Hugs is back in the news, and I can’t resist his mewling charms. So sue me.
Two articles of note. First, a Jezebel twisted paean to May-December romances penned by The Matriarchy’s First Lapdog himself.
Age Is Never Just a Number: How Girls Got Older Men/Younger Women Right
Though “One Man’s Trash” has been the most-discussed installment of this season (and perhaps of the entire show), much of the commentary has focused on the mind-blowingly insipid suggestion that a woman who looks like Lena Dunham doesn’t “deserve” a man who looks like Patrick Wilson. The focus on the imagined attractiveness disparity between the two actors misses an equally meaningful plot line: the appeal and the challenge of age-disparate relationships. […]
Tellingly, Hannah asks Joshua how old he is before she even knows his name: that Joshua is so much older seems to be an inextricable part of his appeal. The doctor’s affluence and handsomeness and stability are obvious, but Hannah seems more drawn by the age gap than anything else. Joshua, meanwhile, is fascinated, if a little bewildered by her boldness. Though a few male writers found the hook-up totally implausible, the mutual attraction is both believable and instantly familiar.
So Hugs is saying here that it’s totally normal for Lena Dunham’s homely character to be attracted to a high status man 15 years her senior. Ok, for a Hugo Schwyzer mental burp, this shows a reasonable grasp of the reality of sex differences in mate preference. But….
The storyline works because we live in a world where 42 year-old men are taught to find 24 year-old women more appealing than their own female peers.
Ah, that’s the old feminist water carrier we’ve come to know and loathe. Hugs, you are such a darling rimjobber. Do you even believe the runny shit you expectorate, or is it all a dog and fatty show for the benefit of your paying feminist overcunts? To ask the question is to mock you.
Like feminists, Hugo shares a propensity for boldly contradicting himself within the span of two sentences. In the confines of Hug’s hugbox, it’s normal for women to be attracted to older men, but “””society””” has to teach older men to be attracted to younger women. Women’s desires = natural, normal. Men’s desires = unnatural, societally conditioned.
It could never be the case for a felching manboob like Hugs who has sold his soul to the succubus that older men’s attraction for younger women is natural. Or that maybe… just maybe… the innate desires of both men and women, however divergent, are natural and normal and biologically hard-wired.
Yes, hard-wired, Hugo. From birth. Issuing from the hindbrain. Immune to cultural reeducation programs. Cemented in primeval neurons shaped in the crucible of evolution by millions of years of natural and sexual selection.
If it’s mentally taxing for you to grapple with the idea of innate, immutable sexual desire, think back, Hugo, to the time of your blossoming youth, when you first laid eyes on that young man with the broad shoulders, glistening chest, and conspicuous bulge in his Ocean Pacific shorts. Much to your surprise, embarrassment and volcanic shame which would sculpt the trajectory of your life, a boy boner sprouted from the downy thicket of your pubescent pride. You wept, beautifully.
Do you remember that time, Hugs? Yes, yes, of course you do. And you remember, as well, that it was no social conditioning or nebulous cultural influence or amorphous patriarchy that provoked those wild and lustful urges in you. Those urges, you will recall, rose unbidden from the depths of your being, like a thermonuclear blast through your sinew, to explode into the world and forevermore make mockery of the drivel you spew to this day.
Commenter anonymous writes:
…is [Hugo] real or some kind of sockpuppet. Surely no actual man believes that men are merely “taught” or conditioned into being attracted to 20+ yr old women?
He is as real as the beneficiaries of his delusional ego-assuaging largesse want him to be. No, I don’t think Hugo actually believes that men are taught to desire younger women over older women. But I wouldn’t bet on it. The West is filling up with simulacra of actual men who have swallowed the rancid feminist jizzbombs by the bucketload, and are begging for more. A willing mouthpiece like Hugo finds purchase today amongst a cacophony of loudmouthed losers who would have stayed ensconced in their hermit holes fifty years ago, brooding it out to themselves instead of polluting the internet airwaves. The Rise of the Hugo is a story of the Fall of the West.
To demand logic, reason, good faith, common sense, or accountability from the Hugo Hordes is a fool’s errand. There is apparently no contradiction or inconsistency or hypocrisy or lie too craven for the house eunuch to call into service if it wins him a contemptuous pat on his gelatinous bottom from the circle of shrikes. Hugs, is the sacrifice of your dignity worth the accolades from a bunch of psychologically and physically defective losers? Please tell me you are at least tapping some of the better feminist ass your humiliating masochistic spectacle ought by rights to procure you.
Article of note #2 was not penned by Hugo, but it was about him. After a quick read, I’m not all that interested in commenting on the substance of the article (it’s stupid, as is the case of most Atlantic articles lately), but I am perplexed why the Atlantic writer — a Mrs. Raphael Magarik — would write a term paper on Hugo Schwyzer’s internet persona and his psychological motivations without consulting the authoritative reference guide on the matter.
Come on, Raph, how about throwing a link bone to your betters?
Never mind. I can see when I’m not wanted. *sniff*
PS Hey, Hugo! Are gay men taught by society to desire other men?
PPS Even when Hugo stumbles on a truth, he wraps it in foul-smelling lies. Here are two quotes from that Jizzebel article which demonstrate Hugo’s inability to speak truthfully.
Ask 20-something women on OK Cupid or other dating sites how many they receive from men 15 and 20 years older; ask women in their 40s how many guys their own age seem primarily interested in pursuing much younger romantic partners. The “cougar discourse” doesn’t change the reality that most heterosexual relationships with a substantial age gap still feature an older man and younger woman pairing.
