Paid by Canadian taxpayers: "Rockin' That Hijab" make Islam hip and cool for young people. (Invasion Continues)
Person who calls other people "snowflakes" while literally feeling unsafe at the sight of other people, example 263,273,928.
If only some snakes are poisonous are you going to trust them all? I see enough of what Europe is enduring to know I should be scared.
But Christians are posing an actual threat to us now. We are actively suffering under their influence. And we're supposed to care about
theoretical threats now? C'mon. I'm gonna be angry at the people who are currently harming me and mine
Thank you for posting TRUTH. This is what you hope will be true one day right? You would like to be allowed to do this in America wouldn't U
I do hope that we won't live under Christian supremacy one day, yes.
Keep all religions out of decisions. Secular is best!
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I can guarantee you weren't here. But we do treat our neighbors with dignity and respect so if you can't, don't ever come here
There is no disrespect meant to it. I am pointing out that with so many Muslim here it's scary when you look at Paris now. Truths hurt?
No disrespect Chelle but I don't feel safe having you in my country No disrespect
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Chelle, how racist are you: very or extremely?
Not racist at all but if you like to think so fine. Germany Paris Sweden Canada these are examples of what the USA need not do. Learn
I've learned that bigots are the biggest problems in all those countries. So don't be bigoted.
Bigots are the ones who feel it's ok to endanger the rest to be PC. I refuse to face the dangers the EU faces daily now. That is smart.
who is endangered?
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This one time a guy I went to high school with heard some scary Arabic music on tv and he automatically grew a sharia beard & joined ISIS.
For all you idiots who try to shame others let me say I am not ashamed that I believe Sharia law to be Evil. Not to be practiced in WEST
If you feel ashamed right now that's all on you, snowflake.
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