In addition to these books on math, what are some good books on programming (total beginner tier)? What does need to know? I've heard The Little Schemer is good
Also, is this this list a good intro to math in general?
SICP is the best introduction to programming, especially if you are interested in maths.
No one should actually read The Art of Computer Programming.
Also, does the SICP require any prerequisites?
>No one should actually read The Art of Computer Programming.
Look I understand you might not like his politics, but it's a great, beautiful book. Probably the greatest of its kind. It should be read for pleasure.
It's actually not too bad. I'd make changes if the person were more interested in being a math major, but there's enough good material there to get someone started. Either Apostol or Spivak is a good calculus course to put someone on the right track.
What exactly would you use advanced calculus for in programming?
Machine learning algorithms / Computer vision / Image processing.
... signal processing also.
Thanks for posting this, I have been looking for it but, the /prog/ thread it comes from is gone (along with the entire board). Personally I gave it a go a while back but didn't get any further than the first chapter of basic mathematics. If you are like me and received a piss poor math education at school, you may want to flesh out your knowledge with the textbooks published by the art of problem solving.
As for programming books you may wish to read The C Programming Language by Kerningham and Ritchie as from memory the little schemer is basically just a bunch of examples. Then you should move on to SICP. This order ensures that you have the motivation to keep pushing on as well as ensuring that you begin to build a healthily large list of languages.
Take this with a grain of salt.
>a piss poor math education at school
You might like this book. It's reasonably light (more like a survey) and can certainly fill in a lot gaps you might have, and help you highlight areas you're interested in learning more about.
Looks good I'll check it out.
>I understand you might not like his politics
What is exactly wrong with Knuth's politics?
I know he is a kike-on-stick believer, but it could have been much worse.
Take a closer look at the image.
I ordered myself various inexpensive second hand books. A few just out of curiosity or vague relation with my fields of interest, to get inspiration for new ideas.
(titles translated)
Wavelets, multifractals, and turbulences: from DNA to cristalline growths
Optimisation and Stability Theory for Economic Analysis
Chebyshev methods in numerical approximation
A Treatise on Bessel Functions and their Applications to physics
Logical construction of Cobol programs (I know, please laugh at me)
Stochastic Methods in Economics and Finance
Introduction to matrix numerical analysis and optimization
Charles Hermite - On some applications of elliptic functions
Artificial intelligence for developers
Looks like fun. Big money in cobal though, 300k starting any job no one wants.
Well I would like to try and see how far I can get by myself in dark arts of Cobol, and possibly build a small portfolio for a job application.
I have 5 year experience of c++ scientific programming and a few banks in my area regularly offer Cobol positions.
> Functional Differential Geometry
Sounds interesting, let's take a look at the software needed...
> Download our special snowflake Scheme and don't ask any questions. If you want to use the code with any other Scheme, then fuck you
This autism is why Scheme never gets fucking anywhere. Sussman needs to be locked up in a camp and if he doesn't produce a useful Scheme standard he gets the gas.
>but, the /prog/ thread it comes from is gone
The internet never forgets
techpill me on cobol
Is that some infamous tripfag from halfchan?
Didn't want to tripfag fml.
1.) I wrote an IRC bot in COBOL for shits and grins, would not recommend.
2.) Thats a shit meme and its reaching hard, tripcodes are meant for OPs to verify who they are in ebin treads. This isn't fucking facebook fuck off normie. also
I don't get it.
I noticed Trump, but Knuth and Trump don't seem anything alike.
It's because both their names and titles of their work is similar.
Donald E. Knuth
The Art of Computer Programming
Donald J. Trump
The Art of the Deal.
This book should be added to the list. An elementary level algebra book written by one of Russia's top mathematicians. I just noticed that he died last February (RIP). Really comfy reading.
Also if you like really clear expositions, checkout anything by Arnol'd, another top tier Russian mathematician. His ODE book is especially great.
The image is a 6 year old /v/ meme. Maybe even older.
When your wikipedia contains:
> On his 80th birthday, Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed his "fundamental research" in mathematics, and his creation of "a great science school known both in Russia and abroad".
and a section titled:
You're doing something right.
What is a good book that I can use to learn C(not C++ or C#, just C)?
y'all should read the rust book tbh
Kernighan & Ritchie: The C Programming language
That's the best book to learn C from if you already know how to program. You can then follow it up with Expert C Programming by van der Linden.
I've got some really good programming books. might make an i2p torrent of it or something?
not sure, advice me please!
You faggots in this thread need to be schooled by a genetically superior programmer.
You're welcome.
You don't need math, just use a library ffs. I have honed my programming craft in JS for over 5 years and have yet to see one instance where calculus, linear algebra or any other abstract bullshit comes up. Maybe once I used a trig function and the pythagorus theorem. Everything else is just a waste of time hahaha.
I think you meant "code". Who the fuck says "programming"? xD
If you are going to make torrents do not do it as one big collection. Instead make torrents for the individual books, or small collections like a specific series.