Check out this slippery eel known as the male feminist. “[T]he ‘cougar discourse’ doesn’t change the reality…” Well, no duh it doesn’t change the reality! The cougar discourse affirms the reality that men of all ages prefer younger women. Hugo, is the “cougar discourse” saying something to the opposite of that reality, or are you just an oily snake dissembling for the sake of your fat cunt readership?
As she so often does, Hannah reverses the stereotype by being the sexual aggressor —
What Hugo omits here is the more reasonable interpretation that Hannah’s (Lena Dunham’s character, a hard 4) sexual aggression is not a deliberate ploy to flip stereotypes on their heads, but the necessary forfeiture of a dumpy, unattractive woman required to capture the sexual attention of an alpha male who’d sooner pursue a much hotter woman were one conveniently available. Hannah has to literally throw herself at this dude to get him to dump a fuck in her. She has to make it EASY for him. Making it easy is the only way marginal women who aren’t warpigs manage to get laid with attractive men. And then not so much; the strategy fails as often as it works, because men exercise discrimination in choosing mates, although on average men are less discriminating than women when sex is the goal. (Men are more discriminating than women when relationship commitment is the goal, and that’s why frumps like Hannah rarely get high status men to commit to them, which is the true measure of a woman’s romantic worth.)
Even if Dunham didn’t intend this interpretation, this is what actually occurs in the real world. Hugo could note that; but that would mean he had a spine.
and Joshua’s intensely grateful reaction suggests not just surprise at her boldness but also, perhaps a kind of relief that a woman in her mid-20s finds him still desirable.
The relief is for the zero effort he knows he’ll have to put in.
Forget the dick-wringing from male writers
You rang, fucker?
about how a hottie like Wilson would never go for a young woman who looks like Dunham.
Define “go for”. In real life, handsome doctors do not go for tubalards like Hannah, no matter the age. They go for slender babes. The tubalard may occasionally get serviced by a very tired or depressed Joshua who just got off the bender of a bad divorce, but he won’t be dating her or sending her flowers, or even seeing her in public. And your strawman notwithstanding to the contrary, what Hannah does or doesn’t deserve has got nothing to do with it. It’s horny turtles all the way down.
Not only does that woefully underrate the sex appeal of the Girls‘ star,
You’ve gotta be kidding me. Oh man, you are such a lickspittle. Tell me, would you say your wife is more, or less, attractive than Lena Dunham? Try not to squirm answering this.
it also obscures the reality that having a younger woman walk into your house and make the first move is a classic middle-aged man’s fantasy.
Only if she looks like Megan Fox. Try to keep it real, for once in your life, Hugs.
Harsh but fair.
I love this blog (no homo)
You were just conditioned by society to love this blog. Only hypergamy is true love.
I was, but I love everything this society hates. If a thing is hated by this decadent and valueless society is a big “red flag” that this thing have thruth in it… so in a way I was conditioned. P.S.: Yes, I got the irony.
Way off topic, but check out this video of ten supermodels on a recent Letterman show:
David Letterman – 2013 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Top Ten
In magazine still-pictures, they all tend to look alike, but here, in full-motion video, it’s really shocking how different their body languages are – some of the chicks walk with hunched shoulders, almost staring down at their feet, others arch their shoulders back and hold their heads up high [almost with the sense that they’re looking down their noses at you], etc etc etc.
You only see just two or three seconds of video for each particular model, but if you’ve got a lot of time on your hands, then you might take a stab at some amateur [er, semi-professional?] armchair psychoanalysis of each chick, with maybe some PUA pointers on how a guy would try to approach each different personality type.
Anyway, I thought it was fascinating how – just as soon as they appeared onstage – it was immediately obvious that they were presenting a [psychologically] formidable broad-spectrum panoply of different ids and egos and superegos and whatnot.
PS: The chick with her nose the highest in the air is the negress, as though she were imitating Barry Soetoro Dunham’s favorite imperial pose, whereas the chicks with the hunched shoulders are all white – just some food for thought….
15 years is an age difference worth talking about?
Almost no one even mentions the age difference in my relationship. My brother doesn’t care. My family doesn’t care. Most of my friends don’t even comment. Everyone understands why we are together.
It’s wonderful to date someone old enough to be your father. It’s like not having to be an adult. Daddy is always there to take care of me.
I am genuinely sorry for straight men because they can’t enjoy such a relationship as the younger partner.
Good point. 15 years does not an age difference make. Half age plus seven is the traditional cutoff, but I’ve done half age with nary a hitch.
How old are you, if you don’t mind sharing?
Then I’d be two years too old for you. I like having formulas for this stuff.
If only your Dad had copulated your Mom earlier.
Its tragic, isn’t it? Almost as tragic as Romeo dumping Juliet when she hit thirty would have been.
I got a formula too. Maximum Age Difference = My age – 18.
Go hence and have more talk of these sad things.
“If only your Dad had copulated your Mom earlier”
Then she’d be even older. If only *your* dad had copulated with your mom earlier. Then you’d be old enough for her.
According to the old adage, half plus seven, I’m still too young for my boyfriend.
@feministx Details. Then I’d be my sister, which would suck.
and like I said, half works pretty darn well – the seven is for the less daring people who like formulas.
Who you callin’ “less daring”? Have you ridden down the Grand Canyon on a mule? 😉
Yes I rode a falling mule that sadly did not survive. Ok, it was a donkey.
Straight men can’t enjoy similar age-difference relationships because most women act in emotionally infantile ways. A man always has to be the grown-up, or the relationship won’t work over the long term.
That, and the woman likely hit the wall at age 32 or so, which is a certain boner-killer.
