5e93dc No.23286
Hizashi no Naka no Riaru Full English Uncensored Edition.
Finally the full English and Uncensored Version of the hottest loli flash game is here. Grab it while it's hot!
File Size: 400MB
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/ZQzdex5SmxQR
Password: hiza
2fdefe No.23289
The guys who put all the effort in, plus decent DL links.
d769f6 No.23290
4fe30d No.23403
why would you advertize a board that bans cp in a place made for posting it?
8f431e No.23427
8chan bans CP too.
8709d1 No.23434
Pedo content is allowed, though and that's what this is. Also it's considered CP in some progressive countries.
d769f6 No.23437
Kill yourself white knight faggot.
4fe30d No.23485
>considered CP in the majority of the world.
Come on, don't whitewash the facts here. And yeah, it's cp, but that doesn't mean it's harmful.
d769f6 No.23487
>And yeah, it's cp
No it's not, retard. Only SJWs and autists think line on a paper or pixels on a screen are children.
4fe30d No.23489
It's cp. It depicts children in a sexual scenario. Nobody would hesitate to call Lion King Porn bestiality(if they'd fuck humans), except the people that want to draw an invisible line between real life bestiality and art. Semantically speaking, lolicon is cp, dwi.
8709d1 No.23490
How I'm a being a white knight? I'm not saying being progressive is a good thing.
d769f6 No.23491
>It depicts children
Autist confirmed, I bet you think you are killing real people in video games too. Please slit your wrists.
d769f6 No.23492
Praising the retarded notion of making a drawing illegal by calling something it's not.
d769f6 No.23493
Calling it progressive implies a good thing. Something bad is never called progressive.
8709d1 No.23494
Progressive just means not conservative, it isn't inherently good unless you are leftwing.
d5af79 No.23495
actual autism, folks
riddle me this: is a progressive jpeg good or bad?
8709d1 No.23497
You aren't killing real people, but you are killing people. It's like you subconsciously understand and added real to maintain intellectual honesty.
d769f6 No.23516
If you are using it in the political meaning yes, it means liberal(still a very shit thing). If not you are calling them more civilized or more developed for calling it CP.
Austisim indeed. Go buy a dictionary.
d769f6 No.23518
>You aren't killing real people, but you are killing people
Hypocritical SJWs everyone. That hypocrisy rivals that of bible thumpers. Just another moron who can't distinguish the difference between fantasy from reality and call them the same.
8709d1 No.23536
>If not you are calling them more civilized or more developed for calling it CP
If I meant that, I would say first world countries or something like that.
8709d1 No.23537
So if I make a war movie, I can't use the word war because it's not a real war? Much like fake CP can't be called CP? Does that make any sense?
8709d1 No.23538
I liked this game better before you can see her cup size.
23e991 No.23555
> So if I make a war movie, I can't use the word war because it's not a real war?
I believe it's mainly a matter of intention. If the intention of your movie is showing war, it's a war movie. Otherwise, calling it a war movie is usually not accurate.
With child porn, it's a the same except that it's more complicated there as people's opinions differ more in what child porn is than in what war is, so even if someone says his picture's intention isn't child-pornographic, there are always some dumbfucks who question that statement.
Imagine Steven Spielberg saying Jurassic Park wasn't a war movie and some guy objecting because 'people die in it'.
d769f6 No.23564
Not comparable. You can't call it a real war, it;s a movie, it's pretend, no one is really fighting and dying. This only supports what I said in that you don't know the difference between reality and fantsy and calling them one on the same.
d769f6 No.23565
But first world and more civilized aren't mutually exclusive, alot of first world countries, ironically, don't count it as CP because they are less controlled by the thought police. It was more me taking the word in the wrong context instead of the one that was meant.
8709d1 No.23585
Stop putting real in front of everything, nobody is arguing that it is real CP, just CP.
8709d1 No.23586
Thought police is just progressive law enforcement.
8709d1 No.23588
Oh wait, now I get it, it's a joke because this thread is about Hizashi no Naka no Real. Har har har.
f03bf5 No.23589
It's loli, not CP. All real people are physically ugly without exception, children included; anyone who says otherwise is a filthy normie. Therefore, they are simply not comparable, because real people are not involved.
8709d1 No.23591
>All real people are physically ugly without exception
The definition of words doesn't revolve around your personal sense of aesthetics.
Maybe you should look up the definition of the word porn to learn that it doesn't need to involve real people. Obscene drawings are porn. Obscene drawings of children is child porn. Loli is obscene drawings of children. Therefore loli is child porn.
f03bf5 No.23592
It's not a personal sense of aesthetics, but a fundamental truth.
There are no children there, only drawings. Real children are so fundamentally different from loli that attempting to draw a comparison is simply absurd. There needs to be a way to separate the filthy normies from people who aren't like them, and by using such confusing terminology, you make it more difficult to tell the difference between the two, much like with propaganda terms like "intellectual property".
If anyone uses such a definition of "child porn", I will simply reject it for being confusing, useless, and intentionally deceptive.
8709d1 No.23593
>Real children are so fundamentally different from loli that attempting to draw a comparison is simply absurd
I don't see how can look at Kinuka (the girl from the game) and not think she's a child in the middle of puberty. What do you see her as? A crocodile? Loli artists are, in fact, attempting to draw children. The fact that they use a stylized approach (especially with Japanese artists, as is customary with anime) doesn't change that.
f03bf5 No.23595
I see it as something that looks fundamentally superior to real people in every aspect, even if the anatomy has similarities. The style is just too different to be compared in any meaningful way that would let you call it "child porn".
You're essentially trying to make it nearly impossible for people to distinguish themselves from worthless normies who enjoy looking at pure garbage, because whenever they try to create a term for themselves, you just keep stating that it's "child porn".
I reject your definition, no matter how popular it is; it's misleading.
8709d1 No.23596
Maybe you should stop being such a hipster.
f03bf5 No.23598
That's a mere buzzword that has no concrete meaning in reality, and does nothing to debunk my arguments.
Or maybe you were referring to my last sentence, where I stated that popularity does not matter to me, which is a logical position.
8709d1 No.23600
I'm referring to the need differentiate yourself from normal people.
>You're essentially trying to make it nearly impossible for people to distinguish themselves from worthless normies who enjoy looking at pure garbage
f03bf5 No.23602
Why would I not want separate terms that allow me to describe my actual preferences, and ones that don't associate me with people I believe to be trash? I would rather differentiate myself so as to not cause confusion and to communicate more clearly.
If that is "hipster" to you, then fine, but that is also the correct way to go about things if you want to actually have a discussion where other people understand what you mean.
8709d1 No.23605
So this whole thing is just because you don't want to be associated with people who are attracted to real life little girls? Is your ego that fragile?
b47993 No.23619
Just a note, if you delete your either your cookies or temporary internet files (did a simple CCleaner scan) it will delete your save files and all progress you made.
8709d1 No.23621
Of course, it uses flash.
b47993 No.23622
Well I just found a way to exclude the folder for it if you use Ccleaner. If you go to Exclusions and add
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\DFV9RU43\localhost\
it won't wipe the save folder.
23e991 No.23626
Your argumentation is correct, in the sense that if your premisses are correct, your conclusion is as well, your premiss, however, that
> Obscene drawings are porn
is at least questionable and might depend on the country you live in. Which sounds daft, but unfortunately definitions aren't as global and universal as we usually consider them.
a08d17 No.23634
I never understood the hype about this game. I can name only by memory half-dozen of great loli games in dlsite using the same kind of gameplay, but this bland boring game get all the hype like it was the Final Fantasy 7 of the h-games.
First, the girl is dead, I like guro, but even in gore there is more action and movement and expessions than this, the girl don't move, don't act, is completely catatonic and boring, I know it's some people fetish, but this don't explain the general hype.
Second, there is no voice acting at all, the girl is not only emotionless, but mute and don't breath, bad music and sfx effects.
Third, the drawing, same face, maybe because she don't demostrate emotions, but most probable because the creator was a lazy/unable to do other angles or do proper animations. She don't move, what helps in the robotic feeling. It's not vectorized, only imported drawings, not a bad thing per se, but shows the lazy work of the game.
Fourty, I really have to restate how boring and slow this game is, the background music is critters. The gameplay is average, but in this same kind of gameplay there is hundred of better games.
I don't know, maybe everyone else is right and I'm the crazy and wrong here to not like this. Or maybe it's a hipster thing to enjoy bad things.
8709d1 No.23661
Pornography originally referred to drawings of sex created by followers of Bacchas in Ancient Greece. It came into existence before cameras ever existed.
b739ae No.23665
>the girl is dead
>no voice acting
>checked if i am in right thread. i am.
what the fuck are you babbling about?
8709d1 No.23666
She says, "what are you doing" and she moans. It's like you never got past day two.
42bfb3 No.23667
There are many words of Greek descent that used to have different meanings back then. E.g. 'passion' stems from πάσχειν, which means 'suffer', and 'ballistic' stems from βάλλειν, which means 'throw' (they didn't have guns back then). Of course the meanings are similar, but not identical: They have changed. Becoming entrenched in the primordial meaning of pornography doesn't really lead anywhere. The question is what we today understand. And whether that includes drawings or not, may differ greatly.
I'm sorry if that doesn't meet your desired world, but I'm just describing the state of affairs. Your argument is correct, you just have to be aware that you premisses might be questionable. If nobody challenges them, you don't have any problem.
I didn't mean to challenge them myself either (although I do think that calling drawings CP is, well, a bit off target, if not for the meaning of 'porn', then for the meaning of 'child'), and I also want to be on the safe side mentioning that I'm not >>23589 and don't really want to argue with you.
8709d1 No.23669
>There are many words of Greek descent that used to have different meanings back then. E.g. 'passion' stems from πάσχειν, which means 'suffer'
And that sense is still used today. The passion of the Christ isn't about Jesus's girlfriend, for example.
>ballistic' stems from βάλλειν, which means 'throw' (they didn't have guns back then
And modern day ballistics still revolves around studying how far an object is thrown.
23e991 No.23784
> The passion of the Christ isn't about Jesus's girlfriend, for example
That's not the meaning of 'passion' I was talking about, but yes, that's right. After all, that's what I meant by 'the meanings are similar, but not identical'. Of course they haven't changed their meaning entirely. (Same for 'ballistic'.)
Maybe I'm just not good at finding examples, but what about 'tyrant' or 'despot' then? They stem from τύραννος or δεσπότης, respectively, both meaning 'monarch'. Of course it is clear why the meaning has changed (most time in history, monarchs abused their power in some way), but it isn't the same anymore. Today it might happen that you get accused of defamation if you call e.g. Queen Elizabeth a despot, but in ancient times the Greek used the word δεσπότης just to describe rulers of all kinds.
