Passionately Promoting A More Perfect World

Anonymous asked:

I like how your negative personal experience with buses is being used by your followers to justify the segregation and eventual extermination of the poor. Truly you are building a better world (through hypothetical mass murder.)

I was kind of confused when I first saw this because I couldn’t tell what they were talking about. But then I realised that it was probably about @dataandphilosophy‘s cursed post.

I actually just checked to find out whether D&P is following me, because I legit didn’t know, since our Tumblrs almost never interact.

Also, my negative experiences are with the BART system, which is a train system.

Finally, literally no one anywhere near that post has endorsed extermination of the poor. (Admittedly, many of the reblogs are people who endorse mass murder of the rich, but this seems unrelated to my public transit experiences.)

Anyway, while I am not a fan of the fact that I was mentioned as part of the cursed post, I think it’s reasonable for D&P to state what motivation he had for coming up with his ideas. Whether I agree with said ideas is irrelevant to that.

(And lying about someone’s ideas in my inbox is annoying. Please restrict that to your own blog.)

  1. wildeabandonment reblogged this from sinesalvatorem
  2. dataandphilosophy reblogged this from sinesalvatorem
  3. metagorgon said: “suffers from the problem that poor black people can use it” but alison *is* a poor black person
  4. sinesalvatorem posted this