YM 25 hth
Some of us can… was in an LTR with a woman 16 years older for a few years (paying her way through school dancing topless, she was 38 and I was 22… quite a lot of compatibility at that point).
Hmm, feministx reappears just after Half Sigma changes to a new blog with “restricted” focus.
Ooh, it’s a CONSPIRACY! 😉
So you’re not a lesbian anymore?
Feministx, I just wanted to say that those contacts are apparent and low class. You would look prettier (and less creepy) with your natural doe brown eyes and normal sized pupils. Just saying
It is kind of funny but there’s so much gayfag stuff on the televizzle and movies right now, even SouthPark made fun of “gay men taught by society to desire other men”.
But that line about being taught to find younger girls attractive is a true spit take.
Dear Huges, here’s the thing, the reason why the Joshua character “likes” the Hanna character is because the actor playing that character was paid to act that way. It’s true, Patrick Wilson will not be responding to Lena Dunham’s drunken, awkward hook-up texts. PW is going back to banging top-10 chicks and LD is going back to scissoring her life partner while thinking of obama (and tweeting that her sister totally wants to get married and that’s why her generation found it necessary to hijack the country).
oops, Patrick Wilson got married on purpose.
PS Hey, Hugo! Are gay men taught by society to desire other men?
Nice. I’m using this the next time I cross swords with a blank-slater.
Seconding that gem with a great big Effing Eh!
Dude stop wasting your time by rewarding this vile piece of queen turd with publicity and energy.
The original R didn’t give a flying fuck about anything besides the bottom line… or game.
Anyways, Kezia Noble… BS PUA copycat or hard 8 lesser alpha with original female advice?
Women do not fall under that classification scheme in any way resembling men.
Must be new here. Leave the advanced topic to men kkkkkkkkkk?
Whenever I see the words, “Hugo Schwyzer”, I stop reading. * Back turn *
I can’t help but feel lowered into garbage when I read/see/think/discuss anything related to feminism.
just like me. however the only thing i can discuss related to f* is how to destroy it.
You fail to point out that as he has aged he has repeatedly gone after younger women himself.
Chateau, would you consider writing gay porn for a living?
But, seriously, why is is that manboobs are a zillion times more faggotty than real fags?
Thinking back to a post here a few days ago regarding SWPL intolerance, William Buckley said (I paraphrase):- “conservatives know that others disagree with them – liberals do not even think there is anything to disagree with”.
At New Year I met some very nice Scottish families (we were in a hotel on the north west coast of Ireland) – they were conservative Roman Catholics and they said that they were interested to hear the perspective of an openly, actively gay man from Dublin. Such people always tend to be decent. (Homophobia is a big problem in Scotland, as is inter-religious sectarianism – Scotland is a MUCH less tolerant society than Ireland, but that’s another tale …)
Do you EVER hear SWPL’s listening so kindly to people who are different from them????
As soon as I realized what was happening in that Girls episode, I burst out laughing and said “this is her most self-indulgent fanstasy yet!” My slim-and-sexy GF (15 years my junior) completely agreed, which is a big part of why she is around. But I digest. What made the fastasy so fantastical was that there was no hint that Doctor Guy was either naturally beta, dumpster-diving, or involved in some other (very rare) scenario where a handsome rich doctor might go for a girl who looks like her. In contrast, the rich, reasonably attractive finance guy who married Saucy Blond was a mewling creepster in the episode when he brought both girls back to his pad…it’s plausible that he might go for the Saucy Blonde (who is somewhat more attractive than LardGrrrl anyway) when she showed up for his money. But Doctor Guy was not just rich and handsome, he was also calm, aloof, and perfectly comfortable in his own skin…in other words, Alpha-Daddy Girl Candy. Even if he was feeling lonely after his divorce and decided to dump one in the HB4.5 who literally shoved her way into his house (barely plausible), he would have sobered up after the first nut and realized there are innumerable nurses, baristas, and other hotties floating through his world whose attentions would make him feel much better about himself.
this. no man with options is going for a tatted up toad like her.
Perhaps this is rather the point.
“You see, in fact, older men cannot attract younger, more attractive women. They can only get ugly skanks like me!”
I thought he was profoundly beta underneath all the alpha trappings. He was dull. He was supplicating, putting up with and (badly) feigning interest in the worst of her her narcissistic shit. He never got her or had the first idea what she was doing there. He was calm, yeah, but his mask kept slipping to reveal his utter bewilderment at what was happening and how to handle it. The preselection of having been married quickly turned into the realisation that he’d been a faithful beta stuck in a sexless marriage with some shrew for years and this was the first pussy he’d had in a long time, hence his temporary bout of auto-pedestalisation and immaturity. It reminded me of me ten years ago after reading David DeAngelo’s advice and using it to get laid after a three year drought and then finding I suddenly had this clingy girlfriend that I hadn’t even wanted, wondering how the fuck did all this happen and how do I deal with it now? Took me longer than one nut to sober up then.
Yes, the doctor character seemed very listless and depressed, and didn’t know how to handle this woman knocking down his door and basically sexually attacking him. I thought the show did a good job showing how quickly the novelty of having a sexually aggressive (homely) younger woman wore off, and he just got tired of her self-absorbed rambling.
Every man of reasonable attractiveness to women has turned down the advances of such women, especially *after* he ever mistakenly took one up on her offer. When you find yourself with a woman much lower on the scale than you, it is a disconcerting experience to be in the middle of the matter, and then realize–right then–you would rather be watching television or reading. Almost anything seems suddenly preferable to touching this woman you find sexually unattractive. You can still finish the work, but it is work, not fun.
