Grants, aka Using Government Money to Do Good
I’ll say more on this topic eventually (my goal is to write up a full step-by-step walkthrough), but if you are reading this post, you are almost certainly competent enough to run a grant-funded program to help fix SJ-related problems in society today.
Grants are, in America, the actual mechanism of socialism. The government collects tax funds. The government notes a problem they would like to fix, or a metric they would like to see improved. The government makes a grant, a portion of the tax funds, available to anybody who applies with an idea as to how to fix/improve the problem/metric. Some of this money is set aside to pay an outside evaluator, who makes a recommendation as to whether the project should continue to be funded next year. Here is a cheekily-anonimized example:
The government would like to lower the rate of drug use amongst high-school aged students. The Department of Justice issues a grant for projects purporting to lower the rate of drug use amongst highschoolers. Chuck has an idea: get police officers to come to schools and regale the children with tales of the evils of drugs. Chuck applies for the aforementioned grant, asking for a reasonable $100,000 (paying his own $99,000 salary and using the remainder for cab fair for the policemen). He says the goal is to decrease the rate by 5%. The grant project coordinator at the Department of Justice reads Chuck’s application and decides to approve it. A year goes by. Chuck is reminded that he needs a project evaluator; he gets his brother to do it. The brother notes that Chuck was able to get policeman to give talks at ten high schools; he doesn’t know about the original 5% goal, and anyway he doesn’t have access to the data he would need to determine that anyway. He recommends to the DoJ that they refund the program next year, because it did what it set out to do (have cops talk to kids). The DoJ refunds the project with even more money next year.
Practically everything the government does, the actual mechanism is a grant. No Child Left Behind is a grant that only funds very specific kinds of projects and can only be applied for by public schools. Grocery stores apply for an EBT grant in order to get repaid for food stamps. Non-religious soup kitchens apply for a DoH&HS grant for decreasing the level of starvation among the homeless. Every year, NPR applies for a grant intended to make the population more educated. Every year, when universities get their Title IX money, it comes in the form of a grant. As stated above, the DARE program is funded by a Department of Justice grant that they keep getting every year.
I work for a firm that evaluates grants. The whole field is completely fucking useless. Nobody tracks data, nobody knows about pre and post testing, nobody knows about accountability. The whole field has been infected by rent seekers and is one giant Good Ol’ Boys club. Examples: a grant meant to reduce the dropout rate of highschool minorities ends up paying for a program wherein the minorities are taken out of their core classes and instead given tutoring on how to take notes. Nobody really noticed that the scheduling conflict put the minorities a whole semester behind in their schooling. The grant evaluator pointed this out as a possible flaw, but since nobody knows about data, nobody could tell how ridiculously harmful this was. Goals were phrased in terms of serving x number of minorities, not in terms of causing an x percentage reduction in the dropout rate, and when asked about this nobody involved could even tell the difference.
Most grant projects are like this. I deal in the realm of education grants, but from talking with my coworkers in other fields, it is *all* like this.
So I’m asking, nay, begging you, EA/LW/rationalist/SJ-oriented tumblr! Are you more competent than a slug? Can you come up with ideas that are marginally better than taking minority students out of their core classes in order to help them? The government will pay you to implement them! It will pay you an upper class salary! And take it from me, if you take that money and blow it all on bullshit because it was your first time being principal investigator of a grant project and you didn’t really know what you were doing, you still did better than whoever *would* have gotten that money, so long as you didn’t do anything *actively harmful* with it.
Socialists! I’m a free market man myself, and most of the reason is because of what I’ve seen working in this field from about 05-07, then ‘14-now. All of this ‘socialism’ tax, as I think of it, used to pay for this stuff, it’s all harmful at best. But it *doesn’t have to be that way*!
Prove me wrong! Apply for a grant today, do a not-literally-evil job, improve society!
Next time I’ll post a guide to finding grants to apply for, because this is the hard part. But here’s a couple quick links: California State-level Grants Federal Grants
(These are about 2% of the available grants. The reason this is such a good old boys system is because you have to know about the grants to find them, there is no general database.)
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