Meet Ludus
Limitless creativity for your slides

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A modular revolution

The web is full of beautiful ideas and services. Ludus is the first to provide an easy way to gather them all in a single place.

Just press tab and search for the block you want, then add it in your slides. It’s as easy as that.

An ever-growing list of services is integrated. You are now able to combine a YouTube video with a form, merge a map with a quiz, or embed a JavaScript console into your programming lesson.

Everything can be mixed together.

Built for

Ludus is the tool of choice for 21st century designers: a minimalist interface with a focus on professional features, including rounded corners, drop shadows, blend modes, color overlay, and color picker.

Use your own font

Use your very own font

With Ludus, you can use your favorite fonts, and even fonts you created yourself. Just upload TTF files from your computer and they will automatically be converted to web fonts, ready to be used in your online presentations. Your designs won’t be broken anymore.

Drag and drop (almost) everything

You can drop an image, a video and even a font. Ludus will convert it to something universally readable. Say goodbye to compatibility issues when you share your highly creative presentations.

Drag and drop video

Forget about templates

Presentations are usually filled with repetitive items: layout, logo, baseline, footer, arrows, etc. Transform these items into smart blocks to access them from anywhere, anytime. And when a smart block is updated, it gets populated across all your presentations.

We love pencils

Ludus + pencils = ❤️

Ludus works great with pencils and is compatible with all types of tablets. Our drawing features and various brushes will allow you to create beautiful things but also to work faster thanks to our advanced drawing recognition algorithm.

Smart copy and paste

Smart copy and paste

You can copy and paste text, pictures or links and they will be directly embedded within your document. But for us, keyboard can be much more than just copy pasting, so we also included a lot of keyboard shortcuts to perform many different actions.

Viewable everywhere

Ludus is a pure web-based tool. So whatever you do, you’ll be able to share it instantly with anyone, and the result will be viewable on any device.

Viewable anywhere

And we have so much more to show you...

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot yours

Limitless ways to create content

These are just a few samples of what is possible to do, but really, the sky is the limit!
Come play with us!

Logo Ludus

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