I suppose if you had gone a long time without female attention, you would take what is available. But if you have options, who wants to deal with the stalker you create when you have sex with a woman significantly below you in terms of mating scale? The resulting post-coital interactions are always the same: (1) they obsess about you and assume you are now their Soulmate ™, (2) misery for them, followed by anger at you, when they realize (1) is not gonna happen, (3) bitter denunciations of you to their female and male friends.
The notion that women are able to just enjoy that night and go their own way is belied by the experience of every man who ever made the mistake I describe. Even if the gal is in a serious relationship, hypergamy demands she seek to lock down the higher value guy she may have snagged.
A handome doctor in his early 40s living in NYC and single would know what I learned as a teenager: stay away from the chubby, plain chicks. They stalk! Such a doctor would be so tied up with his soft harem, a gal like that would barely register as female to him, unless he was into chubby chicks generally. Her visiting him would be akin to omega-level guys interacting with a hot chick: the sexual nature of the lower value person is, at most, barely realized by the higher value party, who inevitably has plenty of sexual outlets of much greater interest and lower risk.
You think she’s a 4.5? I’d rate her a 3.5, and because of her weight problem she’s only going down from there. IRL, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Lena go lesbian.
“Men” like Hugo, “men” who encourage real men to suppress their biological needs and to make self-destructive decisions (like settling for some old bag), should be handled with mockery and belligerence. Why even argue with a treason-committing douche like Hugo?
A “hard 4” description of Lena Dunham is being too kind. The girl looks like a cross between Alice the Goon and Moe Howard. Thank you and other writers for commenting on this idiot HBO series so I do not have to watch.
Yeah, the rest of the article was spot on but Lena Dunham a “4”? Perhaps a “3” if she hadn’t got those tats and weren’t some SWPL-Liberal chick but I’m leaning towards a solid “2” for what she and her character are.
It’s only because the state of Womanhood in the West is so piss-poor that make Dunham(and countless other women) look better than she is.
Dunham is a writer for the program — she may be engaging in a little fantasy projection for her character. In real life, even as a mildly-known character actress, she has no access to alphas for anything other than a pump and dump.
Who would wnat the press?
And … LOL
Of course society teaches us to crack a boner at other men!
Being gay is so easy!
I’d recommend it to anyone.
(Although you would be surprised how many folk still do think it’s a choice …)
There was a comment the other day. ” conservatives hate humanity but love people” ” liberals love humanity but hate people”
That quote falls in well with your comment about meeting those conservative scotsmen above. As a conservative would you explain —>(Although you would be surprised how many folk still do think it’s a choice …)
Its not choice???
Nothing makes me more disgusted than left-wing manboobs. They are simply odious.
There’s no way a girl of Lena Dunham’s attractiveness could have an experience like she had in that episode with a guy like Patrick Wilson’s character. Sure he might pity fuck her once or twice, but he’s not calling in sick just to hang out with her all day, and he’s sure as hell not smitten by her.
Two points:
1). Men are allegedly “socially conditioned” to prefer younger women, but try telling a woman she’s “socially conditioned” to prefer a man who is 6′ tall and see what she says.
2). Lena Dunham might just have done all the fortysomething guys in the USA a huge favor. Women are extremely influenced by media, and now that her character has gone for an older guy, well, you can bet the mindless female minions will want to follow suit.
2) But she’s repulsive. I don’ t know her in person, but her character is not only ugly, but a self absorbed asshole.
(Sorry, stopped watching at Season 1)
Writing your character into love scene after love scene is self absorbed.
…and thinking the world wants to see those pepperoni nipples all the time.
Girls is the best comedy out there today. The “love scenes” are hilarious.
Isn’t that kind of the point of it? Like, it’s supposed to be a social commentary on how empty that kind of life is? What I find hilarious, though, is that Lena Dunham seems to be missing the point entirely – her show mocks the kind of life she tries so desperately to espouse. wtf?
HAH! I have never seen this show. I heard good things about Downton Abbey, but it appears to only have empty alphas and is only a soap opera dressed in old clothes and British accents.
So what, that’s not enough?? Downton has pretty cliched and predictable plots, but the look of the thing is so fantastically well done that you gotta watch it.
Well, Carson does remind me of two of my favorite people, so I guess its worth it for that 🙂
I don’t know why anyone bothers with the fetid smegma produced by the MSM when they could be looking at, say, Dani Jensen porn.
You’ve got a point there for #2. It seems to me most girls are attracted to older men, but the young one’s that haven’t tried it yet have this script in their head that says “but that’s supposed to be gross, so ewww.”
They seem to get over it if your game is tight, but a little reverse indoctrination couldn’t hurt.
Someone needs to write number 1 into a post.
Patrick Wilson making out with Lena Dunham is like the GoDaddy ad with the model and fat nerd. Except worse.
TO BE FAIR – Hugo’s attraction mechanism was shaped by his environment: a domineering mother (I conjecture) shaped his desire for indicators of dominance in women. His love of women short in the hair and long in the chin is well documented.
He’s projecting.
A boy’s best friend is his mother.
Given that Hugo is a Bottom, this post simultaneously arouses and infuriates him. He has the wierdest boner right now. The extra slap you put into it makes it sting so good.
Hugo Schmegma is a click factory. He, Amanda Mancotte, almost any of those beasts named on Roosh’s 9 Ugliest Feminists in America. ‘
It’s the perfect profit margin generator in the internet right now. Fuck, I wish I would have thought of it. It’s either a happy accident or pure genius. It is working so well that The Atlantic has put a menu item at the top of the home page for “SEXES, right there with “Politics, Business, Tech, Global, Sports, …” Last week they had a giant banner section for “GENDER”. All of those previously arty, intellectual print mags, New Yorker, The Atlantic, and even the New York Times are getting huge internet mileage out of this.