If the books are already readily freely available do not bother making another torrent.
Seeding torrents on i2p is good.
>having any genetic superiority
One can always choose the files to download from a big singular torrent...
I thought these might be of use to some of you. You've all heard of MIT's Open CourseWare, but this three part series of calculus lectures from the 1970s by prof Herbert Gross is especially good. Very comfy listening. What's also neat, is that this guy is 88 years old now, yet still answering people in the comment section. There are three full courses spanning single variable, multivariable, and then differential equations with some light linear algebra.
Thank you for the playlist, I have been wanting to freshen up on that topic for a long time now. But I just cannot get over how at the beginning of each video his face looks like someone is shoving a cactus dildo up his ass.
It's hilarious, also when he'll be talking and the just start smiling mid-sentence. MIT also have a more recent* calculus course (there's also one for multi variable.) While it looks good, it just doesn't have the same charm as Prof Gross.
*Recent in time, that is. The material from even the '60s is certainly still modern. Only changes you might see is a bit more set theory, and perhaps topology, but these are typically in more advanced books.
is it possible to self teach myself all of this and then graduate from a math major without needing to spend 5 years in college and thousands upon thousands of dollars?
what books would you add to be a math major?
In OP's books, there wasn't anything on set theory, number theory, abstract algebra, differential equations, probability, real analysis, complex analysis, or topology. Most math majors usually pick a concentration of a pure or applied track and statistics is usually separated into it's own degree, so depending on your interests, you'll pick more advanced topics in subjects which interest you.
Those were topics from the top of my head, but you can find a more complete list here. If you're sufficiently smart and VERY well disciplined, of course you can learn on your own. One thing most people forget is to do problem sets, that's the hardest thing to motivate yourself to do when self studying, because there's no immediate penalty for missed work.
Since this is /tech/, the subjects you'll likely care most about are calculus (single and multivariable), probability, and linear algebra (matrix oriented for sure, and preferably a more abstract course later on as well).
Watch online lectures for getting the general concepts and informal motivation.
Read textbooks for the details.
Do problem sets to reinforce the concepts.
thanks for answering. ive been trying to take math seriously and relearn everything since i dont even remember how to do some basic calculus.
what is the branch form all of those that are more useful for cryptography later on? thats something that interest me
also, it is possible to get a degree or even a minor in math from self learning? and i dont only mean in the same knowledge level, but a real degree. do colleges allow that? instead of spending years inrolled and paying a lot of money, you just do their tests and boom, you have the degree?
Cryptography draws most from number theory, and algebra (both abstract and linear). You'll still want at least single variable calculus, because it's a very general field, but number theory is the main field underpinning that subject. The book I listed here on Algebra >>737426 is very entry level, and almost conversational. That would make a good start. Next for Number theory itself, Hardy comes well recommended, but while I love the book, I don't think it's best for a beginner self-studying. Save it for later on. I think pic related is a good choice:, and if you like Apostol's style, he also has a VERY good two volume series on Calculus (Nicknamed Tommy I and II). Some might say it's dry, but that's because he explains everything in detail, albeit in a very readable fashion.
> but a real degree. do colleges allow that?
Not any that I'm aware of, although I'm sure that will eventually change.
sorry to bother you again, but that algebra book would be an start for math if i know only basic addition?
or should i read op's books first?
if you dont mind, could you recomend me a set of books from the very beginning.
are you a math major?
i hope so, its a pity that youre requested a degree to work even when you know this stuff. frustrating.
> if i know only basic addition?
> recomend me a set of books from the very beginning.
Start with Apostol Calculus I and that Algebra book at the same time. Apostol teaches pretty much from the ground up, and both books do not assume anything more than high school.
Incidentally, Apostol died last year, and Shafarevich died a few months ago. So you can with less guilt here
> are you a math major?
No computer science. Mostly self-taught in mathematics.
*pirate with less
Another point. In OP's list it mentions Spivak is essentially teaching analysis, the same is true for Apostol (even more so). You can just read it as "a more rigorous calculus", which while sounding harder, really ends up making everything easier to understand because it demystifies the concepts.
thanks i guess with those 2 book will eep me busy for a while, how much could be expected to finish those books? 6 months?
>Apostol died last year, and Shafarevich died a few months ago
dude is the better domain
>dude is the better domain
Yeah, but is fussy with some vpn locations.
I'd allow for bit longer than 6 months for Apostol, there's a lot of material in that one book, equivalent to two university courses. Oh yeah, this is really handy. Some guy wrote explanations for all the problems.
for someone who only knows basic addition*
im reading that version and the preface mentions that there are new exercises, so im not sure if that websiste have the answers to this edition or the 1st edition
Yeah that's the one. Don't worry, that "new" version was probably written before the guy that made the website was born. I think it's from 1967. That second edition is the final edition too, unlike garbage tier books they give students today that have 8 or 10 editions.