So, even if meanings change only slightly, it's not worth tracking them down to their roots as most people will just use the meaning they know, i.e. the contemporary meaning.
8709d1 No.23789
>Today it might happen that you get accused of defamation if you call e.g. Queen Elizabeth a despot, but in ancient times the Greek used the word δεσπότης just to describe rulers of all kinds
Despot and tyrant both refer to kings who do not have legitimate authority. It didn't mean good or bad, just you didn't get the throne from being born into it. That's where we get the idea of tyrant = bad ruler, it really hasn't changed that much from the origin.
>So, even if meanings change only slightly, it's not worth tracking them down to their roots as most people will just use the meaning they know, i.e. the contemporary meaning.
Feel free to find a single dictionary that defines pornography as only photographs. Dictionaries use the contemporary meaning of a word and not the etymological one, so they should support you.
0d45d2 No.23985
Lunatic Record 2 ルナティック・レコード2 〜妹陵辱の記録〜
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/wfBRT7sMEQap
Password: youtube
Animated Flash Game
* Story
They were roommates and siblings, a loving brother and sister.
However, the love he felt when he embraced her, was not brotherly.
It was something more, and it's slowing taking over.
First he puts a spy camera in her bedroom, then escalates to
more… "active" deeds.
* Gameplay
Use your digital camera as an interface.
Peep on the young girl as she goes about her life.
Sex scenes are controlled by mouse (drag).
After Effects + Flash hybrid animation game
0d45d2 No.23987
The Little Landlady
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/nkKxVpDqC28t
Password: youtube
Flash animation / Interactive movie
What if that joke about paying your rent with sex were for real? What if the landlady was a tiny little thing!?
Fully animated, easy to operate, gentle and relaxing H scenes.
This is a lolita work drenched in sexuality, created with the question "What is erotic?" in mind. It's a very simple explanation but if you play it and see, you will hopefully feel the presence and mood put into it.
db6549 No.23991
I just get error messages when I try to launch this.
Any help?
0d45d2 No.24000
Search google how to change system locale to japanese and follow the steps after that game will run with no errors.
d769f6 No.24003
ef2eb7 No.24007
this game is frustrating i can't get through day 3
15b66f No.24025
that one's very nice, too bad no translation so it's hard to follow what's being said. Anyway, this game doesn't work with "run with japanese locale", you have to set your system to japanese, reboot and THEN it will work. A bit of a hassle.
0d45d2 No.24028
Sword Art Mahjongg
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/FMJuF7UDuUgs
Pass: youtube
Game Detail:
A fully voiced strip mahjong game based on Sword Art Online!
Play as Kirito in the worlds of SAO, ALO, GGO, UW and reality.
Fast paced play with RPG-style character growth! It's fun. Check it out.
There's also a serious 4-player mode with no cheats!
38 total characters to challenge!
Over 150 total CGs incl. variations!
311a93 No.24031
My Little Wife
Great animated loli game
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/wyWSUf6y7scB
Pass: youtube
Game Detail:
The heartpounding love ADV visual novel from DORILL
with smooth 30fps high quality animations.
* All H scenes are fully animated *
* Fully voiced lolita "wife" *
* Cut-in animations *
* Simple visual novel gameplay *
* "My Wife" mode * (unlocked with the happy ending)
* ???????" mode *
311a93 No.24038
The Little Club ~Secret Young Girl Brothel~
The Little Club ~秘密の少女風俗店~
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/dk9tyYZ2kZ3v
Pass: youtube
Game Info:
Lolitas populate the roster of this secret soapland.
Over 200 instances of After Effects animation
With short stories and sound effects.
Your choices are reflected in the anmations;
you may choose play such as handjob, footjob, fellatio,
non-penetrative friction and intercourse…
There are 5 girls and 1 young boy catering to myriad tastes.
Choose from 3 positions to penetration vaginally or anally.
e60540 No.24063
34120a No.24089
Anyone have a link for http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ071341.html ?
RJ071341/ 妹孕~ロリーな妹は股ニティー~
Preferable mega download please.
Everything I've found requires a premium account, removed or so old it uses megaupload.
311a93 No.24091
Loli Movie [ロリ 動画]
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/scpVG7rUZS5W
Pass: youtube
Game Info:
Over 16 ecchi movies starring original and franchise lolita characters.
Petite bodies and little breasts and fannies bounce in motion.
Erotic voice acting included.
HTML + SWF versions
AV format (XVID codec required)
4b28cd No.24098
I downloaded a file but upon extraction all I have is a bunch of mp4s, htmls, and unviewable jpegs.
311a93 No.24110
Loli Movie 2
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/ZhvU9BBe8Pxu
Pass: youtube
Game Info:
Omnibus of 3 loli-ero stories about Bakemonogatari loli characters
Shinobu, Nadeko, Tsubasa (schoolgirl versions).
Movies: 60
Base CGs: 26 + 75 variations
Formats: JPEG (text-free), PDF (with text),
AVI (divx), MP4 (x264)
Shinobu's Story
After receiving a huge pile of donuts Shinobu expresses her thanks in a sexy way…
Nadeko's Story
Two male students that she's never met before lure and skewer Nadeko against her will.
Tsubasa's Story
When Tsubasa and her private home teacher are alone, sensei turns rapist…
3e30ac No.24111
311a93 No.24112
Paralolidise [パラロリディズ]
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/gjNMUtMNRbTB
Password: youtube
Game Sample: http://bit.ly/1MFfOz0
Game Info:
A loli manga artist has sex with his loli assistant.
Click ADV love comedy game!! (w/ movie!)
4 total chapters each with simple minigame that leads into animation.
HEAD: Fellatio/oral sex service!
BUST: Her tiny bosoms are the appeal!
FOOT: Focusing on footjob!
PELVIS: Penetration time!
* WINDOWS/MAC hybrid compatible! *
* FULL MOVIE erotic game!
* VOICED by Kurumi Miru!
* BONUS post-game content!
f59c40 No.24126
Are the Anami-K videos there are 11 in the series total
If you have https://potplayer.daum.net/ all you have to do is open the folder with the mp4s (or AVIs) click on the first one to open Pot Player and all of them will play one after the other
Each one is only 10-20 seconds long
The rest of the series is here: http://www.allthefallen.ninja/thread-1505.html
34120a No.24136
Pretty sure that one has a fake .exe unfortunately. It's the only one I could get to download and my virus protection went crazy. Booted it up in a VM and pretty much confirmed it.
f59c40 No.24138
Same here, as soon as the download was done AVG blared 'Virus Alert!'. Yep, it was an .exe
fb0b49 No.24143
>japanese system locale
If you're lucky, didn't work for me even after switching the whole system into japanese (win7 x64 pro). This game (well, most of livemaker powered games) is bitch to run.
Finally worked with
Yes, you need this exact version, newer don't work with livemaker again.
34120a No.24150
Mind uploading your download then? Some download site like to replace the .exe with a virus occasionally, you might of got the clean one. I'm 95% sure the one I got was a virus since I had like 3 separate alerts on my VM after running the .exe with no protection, plus it just "crashed" with a weird error message.
3e30ac No.24151
i got it from roriland, plenty of antiviruses see .EXEs as viruses, it's nothing but a false positive.
i'll upload it if you can give me a free, no signup bullshit site.
34120a No.24153
http://www.filedropper.com/ , honestly I just need the .exe. Everything else in the download I have seems correct. That should save you some upload time.
3e30ac No.24154
34120a No.24156
Pretty sure that's a virus man. http6ant.exe shows up in C:\Program Files(x86) after running it and has the same virus definition as the .exe.itself.
It may be that the game itself just refuses to run on my machine but all this is too risky for a fap.
Either way, you tried and it may just be my machine. Thanks anyways anon.
34120a No.24160
Alright, lots of struggle later I figured out the error massage was, game seems to require net framework 2.0, and virus or not I have it playing in a VM so time to fap.
3e30ac No.24161
noice, if you figure out an easy way to get the last 2 CGs, let me know.
34120a No.24163
When you get to pregnant sex just use the first sex option available every day until a new option appear above the second one. All the sec options when used the first time grant very little bar progress but repeating the first scene is worth like 1-1.5.
34120a No.24164
This one for reference, it showed up for me on day 6 with 6.75 "gems" filled.
1f76ab No.24179
any one can upload ops game to a non shit host?
i.e. mega or zippyshare
thank you
993bc1 No.24187
311a93 No.24192
Loli Story [ロリ物語]
Part1: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/mra7nhrYDDNG
Part2: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/9sab4PXRjBx4
Pass: youtube
Game Info:
Sex ADV game with an inexperienced little schoolgirl!!
Fully animated, fully voiced, realistic hentai scenes!!
Multi-ecchi system for personal customization!!
- After Effects x other motion software
30 fps smooth animation with synced audio / realistic action
- Multi-ecchi system lets you be the director
Sex scenes can be selected in any order or repeated to your pleasure
Dynamically join / take out your c*ck for wanking / cum at any time
Not just movies, but dialogue - choose what you want her to say
A total of 30 types of glorious finishes!
- Fully animated / Fully voiced
Not just sex scenes but standing images come to life
Over 10,000 spoken naughty words - uncensored!
- 10 configuration scenario mode
Clear the game to unlock random dialogue scenes in free play
Free mode also uses the Multi-ecchi system for total control
Voice: Kurumi Miru
Lolicon fetish and obscene dialogue lovers!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is for you! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4cb549 No.24193
3e30ac No.24195
>oppai loli games
you sly dog, you.
but in all seriousness. 6GBs? ho-lee-shit.
d769f6 No.24197
This one does what a few other games have done for me in the past. The moment I click the button in the start menu it crashes and says the exe has stopped working. If it's like the others putting the system to jap locale won't do anything.
fb0b49 No.24221
If you can provide working download link (=mega or torrent) I can rip the cgs for you. Or use >>24143
fb0b49 No.24224
The CGs are somewhat weak in this one, but rip would be nice as one actually needs to "play" it for each short cut scene. No funmode savegame either.
Non-paid link:
d769f6 No.24228
That worked, thanks. Missed that post before.
1f76ab No.24233
These cancer hosts should be banned from this board and the people who link to them should be also banned for doing so.
If you really want to share, use a real host like Mega or Mediafire or don't post at all.
d769f6 No.24234
The cancer that should be banned is the cancer that bitches about those giving content while giving nothing. AKA you.
9c2fed No.24239
No he has a point.
Nobody wants to deal with 300kb/s capped speeds, captchas , 2 hour wait timers , non-resumable downloads and so on. It may not be a big deal if you're downloading 1 file once a week, but it becomes a problem if more people start using them in favor of better hosts. There's also the fact that there's absolutely no reason to use them.
Try bulk downloading 30+ files from any of those hosts without a premium account. It'd take days, where as if it were on Mega, it'd take minutes.