One of those writers puts out something that literally is a lightning rod. They know its going to piss men off. And blogs on both sides of the gender war comment on it, and it draws people into the original page and, voila clicks, views, profits. The men that come in to comment to say “Hey, Hugo you’re a Fucking Faggy Schmegma boy” generate the same revenue as the woman that comes in a says “Thank you so much for speaking about women like a Real Man should.”
It doesn’t matter to the masthead. They can slap some front page article like “Obama’s Minimum Wage Gamble” and still claim relevance. But trust me, 6 people will read the Obama article and 10,000 will come into scream or gush about the Hugo Schmegma article.
There is no better model. Write “Why men suck compared to women” or “Why women are so much better than those loser men” and you can get away with it. A female or pro-female author can bash men in ways that are both covert and quite overt and no one will say shit, but if another sort of publication tried to do the reverse, “Why women suck, are stupid, irrational, fat, deluded, biased, horrible sexual partners, have smelly vaginas” or “Why men are smarter, stronger, faster, rational, more capable than women”, then the threats of advertiser boycotts come out, or media pooh poohing, and I guess you make the SPLC Hate list. (I think that’s actiually an honor)
If any other publication had even a teeny tiny set of balls, they would bring the author of Heartiste and set him loose and both the masthead and boardroom of the publication would alternate between giggling with joy and having the publishers equivalent of orgasms from all page views that H would deliver if he had a national vehicle to use.
I would think that the National Review is sort of the conservative version of The Atlantic. So I dare the editors of that magazine/web page to let CH write one article, even a toned down version, at least in language, maybe not call them bitches or cunts and just stick to using a synonym of those words like “woman”, “women, “girls”, “females”, something based on Evo Psych that he brings out from time to time and watch the fire that gets set loose.
PS. Note to CH. I have been trying to stick Hugo in comments. I have flat out called him a Pussy. And all my attempts together didn’t not add up to this
“think back, Hugo, to the time of your blossoming youth, when you first laid eyes on that young man with the broad shoulders, glistening chest, and conspicuous bulge in his Ocean Pacific shorts. Much to your surprise, embarrassment and volcanic shame which would sculpt the trajectory of your life, a boy boner sprouted from the downy thicket of your pubescent pride. You wept, beautifully.”
Fuck, that was fucking genius.
Hugo = the Buck Angel of the manosphere.
“I have flat out called him a Pussy”
Why would he take offense to this? That’s pretty much a compliment to him.
Anybody see Jim Jeffries FX show Legit last week? He walked his buddies threw basic Game techniques. He didn’t use the word “neg” but that’s what he taught them to do: “Insult their ears, call them “crazy eyes”” etc.
It’s the most mainstream Game I’ve seen on a Hollywood show yet.
Take a listen to his comedy routines some time.
I have.
“Society” taught me to get a boner when I see a hot young chick.
Must have forgot about that class
I’m surprised no ‘study’ (given that Univerisities have studies on just about anything under the sun) has been done to evaluate the strength of a schwing based on the age of target.
The Heartiste could contribute to the scientific world by putting up a genuine survey of boner reactions to age based pictures.
Hugo is really a smug, smirking little piece of crap.
I mean, sorry to be all intellectual about it and stuff.
Fine, twenty-somethings. Take the thirty-somethings, the forty-somethings; but, the fifty-somethings are miiiiiiiinnnnee!!!!!
Flag down Corvette owners.
Show me a man who watches any of these TV programs with (agreeable) interest, and I’ll show you a brainwashed nebbish dweeb who’s idea of masturbation is hunching up in a corner giggling gayly while flicking his dingaling with a pinky finger.
Is that how mommy taught it to you Hugs?
I’ve never seen the show and don’t plan to watch it.
Wilson was the retired & overweight Night Owl 2 in “Watchmen” where he got it on with a hot younger chick. I don’t think he needs to go chubby chasing.
“I’ve never seen the show and don’t plan to watch it.” That’s how I feel about Fifty Shades. You wouldn’t believe all the references guys on dating sites make to that book: in their profile names, in their profiles, in their emails. Good grief!
I was going to call my dating profile “Fifty Shades of Great.”
But I didn’t.
This Hugo guy is full of shit in so many ways. He makes up a plot that is totally unrelated to the actual episode in order to make his reality-denying points.
On the idea that Hanna is turned on by the age difference as opposed to the character’s money, she makes one observation about his age, and about 30 about his fantastic apartment, his job, his money, the fact that he is separated. Really, that incredible townhouse should have been credited as a guest star. She goes nuts over his decor, his fancy steam shower, his killer kitchen, his terrace. His age is a footnote, thrown in there to explain the opulence.
In what world does a rich, handsome, 40-something DOCTOR feel relief that a 24-year old will sleep with him? He gives her a few standard lines about how pretty and smart she is, after she practically begs him for validation. Then he splits, leaving her to perform maid service then leave.
And don’t forget how they meet. The Dr. comes to the coffee shop where she works all pissed off because someone (Hanna) has been throwing their trash in his garbage can. Yeah, she’s disposable all right.
One thing I like about this show is that Hanna revels in her grossness but doesn’t try to pretend it doesn’t matter. (Please God, no more topless episodes.) Her weirdo boyfriends treat her like crap and her former ‘boyfriend,’ who has come out as gay, is using her for a free apartment. Her girlfriends all use her ugliness to their own advantage.
So we’re ‘taught’ to find younger women more attractive, just like we’re ‘taught’ to find slimmer, fitter women sexier. And women have been ‘taught’ to find taller men more appealing.
