right now, you are able to access everything on the internet, correct? it’s not like cable tv, where you’re forced to pay a company to only give you a limited range of shitty tv shows bombarded with shitty commercials all for an expensive and unfair deal.
the internet is about to be exactly like that. everything, from accessing sites like Tumblr to ao3, to seeing your financial aid packet online, to googling dumb shit on wikipedia, to laughing at internet memes, to streaming things online, all of that is because the internet is open and free. and it is all about to be taken away from you. you are about to lose your net neutrality.
do not understand net neutrality? here is a handy guide. here is also a john oliver segment describing everything.
here is what you can do to stop it:
-submit your comment to the fcc here.
click on + Express, fill out your info, and tell the FCC not to repeal
Net Neutrality rules. Tell Ajit Pai to support Net Neutrality backed by
title 2 oversight on ISPs. make your comment personal.
YOU. MUST. SUBMIT. A. COMMENT. this is the most IMPORTANT part!! public comments close on MAY 11. we don’t have much time to save the internet!
-call yourrepresentatives. urge them to pressure the FCC not to remove the Titile 2 oversight on ISPs.
please spread! send this to all your mutuals! spam your blogs! send this to all your friends on facebook, on twitter, reddit, on anything and everything! email your mom! idc! just get as many people as you can to submit a comment!!
In 1989, George Bush gave a speech about crack. During the speech he pulled out a bag of crack and said “this bag was seized right across the street from the White House in Lafayette park.”
Turns out, his speech writers had the idea to pull out a prop during his speech and in order to make it believable they had the DEA plant crack on this random 18 year old black kid. They lured him there. He didn’t even know where the White House or Lafayette park was. When he got there, they arrested them.
The plot was discovered by a journalist.
What journalist
Gary Webb
And then Gary Webb killed himself after he revealed that the CIA let crack infiltrate black communities through drug cartels making deals with the CIA. His wife left him and his career was ruined for exposing the drug war as a war against people of color.
There’s a really well done movie called Kill the Messenger (x) I suggest everyone should watch. It was done in partnership with his family and details the events from beginning to end.