Storyteller, adventurer, and Magic: the Gathering Designer. Have a question? Ask away!


I have to applaud #alaskaairlines for listening to feedback. You put “Increased Volcano Safety” on a consumer questionaire just ONCE, and then…

I have to applaud #alaskaairlines for listening to feedback. You put “Increased Volcano Safety” on a consumer questionaire just ONCE, and then…

  1. pepinismo said: ¡Pura vida volcánica!
  2. mtgflyheight reblogged this from gavinverhey
  3. last-august reblogged this from gavinverhey
  4. thehumancuntipede reblogged this from gavinverhey
  5. gingerblivet reblogged this from gavinverhey and added:
    That is some super niche marketing
  6. cannotwynn reblogged this from gavinverhey and added:
    Marketing tailor-made for you, Gavin.
  7. katiekat1117 reblogged this from gavinverhey and added:
    Omg thats great! XD
  8. the-return-of-the-frat-cabaret reblogged this from gavinverhey
  9. gavinverhey posted this