Sometimes I write things. If you have not read any things I have written, I recommend starting with some short stuff like Muse or Dogs, to see if you like my style. If you do, you can read the rest of my short fiction, or move on to other things.

● complete
◖ in progress
○ indefinite
⁖ episodic
⊗ defunct

Goldmage ● is a short standalone fantasy novel.

Alternate Universe Social Justice ⁖ is a participatory, pseudo-epistolary collection of works in various settings that emulate social justice blogging from the perspectives of characters in fantasy or science-fiction universes. It's a feature of my Tumblr, which otherwise mostly displays pretty pictures.

Elcenia ◖ is a series of fantasy stories, with several complete novels and side stories and more to come. Originally co-created; now in reboot with just me at the helm.

Luminosity ●, its sequel Radiance ●, and their associated stories Flashes ●, are fanfiction of the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer, in the "rationalist fiction" genre inspired by HPMOR.

Effulgence ○ is a spinoff project derived from Luminosity. It's also the flagship instance of a cluster of roleplaying continuities called "glowfic". My other longform glowfic is Incandescence ⊗; I also write shortform glowfic ⁖. Other authors have produced other glowfic.

I occasionally dabble in nonfiction. At one time I was very active on LessWrong ○, but now I only comment occasionally. More recently, I sometimes put writeups of my variously controversial opinions on Carcinisation ⁖. I used to have a food blog called Improvisational Soup ⊗.

I used to do webcomics. HTHT ● is a magical girl story. Ensorcel ⊗ was an urban fantasy collaboration between me and my sister (my writing, her art) and shares a setting with my short story "Charm". My first webcomic was Syzygy ⊗, also fantasy.

Occasionally I do art which is unrelated to webcomics.

I used to have a micronation called Mevwan ⊗. Its surrounding project died.

I have a tiny adorable fandom! Sometimes they talk about my stuff on tumblr. I also have a forum which you are more than welcome to visit, read, and post to. If you want to get in touch with me directly, I encourage you to email me. If you're interested in supporting my work check out my Patreon, or for one-off support there's always Amazon or Paypal; and of course the best thing is to get your friends hooked on my writing so that my tiny adorable fandom can grow into a larger adorable fandom. Keep up with what I'm doing by following my updates on RSS, Twitter, Tumblr, Patreon, or forum announcements.