Western lolis need love too; there are some greats and some classics that all self-respecting lolicon should have had a crush on in the past at some point.
Like Penny, though she is an honorary eastern loli, she's still a classic western lolicon heart-throb.
So post your favorite western lolis (Unteralterbach fotm meme shit need not apply).
Pretty sure there's a thread, gotta check the catalog.
Anyone who isn't a Simpson.
What are western lolis? Western lolis don't exist, at least not anymore, so I'm wondering where you got that misleading information from.
It refers to loli drawn by western artist, there are plenty and more and more starting up all the time.
People just suddenly decided to give up on little girls? Since when?
where are these mysterious people who you speak of? where must i go to find them?
File: 1439707452529.jpg (264.17 KB, 1200x1679, 1200:1679, 935123_Inspector_Gadget_Pe….jpg)

no, it doesnt. western artists can draw, say, ruri hoshino, a japanese/eastern loli.
a western loli is a little girl character from a western property, ie. penny from inspector gadget or madison from class of 3k.
here is a western loli, again penny, drawn by a japanese artist.
File: 1439730953973.jpg (1.5 MB, 1722x1418, 861:709, 1046900 - Daisy_Darrett Fl….jpg)

You can say and mean that, it would have been better if you said western loli characters. But "western loli" /10 times refers to loli drawn by western artists in a western style. Even when a western draws a jap character it's still call western because it will be drawn in a western style.
The OP specifically said western lolis with an s. Loli art is always singular.
That is a good point, missing one letter can change a lot lol.
I'd really like the sauce on this one
Unfortunately western lolis are doomed since it's so rooted in culture to immediately call out CP.
Did Penny ever have a personality? Cuz I can't recall.
Just on the western kind. Japanese ones are still around.
And the tons of western on sad panda shows the western artists aren't going any where either.
IIRC, Penny had a real earnest sort of personality, and wanted to do everything she could to help her Uncle, but without spoiling her image as a 'Good Kid Keeping Their Nose Clean'. It wasn't that she was worried about what others might think, just her what her Uncle would think. (That, and it would mean being left at home with a nanny instead.)
Of course, it's been decades since I watch Inspector Gadget. YMMV.
>>25911 is an archive, not a site that is inviting for artists to draw new content. My assumption was that OP asked for "newer" stuff from Western artists of which there is barely any.
And that doesn't change the constant addition of new western art, and yes there are active western artists that update there work on sad panda regularly.
Western loli is dead. You have the old archived stuff but new content is extinct
Except it's literally not.
Compared to just one year ago? Yeah, see >>26002.
Might as well call a rotting corpse "alive" because it's decomposing.
The amount of western on the internet and on sad panda has only gone up. I see more active western artist on sad panda doing regular update to galleries or comics posting replies each update. There are more than ever, you either just don't look for it or are just making this up, or are just another anti western loli types.
Last year - everyone drawing Despicable Me girls.
This year - everyone drawing Inside Out girl.
It was the wreck it Ralph girl the year before the despicable me girls wasn't it?
So maybe we are due for another Disney girl. Then again, there is Gravity Falls.
>google "Inspector Gadget bikini episode"
>direct accurate results
Everyone watched the show for the same thing.
Mine giving me some pointers on finding it then? Because comparing how easy it was to get in like 2008 and now is night and day
Simply use the internet, hell 10% of all galleries on sad panda are western. In 2008 there was far less loli over than now, so don't know where this "easier to find" is coming from.
Sad panda is horrible for actually finding specific characters, and isn't very good for finding art in general if you do not specifically know what you are looking for. It's great for finding archived collections but too massive to really stumble into things blindly.
In 2008 I could go to paheal, gelbooru, hentaipalm, 4chan /b/ etc and get almost any loli pic in a minute. These days? Well it's a lot more work.
You can still go to most of those. If you're having a problem find very specific things then that not a problem of finding western as a category it's just find something so specific that probably has little art.
Usually eclipse's cache (character name) works.
Stop sugarcoating. Western lolicon, rule34 or not, is becoming very hard to find. Otherwise one of the few other boorus allowing western loli (without being a dedicated loli site) would have already attracted the remnants of the loli friendly western hentai art scene. But no place did, whether its because the artists have given up on loli or because there isn't a dedicated public site for western hentai that allows loli anymore is debatable. Heck, we don't even have a list of western artists drawing underage, specifically those who don't predominantly engage in it but occasionally draw a loli/shota piece, you know, like many big artists on HF and paheal did before the lolicaust. We don't even know who is still friendly towards loli despite not being allowed to publish anymore.
Brushing every site in the west banning loli off with a "you just have to look harder" is a surefire way of missing the point and sitting idly by while the western hentai at large is getting accustomed to rejecting loli as part of it.
Not sugar coating anything, what I said is true, the problem, by your own words, s not finding western, it;s find very specific things/characters. That's a personal problem not a problem with western art. You're just gonna keep play the defeatist because there will always be something more you want/expect from western artist and I'll just leave you to that. Meawhile I keep seeing all this western art everyday.
>Otherwise one of the few other boorus allowing western loli (without being a dedicated loli site) would have already attracted the remnants of the loli friendly western hentai art scene
Boorus aren't intended for original art.
>Heck, we don't even have a list of western artists drawing underage
Find artists on your own. Japan doesn't have a comprehensive list of loli artists either.
File: 1440631722177.jpg (564.96 KB, 1247x973, 1247:973, 0d61852257e9fc324cdbea80b5….jpg)

Fogbank, Madoc, Fuchur, Incognitymous… there are still plenty of western artists who regularly draw loli. Just check out places like Pixiv or WWOEC or the Lolicit artist forum. As for the Boorus, many of them regularly purge western art, so they are hardly any indication.
Also Cheo and Randy Dave.
While Randy Dave retired well over five years ago, your point is still valid. There are several Western artists routinely producing loli and you can easily find their work at exhentai among other locations.
Natis_01 is apparently back now as Natas_01
This isn't about loli artists as much as it is about artists drawing loli. Nobody denies that the few loli centric artists that were active before the purge are still doing their thing. It's the large number of allround artists no longer drawing underage art that hurt the scene so much. If you think the loli scene can be anywhere near as lively and vibrant with only loli centric artists you're sorely mistaken.
Name a single mainstream (or whatever passes for mainstream in porn) western artist that did loli on the side.
thank you for the news! is the only site he posts on his blogspot?
>The commissions are limited to non-explicit or non-mature material only. Work has to be g-rated or as clean as possible. If providing references, images have to be clean also. No adult content. No exceptions, please and thank you.
I wouldn't call it "back". Although i guess you can throw him some money for old times sake, he seems to be in need.
Are there actually any western artists who accept commissions for loli characters? Just wondering.
why would you spam a discussion thread with a random comic? There's other threads for that.
OP said post western lolis. I don't see the problem.
fix your tags nigger
I scour pixiv and I hadn't seen any of your shit before
Fuck, what a roller coaster ride of emotions… "yay he's back" "oh fuck he's not doing porn anymore" "oh yay he's still doing some sexy as fuck ecchi loli art just won't do anything explicit"
Still I hope he says fuck it and starts doing explicit again (even if it's only as commissions and he doesn't post it there).
I have no clue how to tag on Pixiv. I can't read moonrunes, but I at least try to tag my loli. If you can tell me how to tag better I'd love to hear it.
Not sure where else to post this, but request.
Saw an image on /co/ of the Frozen girls as loli's getting gangbanged.
I cannot find the image at all, anyone have it?
Your prayers have been answered!!!
Is that you Natis or is this a repost? In any case i can definitely see how your art is improving, glad to see you back, even if mostly in a non-lewd way.. I've seen my fair share of loli artists who were improving super fast to then just vanish in thin air.
I couldn't sleep, and now I know why, some psychic part of me knew this picture was out there, waiting for me when I woke up.
