Guys, we need to have a serious discussion.
You’ve been around my whole life–friends, confidants, you’ve even helped me move–and I’m getting worried for you.
Anti-Semitism on the rise in Europe:
Overall, anti-Semitic violence rose by 40 percent worldwide, according to figures provided by the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University. A total of 766 violent incidents were recorded worldwide last year, a “sharp increase” over the 554 tallied in 2013, according to the European Jewish Congress, which contributed to the report.
Black Lives Matter’s anti-Israel position and the increasing expulsion of Jews from SJW-spaces:
Milan Chatterjee, a third-year law student at UCLA, on August 24 informed the school chancellor of his decision to leave the university and finish his UCLA law degree at New York University School of Law. In a letter that was made public earlier today, he alleged that since November 2015 he has been “relentlessly attacked, bullied and harassed by BDS-affiliated organizations and students” and that the harassment had become intolerable.
Anti-Semitism on the rise in the US, especially online harassment from the far-right. (Actually, the far-right exists in Europe, too.)
What’s driving this? Trends normally don’t just come out of nowhere.
Muslim immigration appears to be a major factor in Europe, eg:
A number of studies conducted among the Muslim youth in various western European countries have showed that Muslim children have far more anti-Semitic ideas than Christian children- in 2011 Mark Elchardus, a Belgian sociologist, published a report on Dutch-language elementary schools in Brussels. He found that about 50 percent of Muslim students in second and third grade could be considered anti-Semites, versus 10% of others. In the same year Unther Jikeli published his findings from the 117 interviews he conducted with Muslim male youngsters (average age 19) in Berlin, Paris and London. The majority of the interviewees voiced some, or strong anti-Semitic feelings. They expressed them openly and often aggressively.[47]
A large number of violent antisemitic attacks in Europe were done by Muslims- the murder of 4 Jews in Toulouse in 2012 by Mohammed Merah,[48] the 1982 attack on the Jewish Goldenberg restaurant in Paris that was carried out by Arab terrorists, the kidnapping and murder of the French citizen Ilan Halimi in 2006 by a Muslim gang and the antisemitic riots in Norway in 2009 are a few examples to this phenomenon.[47]
This is not really surprising to anyone who’s been paying attention.
Now, I know many of you have been in favor of helping Syrian refugees, on the grounds that suffering people fleeing from warzones ought to be helped. It’s a kind impulse, a humanitarian impulse. And it’s not in your own best interest.
If you want to help refugees, then help them get to safety in countries that are similar to their own, where they won’t face major linguistic and cultural barriers to starting new lives.
I know more about the American situation because I live here. Most American Jews, whether liberal or conservative, vote Democrat–even though it’s Republicans who are your staunchest allies. I mean look at this:
White Evangelicals are the Jews’ biggest fans, and they like Jews better than any other religious group (except themselves.) By contrast, Jews like Evangelicals less than everyone one–even less than Muslims.
Sure, Evangelicals can be kind of loud, they may support Israel because they think it’s somehow going to trigger the apocalypse, and they seem to think that Jews are just Christians who don’t yet believe in Jesus, but they don’t mean you any harm and they’re still trying to be supportive.
I figure this disconnect is largely due to Jews being heavily concentrated in NYC and LA, while Evangelicals are concentrated in the South. NYC and LA are Democratic strongholds where Evangelicals are disliked for their habit of voting Republican, so Jews have picked up this dislike.
But this is not sensible. Just because something earns you social approval in NYC does not mean it is in your own long-term self interest.
You’ve been involved in the Civil Rights movement since its beginning–again, because you believed it was the right thing to do. Tikkun Olam and all that.
Bernie Sanders was volunteering with the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and getting arrested in Chicago during a demonstration. Hillary Clinton was a Young Republican and volunteering with Barry Goldwater, who voted against the Civil Rights Act.
(For the confused, Bernie Sanders is Jewish.)
And what have you gotten for your trouble?
Let’s check in with Louis Farrakhan:
In Part 2 of his Saviours’ Day address at Mosque Maryam in Chicago, Farrakhan received a standing ovation after telling his audience that “the Satanic Jews that control everything and mostly everybody, if they are your enemy, then you must be somebody.”
Farrakhan says a lot of other, similar things. The “Nation of Islam” is not your friend.