>who only knows basic addition
You may or may not need to brush up on your trigonometry. If so this book by (((Israel M. Gelfand))) is really good don't tell /pol/. Very easy to read, at a high school level:
Gelfand also has an Algebra book that I've heard is very good for beginners, but it seems to be aimed at a highschool level. Consider this too:
Those two books won't take very long to read.
>someone posts a good archive /g/ created
>fuck off
Where do you think this board's userbase came from?
kek man your confusing me even more.
ok my to read list in order for an absolute beginner like me
>algebra by gelfand
>???discourses on algebra??
>trig by gelfand
>calc i by apostol
>number theory by apostol
Read both Gelfand books at the same time, and then Calc I and Discourses together.
> Pay thousands upon thousands to some marxist run SJW college with mandatory options in diversity training.
> Or learn in a comfy setting, from the collective mindshare of autists.
Easy choice.
>needing to know math to program
Dude I failed Algebra 1 twice in highschool before finally passing it and now I'm one of the best programmers at my college. I don't know where the fuck this "computer science is 90% math" meme comes from. Probably from the bunch of losers who want to make themselves feel better about wasting so much time on the useless skill of formula memorization. Whenever I see a thread like this and people recommending math books, it reminds me of the one time I was tutoring some "genius" who was majoring in CS and passed calculus 4 and didn't know how to pass a variable to a method and didn't know how to process a 2d array.
None of this shit matters and just about everything you make will only require middle school math. Anyone telling you otherwise is either some top 1% programmer who actually needs to memorize certain algorithms for his job or a retard from /v/ that took 5 minute python lessons from youtube and is attending college for a degree in computer science doing his associate's degree which requires him to do math before starting the bachelor's and doing actual programming at all and thinks he knows what programming is all about.
>now I'm one of the best programmers at my college
Sure kid. Congratulations on proving the Dunning–Kruger effect. While you may very well demonstrate proficiency calling other people's libraries, I highly doubt the "best programmer" is one who cannot read text books on >>736586 >>736587. At most firms doing anything beyond building webapps, you'd be laughed right out the room. Have fun failing linear algebra, that one filters out many "rockstar" programmers.
Meh. I have to agree that guy, 90% of practical programming only requires middle-school level math. The problem is, understanding how things like FFT's and SS representation of differential equations actually works absolutely requires higher level math...but once a library is made that wraps all that logic up, the users of that library are abstained from that responsibility. i.e. you don't have to be able to perform jpeg decoding on paper in order to decode a jpeg.
Even though any given program logically describes the transformation of data, the majority of thinking that goes into writing one can be described as "How can I make X cooperate with Y?", which does not necessarily require mathematical thinking to deal with. If I need elements from someSpecialDataArray to be compared with 1/2 of the elements from anotherSpecialArray, and then placed in an ExternalLIbrarysNeatList structure, I'm almost never going to boil it down to discrete math to do so. (In fact, in a _lot_ of cases, you will find that a method for proving an optimal solution is not currently known, or the necessary information to reach the optimal solution can not be obtained (ex: Trying to optimize the cache miss rate of a search function without knowing the user's cache size)).
True, but these skills don't make a person "special", and certainly not the top coder at a college haha. That said, if you're interested in complex topics like the guy above who wanted to get into crypto, there's just no avoiding the math.
Why brag about not knowing something? After I finished my comsci degree, I couldn't get my hands on enough math, sometimes physics and now electrical engineering books. Some is practical, often it is hobbyist. You talk about not knowing what programming is about, if you think mathematics is just "formula memorization", it is very clear you do not understand what mathematics is about.
I suspect your post is bait, so 3/10 for making me reply, Pajeet.
Were the books useful to you?
You are confused if you believe that computer science is about programming.
> I don't know where the fuck this "computer science is 90% math" meme comes from
computer science is mostly math.
fortunately, you don't need to be a computer scientist to be a computer programmer. (arguably, you're better off if you're not.)
but the most successful programmers i knew where engineers, almost always in an engineering discipline that served them no purpose.
Why? well, learning electrical engineering at an undergraduate or graduate level doesn't teach you how to write programming, but people without suitable discipline and problem solving wash out of engineering. that's about it. if you have enough discipline and willingness to go full autismo into a problem until you solve it, you'll be fine.
you do need to know symbolic logic to program (truth tables, etc.), but that really requires zero math prereqs, just a willingness to learn.
Use this instead idiot, the OP of your screenshots made it as an upgrade:
>arguably, you're better off if you're not.
What is the argument?
Computer science and programming ability are not related in researchers.
You'll find CS theorists who don't touch the computer for purposes other than for TeX and email.
You'll find some excellent programmers, and also very shitty ones. The former care about the actual application of their work, and some just do the shittiest programming work necessary to output the data for their publications.
The most brilliant programmers who I have personally met are usually those who are both versed in the scientific and engineering ability.