Yes this is him..well to be more precise his proxy. If you want to know what has been going on with Natas go to the this blog
But here is a shorter version…but if you can stop by the blog and show your support. It'd be much appreciated ;)
Long story short his ex-gf found out about his loli art and turned him over to the feds. She was telling him (N_01) that he would be put into prison for 20+ years that he would never be able to draw again. She made him disappear from the internet altogether. She would call him a child pornographer and a pedophile. And after all her psychological abuse he gave into a deep depression and heavy alcohol abuse. While in an alcoholic suicidal state he downloaded underage nude models via torrent where upon the feds arrested him. And it was only after his arrest he found out his ex was full of BULLSHIT! And he would never have gotten in trouble over his loli art at all because it was all purely fictional art. Now he has to go to prison, for a few years, to serve time for downloading real underage content. So while being under house arrest for a year now he hasn't been able to draw anything until recently. He was given the okay to draw pornographic content for financial purposes. And will continue to do so once he is released. So he'll be back
Things are changing at the moment and they continue to change. If he had downloaded underage content 5 years ago he would have gotten 20 years just for 1 image. Since things are changing right now he is sentenced to serve 41 months, which he heard is a pretty low sentence. Perhaps in the future people with downloads won't even serve time. There are a lot people that sometimes don't even know what they are downloading and they still get swept up in this shit storm for their minor mistake…"no pun intended". If his ex would have notified the state instead of the feds he would have just gotten probation and a fine. But since she went straight to the feds, out of respect of the law, he has to serve time. Even one of the investigators said his (N_01) ex was a bitch for turning to the feds instead of state.
shit man that sucks… i wish we could have been around to support you when you were struggling with depression.
i'm such a big fan of your work and you have inspired me, i can't draw myself but i do color and practicing on your work helped me get so much better at it than i could on my own. i started this other thread of your work >>17728.html and not all of the colored ones there are mine, a lot of them are (i usually sign it something liked "colored anonymously"). i wish the world didn't suck so much that we're going to be losing you for so long… i'll be savoring every pic you do come out with though and hopefully coloring more than a few.
(whoever is the middleman hopefully will pass this along).
First off thank you very much for the kind words. They mean a lot to the both of us. Second we love your coloring and we have seen it around. ME the messenger I personally like the one you just shared. It's one of my faves. Also He N_01 likes the one on the subway. He enjoys the extra details you put on the newspaper and on the background. We hope to see more of your colorings around. Like before the world is changing slowly but it is getting there. The time will pass but yes it does suck that he has to be in the middle of it.
So since the feds were monitoring him, because of his ex being an irrational tattle-tale, the instant he downloaded that content in his despair he got caught. That's not a fun time. Insufferable garbage is a bit more applicable in regards to his ex.
First of all, sorry to hear that. Being arrested for child pornography is an awful thing in western world, not to mention having to go through a breakup and going into depression because the woman you fancied turned out to be a cunt.What i don't understand is how Natis was oblivious to loli laws in the US, as a loli artist? How did he allow his ex to hold such a sway over him? I of course don't know many details, but as soon as someone blamed me for producing child porn i think would look up actual laws of the land, if not sooner. That to me sounds as common sense. It sucks that it led to such unfortunate consequences, which brings me to another question - does Natis feel bad for dling nude child model videos? I mean like feeling bad for indulging in it, not for getting caught.
I'm asking you because some words in your post led me to believe that you pass judgement on "download" laws. I myself live in a place where government not only doesn't monitor internet, it also perfectly legal to posses child pornography, even if it's hardcore. I've been a pedo for more than 10 years, and i've been fapping to CP among other things for similar amount of time, and i only ever felt bad for doing so when i encounter abusive and hurtful videos, but not a lot of them are like that. I do not condone child sex, and i don't seek it out. But CP helps me fantasize about such things in a safe manner, i do not think it will ever lead me to abuse a child or becoming numb to the notion of practicing sex with children. I'm sure there are some people out there that use lolicon and Natis works to help them do the same very thing, the only difference they don't live in places that would allow them to explore their sexuality a bit more. And seeing my fair share of nude modelling it pains me to imagine someone having go to to jail over such things, it is basically glorified nudism, largest archive of nude modelling on the internet was produced with parental consent in Ukraine, and now that stuff is more illegal than possessing hardcore drugs. It all very sad, and the only horrible person in this story is his girlfriend. I Hope he'll be alright, you made me hate the world a bit more this day.
That is it pretty much in a nut shell
There's a country where CP possession is legal? Where the fuck do you live?
I'm sure somebody's already told him this, but it might help him to know that when he was suicidal and depressed and at his lowest… he still never went beyond images, never tried to touch a girl knowing he was probably going to be dead or in jail soon anyway, because he knew it would harm them, and that shows his real character.
Well with the part about common sense, his ex was always a controlling and manipulative bitch, after so many years of her always wanting to be right N_01 just conceded to her word being law. He did a quick search and saw that some people were arrested for having lolicon and producing lolicon art. So after that he believed he had no reason to question her. She belittled and brainwashed him, talked him into suicide once she found out he was a former lolicon artist, she even went as far as telling him how to commit suicide in detail. Telling him that his family would disown him and that he would be alone forever and better off dead. She also told him to stay off the internet and that she never wants to see his art online again. Then she extorted him for $1500 a month for 10 months straight AFTER she left him and reported him to the feds. It took about a year for him to see her for who she was and for how full of shit she was.
As for the downloading, yeah he did feel guilty. All the years he did lolicon art he always knew there was a fine line and he always stayed within the line of fantasy and he never crossed it. It was only after his ex convinced him that he had crossed that line a long time ago and that he was just as bad as the people producing CP. He never bothered to look further into it because there was no way she would flip out so much if it wasn't serious. So in his drunk and suicidal state he thought that he was damned anyway and he was going to kill himself. So that is when he made the mistake of downloading the real content. He would feel bad about it and get rid of it afterwords. Then when she would contact him, for money and to harass him, it would throw him into the same mindset and he would do it again.
It was only after his arrest his mind was set straight. All his ex's misconceptions were cleared away. He got into contact with family again and they support him. Mentally he is in a much better place knowing that he was right the whole time, his art never would have gotten him into trouble and he wishes he would've reached out to family and friends a lot sooner. But now he has to pay the price for his drunken mistakes.
He hopes to return to lolicon art after he serves his time. He believes his art is a healthy outlet for himself and for others. Since he was a victim himself, he, in a way, wants to curb real abuse and the production of CP through his art.
After reaching out to family and friends they have told him this and we appreciate you saying this as well.
He is a good person and has never hurt anyone. Just a good person mixed up in this shit storm. Pushed in by someone he thought he loved and he thought she loved him back.
But he is picking up the pieces and happy to share his story…and to be drawing again.
So thanks again…
It's really quite disturbing that posession of child nudes gets you more time than actual rape/molestation in many cases. Like I ain't sayin it should be legal but someone needs their priorities in order
Just out of curiosity but why were they ever monitoring him? They don't individually monitor someone unless they have a pretty decent reason.
His girlfriend sounds downright psychotic. I can't imagine a person who would try to convince someone to kill themselves, outside of some fictional story. If there is justice in this world i hope one day she'll get punished for her deeds.
As for him downloading softcore CP, i wish for him to think about the matter clearly and not feel unnecessary guilt. It's doesn't make him a child abuser, nor does it make him morally bankrupt individual. The guilt he feels is to a great extent just shame imposed upon him by everyone around, from individuals to the state and its laws. Hopefully things get better, i wish him all the best.
Look up child porn laws if you're interested in moving.
>His girlfriend sounds downright psychotic. I can't imagine a person who would try to convince someone to kill themselves, outside of some fictional story. If there is justice in this world i hope one day she'll get punished for her deeds.
The irony is… the certainty that you have nothing left to lose is like a powerful weapon… with it, you can do so much that normal people can't, and you're only held in check by your base morals.
So what she did was like forcing a powerful weapon in the hands of somebody she believed was a threat to children, for her own gain (she was getting money from him after all!).
She's more guilty of encouraging harm to children then somebody who downloads CP.
Hope that bitch gets hit by a Mack truck.
It does seem like they are doing that very thing. The 41 months that he was sentenced is pretty low compared to what others have gotten in the past. He might even be serving less time due to alcohol rehab and good behavior.
After his ex jacked up his mind and reported him, he began downloading nude models via torrent, coincidentally there was a torrent sting operation going on at the same time. The feds had check up on him when he first emerged in 2004 but labeled his art "anime", but Natas didn't know that until after he was arrested.
Last that we have heard of his ex she has lady cancer…and has been isolated from her family for being the crazy bitch that she is. She did show early signs of cancer when she was with N_01 and he tried to get her to get it checked…but she would not listen to him. C'est la vie. Not his problem anymore.
Mentally he is at a better place with the ongoing support from his family, friends and fans. Far away from his ex. So all and in all he feels better. Thanks for the support.
Thank goodness his base morals were strong enough to keep him from causing harm on anyone around him. The sad thing is she still tried asking for more money after he was put on house arrest awaiting his sentence. Needless to say he is finally done with her.
Good riddance to her, karma's a bitch.
