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Use this option to report blogs that appear machine-generated or that contain commercial content designed to drive traffic to third-party sites. This includes sites designed exclusively to improve the search-engine rankings of other websites.
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Use this option to report blogs that are only appropriate for mature audiences. We'll remove such sites from Reader search results.
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Use this option to report blogs that clearly violate our Terms of Service or User Guidelines, and should be suspended.
Please be aware that has a vast audience spread across many cultures, countries and backgrounds with varying values. We do take all views and reports seriously, but please understand that reporting a blog will not necessarily result in it being removed.
The right to free speech and opinion is always respected, and we will not remove content simply because because some may find it offensive or disturbing. If a blog is publishing offensive content with which you do not agree, we recommend starting a blog and speak your own mind on the subject. You will be granted the same rights.
Report this content as violent
Use this option to report blogs that call for violence against individuals or groups, including those that violate our policy against Terrorist Activity.
We consider a violent threat to be one that includes a genuine call for violence against, or the death of, an individual or group. This doesn’t mean that we’ll remove all hyperbole or offensive language.
Report content that promotes self harm
Please use this tool to report sites that promote self-harm or encourage suicidal thoughts. We will respond to these reports as quickly as possible, as we recognize that they are time-sensitive.
If you're concerned a site owner might be in crisis, please refer to this page for more information on how you can help.
Report copyright infringement
To let us know that a blog is reproducing your material in an unauthorized manner you will need to file a formal DMCA notice by following the instructions found here:
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