>cancer that bitches about those giving content while giving nothing
I'm not that anon, but I've given plenty.
I can understand if you didn't know about Mega/Zippyshare/Good hosts, but if you KNOW that better alternatives exist, and yet still choose to upload to a garbage host, then you're 100% cancer.
d769f6 No.24241
So any one not going out of their way to please you, after actually contributing, over your ADHD over file hosts is cancer. Nah, the sad cry babies are still the only cancer here. You're free to not use their links and find/buy the game yourself.
9c2fed No.24242
>So any one not going out of their way to please you
It isn't about pleasing me.
It's about pleasing everyone.
I'm obviously not the only one to complain.
>You're free to not use their links and find/buy the game yourself.
No shit I'm not going to touch their links. The game is popular and easily available anywhere.
It still doesn't stop the shitty hosts from being spread and advertised, which is the entire point I'm making.
d769f6 No.24244
Assuming you aren't same fagging then there are literally two people crying.
9c2fed No.24245
Not specific to this thread either.
d769f6 No.24279
Is that stomach deformation I see?
34aa1a No.24280
What does this mean? I click play, it loads and I get this.
23e991 No.24285
"The photographed file does not exist."
Photographed? Doesn't make sense to me. The first two Kanji characters are hardly readable. The rest (ファイルはありません) means "file does not exist".
34aa1a No.24287
Thanks but I figured it out, the Play button I tried to use was apparently to access the gallery of sorts.
e4863e No.24302
fb0b49 No.24304
>>24239 >>24245 >>24242 >>24241 >>24239
I don't think there's much point in sperging about shitty hosts. Uploaders use em because they live in some 3rd world mordor of a country, so the few cents they get per dl from the host is what motivates em to upload the game in the first place.
Which I am all cool with. OP, keep uploading/reposting, we really appreciate it.
However. If anon downloads the game, and has the bw to do so, PLEASE repack the game into single file with no password and upload a copy to mega/mediafire and reply it to post with shitty host, just like >>24224 did. Many will be thankful for download which is not immense pain in the ass to use.
Here, let me do my part:
Non-paid link:
d769f6 No.24335
Am I doing something wrong, the female meter never moves.
a29e45 No.24481
A Certain Molestific Mikoto - Express Assault
とある美琴の痴漢電車 陵辱急行
Download: http://bit.ly/1SJ07Zb
Password: youtube
Game Info:
* Crafted with gorgeous 3DCG visuals
Produced erotically for fans of the assault and trainrape genre.
@OZ presents the 3rd high quality animation in the 3DCG Virtual MOVIE
series about a certain Level 5 esper's public disgrace.
* Acclaimed system features!
Celebrate beauty with full access to various play from various angles.
A variety of molestation from groping to objects (even umbrella!),
hardcore persecution, cunnilingus, fellatio, doggy style, missionary style and more.
Don't miss this excellent movie of a pretty girl's constant ashamed orgasms.
* Be the director: SELECT & EDIT your dream H scene from over 100 movie clips
* Interact with cumshot finish and spurt buttons
* Costume customization: school uniform or sporty bikini
* Realistic sound effects, liquid expression
* Intense dirty voice acting performed in greater volume!
a29e45 No.24482
A Certain Mikoto's Backstreet Railing
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/eFKwrmbfAZDW
Password: youtube
Game Info:
The 4th episode of @OZ's Virtual Movie Series Season 2 is
by overwhelming fan request, that lovely young girl electromaster.
Mikoto Misaka returns in detailed scenes of deflowering and captive shame.
You asked, and we are pleased to deliver:
cross-section r*pe, drugged machine f*cking, powerlessness and "passionate caressing";
fingerf*cking and nipple play, huge c*ck splitting her tiny virgin hole to which she shrieks in horror;
buzzed tits and clit in a confined place of some abandoned building;
violated doggy style on hands and knees, facef*cked, bloated with jizz, insane from the waves of pleasure;
her entire, continuous r*pe is caught on smartphone… the shame, the weeping, the cumming.
@OZ presents an ultra-gorgeous 3DCG movie.
* Multiple play types and angles for heaps of enjoyment
* Be the director: SELECT & EDIT your dream H scene from over 100 movie clips
* Interact with cumshot finish and spurt buttons
* 2 costume options: winter schoolgirl set and gym outfit
* Even more realistic sound effects, liquid expression
* Lewd gasping and panting by voice actress Kohaku Yuzuki as Mikoto.
ecdb0d No.24603
8a9bdf No.24607
Molest girls in the restroom in the park
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/64Kk3hxbSg5w
Password: youtube
Game Info:
You are at the park on a nice sunny day.
You see one tanned, healthy, athletic young girl with the body to die for. There is another young girl, a very beautiful yet on a shy quiet side.
You say a few words to them. Then, suddenly drop your pants and show them your big erected XXXX!
The young girls have never seen IT before. They do whatever you tell them to do. The girls reach over to your XXXX. And begin licking it.. and…!
The product focuses on the very realistic situations.
Watch and enjoy the erotic scenes, playing with tanned beautiful young girls!
You'd feel like you are right there with them! It is, in fact, better than the real thing!
Enjoy the very realistic full views of the hot sexy bodies of those young girls!
About 30 minutes of smooth animation!
1f76ab No.24635
fuck you faggot with your shitty links
no i am NOT going to click them and give you 2 cents, you fucking greasy kike.
if you really cared to share with this community, you'd upload to something everyone can use.
Kindly fuck yourself and die you jew shitter.
d769f6 No.24649
Any way to resize the screen for this? It seems like I cant see whats at the bottom and I think it's stopping me from playing it right.
d769f6 No.24650
Then go bye the game yourself, you cheap ass kike. Funny how the leach wanting free shit his way is trying to call those giving things away for free a jew.
1f76ab No.24652
nice try kike
im NOT pressing any of your shitty links to give you anymore link bucks you cuck
34aa1a No.24653
I can get past the part where she's sitting in her green shirt and you have to open her legs. How do I get past it? I googled around and other people seems to have the same issue and I can't get any of the tricks to work.
e4863e No.24654
Wait while, after that scene (day 3 - 3) starts - there will be few dialogs, last is (in EN version) "Wait…" - after this, you can click on her left knee - she looks at you and you can try spread her knees. And next scene starts.
You can resize window (in "オプション" - option menu, "ディスプレイの設定" - display resolution), but smallest resolution is 1280x960x16 (maybe still big). Try fullscreen - "フルスクリーン" in option menu or "画面切替" on window border.
New (2 days old) game from same group -*>
34aa1a No.24655
She just keeps closing her legs, no matter how fast or slow I do it. Nothing more happens.
d769f6 No.24656
Kill yourself, nigger cuck. Not one of them is mine. I'm just not a greedy kike like you demanding everything free the way you demand. You can take that nigger cock out of you ass and go buy the games yourself then. I will download even the ones I don't want just to thank them and piss you off.
1f76ab No.24658
you're not fooling any one shlomo
you can pretend all you want, but im STILL not clicking your trash links
gas yourself cuck
d769f6 No.24662
Sure sure, Mr. Jew. I and the rest of us non-kikes will be enjoying the free llli and thank the uploder for it.
8a9bdf No.24668
You need to force her to open it. You need to click-hold her leg and drag it very fast. Just like your forcing her. You'll never open your leg if you do it slow.
d769f6 No.24678
Thanks, I'll try that.
d9089f No.24686
I'm a different guy but with the same problem. I've done it as fast as I can, as slow as I can and everything in between but it doesn't progress. Is this a glitch with this version or am I just doing it very wrong?
d769f6 No.24691
Problem, those menu buttons don't do anything when I click them? Neither does the button at the top of the window.
e4863e No.24694
I dont know, but you can also try to test mouse sensitivity - in menu "Instruction" and "Mouse check". This scene requires speed 20-30 "mickeys" to spread her legs. You have problem, if speed is lower - try change mouse speed in control panel.
BTW - I maked little patch (or maybe change) to this game to turn on debug mode - this way will be dots and some statistics displayed within the gameplay (pic related) and game will be easier because of changing of some constants (tl;dr - you cannot wake her in first two days and similar things).
"Installing" is simple - rename original "top.swf" in data directory to something like "top_ORIG.swf" (because of avalibility of changing back to normal version) and unrar this file ->
one line in code make it all.
I dont know, but try same thing in >>23987 - that game is done in same engine (Livemaker) and have same controls for resizing window. If that controls dont work, then you maybe have problem with engine compatibility - check DirectX or WindowsMedaiPlayer - FAQ about system specifications (in moonrunes) is here -> http://www.livemaker.net/faq/
d9089f No.24696
Yup! It worked finally. I changed the computer mouse sensitivity up. Thanks for the help.
d769f6 No.24698
So if it's compatibility I probably can't do anything about it.
be60f8 No.24718
What do the stats mean?
be60f8 No.24720
It cuts out near at the end of the pink dress scene and doesn't come back. But I guess it does reveal some interesting things about the first few days maybe.
e4863e No.24757
I dont realy know anymore - I make that patch for original game year ago. But now - i try that game and looks like i translated statistics too - in the first and second day, there are sleep depth, H temptation (aka excitement) and remaining time. In third day, there are sleep depth, Emmision (dont work), Resistence (dont work too), H temptation, sensitivity and remaining time.
Thats true, but it works even in other days - change some variables to make playing easier and (thats more important) visualize that dots, which you can obtain in "play data" menu - thats that big red circles above view.
d15394 No.24885
tried DL'ling this. all i got was a bunch of jpegs and a hidden folder with loli manga in it. and all the jpegs are 400+mb in total. what the fuck.
906885 No.24892
How the hell do you get the bj scene?
d15394 No.24895
fail penetrating her until you cum (3rd day)
d769f6 No.24953
This damn game. Can't speak moon so I can't even get the first damn scene. I keep doing different choices for the first three choice but the game keeps ending.
e4863e No.24968
There are really only 8 possibilities - 2,1,1 works
d769f6 No.24969
Yeah, I finally got it. That's why I tend to avoid non translated games that have the choices like that, not knowing what is being said it's easy to pick the wrong thing.
d769f6 No.25019
The retarded faces make this a no download. They really need to stop doing that.
2a9f69 No.25024
English Translated Game!
Sweet Sweat in Summer: The Naughty Girl and Her Ripe Scent
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/mgugqeyVRSgp
Password: youtube
Game Info:
Karin Nekodou, the only girl living in the town the protagonist, Kouhei, visited. A bright, innocent, and mischievous girl.
She was alone in that town, but she apparently used to live there with her ”Sensei” at one point. She asks Kouhei to be her new ”Sensei” until her old one returns.
Despite being a virgin, she seems very knowledgeable about sex and erotic activities.
37ba9a No.25056
So how do I get past this?
