Sunday, May 7, 2017


[setting: a very high-context AU]

Fëanor: “I have FTL.”


Aredhel: “ - as in - ”

Fëanor: “Until now we have been impeded in space colonization by the inability to accelerate anything to faster than the speed of light -”

Maedhros: “- Father you know that’s not what she meant - ”

Fëanor: “I have been continually surprised by how dumb [politicians] are.”


  1. scientiststhesis reblogged this from shedoesnotcomprehend
  2. luminousalicorn said: or I suppose, Aredhel/Irissë not Nerdanel
  3. luminousalicorn said: Isel not Nerdanel
  4. shedoesnotcomprehend posted this