>It does seem like they are doing that very thing
No, they literally are. I'm not going to go into detail about it but I have a relative who was arrested on charges of sexual misconduct with minors.
She got a month
1 month house arrest and 5 years probation
>He might even be serving less time due to alcohol rehab and good behavior.
I really really hope that works out.
obligatory "Niice!"
But yeah, it's pretty stupid.
I'm glad he's feeling better. So that commission post that started off this discussion, it says no adult content… but you've posted some nudes on the thread… so, can we assume that Natis also will do adult commissions now if people are interested? Are there any restrictions to that?
I wish I could commission myself, but I can't… however, it would be nice to know what the status is when I refer other people who might be interested.
Also, is there a timeframe for when his sentence starts?
He had just gotten the okay to draw adult content for financial purposes. He is willing to do adult commissions but the time frame is very short. He has to self surrender on September the 25th.
So is he forced to register as a sex offender or some shit, now?
He might have to. That is unclear at the moment.
Hey hey people!
The time is almost here for Natas_01 to self surrender so let's send him off with style! The last food he wants to eat as a free man is pizza…good pizza. However with the unfortunate circumstances going on these past few weeks our pockets are empty. If you could find it in your dear little hearts please donate to his "Going to Prison Pizza Party". Any amount you donate would be very appreciated and whatever remains after the party will be going to his prison commissary account.
Follow the link below for the donation button (on the right side of the page) please and thank you.
P.S. Natas_01 has been struggling to support us with his furry art as Bhawk and if he receives enough donations he will exclusively be working on Loli art until his self surrender.
The whole "mistake" is a lie child rapists make up. Plenty of people never accidentally download cp. He is not retarded he knew cp is illegal, and after what his ex did he actually had more of a reason to avoid it. Plenty of individuals have dealt with alcohol and depression. They weren't child rapists who downloaded child porn. Any idiotic pervert who downloads cp deserves everything bad to happen to him. Besides he clearly had downloaded Child Porn before.
Pedophiles will never be seen as nothing more than child rapists because they never take responsibility for their actions. They blame everyone else but themselves.
Kill yourself SJW.
Hey!?!? Who let his ex-gf in???
41 months in the pokey and the rest of his life registered as a subhuman, unable to find work or an "approved" place to live, essentially a life sentence…for drawing pictures!?! May every judge's and prosecutor's daughters get busted for sexting and charged for cp distribution, if only so these bullshit laws are changed.
If he actually has to register as a sex offender than I'd likely just suggest he commit suicide. Not even being a memer or trying to shitpost or anything. But in the US, your life is over if you are a registered sex offender. No one will ever hire you, you basically are not allowed to so much as leave your house, and the government will watch you 24/7 to scoop you up for breaking laws most people get away with breaking on a daily basis. Not to mention the psychological issues caused by being forcibly ostricized from society, unable to even seek help for the depression caused by that.
I just wouldn't see any reason to keep living.
Oh, or leave the country. Preferably for a country that does not have strong ties with the US/Are not on good terms with them.
While, honestly, I might do that if I were in the situation… I think N_01 actually has the art skills where he could make a living off that if he had to and applied himself (even non-loli, but if you're already fucked, why not do loli too… fuck, if he has to live in one of those all-sex-offender trailer parks he could make bank creating legal art for some of them!). He's shown he's good at creating other artist identities and he could do the same thing there, create a new identity and start doing online work where nobody knows his history and building up a fan base.
It's tough, sure, and I sure hope he doesn't have to go through that, but if he does, I think he's got better prospects than most, especially if he has family support, so let's not be like his gf and suggest suicide.
Not really. There are many registered as sex offenders for various crimes. It is no exclusive to child rape/molestation. You can get on just it for piss or having ex in public. The rest of that comment is over exaggerated.
I'm not sure what any of the post really has to do with mine, since I never once stated it was exclusively for rape/molestation
If you think living with a sex offender is a good time, then I envy that delusion. If I was in his situation I'd either leave the country IMMEDIATELY or swallow some shotgun mouthwash, as going through life totally isolated and despised and essentially serving a life sentence of house arrest does not sound fun to me. But if you enjoy having the government tell you where you can live, visit, eat, work etc is a good life, more power to you.
Now you're deflating what I said, never said it was a good time. What do you mean "what does it have to do with mine", you directly responded to my point that directly responded to what you said. The point was why comment suside over being on something many "normal" people are on, you don't magically become a marked person for being on the list and it is far easier than people think to get on it. He's not a child rapist, that would make him a marked man in society. He doesn't have to be a weak pessimist like you are.
He is not going to prison for drawing pictures. He's going in for downloading underage nude models. It was a drunken mistake and he found out after he was arrested that he wouldn't have gotten in trouble for being a loli artist which is contrary to what his ex made him believe. The laws are changing but very slowly. And it is still unclear whether he will be registered as a sex offender or not.
>>27652 >>27654 >>27655
As for all the suicide talk…man you guys are grim LOL…but um…yeah…he has already come from that dark, depressing mindset and does not plan on going back to it. He is feeling better due to the support that he is getting from the few friends he has left and his immediate family and his fans. If he has to register as a sex offender so be it. He has made his peace with it. That is why he is letting it all out now. There is no point for him to try and hide his mistake or the fact that he is a loli artist. When he made his mistake he wasn't in his right mind and was listening to a very toxic individual (his exgf). Now that he has sobered up and is surrounded by people that love and truly care for him he won't make that mistake again. As for being a loli artist he finds it liberating that he doesn't need to keep his artwork a secret anymore. He doesn't need to hide it from his friends, family or himself.
Yes you are right he plans on doing so much when he gets out. However he does have several non-pornographic identities he has not revealed in the fields of animation and writing. And he will continue his work on all identities when he gets out…so until then…
OH just so we can have more images HERE YOU GO!!! Have some Natas_01 scraps! Yummy yummy yummy :)
Most Americans think being a sex offender = child rapist. Granted more people are waking up to this, the registry is still shit.
We will do all we can to support. Hopefully he won't have to register but as I said earlier more people are waking up to the truth about the registry(slowly).
My next door neighbor killed a guy in cold blood… Charged and released, time served…
No-one cares about sex-offenders… That is like shop-lifting… Not a real enough crime to charge for, so you get put on a "neighborhood-watch-list", for your community, which, now, isn't "community access", in most of the USA, due to everyone being put on the list for everything from "mooning someone in public", to "Attempted molestation of a child", to "public urination", to screaming "I'll rape you if I ever see you in a dark alley"…
I tried to pre-register… but they denied my application… What do I have to do, actually rape someone to get registered… I want the free advertisement that all nympho-sluts are looking for… They know where to find the bad-guys that "put out"…
JK… I didn't try to pre-register…
I already am pre-registered by google-searching for "hot naked kids sleeping with dolphins"… Don't ask, I saw it on another chan… Thought I could Dox it…
I'm in the system man! In the system! Never google yourself in public… ever… just don't…
When I was a kid this teen boy a few doors down from me was arrested for raping a little girl. Never saw him again. He's probably out by now and living under a bridge.
Flash forward to a couple years ago, I heard on the news about a boy who kicked a bully in the balls on the school bus…and he was forced to register as a sex offender!?!
They've essentially made it a pointless waste of resources and ruiner of lives. At some point we may have to challenge them to put everyone on the registry. Then LE will be drowning in so much paperwork they won't be able to get anything else done…unless they threw the registry out completely and replaced it with something that actually protected children.
>No-one cares about sex-offenders…
The government does. There are a shit ton of rules you must obey and they'll throw your ass in the pokey for 20 years if you break one. And most are impossible not to break as they're basically insane like banning them from ever being near a kid. That's sort of fucking impossible.
And yes, employers do indeed fucking care you were an excon or rapist. Now, they may not care if they look at your history and see you got it for mooning or something, but if they see "downloaded cp", they're likely to give a shit.
Nigga, it doesn't matter what people think. You get a laundry list of prohibitions. Did you like going on vacations? Never doing that again. Want to live basically anywhere? Not happening. Want a job? Nope. Want to go for a walk? Better file the paper work and we'll get back to you in 6-8 months.
He is basically going to live the rest of his life as if he was a 5 year old. He will need to ask daddy government on ANYTHING. He won't be allowed to so much as go to the fucking store without getting the ok and if a child so much walks by him when he's there, they'll likely just arrest him. He will also never be allowed to have children, never be allowed to really travel etc etc. I'd rather be serving a life prison in a Maximum security prison over being on a sex offender registry. Both are equally as bad, but atleast prison doesn't constantly tease you, showing you all these things everyone else can do and you can never do again.
