Dear Marine
I heard your magnificent concession speech on the radio as you gave it. It brought me to tears, because it was so encouraging, so philosophical, so humble and heartfelt. It was a class act, and you are a class act.
Thank you for not ‘just’ staying home and baking cookies and having teas. Those things are fine–though I’m an architect by training, I chose to be a full-time parent and I’ve had few regrets. But I’ve taught my children that we all have the responsibility to use our gifts and talents to try to make the world a better place.
I don’t agree with all of your policies, but I respect the way you think through a problem — the way you always gather all the information first. I am inspired by your lifelong and global dedication to human rights, and I am forever in awe of what you’ve done for women’s rights.
You are a woman I will look up to for the rest of my life.
As I stared at the newscast on that giant screen above rows of French flags, I was picturing you in your hotel room, trying to imagine what you must have felt.
I cannot begin to know.
You must already know that you deserved a victory. You are the experienced, qualified candidate. You are the even-tempered, inclusive leader that the rest of the world was depending on us to choose.
I am so sorry we failed you.
More importantly, you’ve taught us that enemies can become friends. You have always reached across the aisle, always aimed to understand. Your ability to compromise and hear the other side is one of your greatest strengths.
It’s that quality that I hope to channel in the coming years.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to vote for a female president.
Nothing has made me prouder.
People commenting negativity are why Mother lost