Black Americans of all education levels are significantly more likely than whites of the same education level to be anti-Semitic. In the 1998 survey, blacks (34%) were nearly four times as likely as whites (9%) to have answers that identified them as being of the most anti-Semitic category (those agreeing with at least 6 of 11 statements that were potentially or clearly antisemitic). Among blacks with no college education, 43% responded as the most anti-Semitic group (vs. 18% for the general population). This percentage fell to 27% among blacks with some college education, and 18% among blacks with a four-year college degree (vs. 5% for the general population).[83]
Modern liberals see themselves as a coalition fighting for the rights of non-whites (“PoC”) against white oppression (structural racism.) While Jews are perfectly well aware that they have suffered from racism in white countries, PoC logic dictates that Jews are “white” and Palestinians are “brown,” and therefore Jews are white supremacist oppressors of non-whites.
Did you know that a majority of whites haven’t voted for the Democrats, in a presidential election, since 1964? American politics, viewed from the outside, is pretty darn racial: blacks and Hispanics vote overwhelmingly Democrat (For example, 90% of blacks voted for Gore; 62% of Hispanics and 55% of Asians voted for Gore. By contrast, 55% of whites voted for Bush II.)
To skip forward to the current election, (which, to be frank, is no longer interesting,) of the three major candidates, Sanders is explicitly Jewish; Trump has an Orthodox Jewish daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren; and Clinton’s daughter married a Jew, but does not appear to have converted and her grandchildren therefore aren’t Jewish under Jewish law.
Say what you will for the man, but I don’t think Trump hates his own grandchildren.
One of the weirder parts of this election has been people accusing the candidate with more Jewish family members of saying anti-Semitic things about the one with fewer Jewish family members–as though anti-Semitism were some kind of selling point with the Republican base! (No, that’s Hillary’s base.)
The media, in particular, has been actively pushing the whole “Trump is literally Hitler!” rhetoric for a long while.
Now, you might be saying, “Hey! We aren’t the entire media!”
Yes, I know. But you are visibly over-represented in the media, and many Jewish media folks have been vocally anti-Trump. Fair or not, being a small minority always means that people will be judging you.
To be explicit: You look like you are actively siding with non-whites (who hate you) against whites. With Muslims (who hate you) against the Evangelicals (who like you.) With internationalists (like Hillary) against nationalists who want to promote American interests.
And on top of that, you are super-successful, dominating Ivy League admissions and high-paying professions, way more than your % of the population, (while at the same time claiming that white over-representation in various areas is due to “white privilege.”) You write things like this:
White people need to open ourselves up to a particular type of wounding to genuinely understand and then work toward racial justice. Our comfort and privilege generally keeps us from incurring these wounds naturally, and thus they must be sought out, disseminated, and used to motivate action.
From the outside, this looks really weird.
And this is why the far-right thinks you are doing it on purpose to destroy white America.
Let’s show a little common sense. Stop working against your own long-term interests. Step away from divisive politics. Being simultaneously high-profile and opposed to the interests of the biggest groups in the country is a good way to get the majority of people mad at you. Stop supporting people who don’t support you. Shame and ostracize Jews who make the rest of you look bad. Figure out who your friends are and be loyal to them.
Do science. Live well. Build civilization with me.
Oh, everyone, I know this goes without saying, but please be polite in the comments. Comments that impede discussion will be deleted.
I think a harsh truth is that each ethnic group must police their own to enjoy the long term trust and friendship of others (and sometimes good behaviour isn’t enough). Policing your own doesn’t only mean punishing outright criminals but also staying away from imposing your values on others, which in practice would mean staying away from power over others.
[…] Source: Evolutionist X […]
Given the jewish anti Southern, anti Christian and anti White track record being anti semitic is smart pool
Sadly not nearly enough of us are anti semitic but the facts on the ground make jewery a serious problem
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Jews, as a whole, will *never* support any kind of nativist movement (unless its in israel). They have the idea beaten into their bones that they are eternal Outsiders and must therefore struggle against any system they do not control.
Let them go.
By the end of the century their power in the west will broken and their own homeland “diversified” by the very same forces they themselves unleashed.
Then the western peoples can begin reconquista.
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Thanks for your post and continued effort to bring civility and understanding to our world.
Any group that hold themselves separate from the society of the country they are living in is shunning the society first. What do these groups want? To be considered separate from society and receive special treatment. So where does this leave society. Splintered, and that always leads to mistrust. We are human, and we always behave like the animals we are. So you want special treatment. It is up to the group to tell us how they want to be treated. Currently, we are treating all special groups the same abusive way we treat our own when they step out of line.
They seem to be falling into their old role of being the ruler’s agents against the population, and thus are sympathizing with the rulers against even their own interests (or balancing interests). Can you imagine how anti-Semitic the establishment would become if Jews started to support the Conservatives (in Canada) or the Republicans?