Wow. Just wow…
Seconding the Effing Eh! for this gem.
PS Hey, Hugo! Are gay men taught by society to desire other men?
American born American citizen 39 year old Patrick Wilson is married to Polish born naturalized American citizen 36 year old actress Dagmara Dominczyk, and he has impregnated her and raised 2 children with her thus far in real life. By the way, Dagmara Dominczyk is still much better looking than Lena Dunham despite being at least a decade older and given birth to 2 children while Lena Dunham has given birth to none. I’d rate Dagmara Dominczyk easily as an 8 out of 10 these days because I saw her recently on an episode of CBS’s :Person of Interest” television series. When she made the movie, “The Count of Monte Cristo” about a decade ago, I’d rate before she got married, aged and given birth to 2 children, I’d rate her easily as a 9. This is the true lesson you can learn in this world about how the world usually operates( in particular to GAME, seduction and how men and women usually pair off generally speaking). Please google both Dagmara Dominczyk and Lena Headly especially when it comes to their pictures.
It should be the tv show Person of Interest above.
Good point, just look at who these men are with in real life.
Who knows how often Dunham was pregnant though.
I feel compelled to mention R.Don Steele’s classic “How to Date Young Women for Men Over 35, Volumes I and II” as a primary resource for this topic.
“Socially Conditioned” and “False Consciousness” are nothing but Marxist/liberal excuses for when normal people don’t buy their bullshit.
Who are Lena Dunham and Patrick Wilson?
I had heard of this broad but had never seen her til now. Wow-she is pretty homely. But she puts much hotter chicks on her show with her,so I give her credit for that. NOTE: The daughter of Brian Williams–whoa! Also Lena was in the news for saying her “heart cracked”a bit when she saw Rihanna with her ape-man Chris Brown. Her heart cracked? How about her crack? Did that crack?
Love it … that’s why I started reading GlPiggy too, I like reading Chuck beat up on H.S. Think I’ll go home and fuck my slim younger wife now.
By the way, not many people know this about me, but I had a sex change once. I didn’t mean to. There was this chick named Lena who told me I should vote for Obama. I was skeptical but fabulous single girls in NYC are apparently doing it, so OK. When I voted it felt kind of like I was having sex, and then bam, I’m a woman now! It was so weird!
Oh I know what you’re thinking, how then am I a boy now? (Monty Python voice) Well, I got better.
Hugo Screwyourself can do this at will. After his maniginist duck calls lure a pretty female student, he drops his balls and butthexts her. If a university feminist generalissima confronts him about it, his junk withdraws, inverting into a femcave as toothless as his literary expulsions for La Jefe to sink her man-clit into as penance.
Keep in mind he teaches at Pasadena City College, and doesn’t even make their Wikipedia page. His influence is effectively nil.
Just a note re CH’s twitter feed,he talked about the black dude that won on Jeopardy:One question was(unbelievably) The twelve men in 12 Angry Men were members of one of these:Answer,of course ,is a jury. That was a Daily Double. Did they deliberately put such an absurd question there to help the negro? Negroes generally wash out on Jeopardy in an embarrassing way. This time,I guess,they decided,one was gonna win!
Wow, black guy getting helped out by a jury for once.
OJ Simpson?
The evidence suggests that black juries are a lot more lenient with black defendants. Not whites though.
On what planet is Lena Dunham a 4? I get that its hard to rate people 3 or less because then you’re effectively talking troll category (he who lives under a bridge, not a computer), but I mean… what singular feature does she have that alone is a 4 or above? And yes, that includes her personality & intelligence – at least that of Hannah from the show. I’m sure I don’t know the history of every TV show, but she has to be among the short list for ugliest, nakedest characters in the history of television, no?
Thankfully, this past episode was the last I’ll ever watch. It was less realistic than trueblood, without any real salvaging humor, and I may never get a boner again. #TellAFeministThankYou
A 4 is appropriate:
She is ugly, but has nice clear skin and good hair, and although overweight, is not obese. People don’t like the fact that she’s self absorbed partly because of her poor looks….if she were hot it’d be endearing. She is certainly no catch, though.
I strongly suspect that Lena wasn’t born a woman. About this fellow Hugo, he simply writes stuff that’s hamster fodder for female SMP rejects to feel better about themselves. One more cog in the machine that produces the pretty lies matriarchy needs to survive.
Men’s preference for younger women is a function of their hotness. Men prefer younger women mainly because younger women tend to be hotter. Patrick Wilson’s actual wife is 36, but I’d take her:
over 26 year old Lena Dunham any day.
Pure comedy!
Get a load of this. Guys in Japan get beta with some serious gusto. Can you imagine women doing this for us? This spectacle could maybe be worthy of a CH column:
Yo, japanese dudes, find yer ballz or she’ll be finding someone else.
“I’m always putting you down,” confesses one Tokyo man. “But it’s only because I’m shy. I love you, and I promise not to come home drunk.”
The Only Guy In This Article Who’s Getting Any Tonight
What I want to know is why Hugo and tens of thousands like him are getting my tax dollars for being professional haters.
… and there are few things more revolting than genuine manboobs. On a holiday I met a woman with her 17 year old grandson. At breakfast I noticed something that shocked me so much I had to look again – when the grandSON turned sideways, his boobs went in the other direction.
Ireland wept in shame.
I thought I was going to vomit. It is one of the most disgusting things you will ever see. It is especially deplorable on a 17 year old.
Anyway, this kid ordered THREE helpings of the hotel’s fried breakfast. I said nothing but, let’s just note, I had spent the six day holiday in the hotel in the gym – over six days I had done eight hours of iron in the hotel gym. You can be certain that this kid had not. I am 39, he is 17.