>it comes on
>I "push click"
>then this. Can you help?
d769f6 No.25071
You using a locale emulator?
827ea8 No.25096
is the game in english or japanese?
7a25b9 No.25098
Coul you, please, think of using some alternative filehosting? Their captcha is insane. Even worse than that one shown to tor users by Cloudflare. Rubbish with no good answer.
Thank you.
7a25b9 No.25099
The matter is, perhaps, that the game itself IS translated, but executable (binary) requires japansese locale. Best option I know is HongFire AppLocale (HF pAppLoc1.1.2.exe.7z)
37ba9a No.25199
I use HF pAppLoc if thats what you mean
d769f6 No.25218
I had a few game do that, as soon as you hit play it would stop and give the .exe has stopped working error. It stopped when I downloaded and used the specific emulator here >>24143
ec43f9 No.25436
500f11 No.25558
Today's Nourishment: Anime Collection
今夜のオカズ アニメこれくしょん
Hot Flash Loli Animated Gme!
Download: http://www.uploadable.ch/file/5xKmEDqcszu2
Password: youtube
Game Info:
This is a collection of 18 past released animations for practical use.
Plus 3 all new fully voiced titles, too!
* Falling Sakura Girl Confinement: Re
* Sakura Bitch
* Sakura Blossom
Over 100 clips of anime.
Get the best nourishment!
d769f6 No.25578
She doesn't look loli at all though.
e4863e No.25583
Yes, that's true (i dont usually care about it), but other older games are better - like ろりぽて [RJ073336]. Looks like the torrent is almost dead, so there are other link ->
but with slow FileSpace download (about 4 hours one file and 1 hour rest) - maybe this >>25558
guy will upload that game on better filehost.
656f4d No.25621
656f4d No.25622
can't extract wrong password help me
656f4d No.25623
0fd19c No.25642
So you're telling me that it is only pornographic if the people involved are real? By your reasoning everything on e-hentai isn't pornographic.
Oh wait, it is. You fucking retard.
>Something bad is never called progressive.
I really hope English isn't your strongest language.
0fd19c No.25643
>It's not a personal sense of aesthetics, but a fundamental truth.
Sure thing mate. I've watched a few clips I'd be willing to wager a few grand on that you would be hard as a rock and ripe with precum by half way through.
Now you're playing with semantics like a retard.
d769f6 No.25644
Never said anything even close to that, so learn to read before trying to question other people's comprehension of English. You just showed how retard you are by not understanding none of what was said there, what was said was correct. Now stop digging up old post like an a triggered autist.
31c7a7 No.25673
I can understand this argument in that drawings can be porn, and some lolis can be argued as children (SOMETIMES, MAYBE). But to call it 'child porn' lumps the act of drawing in with the production of films of real children, and normies need to understand this extremely important distinction. So, call it loli porn.
500f11 No.25678
Otohime (41 Works) おとひめ
Large Collection of Otohime Artworks
Over 1000 Images
a0a616 No.25722
I think the distinction is with it possibly depicting real kids. Like 3D animated is too close and even really detailed 22D could be seen as cp. I think loli is too cartoon to be seen as depicting real kids.
Just my thoughts.
31c7a7 No.25726
We really shouldn't make a distinction for levels of realism, because that's subjective. "CP" implies an actual child was photographed, so if that didn't happen, it shouldn't be called CP, no matter how real it looks.
Although if it's super-realistic 3D it probably wouldn't be correct to call it loli either. You could call it "virtual CP" or "replacement CP" but that still has unacceptably bad connotations.
d769f6 No.25728
100% this, anyone not a retard knows if no child is involved then it's not CP, period. Lines on paper or a CG image will never be a child.
7584c9 No.25783
You missed the point. Like completely maybe you aren't from the US and aren't aware of the laws. To mimick the likeness of a person can be sued. (For example you make a Barbie doll that looks exactly like Angelina Jolie and then you try to sell it. She can sue you and stop production even if you didn't uses her name.) Likeness is a huge deal. 2D porn rarely would have this issue however with 3D especially highly realistic could be interpreted as taking someone's likeness. This is an issue that would be harder to avoid with 3D. Loli doesn't resemble real people and I'm sure if you read their fine print the stories will claim these are fictional characters and any likeness is consequential for legal purposes. Plus attitudes towards cp will make it impossible to allow 3D.
31c7a7 No.25784
>To mimick the likeness of a person can be sued
I don't think that's a good analogy. This isn't a copyright thing. Nobody has copyright on the image of a realistic, but fictional, child. Child porn laws exist because the production of child porn harms the children being filmed (in theory).
Highly realistic 3D-rendered images that look like child porn harm nobody. Even if it looked *exactly* like a photograph (we're not quite there yet, but soon) there is no reason for it to be illegal if you can prove it's not a photograph.
You REALLY don't want to put it in the hands of a judge to decide whether a fictional image looks enough like a photograph to be considered "child porn". His subjective opinion will certainly not favor the rights of the artist.
Seriously though, we shouldn't even have to be dealing with this distinction. It's already hysterical to make it illegal to look at or own child porn when you didn't *make* it. It's not illegal to own images or video of any other crime, and this shouldn't be an exception. Funny enough, I think there's something to the theory that child porn laws are being pushed this hard primarily by copyright lawyers.
500f11 No.26006
English Translated
c7492b No.26040
if i download any of these games, while living in america, could i get in trouble?
8cfc03 No.26090
e4863e No.26092
3144aa No.26141
I'm a little confused with this. Is there supposed to be a text box or something where you read dialogue? All I see is the scene and the "wife" is talking to me and I can click through dialogue, but I can't read it.
d769f6 No.26156
Had the same problem. Made it unplayable for me.
e4863e No.26158
Try fullscreen and printscreen game - it should (after starting by "はじめから") be look this way (with thin text strip under picture).
d769f6 No.26181
If i remember right it was already on fill screen mode and most of the options in the menu wouldn't do anything for me.
e4863e No.26201
Looks like some software problem (in OS, DirectX, codecs, drivers - i dont know) - i tried translate in-game menu, but i dont know, if it will help…
d769f6 No.26202
Yeah the only ones that work are the back to game, quit game and when I click on options it goes to the next menu but none of them do any thing when I click them. It's weird.
b9cdab No.26208
The ending is bullshit, I came in expecting some fapping and I left with feels, I can't replay this anymore because of that fucking ending, I'll get over it eventually I guess.
119bb7 No.26842
Which of these games are translated? Don't care about jap binary, got a program for that.
792a39 No.27000
Did you see the epilogue that apear in the chapter select afetr you clear the game? Its the last one named "One Day".
a850ee No.27668
I noticed yosino nuked most of his/her stuff from dlsite.
e4863e No.28021
Had anyone tried games from "Kaeri no Kai 2" [ 帰りの会2] ? They are voiced, animated and not bad - only problem is with accessibility - looks like all torrents are dead and half of links too.
Their page on DLSite -> http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG07137
Here on roriland are some games -> http://roriland.info/ (type "帰りの会2" in search line) - but this page are using slow filehost (filespace), so download ane game can take some time (even few hours).
6afce2 No.28080
Why do you people argue whether it's cp or not. Being a pedophile is not illegal in the united states, child abuse and child molestation is. As long as you aren't condoning real cp or going out there fucking kids stop worrying about it and masturbate to your hearts content to loli.
4a7212 No.28158
English Translated Game!
060f95 No.28482
Over 1000 Images of Otohime Artworks
86a235 No.28498
>Despite being a virgin, she seems very knowledgeable about sex and erotic activities.
tfw this is my biggest turnoff ever in any comic or porn or anything due to it being so implausible
86a235 No.28501
>オナニマス (o na ni masu)
>not アノニマス (a no ni masu)
Bro, a Japanese input method won't even suggest the first one; you have to input the Katakana manually
If you're going to go full weeb, at least do it properly
d769f6 No.28503
My guess was something like she really isn't and she is responsible for the old sensei disappearing and there being a reason for her being the only girl in town.
3cf9a4 No.28522
"onani" is the word for masturbation, lol. He thought it out more than you did.
e4863e No.28604
Yes, it's something like "Onanymous" almost hidden (among other simiar looking ロリコン) in name just because of finding my posts.
So, when i am already here, behold ->
http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=518899 - [marmalade*star] To Love-ru Diary GOLD - 3D Anime with Yumi from TLR ( http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ102437.html) - pic related
http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=243925 - Almost entire collection of Rakugaki works ( http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG06740.html ) - too not bad.
http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1818997 - only anal, some lolis - new.
ccf021 No.28660
were i can find more of his works? i have this and the second one and the three animo, but i DESIRE more.
e4863e No.29265
[Hillstone] 痴れ物狂ひ痴情 / Crazy Stupid Love - animated, voiced, etc. - DLsite here -> http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ151276.html
For link, try find dlsite code (RJ151276), or maybe this -> http://roriland.info/?p=17172
7670b2 No.29488
Download gives an error, pls reup
e4863e No.29501
77b82f No.30544
Are you for real? Did you never get past day two?
Also, name one other game that has similar gameplay and art of equal or greater quality without being fetish shit. That's right, you can't. Either it's fucking visual novels (UAB) or it's giant tits anal rape bullshit (rapelay).
e4863e No.31916
[ちょころ小屋] 銭湯内でのあるある ~もくもくムクムクよくじょう編~
[Chokorogoya] Playtime in the bath-house
DLSite here -> http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ162029.html
torrent here -> http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1837869
15bd13 No.32018
So I got 100% and that supposedly unlocks movie mode. Anyone else having the problem of it freezing as a black screen like this?
987b99 No.32051
according to belldandy100 the movie mode was dissabled until next update
15bd13 No.32163
Ah, I see. Any word on next update? Doubt there is much left to do with a game this old.
629a31 No.32246
thanks poster! nice little uncensored game that plays great on windows :)
3edaa7 No.32256
They mean update for the translation patch, which has some bugfixes and things left to do but has nothing so much as pretending to be an ETA.
629a31 No.32257
cute little game with english as a choice :)
thanks to poster!
660920 No.32310
So much blowjob but no loli pero pero? I want to lick
c70e72 No.32349
Password: ioHJ&DYghhboDY(gblkd0JDcvv
e4863e No.33561
[FreakilyCharming] 奴隷との生活 -Teaching Feeling- / Life With A Slave -Teaching Feeling-
DLsite is here -> http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ162718
(published 27.10.2015 and its 2nd most highest selling game in DLsite history… just sayin)
Torrent here -> http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1868011
Graphic translation here -> https://mega.nz/#!IRhQzCQY!Tpmu8O_4LnfSaEFzg9FMsL1KuXLUH9v2YNw0j-fE0kk
(there are file "data.rar"- just extract it in game folder and let overwrite files in data folder)
Text translation here -> https://mega.nz/#!5cAQnDCK!2lcttC6bdCdQLuyKG05kw543pozLf14YPybHgzUeCuM
(there are file "scenario.rar"- just extract it in data folder in game folder and let overwrite files in scenario folder)
I get translation here -> http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=27919
And first game of same author (already translated and without XXX scenes - if is someone interested in that art style) -> http://erogedownload.com/downloads/love-at-first-sight/
4fad7b No.33634
I started tearing up while playing this. It felt so warm and fuzzy reading all the different dialog lines when you gave her head pats and clothes and sweets.
