involvement in facilitating the shipment of …

Nuclear South Asia

Quotes of the week: “Learning is ever in the freshness of its youth, even for the old.” –Aeschylus “Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned.” –Mark Twain When you find yourself in a hole, recovery is a multi-step process. The first step is to stop digging. The second step is to figure out how …

Korea and the Limits of Coercive Ambiguity

(With apologies to Alexander George.) North Korea and the Trump Administration turn out to be a pretty heady mix. That blend has been driving Americans to distraction for weeks, and keeping the natsec Twittersphere continuously busy. With North Korea in mind, I dashed off a thread on some of the basics of nuclear deterrence and the non-use of nuclear weapons. …

The American Century

Quote of the week: “Everything flows and nothing abides; everything gives way and nothing stays fixed.” —David Fromkin, The Way of the World, with due credit to Heraclitus and Gautama  In an essay published in Life magazine, media impresario Henry Luce declared the 20th Century to be the American Century. That was before Pearl Harbor, …

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