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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Vader eloha like a flower animation,blood dripping above Vader eloha and turning into a design or flow the design could be like henna with the swirls,and a lily flower, Vader eloha with the sun and the moon like the murals of the diamonds from SU,Hugo playing with Vader elohas hair she could have some lilies in it

thougts ideas

i’m starting to hate the frequency of pinterest as a google result more than i hate pinterest itself. listen, google, googly-mate, pinterest isn’t a fuckign source. I want the sites those pictures came from because those are the ones with information such as dates, which is the entire point of the thing I am googling.   


Damn right. How the hell am I supposed to find tutorials on how to do wire work or bead weaving when the first howevermany pages of Google results are some idiot’s cluster of Pinterest collections of those tutorials?



not only does it fuck with sourcing images, but you can’t even SEE the images unless you have a ~pinterest account~ which I have zero interest in acquiring; it does this so completely adorable coy little thing where it shows you half the page and then when you scroll down it goes *complicated tiresome flower emoji face* JOIN PINTEREST 2 SEE MORE! *complicated tiresome flower emoji face* and my systolic reading spikes. 


and google lists individual pinterest pages as separate results, so if a picture is popular, there can be HUNDREDS of pinterest listings before you find anything you could possibly trace back to a source.

listen, all my art bros who are mad about people not sourcing art, i dig that, i agree that sourcing is important, but maybe stop saying reverse image search is easy or ‘30 seconds’ or whatever. sometimes it’s just straight up impossible because fucking pinterest ruins everything.


As an FYI, you can exclude specific domains from your Google results without using any special plugins. Tack the following onto the end of your search string:


… where example.com is the domain you wish to exclude. There must be a space preceding the minus sign, but not following it; e.g., “my terms here -site:example.com”. You can exclude multiple domains by repeating the site flag; e.g., “my terms here -site:example1.com -site:example2.com -site:example3.com”.

(This also works in reverse, using a plus sign rather than a minus sign to require that results come from a specific domain, though obviously you can’t usefully specify multiple required domains. This can be useful for searching your own Tumblr blog if Tumblr’s goony built-in search tools aren’t cutting it, provided that your blog is visible to Google - just throw +site:yourname.tumblr.com in there.)


i looked it up and there is apparently a way to build the -site:site.com thing directly into your default search. this tutorial is courtesy of someone who really really hates w3schools (idk why lol)


Follow the instructions below to make every search you do from the address-bar automatically exclude w3school results without you have need to type anything but your search-query!

> Open chrome://settings/searchEngines
>Scroll to the bottom and in Other Search Engines click one of the empty slots.
*you can use any domain you’ll like to google.co.il, google.uk etc..
>Press [ENTER]
>look for a newly created line in same box (might be placed above), then, hover your mouse over the newly created line and click the blue make default button, your line will be added to the top-box.

i figured id pass this along since it was useful for me and you can use it to remove more than site from your search results if you so desire (just add a + between terms)

hetastar153 Source: nemhaine42

Attention non-artists who commission artists: don’t fuckin do this???


Actually had someone do this to me too. Was doing a art stream, it took me over 2 hours to do his inked commission, he got a refund cause ‘it took too long’ that he figured I wasn’t going to do it after I gave him the file.

Don’t do this. Do not.


I’ve had this happen to me with a $350 comic :/ I had already finished it, it was full color, 6 panels and had a full bg in every panel. I was lucky in that I didn’t spend him money yet, but it left me without funds. I’ve also had the above happen to me as well.

Don’t do this shit to artists. We’re people too. Drawing for you is more than a hobby. It’s a job.


Use Paypal Invoices. 

I cannot stress this enough. That shit helps A LOT when it comes down to Paypal refunds/disputes.

There’s a description box that let’s you put in what the product is/how long it’ll take/yadda yadda, and then there’s another little memo box that only you and paypal can see where you can say it’s a digital commission and doesn’t require shipping (So Donald Mcfuck can’t say that they never got their commission).

And there’s also a box for your Terms & Conditions where you can say, if you have any conflicts/want a refund - email me, or you can actually tell the user that this is a digital commission and they won’t be getting a hard copy of it.

And to: the people who do this to artists – Fuck you. It’s okay if you change your mind and want a refund. But freaking TALK to us and let us know what’s going on. Let us WORK with you.


ALSO A HUGE TIP: Invoices paid will automatically set up a shipping notice which, if not fulfilled, can land you in SERIOUS hot water with PayPal. Since a lot of artists don’t print and ship the commissions, this is a huge problem.

However! Totally manageable. Just go to your PayPal, scroll down to find Seller Preferences

>> Shipping Preferences

>> Display Ship Button. Make sure all the boxes are unchecked. Then you’re all set!


As a big supporter of artists, don’t you ever fucking dare fuck over an artist like that. Like don’t. And if they take their time to do a good job, don’t shit all over them for it! Don’t be a fucking ass hole. Just don’t. These people put a  LOT of work and time and effort into their artwork. Just don’t be that guy. Often times these artists aren’t even getting what they deserve in compensation. 

rainbowcookiz Source: tahthetrickster