The h-scenes were amazing, her facial expressions were a huge turn-on and those hearts all over the place along with the heart pupils made my heartboner explode.
>tfw you will never be able to take care of an abused loli in your clinic
>tfw you will never see her awkwardly eat sweets for the first time in her life
>tfw you will never get her out of her dirty rags and dress her up as a little helper nurse
>tfw you will never experience her wanting to have sex in the missionary position because of how much she loves you
>tfw you will never starve her of sex for so long that she'll go against her modest master complex and ride you in the middle of the night
T-this game man..
16b8da No.33709
>buy loli slave
>buy literally every piece of clothing
>treat her like a princess
>she legitimately falls in love with you
>change name
>make her call you Darling
Why aren't there more games like this? There's a fucking 'kiss' option during sex <3
15bd13 No.33727
Any sauce on that image?
5191e5 No.33740
Here I thought I were a kind and caring lolicon, but it turns out I'm actually just five years at heart.
288a7e No.33758
It's ok anon, at least you're not me.
5191e5 No.33771
Are you sure? I lasted about two in-game days of being called "Niggertits" before I changed it do this.
a1d6fe No.33772
you have a good non-torrent download for that perhaps? I am unable to torrent and all I find looking on my own is sketch as fuck.
5191e5 No.33774
I'm uploading the English version to mega right now. I have slow internet, so give me an hour or so.
5191e5 No.33775
998e81 No.33783
Come on.
I know I'm on /pol/ too much, but seriously?
On the other hand, this game made me laugh after two minutes. Good start.
20d21c No.33805
Why would this happen?
837d37 No.33807
Holy shit, anon.
I downloaded this, thinking there's just be some introductory sadness and it would skip to her being a deredere after some dialogue…
The simple fact that there's choices to be made on how to treat this former slave….my heart hurts. I'm going to continue because the eventual H will feel that much better but oh god my heart….
771940 No.33813
288a7e No.33814
Every time she says onii-chan I fell all warm and fuzzy.
Anon bring he lust up to a high number (80 is good) and then stop having sex with her, even when she asks for it turn her down, eventually you'll wake up to a pleasant surprise. <3
Sorry anon only tender loving vaginal sex here, no anal.
e7a4d3 No.33825
She keeps dying what the hell do I do >.<?
e7a4d3 No.33828
After a hundred tries somehow I cared more about her at 98 then at a 100.
e4863e No.33829
To get avoid that ending you really only have to do one thing.
When the option appears take her outside, go to the diner and force her to eat that cake.
Seriously the cake is not a lie this time, and by taking her out 2-3 times for cake the MC suddenly care enough
about her to stay by her bed side when she falls ill, and you save her from the bad ending…that's it.
998e81 No.33840
You suck at loli-keeping.
That never happened to me.
I just treat her like I would actually treat her, were I that doc and I'm actually aiming for that job, lol.
Also, headpatting for days
2ed264 No.33841
I'm only getting an option to visit the clothing store.
ecd7cb No.33843
288a7e No.33846
Right beside the word action you'll see AM, Noon, or PM, you can only take her to the restaurant at Noon.
Her dieing after getting sick seems to be kind of random depending on her stats and what you've done with her, the best way to avoid it is the just go all out, lots of headpats, buy her tons of clothes, and enough sweets to give a grown anon diabetes.
20d21c No.33866
They game opens and then freezes when it changes scenes after I hit the game button, and that's without Locale Emulator.
With Locale Emulator it doesn't even start the game.
ecd7cb No.33869
The game does not work without emulator, as it depends on exotic japanese font (msgothic). You can either get the emulator running (if it does not work for you on w7, it's most likely you just doing something wrong). Or get the font.
Note that if you have win8/10, vast majority of older eroges won't work, emulator or not.
a1d6fe No.33942
Thank you, but my impatience got the best of me and I just bought it shortly after I made that post. Figured I can afford it, it looked (and was) good, and I have stolen probably hundreds of dollars worth of DLsite games at this point.
Also if your loli is still dying despite being given lots of love then maybe you shouldn't be fucking raping her. holy shit.
15bd13 No.34004
418aa6 No.34005
Sylvie is just too fucking cute.
With all the praise and money this game is getting, I hope the author adds more to it or makes another in the same vein; and also inspires others to make similar ones.
Does anybody know of other games like this? (Translated or not)
5d7625 No.34022
to get this, all you have to do is don't have sex with her for a while, correct?
also, Sylvie is best girl.
i found the author's pixiv as well.
418aa6 No.34023
Go to the market until you meet the merchant man again and get the book from him, go get pink flowers from the forest, put them in her tea to raise her lust level past 80, and then don't have any sexual contact with her for two or three weeks. That's how I did it.
You don't have to use the flowers to get to 80+ but it speeds up the process considerably.
288a7e No.34045
for you anon, just don't die before you play this game.
I love just about everything in this game.
the artwork.
the interactions between MC and Sylvie.
the small bits of story.
The only thing that could make this game better is more of it.
I would also like the story expanded too, maybe have the start of the game a little longer with more interactions with Sylvie, heck I'd love to learn more about here past. (if she is willing to share it that is)
I just want more Sylvie.
and more clothing for her to wear. cat ears plz
This game made a shitty week of work null.
I had a slightly better sleep after playing this (no good dreams though, unfortunately the only dreams I seem to have are none or nightmares) and now everyday after work a play a bit of this to put a smile on my face and pick up my spirits. (which is a better alt to Mr. Jack Daniels)
It's not like this is my first VN or anything too, I've played so meany of them, most of them with the choose your own waifu path, multiple endings gameplay and have meany favorite best characters, but this game has, well to quote Sylvie, melted my frozen heart, and I don't understand why.
anons,I think I maybe going insane.
a1d6fe No.34046
what is that shirt, I don't recognize it.
288a7e No.34047
Nurse outfit black.
5fd182 No.34050
Sylvie is best girl, indeed.
i've played my share of VNs. and quite frankly, they seem to pale compared to Teaching Feeling.
9c5c7b No.34053
Only the best for mai waifu
88b9b5 No.34057
there's nothing progressive about shaming people for their sexual preference…
The argument is literally the same for homosexuality, you can't control what you find attractive. Some people are attracted to youth.
d769f6 No.34077
We all know libtards are just massive hypocrites, if they don't like it it's "wrong" and if they support it everyone must accept it under the guise of "acceptance" and if you disagree with them you're a "bigot".
a1d6fe No.34078
going further, shit like this gives people an outlet when they may not otherwise have one. Lolis protect real children.
9c5c7b No.34081
I would argue that banning ink on paper because you don't like the organization of said ink is actually regressive.
f9be54 No.34169
>green dress
I went with red. Maybe just because I really like the color, but I also think it blends in with her scars, making them stand out less
66c60e No.34178
you're a saint. I'd love to get a lot of these games, but uploadable doesn't even work for me.
Yes, speed caps and other shit is annoying, but the downloads don't even start. Nothing seems to happen when I click slow download.
That said, your link is dead. RIP.
702f84 No.34191
I have all the clothing (and piercings), I just thought yellow was more of a happy color
84d6c7 No.34211
Seems sukebei.nyaa is down. Is this something to be worried about?
837d37 No.34226
kill yourself. you fail at loligame
cdcff2 No.34232
If this is #2 bestselling game, what is #1?
645be7 No.34236
that was it? I though for a moment that I was abusing the headpatting too much, and being a doctor I might be getting uncleaned hands from work onto her and spreading bacteria or something.
I should stop thinking logically with these VNs.
e4863e No.34252
fd2d09 No.34361
How do I put things in her tea?
9186c0 No.34452
I don't like it. It's a grind-fest with little reward. A lot like Akabur's Witch trainer (I actually had more fun with that)
My girl died of a fever out of nowhere.
a1d6fe No.34469
What was her love level when she died?
Did you rape her? If you did that is why she died you asshole
abcc01 No.34476
is it just me or the game is kind of choppy between scenes, actions and dialog? I love this game to death but it takes so much away from the game play. if someone could possible upload the game with English patch already installed I would love you fuckers forever
63a279 No.34484
Thank so soooo much anon! THIS GAME IS FUCKING GREAT! I have tears because of this beautiful game. =´(
5f675e No.34494
She didn't say "no", it wasn't rape, she liked it. Fucking SJWs…
a1d6fe No.34497
all kidding aside, fucking her before the fever guarantees that she dies
49c803 No.34498
>faggots not doing a propper dip stick test, and revving her RPM's past red
a7dd7a No.34511
Dont do it for 15 days. After 10 days she want sex. Just decline and wait 5 days more and see what happens haha
1ee32c No.34512
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>23518 found dis faggot poster
1ee32c No.34513
>>yfw there's no alternate ending to this episode where the old man is shot by Blackjack who adopts Gretel to replace his cripplingly retarded frankenloli after she moves out
7c9955 No.34521
Is there any ending for this game other than the bad end? I've got every memory unlocked and bought all the clothes/accesories.
418aa6 No.34529
Someone already posted it:
The only part that isn't translated is the option to search the forest for herbs. All the rest of the text is translated as far as I know.
d769f6 No.34539
Try harder SWJ. All you can do is shit post as a defense.
9ada27 No.34540
For me every time she hits 100 affection she dies even doing that stuff.
Also, you can go to the restaurant at PM as well as Noon.
62774a No.34564
Give her the full meal when you first cook
Don't 'touch' her
The pancake, not the sandwich
Buy her the clothes
2-3 short cakes
Some talking and lots of headpats
a1d6fe No.34565
sandwich didn't ruin it for me in my first run.
a5e796 No.34583
Thanks for the upload, but never use Uploadable ever again, they have the worst popups, haven't seen this shit in 10 years.
bc288b No.34588
use an ad blocker nigga
9ada27 No.34641
It'll pop up asking if you want to add it to her tea. Make sure you have at least 1 pink and 1 blue flower since it seems to make a difference.
Yea, I figured out what I had done wrong and now I have all the CGs and clothes, and yet I still have not found a use for the drugs that you can make.
a1d6fe No.34644
use them both for a never ending bedroom scene.
You can literally go until you want to stop.
9ada27 No.34654
How? the chance to use them never shows up.
a1d6fe No.34673
I think you have to make them into medicine or whatever first. I forget where the option for that is.