That's why I suggested just fleeing to some country where the US has no reach and he can start over. Because a sex offender registry is a death mark in the US.
And it has nothing at all to do with public outlook on him, it has to do with the fact the government will have him on a half inch leash for the rest of his natural life.
They are only that serious when you are on probation.
There are different tiers for offenders depending on the severity of the offense. The problem is in many places they hardly differentiate between those who view images online and serial rapists. Mainly it's because they don't have the time or resources to look at each case individually so they treat all excons equally…like dirt.
Time to get serious about educating voters and forcing LE and those in office to recognize the difference between dangerous people who commit crimes (using force or fraud against others) and people who merely break stupid laws that shouldn't exist. Until then anything that offends somebody will be treated as a criminal offense.
>time or resources to look at each case individually
Which is why they aren't going to be constantly monitoring you unless you are on probation.
Believe me his ex is guilty of things far worse than anything N_01 has ever done. That will be revealed as his comic strips continue.
In the mean here is a new drawing from his sketch book…which may be getting auctioned here pretty soon. If anyone is interested.
We'll let you all know when the sketchbook goes up for auction.
Spectacular! Of course, while I'd love to see the contents of the sketchbook, I wouldn't enter any auction myself… but it makes me happy knowing that it's out there, somewhere.
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This is a request that was done for Fogbank after he donated. Just his character Rosie enjoying a slice of pizza…with extra SAUSAGE!!!
Natas_01 doesn't agree 100% with feminism but does believe in women's rights and equality. So lets not empower or validate feminists with all this hate speech. ]
Can't we all just get along and look at some naughty pictures?! ;)
3.5 years in a low security prison is not a big deal. It still sucks but it's something that needs to be done. The time could also be brought down with alcohol rehab and good behavior. It's not the end of the world. It's just the next chapter in his life. He'll be back drawing amazing loli-art in couple of years.
And as for his right to marry young thanks. He says he has done enough babysitting for a lifetime. Not trying to offend anyone but he just wants to stick to drawing loli art.
I doubt you will find a single self proclaimed (female) feminist that will look positively on lolicon pornography. They're among the most judgemental, invasive and vile people on the internet. And anyone who supports equal rights and opportunity doesn't need to call themselves "feminist" in our day and age.
Great picture for fogbank by the way, it might be my favorite Natis picture of all time! Shame he's going away soon, amazing artist.
>He says he has done enough babysitting for a lifetime
Nah, it depends how you train and interact with children, if you're gonna treat little girls like immature beings they will be immature. But that's a discussion for another thread. I hope feds do not monitor this thread too, otherwise they'll think Natis provides fanservice to a bunch of dangerous would-be child molesters.
I have a thing for Princess Sofia from Disney's Sofia the First. Too bad it is hard to find stuff of her.
i couldn't resist coloring some of his newest work. i also hope he doesn't mind, but i also did a version where katie's swimsuit turned a little see-thru after she's gotten splashed so much! … i mean, that does happen with yellow suits sometimes!
i can't donate myself, but i'm gonna make an offer, if anyone does get a commish and doesn't want natas himself to color it, i'll take a crack at it, eventually. and anyone who donates i'll listen to what they have to say about any other pieces they'd like to see me try, since i'm going to be trying to color at least a bunch of the new pieces anyway! i know it's not much but it's all i can offer to help out.
We haven't met a feminist just yet…but hopefully our first experience is not an unpleasant one. Wish us LUCK!!!
Thank you for the compliments N_01 aims to please.
N_01 loves what you have done with the piece. It is always a pleasure to see your coloring. Anything helps. We are glad that you are putting so much effort into helping anyway that you can.
Here is another piece done by N_01…another NAUGHTY PIECE! For the full res version go to his blog at
wow another awesome piece!
anyway i wasn't satisfied with my colors and noticed a few errors anyway so i did some tweaks to make it a bit more bright and like a summer day. maybe i went too far the other way and want to change it again tommow, lol. but we'll see.
For full res go to his blog at
Posting these because for some reason nobody seems to post stuff like this on 8chan.
Love it! I've always loved "not quite planning on full inserting," things like "just the tip" or squirting a load inside a spread pussy from just outside, etc, sort of as part of the prelude to the actual first fuck, a building anticipation as step by step they're getting closer to a balls deep fucking (and risking pregnancy with each step), and this plays into that very well.
Great job!
okay lol i did wind up creating an in-between version since i thought that one looked a bit too washed out. i just can't satisfy myself.
Who's the author of these? Requesting sauce ASAP.
Do you know Judith Levine?
She's more of a human rights activist than a feminist, exactly the kinda people we need more of. Harmful to Minors is essential reading. Apparently she's in favor of decriminalizing most cp (including loli and NN for sure) and her arguments are about as good as anything we could make. But "pornography and abortion rights = liberation of women" has far more impact coming from a woman's mouth.
Well, >>28067 is Harlekin.
I must say that this stuff looks… sketched. Just saying.
I *think* Faustsketcher is Western. If not, slap me with a dead animal.
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Whoever Harlekin is, he's tracing or vectoring screenshots from TK17. The garage one is a dead giveaway.
I made a quick and dirty recreation of >>28067
You're mentally ill. Seek help
I'm not even that anon. You're just legitimately insane and obviously suffer from a festering hatred for the world. Seek psychotherapy.
Don't bother responding. Keep it to your containment board, /pol/.
Looks like -1chan has been infiltrated by the SJWs. I responded to a post in /cake/:
>Hmmm… wonder what he's in jail for…
with a summary like the one here explaining the situation, and it was deleted. Looks like 7 has forgotten the reason it jumped ship from half in the first place, and allowed /cake/ to die.
21 seems to be missing.
Here's hoping this artist is Western. Fortunately, I've seen nothing to indicate otherwise.
I hope your dick enjoyed this comic as much as mine did.
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Bit of loli asari guro here, so I spoilered it.
Back to your regular programming.
Some more Norasuko
The OP is Tekuho, right? Did Tekuho ever actually do loli stuff, or just "loli with boobs so she's of age, honest" stuff?
If I'm not mistaken, Tehuko used to do loli art under the "Tengu" name. It's all been purged now, as far as I can tell, and tends to be missing from collections.
Wait, I saw a couple of penny and gwen(?) pics with his label on somewhere on a tumblr blog before it got banned. Isn't that site where he posts his shit on now?
He's a Spaniard, and if I'm not wrong technically still takes loli commissions. At least I haven't heard him say anything about not doing them anymore.
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If I'm not mistaken, Tehuko used to do loli art under the "Tengu" name. It's all been purged now, as far as I can tell, and tends to be missing from collections.>>28367
>Wait, I saw a couple of penny and gwen(?) pics with his label on somewhere on a tumblr blog before it got banned. Isn't that site where he posts his shit on now?
I think if you look closely, the Tekuho stuff always has boobies. They might be small boobies, but boobies none the less. The "Tengu" stuff, however, is always loli. I wonder whether anyone has an archive?
Yep. Tengu is loli. Tekuho only does jailbait. How would you guys feel about me posting some of the hotter, smaller boobed Tekuho stuff later?
Don't really care too much. I'd rather keep this thread for semi meta discussions about the western loli scene.
By the way, do western artists tag/have to tag their art on pixiv? It's nearly impossible to look and index then amongst a myriad of Japanese art.
>>26354 my friend.
So what you're telling me is that what remains of the western loli art community has retreated to a closed off community? Or did you mean their loli refugee list? Because they tend to only list artists that predominantly or exclusively draw loli, not general ones that occasionally draw it. If those even still exist.
> my friend.
Terrible idea. Closed communities are a cancer. One of the biggest problems in the loli art community is a lack of sharing, to be honest. So much good art isolated on sites nobody cares about. In this thread alone, I've seen quality art I've never seen before simply because someone decided to share their collection. Stuff on lolicit and similar sites tends to stay there because only autists can be bothered to go through the drama of joining.
I've read the book, thanks for the recommendation. It is quite old though, since then CP sharing flourished on the web, most of the stuff she's referring to as harmless and minor since then grew into a very sought after property. If she would to write a book right now about decriminalizing child porn and the threat of pedophiles she wouldn't be so apologetic as she did back then. Not that i don't agree with her. I do no think child porn, even hardcore, makes a person more likely to abuse a child. Everything else in the book was interesting but kind of irrelevant to pedophilia.
It's just another website for loli artists, the only difference is that some 3D loli artists post there and only there, like TheMick. It's not conductive to the growth of western lolicon scene as a the whole, but it may encourage more 3D loli artists (i mean some of them resort to posting on actual CP boards on tor, that's how sad things have become), just like rule34hentai gave a platform for SFM loli artists.