Pardon my gender stereotyping, but a 17 year old man should be playing sport, racing cars, getting high, pumping iron, drinking, dancing, fighting, fucking – if what I witnessed is the future, then goodbye Ireland.
Anyway, the next morning, Buster says to me:- “you don’t have a very good appetite, do you?”
Perfect. Licence to kill.
“Son,” I said, “you have breasts. You could buy a bra. This is because you are now having your third breakfast. I, on the other hand, spend an hour and a half a day in the hotel gym. Don’t fucking lecture me. My appetite is healthy, yours is sick. End of”.
It was.
Lemme guess, no father anywhere to be seen?
[…] Hugs is saying here …read more Source: Chateau […]
For as long as I can remember I have felt a deep and sincere loathing and disgust towards fat bartenders. I tried to kill one of them with one of my girl-friends snake; but that was a few years ago and all the relevant statutes have since expired, etc.ha ha.
The response of any clean and healthy male self to the very presence of these quivering piles of man-boobed lard flesh will be expressed most naturally by the uncage-ing of a vengeance–crazed timber wolf or perhaps by a full 30 round magazine of AR love.
I am so bursting with that kind of love it hurts,
Ah, that’s the old feminist water carrier we’ve come to know and loathe. Hugs, you are such a darling rimjobber. Do you even believe the runny shit you expectorate, or is it all a dog and fatty show for the benefit of your paying feminist overcunts? To ask the question is to mock you.
…It could never be the case for a felching manboob like Hugs who has sold his soul to the succubus…
…If it’s mentally taxing for you to grapple with the idea of innate, immutable sexual desire, think back, Hugo, to the time of your blossoming youth, when you first laid eyes on that young man with the broad shoulders, glistening chest, and conspicuous bulge in his Ocean Pacific shorts. Much to your surprise, embarrassment and volcanic shame which would sculpt the trajectory of your life, a boy boner sprouted from the downy thicket of your pubescent pride. You wept, beautifully.
Do you remember that time, Hugs? Yes, yes, of course you do. And you remember, as well, that it was no social conditioning or nebulous cultural influence or amorphous patriarchy that provoked those wild and lustful urges in you. Those urges, you will recall, rose unbidden from the depths of your being, like a thermonuclear blast through your sinew, to explode into the world and forevermore make mockery of the drivel you spew to this day.
Ye Gods, this is pure literary poetry for this sector of the blogosphere noted for it’s ubiquitous, mediocrity of regularly deficient prose.
You sir, have certainly not lost your touch over the years.
Keep on keepin’ on!
PS – Thanks for putting me on your blogroll after all these years.
Ye Gods, this is pure literary poetry for this sector of the blogosphere noted for it’s ubiquitous, mediocrity of regularly deficient prose.
Yup, he writes great shit, doesn’t he?
Happy Valentines Day all Betas Herbs and MGTOWS. This is the face of love in 2013…
well if my bitch ever wants to get back with me i’ll be posting a pic like that but my name gonna be readable all over her face
watching whores glory these thai chicks looking good
Hugo is quite the role model. From the Atlantic article:
– Schwyzer holds a Ph.D. in Medieval history and teaches history and gender studies at Pasadena City College.
– He helped organize Slutwalk L.A
– By his own admission, he spent much of the 1990s addicted to various drugs and alcohol.
– he said that his sex with students (including four on one school trip he chaperoned) had been “deeply and profoundly wrong,”
– Schwyzer is also a religious Christian … and leads a Christian youth group
– Schwyzer admits, “…my writing reflects my privilege as a cisgender white male,”
– His admission contained oddly sexual details about the woman he’d tried to kill (“we … shed our clothes and had the desperately hot, desperately heartbreaking sex we had had so often”)
[Heartiste: Except for the part about shagging cute coeds, this guy is the antithesis of CH. The beta twin of the alpha bro. The omega matter surrounding the supernova. The yin to the yang. The oxytocin to the testosterone. The chin upon which the splooge is splattered.]
He also wrote about cuckolding another man and took that story down later.
Presumably Hugo’s habit of shagging his students was also the consequence of cultural indoctrination rather than the inevitable expression of innate urges.
Anyway, it’s not like Hugo hasn’t opined on this subject (age-disparate relationships) before, promoting a similar narrative:
The Real Reason Why Older Men Want To Date You
When Older Guys Lust After Young Women
Why Cougars Are Better Than Silver Foxes
Worth a brief skim through for entertainment value (in the same way that one might rubberneck a road crash) though caution is advised for those with sensitive stomachs and a low tolerance threshold for mangina self-loathing and lavish shaming language.
Shit, was that a… trigger warning?
Please shoot me. And put Schywzer down too, while you’re at it, to prevent the spread of cuntagion. Aim for head.
*Aim for the head.
Though the typo/Freudian slip isn’t bad advice either, in certain contexts.
re tweet: “But hate feels good and people are beasts, so they turn to the last acceptable outlet for their hate.”
Conserve your hate. Big Brother wants you to expend it in two minute increments, so when you need it, you’ve already spent it and continue to accept the way things are.
[Heartiste: Baby, I’ve got enough hate for the both of us.]
Good! One less thing to pack 🙂
Beat me to it. The fatal error in feminist ideology is that gender, and even sexual arousal is a learned, social construct. However, if this is the case then homosexuals aren’t “born this way”, but rather conditioned to be so.