9ada27 No.34682
Well yea, I use concoct to turn them into aphrodesiacs and libido boosters step?
a1d6fe No.34684
next step should be to use them prior to the bedroom scene. I seem to recall there is a popup for them
b2c3a0 No.34704
Actually it stops when morning comes (~30 times cumming each in my experience). Then she comments on how you both slept until noon because you guys were porking all night.
9253c2 No.34992
14527b No.35017
Hizashi no Naka no Riaru has always hold the record of loli category most download on DLSite ever since it came out, but recently Teaching Feeling has finally put a end to Hizashi no Naka no Riaru record at currently almost hitting 31466 download. (This count does not add Hizashi no Naka no Riaru and Hizashi no Naka no Riaru Complement)
14527b No.35018
tbh though i thought the first uncensored ver. made by a chinese dude was better done, too bad the game author asked for it to be scratched, cause that dude actually was planing to do some extra game content :/
65c32b No.35063
So I fucked syvlie till the sun came up
Its more that that actually but it auto ends before showing you
All I gave her was a weak aphrodisiac in tea and we both took energy drink and aphrodisaic before sex and HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! I usually got 2-4 cums not 24!!!!!
I fucked her till the sun came up!!!!!!
a23226 No.35386
How do you go about unlocking all the memories for Teaching Feeling? I've only unlocked a few so far.
a1d6fe No.35393
screenshot what you are missing and we can fill you in
e4c8fe No.35401
Life With A Slave -Teaching Feeling- is amazing. Sylvie <3 Hope the maker will release a dakimakura on pixiv's booth market.
Also, i just saw this one on sadpanda
"(C89) [Hirahira (Hirari)] Koisuru Dorei-chan (Dorei to no Seikatsu -Teaching Feeling-)[english][Baka-tsuki]"
Doujin with Sylvie! :3
242ecf No.35428
oh my god, this is really good
987b99 No.35451
Holy Shit!, Teaching Feeling is now the #1 bestseller in DLsite
f59c40 No.35454
9b4769 No.35462
f64def No.35492
Was not able to download the file, is there any backup link or something?
e4863e No.35495
e4a957 No.35496
>bib and pacifier
My heart was not prepared for that
f64def No.35497
b66809 No.35520
Is this
e4a957 No.35522
That's not how scars fucking work
5191e5 No.35523
What? This hentai manga is not scientifically and biologically accurate? What is this world coming to! I never!
4fad7b No.35544
Oh fuck why didn't I do this?
5576f4 No.35554
Because I wanted to act like we were in equal standing I told her to call me "You". Then she started saying stuff like "You is very kind" as if she were some retarded black slave and it pissed me off.
I don't know if it's because I'm not as much of a lonely autist as most /loli/cons but I found this game seriously underwhelming.
>Onii-chan here, oniichan there, I'm such a poor soul, please caress me.
Only softcore romantic crap, uninteractive and overall boring story and too many feelings.
When you compare it to free games like Unteralterbach or Vitamin Plus this unnacceptable.
I wish there was an SM path to follow. The only options you are given are "treat her like a human being" or "be an uncaring douche for no reason".
5191e5 No.35555
>The only options you are given are "treat her like a human being"
This is the only option I would choose.
5576f4 No.35558
Well no shit, she's the only character you actually interact with the whole game. There's no point in being distant when there's nothing else to do.
If there isn't an alternative story line or alternative fetish scene for being mean to her and all you get is "game over, lel, you meanie" then we shouldn't get to chose at all.
5191e5 No.35586
You don't have to hate the game just because you got the bad ending, you know.
4fad7b No.35590
The reason why the game is very well taken by the userbase is that it appeals to the very subject of "cute and small defenseless girl" which is a huge heart boner of those that are into loli, or at least the overwhelmingly majority.
Plus it's really the only game that has this blend of VN, dress-up, and eroge- all into a short h-game.
Sure you could go and eat up that 100+ hour VN to try for the same effect, but it takes quite a while for the fun to kick in as it is that long of a game.
It's a very heavily saturated vanilla h-game, and that's what people love about it.
Plus Sylvie is super cute.
242ecf No.35599
This illiterate bitch.png
cdcff2 No.35608
You can fix this by downloading Notepad++, and opening all the .ks files inside the Teaching Feeling\data\scenaro (as well as its subfolder, then running a search/replace, replacing "[name] is" with "[name] are".
I guess that would then make her read derpy if she talks about you to a third party, but eh, up to you.
a1d1ee No.35844
looks like the creator is working on something.
also, mandatory Sylvie.
5191e5 No.35959
> dakimakura
So tempting.
6a9502 No.36019
I can't make this game save no matter what I do.
When I open the save menu, I can save just fine. But the moment I close it, anything I did is reverted.
I think I removed the old saves that it comes with a while ago in an attempt to solve it, but no dice. So I remade the localhost folder, put the old backed up save files in, and they show up and I can load them. I open the save menu, overwrite one of them, close the save menu and it's instantly reverted. No matter what I do, it won't update the save files.
What the fuck do I do to solve this? I also have uncensored versions of the game and the exact same thing happens with those.
a1d6fe No.36025
sounds like windows user account control fuckery. What directory are you running the game in?
e4863e No.36036
Saves are usually in directory C:\Documents and Settings\account_name\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\XXXXXXXX\localhost (account_name is name of your account, XXXXXXXX is random bunch of numbers and letters), and named like "mu09.sol" and "mu09_saveX.sol" - check it.
6a9502 No.36050
I have tried C:, H: and I:, all with the same results. I have tried running it as administrator.
That's what I already did. The files just aren't updating. They aren't set to read only.
3d6733 No.36189
I have all these herbs and a lot of aphrodisiacs and libido boosters, but the option never shows up. Any suggestions?
d3c50e No.36190
How bad do you want me to go there?
How bad do you want me to *click* those concealed links?
I won't :3 never.
74010d No.36238
the second and fourth vids 404'd.
fd028b No.36249
< Tips >
Right-click to go back (out of a menu) and to open pause menu
For the chapter scene choice (The two option one), first is hold back, second is love tenderly
- I think this effects which ending you get
- I personally held back every time and got ending where mother is oblivious to relationship
I suggest going into options menu (in pause menu) and maxing out text speed and auto speed then just going to auto mode
(Assuming you can't read Japanese and don't feel like using VNR or equivalent software to translate it)
< Top bar Menu >
< Main Menu >
Chapter Select
Replay H-Scenes
Rip Videos/CG (It'll save them to desktop)
(When it pops up with the confirm dialogue for each file just hit close to save time)
< Pause menu >
文章を隠す Hide Text
自動テキスト送り Auto Mode (Lets voiced lines play though)
オプション Options
ゲ一ム糸冬了 Return to Menu
< Options menu >
テキスト速度 Text Speed (Left is FASTEST)
自動テキスト送 ? [言受] 定 Auto-Text Speed (Left is FASTEST)
音量の [言受] 定 Volume
フルスクリ一ン Full Screen?
ディスプレイの [言曼] 定 Display Resolution
< End of Chapter Choice >
次の章に進む Next Chapter
タイ卜ルに戻る Back To Menu
< Chapter Scene Choice >
紳士的に [チ友] 〈 Stay Gentlemanly
もう我慢できない Can't Hold Back
< LEWD CHOICES (the 5 choice one) >
着衣 Clothing (Shirt closed)
半脱き Undress (Shirt open)
裸 Naked (Nothing, not even the knee socks)
< Start >
舐める Lick
挿入 Insert
< Inserted >
? Take Out
射精 Ejaculate
カシトイソ Toggle Cross Section/X-ray View
< Came >
終ゎる End
adc7f2 No.36313
063105 No.36331
PROBLEM! So I try to open Hizashi no Naka no Real, and I get the Mu Soft intro animation but then the screen just stays black and nothing happens.
How do I fix this?
e4863e No.36351
Well, this could be a problem in game (something in data folder is missing - like menu.swf), in flash, in operating system - i dont know (anything). Did another flash games work?
a5344e No.36381
Any non-paywalled download link for this?
9aa002 No.36454
[GER] Translated except Help+Topmenu
PASS: aec86d4494b6a717587d5c75ed10996691068ad569d45fc5307e9fa4c62bd206
Have Fun
c09bde No.36458
I have been looking for a download link of this game but shit is so underrated. Can someone give me some help?
The trial version is bullshit.
Dlsite: http://www.dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE117386
242ecf No.36465
242ecf No.36466
torrent works fine, just downloaded it myself. will seed for a while :)
c09bde No.36472
Thanks anon, but the links doesn't work and the torrent stays in "download 0.0%"
c09bde No.36481
Oh wait, nevermind the torrent is working fine, thanks anon!
242ecf No.36495
3e3dd6 No.36513
How do I get this game to work? I get to the main screen and hit start… then it sits there and does nothing>>36465
c09bde No.36515
You just need to install the japanese launguage pack.
242ecf No.36517
tried changing system locale?
this is an japanese localizaton game, and will therefore need region to be set to japan. pic related
f01221 No.36533
Flash games are different, they don't know localizations and have Fonts embedded for properly working.
FlashPlayer EXE should work without anything else installed.
242ecf No.36563
of course it is, i'm not thinking clear. thanks for clarifying.
as in order not to make useless posts here's a cool game:
NOTE: you MUST have rpg vx rtp installed in order for this game to work! you can download it for free here: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages/thankyou-rtp-vx-ace
9b2516 No.36618
ママま○こ 妹ま○こ
美少女モルモット 妊娠・出産実験室
PW: ce4b263ddcd0be0d113d511eb115bd16
28e09a No.36696
can anyone help me with the last 3 locked memories,i have no idea how to open them -.-
242ecf No.36702
first one: don't have sex for a while when she's wearing the thin wedding gown, then she would be making brekfeast one morning
second: the same as the one above, she'd be more willing this time
third: the same as the rest, she will be pretty slutty now.
28e09a No.36705
oh my god,tried to feed her everything on town,walked forest etc for days , raised her affection 1500+ lust 400+ , and 1 piece of cloth makes the difference FML :D Thank you so much <3
242ecf No.36725
you're very welcome
a004d3 No.36856
File: 1456145069507.jpg (625.5 KB, 821x1200, 821:1200, f10af6198585e1c737a688ab2b….jpg)

I heard something about a pink save file. How do you obtain it? Where can I see it once I have one?
e4863e No.36862
Well, there are three different savegame colors , depending on how gentle you was (Orange, Red, Purple). Purple are normal save, but for orange save you must be insanely slow during all actions.
To see it, you have to save game and go to load menu in title menu (not during gameplay) - pic related.
d367f0 No.36864
here you go
no, you are wrong
d367f0 No.36865
a post on the chinese college BBS made a complete statistic guide on this game here
it would be a fuzz for me to translate it all
but here is the OP
a004d3 No.36866
There are time limits in some scenes and the closer you're to the limit the better, right?
e4863e No.36871
Yes, i'm wrong, but its similar (i just simplified that).