>One of the biggest problems in the loli art community is a lack of sharing, to be honest. So much good art isolated on sites nobody cares about. In this thread alone, I've seen quality art I've never seen before simply because someone decided to share their collection.
The only set of pictures that i've never seen before is this one>>28297, and even then i'm sure if i wanted i would find the source and i'm sure it's not closed off. You just have to search and be invested in it for sometime. If you're hardcore interested in western art you have to be a part of these forums:
Ironically enough the only "closed off" communities are patreon based artists, like Norasuko for example, that produce their content to a selected audience. So if you don't want to miss up on "exclusive" stuff you gotta pay, but that's directly supports artists too. Everything on lolicit is free, the site itself doesn't even run ads, and artists share their work just because they like to create. After some time everything from lolicit ends up on paysites like premiumhentai too, so don't give money to those scammers.
Basically, "sharing" is definitely not a problem in loli art community. Good mainstream places to share and encourage more artists to draw is though.
> Norasuko for example, that produce their content to a selected audience. So if you don't want to miss up on "exclusive" stuff you gotta pay
I may be wrong but I think Norasuko has a policy that everything (finished) gets released widely eventually, but supporters get it first, or in higher quality, or get to see things like early versions, which I think is a nice middle ground.
Good, hope she turns you in and you get arrested, too.
rule34hentai has loli (but for 3d loli you need to have an account and opt-in to seeing it otherwise it's invisible), rule34.paheal officially bans it but a lot is still there.
wwoec is mostly an archive, but wwoecforum is a lively and active fourm with dozens of artists... they focus largely but not exclusively on comic/cartoon stuff rather than original, and plenty of loli artists. the big problem is you have to register and often they close registrations to new members (because they get a lot of spam accounts i think). but it's free if you do manage to get an account. mods can be kind of strict though and hand out months long bans for minor infractions.
I mean, it's not closed off if it requires an account. Just make one, it's free. I should've mentioned that i meant wwoecforum, not the actual website. Thought you'd figure it out. And yeah rule34hentai is a place for Source Filmmaker webms, to see them you also need an account. Lolicit has rep restrictions but if you're not into 3D rendered child porn there is nothing to see there, a couple of 2D artists cross-post there, but they also can be found on wwoec and
And you're missing out if you still don't have a pixiv account, the amount of smut there is mind-blowing.
Oh and also i forgot to mention It's a very old loli forum, it even has a Natis thread that he himself created in 2007.
Shouldn't that be in /cgiloli/ ?
When is he going to the slammer? I can try and donate once I get some cash fliw going.
He's self surrendering on the 25th of Sept.
Well I'm sure I can come up with something by then. Ill see what happens. But if I do it won't be much. I'm kind of in a bind myself I just really want to show my support. The world will miss him while hes away.
I'll ask nicely: Please go back to /hebe/ or some other place but here. Thank you.
Whos TheMike? Is he good and where can I find his work? That isn't a CP board. Thats pretty fucked up. Its scary that he would even be there. The Feds are hungry this year.
TheMick is like the oldest of the oldschool when it comes to animated 3D loli porn. You probably seen his gifs on 4chan's /b/ and places like that. When i was talking about CP boards i wasn't talking about him, but on lolicit one guy said he pulled some (mediocre) 3D loli art from some Tor hidden service. That's pretty sad, but maybe where that artist lives it's illegal to produce such things.
One of Mick's gifs is here >>>/cgiloli/376
I don't think we'll ever see him online again. I've seen quite a handful of artists who were prosecuted by the law leave their old live behind to start a new one without ever picking up a pencil again. So as far as I'm concerned, it's a "Farewell and good luck with the rest of your life"
That's the biggest list of sites I could find. If there's anything missing you might want to mention it.
>Looks like -1chan has been infiltrated by the SJWs. I responded to a post in /cake/:
>>Hmmm… wonder what he's in jail for…
>with a summary like the one here explaining the situation, and it was deleted. Looks like 7 has forgotten the reason it jumped ship from half in the first place, and allowed /cake/ to die.
looks like they deleted the whole thread now, stupid fucks.
There's nothing wrong with a little harmless catharsis.
If it was a man who did what she did I'd wish the same on them. Now once again kill yourself, SWJ cunt.
Tut tut, my dear. No need for that talk. First he didn't rape or victimize anyone. He's in trouble for downloads. Second he's going to a low security facility with non violent offenders so there should be small risk of him coming to any harm.
That guy is just spamming threads trolling, best to ignore him.
Anyone know the reason for lolicit's downtime having anything to do with legal troubles? Just curious.
No, from what I understand it was simply a DDOS issue (and they're not even sure if it was them, or if the server they're on just got hit for something else they host).
Theres so much Randy Dave art out there you could spend a month fapping through the catalog and not hit the same image twice.
Damn Loli's in slutty make up with tan lines?
where can i find some western loli comics?
What about some good ones?
Well Indiana Jones, I don't know where you could find The Holy Grail.
Maybe Maximilo takes comic commissions.
I was recently commissioned to do 4 Angelica pics, with variations.
Here's the last one in that series, the rest can be found on my pixiv. Or on rule34hentai, or paheal if they haven't been taken down.
Ohh this is lovely
we must save these threads!
Are they in danger of dying?
Good click, me. Tetra in a western thread.
Chloe is who I meant to post.
It's fine. It's not so much the character that makes it western but more the artist and style.
It's a crying shame what happened to Natas, for as far as we humans say we've come its still basically old age Europe where people persecuted for drawing something or writing a book that doesn't conform to the societal norms.
What happened to him is awful, he's lost interest in doing explicit work due to whats happened to him. And now hes in jail and we wont see great work like his for a long while if even ever. This pisses me off.
Uh, Natas wasn't persecuted for his drawings, he was persecuted for downloading photos he shouldn't have.
And he was still drawing loli right up to going to jail and, last I heard, he plans to again once he's out.
I know but it all started because of his gf. It's also still lost time.
that thing better be going up her ass, buddy
What's up with the front page not updating?
This gets me off harder than anything else. Any more western loli painal, ideally monsters raping lolis or loli slaves?
Thanks for posting
I fap to lolis with my feminist girlfriend all the time
She doesn't like hard candy but is fine with loli, she's intelligent enough not to be upset about drawings
Then she's not a feminist.
thread on how to get into sad panda with firefox please? tia :)
i'm sure you'd say that blacks and jews are dangerous for some bullshit rationalized excuse.
men who look at adult women in adult porn are more likely to rape adult women than peds, you moron... peds don't find adult women attractive.
double facepalm
Are there any Anne-Marie from All Dogs go to Heaven pics? She's gorgeous and the poorfag outfit makes wonders for my weenie.
It's the same no matter your browser. Clear cookies, clear cache, sign into e-hentai then go to exhentai. If you can't get it to work might want to try one of the sad panda plug-ins.
Anyone got any western loli pregnancy art?
Anyone here have the Anne Frank pictures Fuchur, one of the UAB artists, did?
I've been looking all over, but the only thing I could find was this doodle. I swear I remember seeing several others.
You mean this one?
Oh yeah! Cheers anon.
I remember seeing others but I might be mistaken. It was awhile ago.
Don't think anyone drew more pictures of Anne Frank that was related to UAB in anyway. The one I posted was made by Fuchur as a reaction on how pleased he was to get so much fanart from the people who played his game.
The one that you posted though must be from a paintchat thread that I think Fuchur was pretty active on back in the day. I guess that's where he got the idea to be called Anne Frank in the first place.
Thought I might be wrong here. Maybe there are more fanarts that we might have missed here.
speaking of fanarts…
i came across a thread on 4chan /co/ and someone posted a link to these pics. i was browsing in desustorage.
The artist is JohnDoe, he draws on
Shame he aged her up, but it was probably commissioner's will.
Holy hell! I've never seen such strong fanart quality that was dedicated to UAB. It looks great. I wonder if AF has seen it as well?
Why? Do you think the destruction of patriarchy is somehow predicated on an absence of sexy pictures?
Cause that's dumb
>implying the patriarchy can be destroyed when such vile images objectifying women still exist
check your privilege shitlord
Thanks for the support and the kind words…it is a shame what has happened to him. And he has not lost interest…we are talking about coming out with more as soon as he is free to do so.
Yes you are right…it was not for the drawing and animating…that was placed under anime and fictional art. It was downloading softcore cp, unfortunately during a difficult time in his life…if only he had contacted me during this hard time in his life we could've prevented everything that happened. He was allowed to draw art for financial purposes, thankfully that helped us out until he had to self surrender.