Hugs (stealing this), like all feminists, calculatingly dances around this, but as he is ostensibly male he lacks the same art that hard-line female Jizzabelers use, so the inconsistency becomes more obvious. So the incongruousness is above the surface; women and homosexuals are natural, men are unnatural – in girl-world anyway.
They just stay outside the realm of science, so they can pick and choose what’s nature and what’s nurture. I think most of this gender bullshit is based on a Mengele like experiment done on a boy who was raised as a girl after a botched circumcision. He later had the “sex change” reversed and later killed himself. He also accused John Money, the psychologist who performed the experiment, of sexual abuse.
And even if gender (as opposed to biological sex) was a social construct, there is no good argument against prevailing gender roles as they serve over 98% very well. That’s a ringing endorsement.
Of course you can’t really hold Jezebel to any scientific standard, just like you wouldn’t ask for research or citations or even actual experimentation in Men’s Health. It’s a gossip site.
Pretty funny
“The Submission Trilogy” — 50 Shades-inspired novels already making a splash with movie deals being discussed. Feminists are baffled.
Pfft. I could show you things in the depths of the Internet’s superb documentation of the female id – the same place Fifty Shades came from – that would make you want to shoot yourself.
Generally speaking, this all makes perfect sense to me. We females wrap the worst of our fantasies up behind BDSM contracts and m/m erotica because it’s the only way we’re able to admit to ourselves that we enjoy it.
I’m sorry, but age notwithstanding, I can take any guy, any age, any time, from a woman who looks like Lena Dunham.
A hot, fit, age-appropriately dressed 36 year old will beat a schlumpy, fat, short-haired shrew like Lena any day of the week.
[Heartiste: I agree with this comment.]
I’d take a life of celibacy over a woman who looks like Lena Dunham.
I’d take a bullet.
JB, I’d take you over a lot of younger women.
it’s Valentine’s Day boys. don’t forget the skittles.
Might even lube up before butthex. Love is in the air.
I bought a bag of skittles yesterday, planning to give it to a fuckbuddy.
I just realized that I ate it.
How about a Valentine’s Day shout out to a Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice winner: Mr. Wickham. He gets Lydia, “a stout, well-grown girl of FIFTEEN, with a fine complexion and good-humoured countenance”; his debts paid; and a commission. (emphasis added) Not too awful.
Ahh, the good old days. Pa Ingalls married Ma when she was 16. According to all descriptions she was a fine POA with a tiny waist.
More like 20.
Interesting point I heard the other day, in the 1950’s (you know the dark ages when things really sucked uh huh), the #1 profession the ladies was…secretary. Today, under the reign of Obama the Pious, Conquering General in the War on Women, Most Glorious Advancement of Diversity and Infrastructure, the #1 profession for women is … secretary.
So, what the fuck, manboobs? All the feministing, and bitches still choose easy jobs (easy in the sense that they can leave at 4:30 to go pick up their kids). to hear the feminists say it, women are some sort of executive workforce being held back by the man.*
* this is odd considering the number of bitches going to law school, but as the last psychiatrist pointed out, it’s odd that the power and prestige of a profession goes down as more women enter it. Thanks, higher ed bubble, for letting bitches rack up $250K in student loans in order to become secretaries.
many old school lolz here, see the old maid cartoon and the one pointing out no one wants a suffragette. How much knowledge has been lost thanks to manboobs. See also the secessionist, forerunner to today’s diveristy over everything soft genocide types?
i dont know every drawer in my house and every nook and cranny got love notes to me in it on it
the countertops the fridge
only note i wrote her was i’ll be back love greg
at least i mantained on that one he he he
got notes taped on the wall
the fuck
Aw 🙂 I wish my Valentine to everyone would post. I tried twice already 😦
she wrote christine loves gregory on both sides of my knife blade
got a sog trident
internet hugs kate the only chick i will hug on valentines i guess
Ha! Schwyzer could have written this:
OT … I’ll just leave this here for the amusement of the readership:
“The Women of L.A.”
“As soon as I realized what was happening in that Girls episode, I burst out laughing and said “this is her most self-indulgent fanstasy yet!”
I have not seen show, but my wife brought it up in a discussion (She’s up on the concepts of SMV and related topics) because she saw a blog post about it. Apparently even many women are calling bullshit on the premise.
I told her it was yet another example of female porn in MSM. In this case, specifically Feminist Female Porn. It is the equivalent of a guy delivering a pizza to house where two hot chicks are going at it, and they invite him to join them.
As I explained to my wife, though, most guys understand that premise is ridiculous. They just don’t care as it’s simply a pretext to get to the part where they seem two naked, gorgeous women get it on.
Too many women seem to be buying into the fantasy as reality, with the logical disastrous results.
Hugo on Niceguys of okc: “Niceguys don’t DESERVE sex that’s entitled sexist pig blah blah blah”
Hugo on Lena: “How dare anyone suggest Lena doesn’t “deserve” an attractive and much older doctor! Sexist pigs!”
“Dunham a hard 4″ hmm couldn’t say. its kind of like height Im 6’3” I really dont notice height thats under mine , youre just average or someone I need to kill somehow.. But that reminded me that some of my friends had an amusing rating system for girls, Im from NYC [yes actually born and raised] they would ask each other how far downtown they were willing to be caught holding her hand; below 14 st was considered impressive. Im not a hand holder girls usually complain I walk to fast and I invariably tell them in china women walk a respectful 10 steps behind their men. or sometimes I say where I come from touching is for fighting or fucking. Its interesting to see people trying to synthesize a manly attitude towards women,im doubtful it can be learned.certainly reading this blogs kind of beta unless its for political reasons rather than dating advice.
[…] ‘The Mind of the Manboob: Hugo Schwyzer Redux’ […]
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