Well, during first two days, you just have to make her aroused without waking her - and it is hard. Variable with arousing level is "Htemp" and color of savegame depends on it - levels are on that green table by that chinese guy. I could make 8-9 during first day, but everything behind it is wizardry…
d367f0 No.36873
nope there is no time limit, there is though a limited time to you doing nothing at all
she wakes up if you do not do anything for a long period of time
it is actually not really that "wizardry"
the pic is my past save file pic
this time it was close to 13
my tactic is usually only touch breast once on day one and two, or none at all
touch the pussy, count the times until you fail
try until you succeed the most time of pussy touching
a004d3 No.36874
in 3-1 she woke up while I was fingering her with the panties on, after about 40 seconds
a004d3 No.36878
anyway, I managed to make her orgasm 6 times in a row. Mission accomplished I guess.
3edaa7 No.36986
Speed doesn't matter. The trick is that she doesn't like it when you stretch her all the way out.
6a9502 No.37024
Could anyone upload perfect saves? I can't do this no matter what, because as mentioned in >>36019
the game just refuses to save for me.
3a2a8c No.37057
Just go ahead and dl .sol editor and edit it the way you want, its pretty simple.
0cdc6b No.37058
>please wait 90 seconds to download file
>download link fails
>disable uMatrix
>re-enter site
>popups on click
>please wait 90 seconds
>please solve captcha
>more popups
>finally download file
>it's empty
>re-enter site
>please wait for 90 seconds
>even more popups
>please wait 90 minutes to download the next file
Can you faggots at least use sane file sharing sites?
21809b No.37071
>being computer illiterate
>ever disabling umatrix
enjoy the malware you probably just got for clicking a fake download link.
e4863e No.37089
I think i got perfect savegame in this thread -> http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/51944-hizashi-no-naka-no-riaru-%EF%BD%9Ecomplement%EF%BD%9E-community-guide-to-100 , but i dont know where and iam too lazy and drunk to search anythning now…
btw its tenth post…
10414c No.37407
9ee65a No.37835
Absolutely love this game, any others that you guys would recommend?
9ee65a No.37838
How did you get those clothes for her?
242ecf No.37902
I recently got myself hooked on this game;
Kamidori alchemy meister
It has one loli heroine and some other loli characters.
I only have torrent version of this here's magnet:
size: 4,70 GB
playtime: 40 hours maybe?
Enjoyable: hell yes!
also you can find a full save here if you're too lazy to play for the scenes:
Final note: ero scenes happens after a few chapters, so be patient!
e4863e No.37917
I just got into similar game - Enyuu Senki. Its maybe more like turn based strategy than RPG (similar to Sengoku Rance), but still good. Drawn by Oyari Ashito - guy, who did Littlewitch series.
I add Kamidori to list - i just played second Bunny Black, so i dont want to play RPG for a while.
BTW - torrent is here -> https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1927446>>37902
242ecf No.37928
That looks good, I'll play that later. I'm still not done with kamidori, you see.
b056d8 No.38029
All this stuff its legal?
242ecf No.38042
bd2611 No.38513
Question. Is it translated? cause i need to know before i commit a the next 6 hours of my internet to download it.
242ecf No.38551
301321 No.38660
242ecf No.38662
what are you talking about?
58a411 No.38725
I have an android version of the original, but it doesn't work too great.
242ecf No.38730
f7a2e1 No.38897
what other games like the OP are there where I can manually undress a loli?
db2ed6 No.38921
30a4ce No.38954
242ecf No.39122
anyone who remember the last thread? there was this japanese 2d game, where you control a loli trapped in an alien place. Where you needed to save more lolis, and there was a battle system too. I think it was a demo that was shared, I was wondering on the full release date you see. I'll contribute in the next post, but I don't want to double post. Will post a collection from System 4-5-1's flashes. unfortunatly they are made as multiple swf files, so you will need to download them separately.
bee968 No.39125
Is this the one you're talking about? According to the dlsite page, it's slated for this month.
273d44 No.39128
There is a demo? No TL project though I assume
bee968 No.39133
I think there may have been a link to one in the blog somewhere, but it's probably no different from the one on the dlsite page.
273d44 No.39134
Yeah just played through it. I hope it gets picked up by a translation team, or that it at least gets a walkthrough for people who can't read moonrunes.
242ecf No.39140
It's escactly what i'm looking for, thank you. I'm currently uploading system 4-5-1's flashes to mega. will post when it's completed.
Where are you stuck?
I've completed it, not able to read japanese for shit, just very good at grinding.
273d44 No.39161
>Where are you stuck?
Completed the demo, just hope the actual game gets translated.
And it kind of sucks not being able to understand what they are saying or what is going on.
a41da6 No.39228
Use the google translate mobile app. You take a picture of the text and it translates it.
bee968 No.39229
>Take pictures of loli h-games and send it to google through your phone
That sounds totally safe and not terrible at all.
273d44 No.39232
I can't even get the Japanese text to work. I try to run in Japanese using right click applocale and it keeps giving an error.
bee968 No.39233
It would be better to set your system to the Japanese locale.
d4aa23 No.39281
How do you get x-ray shot during her swimsuit scene ?
I'm looking up in the movie viewer and only during her naked doggy fuck did the scene come up.(and not in small window like that)
242ecf No.39283
why so paranoid, I've used it all the time.
most of the time it's just normal conversation, not text that says you're a fucking pedophile or a child molester.
d4aa23 No.39284
By the way, is there any cheat for this ? It's quite tiring having to fap with my left hand while straining my right hand to drag mouse around. Even more so if you're trying to get her to max orgasm or access certain scene.
e4863e No.39291
Try pic related
Try >>24694 - it is procedure to switch on debug mode - there are new window (only in first two days and at start 3rd) with some variables and "H 開発度 " is degree of her horniness (or something like that - i dont know correct words - iam guy from eastern europe) - you can try edit it with some cheat engine and similar stuff. I already tried it, but without any results.
d4eed5 No.39300
That's what I was just thinking. Friggin pervs
d4eed5 No.39301
05ff75 No.39307
e01f4b No.39477
Any of you guys know a loli sex mod for The Sims 2 or 3?
d769f6 No.39556
Think there used to be a thread for sims loli mods
d2d5e3 No.39582
I dint find any in the catalog, thats why I posted here. :3
4fad7b No.39645
a0db3b No.39656
Goshujin-sama's praise is wasted on a lewd and lowly meido such as myself
d769f6 No.39677
At this point might have been so old it got deleted.
4fad7b No.39689
All maidos are important, they each take in part of keeping the whole house clean. Keep up the diligent work.
Back to topic though.
For me I think I've found a strange bug. I've gotten her to orange color at the start of day3, but for some reason kept auto failing me- saying that I might not have touched her enough on the first days.
After restarting, I was able to get her to do the usual, but the color reset in the main menu. Anyone else get this?
0679fa No.39709
Did you manage to get this to work?
As I tried the different emulator that was recommended as well as the HF aplocale and that didn't do much, it still crashed.
e4863e No.39723
Iam not that guy, but i have old PC with 32bit windows XP switched to japanese locale and logged as administrator (withou emulators and similar things) and everything works OK.
203282 No.39782
Anyone know where they could be found now? I've been itching for some Sims 3 lately.
603076 No.39840
dfd23e No.39900
Anyone got a working link to this? the one i found crashes as soon as i press the first button
a41da6 No.39939
The game works just fine. Install the japanese language pack and set your system locale to japan.
9e6772 No.40761
the fuck is the password?
242ecf No.40789
af2583 No.40810
search "allthefallen" mods can be found there
e4863e No.41097
[帰りの会2] 麻衣のつぼみ / [Kaeri no Kai 2] Mai no Tsubomi
DLsite is here -> http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ120605
(I found this game maybe 2 years ago, but now its mostly unobtainable)
Torrent (with one seed and three peers) here -> http://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=310369
Game (found at one obscure thai-written site) here -> https://mega.nz/#F!LoR3BYxI!8LVa4Vk0EtVGojL5yT31-g
(only important files are mainotubomi.exe and live.dll - put them both in one folder)
Savegame (from sagao.z - for those, who dont want experiment) is here -> http://sagaoz.net/savedata/dojin/mai_irori.zip
(there are new save.dat with 100% CG gallery and all scenes)
Game is entirely japanese (without translation). It is partly VN (or somethig like that), partly animated point-and-click erotic game (something like Hizashi). Its about schoolgirl daughter living with her father, i dont know about details. Best scene imho is one on second page in scene mode replayer.
0e51ac No.41519
That looks a lot like Barasui's art.
0df77f No.41578
While this thread is still going, does anyone know how the heck to get ECM 4 to work again? I just wanted to fap to it again this morning and it doesn't seem to want to work. Only a white screen.
242ecf No.41600
searched around a little, found this:
"based on the website they said that they have problem running adobe flash player newer than Flash version"
seems like there's no real fix yet.
Source: https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=368085
bdad13 No.41859
I literally can't download a single fucking thing I've tried here. Stupid fucking shit upload sites with 100 second timers, and once the timer's done, it asks for a captcha, then restarts the fucking timer.
cd6051 No.41877
[Potato Mine / MiMia Cute] オナッ子お世話係ゆいたん / Yui-tan, Your Onakko Assistant
DLsite: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ167180.html
File Size: 1.16GB
Sukebei download link with 35 seeders: https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1931906&showfiles=1
242ecf No.41941
Are you able to use torrent then?
if so, what would you like me to upload for you?
f19582 No.41950
Got a magnet for ya
99f774 No.42002
He's got a new site for his links to his old mods and sims porn in general. http://flatsims.creations.allthefallen.ninja/
854a12 No.42348
H-Angel: #!JB5ywbCR!YKuKwv5L-Z2Jo8IBuAyaWRholE9jyv_1nHl4CkvM9wA
PW: 27831eebb89532a76727a263888b38f7
c61c36 No.42512
1) lolis are not automatically intended to be children. it's a body type and way of behaving. trying to be all "if it looks like a child to me then it is" should tell you how retarded it is to try to determine the factual age of a fictional character.
2) the term "child porn" has bad connotations that we should never apply to fictional drawings because the normies will get confused.
d769f6 No.42527
The only thing wrong here is the behaving part. Behavior does not effect loli at all. If so the lolis who act like adult sluts or whores would not be loli.
231c5f No.42591
Just finished Love at first site. . . . FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK why the hell does it have to be short. I neeeeeeeeeeed moorrrreeee of Sa-chan!
I think I like that game better then teachingfeeling imo. Gad dayum i loved that pitiful cyclops girl.