Lost time but soon he'll be out and we will be working day and night…Again thanks you guys for the support. I can't wait for him to be out again to continue his art.
I will be posting some updates to his blog as soon as I can…working over night and keeping up with other things have prevented me from keeping everything up to date on his blog but…soon I swear ;)
I'm not saying 3d loli shouldn't be allowed, but Fuchur have made a killer new set while using Blender. Should I post it here or in the 3d thread?
Oh well. Fuchur did this amazing set of Kate and Mim-Mim. IMO, it's like Christmas morning.
That middle pic - 1442152334698-2.jpg - is just so hot! So cute, so sexy and so romantic at the same time! It gives me tears of joy and emotion… just lovely and beautiful piece of art.
And her green eyes… man! Instant love!
lol "check your privilege" "patriarchy"
obvious troll. pathetic.
I wish our brother in arms the best and wish you too the best.
I just tonight learned that this show is a thing. It has fair animation production values. It has legitimate voice actresses. It is even getting a second season.
love her face
>oh no! the goy is waking up! i can no longer control him through sex denial! oooooy veeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy
they have the popes rod too far up their assholes to accept these basic contradictions.
so its a french thing like wakfu?
Thats pretty good. Hope that artist does more.
Hey man! Thanks that means a lot. He seems to be doing well. I am updating his blog more.
Very nice Star Plebbles.
Seeing Clementine get raped always gets me rock hard.
Mabel, because I'm catching up on Gravity Falls.
You have good taste.
Older pic, but it's one of my first popular pics on tumblr when I posted it.
Also, I stumbled on it again while browsing a Star vs Forces of Evil gallery on sadpanda and it was really weird. It's a very unique feeling to find your art in a context like that.
Apparently someone drew (supposedly) R34 of that youtuber girl who took off for calling out buzzfeed feminists. Cant find source anywhere. Anyone know the source or recognize the artist? Feel like I know the artist, but cant pin it…
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Artist name Please.
Also I'm surprised we have a Western Loli thread, but no one's posted the Queen of Western Loli's
Was. Nowadays, it's Gwen.
As great as Toph is, I have to agree.
Gwen will reign for a long, long time
She is awesome. Love her tomboy body.
where can i find more av natas01? blog's closed
it would be nice to see more mass effect loli. maybe shepard and liara having a threesome with theyre loli asari daughter? or a loli asari stripclub on omega? thoughts?
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>an honorary eastern loli
Plus comme an ACTUAL eastern loli.
Inspector Gadget was an anime.
The animation was done by Japanese company Tokyo Movie Shinsha, with some help from the Taiwanese company Cuckoo's Nest Studio.
It's like ThunderCats and The Last Unicorn or Little Nemo.
A huge segment of what we think is the greatest western cartoons turns out to be mostly Japanese-animated to begin with.
The difference between this stuff and say, Voltron, was while the work was outsourced to Japan, it wasn't originally released there.
Oh shit, I just realized Norasuko = fuchur
Look at the third pic. The lines and shading is practically identical, even thought he style is slightly different. The same goes for the dicks.
Also the way the glow is rendered in the fifth pic. I don't have any caps but I know I've seen that exact same kind of surface shading in UAB, not to mention how the fluid is drawn and shaded.
Dave Thomas would be appalled.
Nah, Dave loved the kids. Just look at his foundations.
>The difference between this stuff and say, Voltron, was while the work was outsourced to Japan, it wasn't originally released there.
Since the early 70's there's been pretty much NO animation that wasn't Japanese almost all Hanna-Barbara came from Japan
TMNT, GI Joe, yes, the original MLP and more were created in the US, produced in Japan, and voiced in the US. Often it would be years before they returned to Japan.
They're considered 'western' because of where they were created and originally shown.
Some like TMNT and Power Puff Girls were actually completely remade for Japan.
Bet this is blowing the minds of a few angry weebs who are mad about the "western" stuff on the board. Wonder if they'll change their mind after hearing most f it was actually produced in japan.
How would you classify this?
The character is Japanese, the style is Japanese, but xhentai considers it 'western':
Mexico isn't Japan
I don't know but that artstyle is fucking hnnnngggg
That is clearly not western.
except it literally is, by definition, having been drawn in the west, by a westerner.
why the fuck do people think eastern/western has anything to do with style when style varies enormously in both?
Because weebs want to pretend that a piece of artwork must look a certain way and must be "bad" when not made by a jap from japan. This is what an idiot too attached to labels does instead of judging each piece individually.
This is a thread for Western CHARACTERS. That is not a Western character. Take your gay argument back to halfchan, and post Cardcaptor Sakura in any one of the dozens of threads here where she fits.
I love how you are so stupid you fail to realize we are both defending western art work. And yes it is western art work, cry more and accept it, false flagging weeb.
Fun fact: neither are most of the classic western lolis posted. The shows they were in were produced and drawn in japan.
So are you gonna demand those lolis be removed and posted elsewhere? Also read the OP the thread, it does not say "western CHARACTERS" but does say "western lolis". Blame the OP's lack of being specific, but that has made this a general western thread.
You're the halfchan kid here, just look at your "gay" calling of something you don't like, like a 12 year old.
Double confirmed halfchan kid. Only defense is to call people samefag and run away since he has no rebuttal and knows he is wrong. Enjoy that loss.
>"western CHARACTERS" but does say "western lolis"
Are lolis not characters? Does not the actual OP talk about classic CHARACTERS? Even if he doesn't outright spell it out in explicit terms, it's pretty clear that's what's intended.
As for whether Penny et al are Western or not… I say they are, they were made for a western audience, and that's what's important. If you make hot dogs in China and ship them to the US to serve US tastes, they don't suddenly become Chinese Cuisine.
I mean, yes, it's fine to point out, for education's sake, that certain characters were produced by Japanese companies, but… it's clear what category of characters this thread is for, why mess it up? Because you semantically can redefine plenty of terms into uselessness. Hey, Japan is west of somewhere in the world, therefore everything Japanese can be called western now! And, because loli comes from lolita, and Lolita is a proper name that any girl of any age can have, any woman can now be posted on this board as long as we pretend that's her name! Real useful, huh?
Can't we just go back to enjoying the characters we want and having threads that cater to those tastes so we can find them more easily?
(I have not been previously involved in the argument, btw)
>you're hateful of the world!
like that's an argument, you dumb cuck
>you should be a brainwashed good goy cuck who's always happy and takes his drugs like a good goy!
>don't think
Oh man, way to totally destroy that guy! I'm sure some people would criticize it taking you more than half a year to throw that one out there, but oh no, not me. A response that brilliant clearly was the result of months of meticulous planning and preparation, well done!
Loli is a genre. As is western. He gave a general and not specific call for images that are both, so any that involve both are on topic here.
>unchecked /pol/ shitposting
>obvious bait everybody keeps taking
Jesus, how do the rest of you retards function in a day without accidently killing yourselves?
This guy confirmed autist.
It's clearly Japanese artstyle produced by a westerner.
Art produced in a Japanese style by a westerner does not automatically classify the art as western art. At best, it classifies it as western art heavily influenced or inspired by Japanese artstyle, and that's reaching.
It's fucking Japanese artstyle. Get over it, kid.
>i am so completely unironically retarded that i believe my baseless value judgments on artstyle are indisputable fact
What's the insurance on glass houses these days?
>thinly-veiled NO U: the post
given as this entire retarded post chain is about why the gallery posted in >>39117 is western or not, maybe you should actually learn what the word means:
Or if that's not enough, maybe pic related will make it clear even to someone as stupid as you why artstyle (subjective) and place of origin (objective) aren't the same thing
>it dident cum frum japan so it not japanes style art
Exactly, as soon as you enter international seas, you're suddenly making western porn.
>Loli is a genre. As is western.
Western is a genre, you're right. So this thread should only be full of lolis in cowboy hats and shit I guess? Because that's the only "genre" that takes the name Western.
"Loli" may be a genre, but "Lolis" is a word people use to individual characters of age that fits into the loli category. So when people say "western lolis", as the OP did, they mean "western characters."
If you're going to hinge your argument on definitions, then you should really be aware that words sometimes mean several different things and that context matters. This thread is clearly about western characters, not eastern ones. It's not saying one's superior or anything silly like that, but it's what we're talking about and trying to put other stuff in the thread just makes it harder for people to find what they want.
That site uses western to mean country of origin of the art. That's not the only definition that exists. It can also mean the country the art was produced to market to, it can mean the ethnicity of the characters, regardless of the art, it can mean a great many things, including a subjective assessment of artstyles that might include cases of fully Japanese-produced art being considered western-style because it has a different aesthetic than the majority. There's nothing inherently objective about "western"… even the word itself is subjective because everywhere is western to somewhere else. Context and sometimes convenience helps us sort through all these possible meanings. If everybody posts anything they want regardless of whether it was wanted, just because there happens to be a definition of "western" that supports that pic being posted, then the thread isn't USEFUL to anyone but trolls.
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>Japanese food made in America is American food
Take your own advice. You are trying to hinge your argument on definitions and twisting it when no matter what you say the OP is the one who left it open in a general way meaning the thread is a general western art thread. If it is western it is on topic and is allowed here.
What's even more sad than this retard being wrong is this weeb actually believes the retarded shit he's spewing.
>when no matter what you say the OP is the one who left it open in a general way
Because you CAN twist definitions so easily, ANY thread will be open in a general way by your logic. Obviously, you'd rather a useless thread and are determined to make it so. Not like I can stop you. So… congratulations, I guess? You successfully shit up a thread.
No you can't. It applies to this thread due to vague wording. It has been a gennral thread since it was made, not sure why two (if it's not one samefag idiot) are suddenly mad a year and a half after it's creation. The piece of art that triggered you is western art and is on topic here. Some moronic and "waa waa I want my way" childish logic to call the thread shit after all it's time it is still on topic. Since it's so "shit" and "useless" now I take it that you wont be coming back then? Because your crying is the only thing shitting up the thread.
correction: over half a year, not a year and a half
>The piece of art that triggered you is western art and is on topic here.
No piece of art triggered me. I don't care about occasional off-topic posts, they happen. But arguing that anything remotely arguable as western is on topic because somehow the OP was vague, especially when it's pretty clear what he meant… yeah, that attitude doesn't just shit up threads, it shits up whole boards hardcore, and that's all I jumped in to talk about. I mean, I could have made my point another, douchier way, jumped into an "eastern loli" thread and posted US works and defend my right to do so by saying "I live in California and the artists are all east of me" or something. But it made more sense to at least try to appeal to common sense and point out how useless and toxic it is declaring, because they didn't use words in the exact same way you prefer, that a thread's intent is up for grabs for anyone who can make an argument.
But you are right that the thread was kind of shit early on (I mean, right from the start excluding UAB on grounds of personal tastes is a pretty shit way to start a thread), and that's one reason I felt free to argue here about the idiotic "the OP was vague, so anything goes" POV here. So yeah, I'll take responsibility for some shitting up the already shitty thread too, if you admit you're doing the same by arguing back. Takes two to tango. A tango where… we're both shitting, I guess. I don't want to know where the rose has been in this situation. Mixed metaphors aside, the thread can't last too much longer anyway, hopefully the next one with this intended topic will be better and less "vague" for you.
You are still using a very poor and wrong argument. You can keep trying to spew all the autism you want, but the thread has always been a general western art thread. Either stop crying or leave. This thread will be here for a long time, more and more western art will be posted regardless of your idiotic attempt to shit on the thread, just another cases of the false flagging weeb looking to try and kill anything western while acting like he has no problem with western. I will stop feeding you now, you keep crying though.
Protip: both sides of this argument are being intentionally stirred up by one person trying to get Western style art banned. The only way to win is not to play.
That's why I called him out on his false flagging, he shut up when I did so too.
dear god, source??
File: 1460838573553.jpg (1.08 MB, 1333x2000, 1333:2000, hitgirl_bdrescue_big2slim.jpg)

Fuchur has retired from drawing lolis.
Where did you hear that? I heard that he was on hiatus.
From Fuchur a few days ago.
It was work and no longer a fun hobby. He's moving to 3D modeling.
Good then. I thought he had problems or some shit.
Where did he say this?
Stop responding to bait, retard.
That requires a little something we like to call…
I can show you a screenshot of the conversation or I can make it in Photoshop, which "evidence" would you prefer? Either one is about as solid as jello.
What's so hard about writing Fuchur a PM yourself? Just do it. There is no better evidence.
>Monkey Paw, fix the site so that I may browse past page 2!
>drag-and-drop posting is now fucked
File: 1461992700076.jpg (206.33 KB, 782x1200, 391:600, 2c262be0676d337250fa72be9f….jpg)

It's a shame, but I've seen plenty of artists who "quit drawing" for the forseeable future, for one reason or another. And while I won't say they all come back, but… let's just say people in general aren't great at forseeing their future, even if they're absolutely convinced they won't do something ever again. So I'm going to consider it a vacation from art, of indeterminate length, and while I'll be sad for his absence, I'm still going to maintain hope that one day he'll be back with awesome content.
When it comes to things like this, hope is never a bad thing.
I'm a huge fan of Dfer\Pastel but I have no idea where to get his new shit. Anyone know where I can find it?
Also, what's with the uptick in Incredibles images lately? Not that I'm complaining. Vi is hot.
shadman probably started something
Maybe something to do with talks of the incredibles 2? Too bad most of it involves the hag mother or Vi being aged up or given larger breasts.
Does anyone know where I can find the rest of this set?
Who's the artist?
Yeah, apis of shit.
Apart from Little Audrey in the comics, the first cartoon loli I had a hard-on to was Rainbow Brite. She was so sexy that after school I tried to watch Rainbow Brite when my folks weren't home. They would've thought I was a sissy fag for watching cartoons for girls.
I am still down with her 1984 version. Apart from her 2004 remake, the other versions are just too tweener looking.
Damn. Is this picture new?
Why does this thread keep getting bumped despite the fact there are no new replies to it?
Is it ghosts? Foreigners? What's going on here?
Spammer posts almost every in-thread post to either this or whatever is at the top of the board, so there have been hundreds of deleted bumps in this thread in particular.
>new Lor and Tish
fucking yes, Christmas come early this year
Oh yes, finally something new with these two! Tish and Lor are amazing.
i wont lie, this is me when i pay $500 for a commision
I randomly remembered some old cartoons today and rediscovered Little Audrey and Little Lulu. I can't find much art of either and after watching some shorts on youtube I think someone needs to fix that. Vintage lolis need some recognition.
Never seen those IVLS pics before, have you? Both have a set of five.
I agree wholeheartedly. All of those old school panty shots are to die for : P
Here's two of PLA (my favorite) that I put in the edit forum.
Wrong board Mr. Fedspammer.
No, I've never seen them anywhere. Do you mind posting the rest? These two are amazing and I always liked them.
Yup, I'm interested, too.
I tried checking and paheal and came up blank. Where does IVLS reside at primarily?
>you will never touch little Audrey's legs
Why even live
Post the sex symbol of the western lolisphere, /loli.
She was on TV for like 2 years before becoming old and non-loli. Hardly a sex symbol. A symbols would be one of the long time old school lolis.
Was on Pixiv (deleted his stuff a while back), was on WWOEC (RIP) occasionally, is on HF (but not much). But mostly his blog (posts greyscale headshot crops of commissions), and has pic sets (but you must keep them in your private collection only- he got upset when someone leaked a LilaxPhoebe set on plus4 a couple of years ago) for trades of your own art/stories.
File: 1469785310500.jpg (859.97 KB, 2000x1429, 2000:1429, 1915052 - Bishop_(artist) ….jpg)

File: 1469785452342.png (422.25 KB, 808x1048, 101:131, 1927537 - AshesG Lola_Loud….png)

File: 1469785557059.jpg (215.36 KB, 874x789, 874:789, 1715055 - Jackie_Chan_Adve….jpg)

So i commissioned this. It's young Moana from "Moana".
It's amazing how ignorant you are about this. My cousin had to register as a sex offender after being convicted of cp possession. Not only does he have a good job, he likely makes more than you, just bought a new maseratti and is never bothered by cops or anyone else. What the hell are you even talking about?
Is it harder than for normal people to do everything? Sure as shit it was for him, but to suggest one kills themselves because of it is straight retarded.
Who did that? Wish to see more lolis doing martial arts.
It's a mystery. If only there were something in the filename, or maybe an artist's signature in the image itself. Alas, we may never know.
The signature is barely legible.
>can't read cursive fonts
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were black. My apologies.
A couple of Playful Little Audrey edits (one contains scat).
Dunno who this is but like the single-line style.
Added real eyes though as they were just holes (!)
Thank you so much for this. Seriously. It means a lot to know that there really is life after all this bs we are going through.