3c2798 No.42599
Are these from a game? Or just standalone videos?
3c2798 No.42600
Use JDownloader fam, fills out captchas for you
13972b No.42615
c6cbd6 No.42673
I tryed to follow the tutorial, but her pussy doesn't appears wet to remove pants
549f63 No.42820
Is there a translation for the latest version of Teaching Feeling around?
e4863e No.42822
Well, there are this thread on hgg -> https://8ch.net/hgg/res/8015.html
And this torrent (english version 1.4) -> https://kat.cr/life-with-a-slave-teaching-feeling-v1-4-0-eng-closed-t12442221.html
And here is torrent with 1.5b untranslated version of game (if you want try some experiments) -> https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=2034225
9149f0 No.42842
Is there anything new content wise in the latest version?
e4863e No.42858
No, i just downloaded version 1.5b and look into changelog (アップデート履歴.txt) and everything look same, only with bug fixes. Look like last new scenes was added in version 1.3 and last new functions (auto mode, BGM and SFX volume change, and music replay) in version 1.4 - in version 1.5 are only fixes (yet).
e6507e No.43916
don't you need to close her legs to remove her panties?
242ecf No.43951
Think he's refering to sliding the panties to the side. in order to do so, you will need to rub untill her face is decently flushed.
then have your crusor at the right of her panties and you should be able to slide them to the side.
On a side note, I don't think it's possible to remove her panties in that specific scene
242ecf No.43953
nevermind, you can close her legs after she is wet to rempve the panties after what i wrote. also worth noting. it is impossible to wake her too early in this scene.
0cdd3a No.44061
link full game please
242ecf No.44146
Do you even read?
It hasn't been released yet
0cdd3a No.44241
e4863e No.44254
Both torrents are OK (one have 80+ seeders and other 10+ seeders).
d0a3b5 No.44346
Okay, so I'm stuck here:
>(r1, d15) Play with her pussy until she asks you to finger her (you must go insanely slow on days 1 and 2. You need an "orange" save game on the load page. Usually they are purple.)
Just how slow do you have to fucking go? And can you get this in the "Chapter Menu?" I've unlocked other scenes through that…
3edaa7 No.44358
It's not really about speed. She doesn't like having her pussy stretched all the way out. If you turn the volume way up you can hear a little noise when you've gone far enough (not very far at all) and can just go back and forth over that point til she's as horny as you like.
3edaa7 No.44359
You can get it in the chapter menu but she's much less sensitive there than if you have a good save file. She also gets much more sensitive the more you replay the game
e4863e No.44394
Or if you want it without work, i can send you mine savefile - its from start of 3rd day and in 2nd savefile position - i played game yesterday and everything was OK (well, i forgot about this thread after playing).
So - savefiles are hidden on system disc in folder "C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application_data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\XXXXXXXX\localhost" (XXXXXXXX is bunch of random letters and number, user_name is generated from name of user loged on PC. If you cant find it here (different OS), then just seach for mu09.sol.
There are usualy a lot of files (saves and temporary files from local installed flash applications), but important (for this game) are mu09.sol (main savefile with advance of game) and three mu09_savex.sol (savegames - numbered by their order). So - before anything - backup all these files (that's impoprtant too - you can broke main savegame) into diferent folder and overwrite mu09_save2.sol with one in attachment - it should be orange savefile.
file is here -> http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=36194166289030544178
4b8e51 No.44400
If my translator did right, the creator says will be a new scene.
Pic Related
4b8e51 No.44437
how i get the fucking Pen scene? i'm rubbing her pussy a long time already and she didn't moan and said nothing …
3edaa7 No.44492
It only happens when she's clothed and she needs to be quite horny from previous days (your save should be at least 9 or 10 on the scale in >>36864 at the start of day 4 if you want to get it)
a3d187 No.44533
4b0ba6 No.44576
869626 No.44684
what game are you referring to?
cfafa6 No.44890
anyone know how to get the final two scenes? The tooltip says "while postponing sex with silvie for a long time, work late with her" I don't know what "work with her" means.
cfafa6 No.44892
nvm. found out you just need to have her wear the nurse uniform.
35846c No.45452
I'll try downloading it again, but first time I tried it said I couldn't unzip the folder (like it was incomplete or a bugged folder).
749a05 No.45456
-Nurse Uniform
-work together on last part of the day
-if you haven't had sex in a while you'll have the option to take her to bed in the clinic
-the second scene happens when you haven't had sex with her for a LONG time and you do the above.
fb299f No.45549
What is this from?
009268 No.45754
0d7288 No.46011
the game got an update, anyone have the links ?
e4863e No.46096
0dad0a No.46465
How does i install it, it refuses to finish the setup.
I cant read the moonrunes to solve the problem.
e4863e No.46470
I dont know, so post here screenshot of error or (if error is written in message box) copy text with Ctrl+C here and into google translator.
e4863e No.46510
Look like some script exception due to incompatibility of something (i translated only first "スクリプトで例外が発生しました script exception : システム変数データを読み込めないか、あるいはシステム変数データが壊れています") - it can be software or hardware thing.
Did you switch your system locale to japanese?
0dad0a No.46553
I used Locale emu to run it.
e4863e No.46568
Just try it for real - emulators can be buggy.
a499e8 No.46669
56616e No.46849
Try compatibility mode. Apparently Windows 7 x64 doesn't like the 1.5 version this is based off of.
56616e No.46890
A guide to the first 3 days. Everyone who says go slow is an idiot.
day 1 actually has a trick to it to do much better. After spreading her legs (the amount this takes off her sleep variable is pretty random and doing it too slow can be worse than just slamming them open) rub her pussy continuously til she's about to wake up then let go. Wait 50 seconds. Her sleep variable rises to almost full in this time, but 51-59 seconds aren't any better and she wakes up after 60 seconds with no contact. Then rub her til she's about to wake up. Ignore her breast unless you still need the dot. This can nearly double your amount to time on the second day. When touching her, use a smooth, continuous motion near the middle of the area, stopping and stretching her too far are what's penalized. Don't forget to beat your meat, you get a substantial bonus for doing so. Your save file should be hot pink.
If you must fondle her tit do so after you spread her legs. You only make her wake up faster for no gain if you don't wait.
For the start of day 2 you want to do a very quick flip of the skirt, letting go of the button as soon as you reach the trigger. Pulling it up too far or too long will cost sleep time. Touch her pussy as above, stopping when she's about to wake up. If you did day 1 correctly and also flipped the skirt quickly and efficiently it's basically impossible not to keep your pink save.
With a pink save, day 3 means nothing til her panties come off. Hike her skirt and her sleep variable no longer moves. Unless you're doing really, really poorly at this point (like someone who didn't wait and touch again in day 1 and took a million years pulling up her skirt in day 2) you can touch her pussy once and she'll get soaked. Pull her skirt aside and check. Once you get her panties off you can give her bean a good flicking but she can't get very excited yet. At best you can get her to start moaning and maybe buck her hips once. If she's unresponsive (seemed to bug out and not respond on my pink save. probably because it clamps her sensitivity below that of a pink save for this scene and she doesn't respond unless her sensitivity goes up), pull out your dick and rub away. Keep rubbing after you shoot and you'll see her get more and more excited, this is critical. You can get her horny enough to immediately close her eyes in the deflowering scene, she may also immediately ask you to finger her. Getting to finger her is mostly based on her sensitivity (having a pink save going into day 3 is plenty but you might as well get it up higher for later), but it gets easier if you play through the game up to 30 times and she'll also ask if you pleasure her enough in the scene (the same goes for the pen scene in day 4).
The rest of the game is complicated and hard to explain.
ca937f No.47023
anyone have the new version of this game ?
64d304 No.47121
pls upluoad a 100% save
e4863e No.47131
For 100% savegames from japanese games, check sagaoz.net .
Savegames for both versions of "mako" are here -> http://sagaoz.net/savedata/dojin/d2ka.htm , just search for "公園いたずらシミュレータ ver.MAKO" or simply "mako".
64d304 No.47142
a61768 No.47664
There are other games like Hizashi no Naka no Riaru ? Slowly building her lust makes makes me cum buckets.
I lurked more but my googlefu is still weak and i don't know moon.
e772a2 No.47973
Is this translated at all?
e772a2 No.47983
How do you get second swing scene. Also, is there actual sex in this? I want to fuck her so bad.
e4863e No.47986
No, these games arent usually translated to english - even good (at least good for me) untranslated games are quite rare.
Well, lot of flash games are here -> http://roriland.info/category/flash-games/ - i use it as catalog and search games on https://sukebei.nyaa.se - best submitters are mikocon and NewDragon.
For visual novels use https://vndb.org with tags "Loli Heroine" -> https://vndb.org/g154 , "All Loli Heroines" -> https://vndb.org/g1396 and "Lolicon" -> https://vndb.org/g156 and use nyaa as well. For english translated visual novels there are http://erogedownload.com/ , but exclusive games with lolis are here also uncommon. Last was "Sweet Sweat in Summer" posted at end of July 2015.
b19b6c No.48192
have the download links ?
a61768 No.48268
>The nigger is still developing that shit since 2008
>mfw the release date is most likely 2020
I didn't ask for those feelings
e4863e No.49172
I just got new game made by "Babel" - "お兄ちゃん寝ちゃった? / Brother Are You Asleep?" and its not bad - there are some links:
Homepage -> http://www.babel-soft.com/babel29.html
DLsite -> http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ184864
torrent -> https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=2143652
gallery on sadpanda -> https://exhentai.org/g/983965/9d386554d7/
Its 21st game from Babel on DLsite, so i reccomend checking older ones (still available on nyaa).
e4f9fc No.49206
got a syntax error on that program, can't play it
wat do
1818fb No.49208
its working now, but its in japspeak. no translation
27e846 No.49261
yet out completely?
e4863e No.49345
I just found new game made by "Erotic Flash Frontier" - " One shot minute - Simply H Action - Mizuge version" aka [わんしょっと・みにっと シンプルHアクション スクみずver.] - its animated game made in flash and somewhat similar to Hizashi no Naka no Real, but shorter (only one scene) and untranslated.
Homepage -> http://www.e-f-frontier.net/product/product06.html
DLsite -> http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ172104
torrent -> https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=2147487
Also, i reccomend checking older games by Erotic Flash Frontier (one other game from "One Shot Minute" series and "Lunatic Record" series, whose are longer), but torrents are usually dead.
56616e No.49895
someone told me bumping this would fix e00001
061aaa No.50040
man, this game got me literally hooked. the best game i have ever played. I mean that.
ecd7cb No.53209
This thread is autosaging and only for chit chat, please post new games to https://8ch.net/loli/res/32710.html so people can see it.
b0776e No.65111
Lunatic - partly uncensored
P: fc2e0e503d6c3e793ddea84023443fe8
edce69 No.66719