I just talked to N_01 30 mins ago…and we do plan on doing a shit ton of work as soon as he is able. I know the road ahead is going to be a major struggle but I am prepared to fight through all of it with him knowing we will make it together.
He is truly an artist and a fighter and so am I…knowing we have people that support or even have a hint of belief in him…or us I know it can be done. Suicide is never an option for either of us…never.
That's Maximilo. Can find him on pixiv
More of the talented Maximilo
I don't think that's Maximilo unless it''s his early, early stuff. If you decided that based on the previous comment, you misread, they were asking about someone else.
Also, the eye replacement thing you do is creepy as fuck., no matter how bad they were before.
That looks like seven gromwoid's work. He's also on pixiv.
And seriously, that eye replacement looks like something a serial killer would do. Knock that shit off.
>And seriously, that eye replacement looks like something a serial killer would do. Knock that shit off.
Yeah, for real. The drawings look great but the MS Paint coloring and serial killer shit, I can't fap to this, brb pixiv.
What in the fuck have you done
Those eyes
I can't tell whether I should be laughing or screaming
How are y'all taking this shit so relaxed
This is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen
I'm 50/50 freaking out and laughing my ass off
I need to lay off the loli for now
the fuck
search for Tonkato on (LAH artists)
Your butthurt is showing, m8.
Probably because a shitload of countries in the west are making it illegal. In the UK you can do as much time for drawings as for the real thing. In Australia (which is still technically "Western" I suppose) you can go to jail for porn with adult women that have small tits.
This is true.
Also wish I could find other good Rule34 of this character. (pic related).
so is there not more to this or
Hot and fresh OC from /co/.
3DPD: Not even once
I miss the days of Toph getting new porn almost daily. Glad to see Gwen is still so popular though. Literally the only reason I picked up Ben 10. Never bothered with the later incarnations of the show once they ruined her.
Those were the days.
I think we're living in a great time to be a lolicon in the west over all though. Laws are relatively lax, there's no shortage of artwork or subject material to be had either. I have a bad feeling that it's only going to get far more restrictive in my life time which is why I've been hoarding porn for years.
It already is slightly more restrictive in terms of websites.
Paheal loves to purge stuff. Apostle's stuff isn't on there anymore and Incog's has been purged multiple times.
>had qt gf in hs that looked EXACTLY like gwen.
>haven't talked to her in years
>decide to look her up
>oh god no
>shaved head
>bernie supporter
>sodomite lover
Man I haven't used that site in years. A shitty website being arbitrary about its content doesn't even register on my scale anymore since the wider internet is still as free as ever.
sites are getting a bit restrictive, but i have found a relatively fresh site i think it has no restrictions other than no actual children.
As good as some of the best doujinshi I've read
I am going to have serious hard fap sessions over her R34
She's kinda cute, but
>implying there will be any R34
>implying there will be any that isn't complete shit
>implying you will even recognize her as a 2D drawing made by some faggot
Had a similar issue. Same personality too. She decided she wanted to be a lesbian and also plans to get a sex change once her grandmother dies.
But then why wont Eastern Loli sites allow western content? for example, Danbooru, I don't know where the heck is it hosted but it has loli, but they wont allow western characters and artist due to their "low quality"
I dont know how to draw but If I did I would have given up already, everyone hates cartoons the weebs and the goverment…
There was some porn thing I saw a few years ago, called something like "Unusual Childrens Stories" or "Abnormal Childrens Stories" or something, and it was just these kids stories edited really well to be lolicon stuff, and I can't seem to find it anymore. I'm pretty sure it was on exhentai at some point, but who knows.
It'd probably be right up your alley, western loli people.
That's all I have unfortunately. But there's more Tonkato stuff out there.
I've only ever seen a total of 8 stories, the themes I remember are: cruise ship, birthday party, ballet, slave, family vacation, and neighborhood whore.
Don't remember the last… WAIT, the last one was a swimming teacher who gets attacked by the little girls.
>mfw I read "nanobots"
Sorry to randomly hijack a loli thread, but is there any place on 8ch/anywhere left where you can openly post/talk about pedo/hebe things? I remember hebe being a thing, but it's gone now. It's super hard to find anything :(
Y'all got any more of that Tonkato by the way?
Pls don't fuck a little girl. Just jerk off to cartoon lolis with us :^)
Someone already made R34 of her.
whoa whoa whoa, back the fuck up
I can only handle so much dreamworks face in a single video
The world needs more Asari loli
Some old school western loli's I did not long ago
Someone have more of Lolith?
Years ago i tried looking for more of that artist or eve the full comic but could never find anything.
Thank you for awnser me, that's really a shame…
We need more latina lolis
Sorry dude, I've only this
Incidentally how does any western artist make money from drawing lolis?
Patreon is only possible if you make "18+" characters on it and draw lolis on the side.
Some like Shindol might even move to japan to make a career.
Fresh Gwen from Incognitymous.
great, as always from him
Wonderful ! Thanks a lot for letting us know this artist. Exciting work !
So this it? Nothing else? What a shame. sad panda had nothing as well
is that from simon's patreon?
We need more Shanti, I say.
I know two other ones
1. A black and white loli-shota series with a Dutch family.
2. Some poor drawing, but it has many foreign languages.
I found the second one: fogbank.
New Gwens by Incognitymous
is there a search engine were you can look for loli picture or sites?
So shot in the dark, anyone happen to have this comic, or anything hidden behind ppgfans' site paywall? I saw one imgur link for this, but that got purged some time ago.
This comics are not free because someone paid for it to commission and only true fans can accept it as a relic and not just a "common porn comic".
Only the true fans can view or get this content who realy respects the value of porn comic art.
Register at the site and earn the trust to get it.
THAT is the only rule
Thank you
That's not how the internet works faggot
I only want that pic with the bikini sisters undressing the PPG girls in jail
someday, I will start the holy crusade for uncensoring all, and sites like that are in the top of my list
As a member of, I can agree with both sides. However, leaking stuff onto the web (even if I'm tempted to leak it, but won't do) can hurt a person's feelings/hard work. That's one of the reasons why he was considering putting up a paywall. (until someone found another solution) If the commissioner only wants to share his commissions to a few close friends, he can do.
I agree with Bubbles because it's his decision overall. But I also agree with the internet, because after all, we all got to leak something out someday. At the end of the day, if you really want to discuss the images/comics, I suggest joining, and discuss things with Bubbles.
>can hurt a person's feelings/hard work
>only true fans can accept it as a relic and not just a "common porn comic".
What, does it have Craig McCracken's blessing, or did the VAs dub that comic, or something like that?
Then quit acting like your site's smut equates to Iram of the Pillars, Djinn. It's been leaked once, it'll be leaked again, sooner or later.
It's no longer a matter of "if," but "when," and I'd rather not pay an arm and a leg for something similar to what Xierra has already made tenfold, but in comic form.
>Register at the site and earn the trust to get it.
Earn the right to see PPG porn like some rite of passage? Reality check, Heimdall, but I'm no boot-licker to those who would pridefully put their smut behind a locked thread and force a toll to the self-proclaimed Rosetta Stone of PPG porn.
Maybe if the artist sold it themselves, I'll support him/her, but something like you, not in your wildest daydreams.
I realy dont care about the whining of online trolls..
Maybe it will leak, we will see.
If someone leaks these stuff from the PPG site than we will know who was it.
And will not be tolerated. :D
Oh no?? Please tell me more
>I realy dont care about the whining of online trolls
and that's why we have no guilt when a leak happens
>And will not be tolerated. :D
Sorrowfully we can't pull up a web archive of that one imgur link, otherwise we'd be able to get it easily.
>fix a pipe
>a pipe
>probably a sewage pipe
hold up hol' up
this, hol' up, just, hol' up
you dense mother fucker
Man I hope that's an all-Gwen calendar
Source? I looked on the guys pixiv and i do not see that pic anywhere.
Neat. Plump lolis are the best.
the law-abiding have stumbled upon the lawless and demanded law, without a badge or a posse.
Right, I'm officially done with the moralfag moderation at 4chan /co/, is this the only place to post western lolis or can we have threads about specific shows?
/cop/ is what you're looking for, nothing but western is allowed.
Ah, cheers. Didn't even know that board existed. Carry on.
everything be careful there anon
So this place is pretty slow, eh?
kinda slow but its pretty active enough.
who is the artist of Hit Girl here?
Karma's hit them once. Hopefully it'll hit them again.
Until then, have a uncensored version of one of ArcRoyale's numerous censored commissions, courtesy of paheal.