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All of the points you’ve made are solid and logical and all unlikely to sway the bulk of American Jewry mainly because its a highly assimilated community in decline. Its largely rich and a good chunk of it makes up part of the elite but at the same time those Jews aren’t interested in the points you are making. The argument here is that they are making things worse for themselves but just looking at the assimilation numbers it seems clear that the bulk of the American Jewish community is checking out or has checked out. Ivanka Trump converting to Orthodox Judaism to marry her husband is not what happens in most cases of intermarriage in America; much more of the community is more like Chelsea Clinton’s husband Marc Mezvinsky. He’s not ashamed of his background and I’m sure if it came up he’d muster some vague talk about Jewish “values” or “ethics” but its all just unimportant background to him. Israel is meaningless to him. I’d bet having vegan catering at his wedding was more thoroughly discussed than any of the little Jewish content that eventually made it in.
The Jews in America who are likely to agree with your points and who are invested in maintaining a Jewish community are probably already in the rightwing camp. They’re the 20-30 percent who don’t end up voting Democrat when the rest of the community goes in 70-80 percent. But they are also on the lower end of the power and financial scale too. They are probably the future of the community since its also the part that is still having children but between now and then is a lot of time and a lot of things that can happen.
It’s not going to work.
It’s in their nature to be neurotically phobic towards majority nations and always seeking to manage this fear through taking control.
It’s in their nature to wreck nations.
It’s also in their nature to be blind to how their actions look from the point of view of non-Jews, which in turn puzzles us.
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Orthodox Jews already vote conservative and are well versed in the points you’ve raised. Secular Jews have a TFR that cannot be above 1.0, and probably have a median age over 30. They are much more concerned with holiness signalling than with the physical wellbeing of their 1.5 grandkids, half of whom aren’t even Jewish (by the Jewish legal definition).
As an aside, I get tired of the antisemitism that’s increased in the right circles over the last few years. We get hammered for the leftists, but get a) no sympathy for the fact that Unitarians/the Cathedral converted > 75% of American Jews, nor any credit for the Jews on team Trump. Most Jews I know blame Jews for the problems of Jews; when a group blames an outgroup for its problems, it’s usually a bad sign.
A lot of the far-right arguments about Jews sound like SJW arguments about whites.
All of the Jews I’ve known are decent people. Some buy into the SJW nonsense, but they seem very sincere about wanting to help others.
I imagine the Orthodox get pretty annoyed at the SJWs sometimes.
Happy Sukkot.
Most by in, not some. Most. Self-doubt is a virtue in an organized mind and culture, and a disease in one which has lost it’s identity. Highly intelligent gentiles show levels of political dysfunction similar to that of Jews. But Caucasians, and Jews are Caucasians, are unique in owning this characteristic. Asian cultures have no history of this experience and I have never known an Asian to display it excepting those few who are getting paid to do so.
I know tons of Asian SJWs. Actually, some of the worst SJWs I know are Asian.
I’ll bet you it’s Asian females — Asian androgynous females.
Asian male SJWs? Never seen one.
Their men are less aggressive than Caucasian men, their women way more aggressive (though, yes, our women are being actively androgyn-ized now).
I’ll go with “mostly.”
[…] unrequited love between Jews and Evangelical […]
The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews. All their property is really the Jews. No one is really human unless they’re Jews and their lives don’t matter. That’s the attitude of the religious Jews. The non-religious Jews are even worse. We should get these people away from us as fast as possible.
A common comment by Jews when they came to the US was,”If it’s bad for the Goy it’s good for the Jew”,(yes really this was common). We should realize if it’s bad for the Jew it’s good for the rest of the people on the planet and follow through on this sentiment.
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Pretty sure we’ve discussed this all before, so I’m going to skip re-hashing it all.
I’m Jewish and completely agree with this post, but then of course I would as I’m STEM- and Reactionary-leaning so my worldview overlaps considerably with our host.
Hopefully I can add some food for thought. I apologize for the length, I put forth good editing effort, I swear.
1. Most Jews live in extremely ideologically-uniform places and networks. Journalist-doesn’t-even-know-a-Trump-supporter applies quite strongly. Furthermore, right-wingers with the kind of sophistication found in this neck of the web are non-existent in daily life. This is no excuse whatsoever for academics or journalists, duty-bound to seek the best of the opposition, but your typical Democrat-voting Jew has never even encountered evolutionistx arguments, and it’s a huge uphill battle against social proof. It doesn’t help that when those arguments do push into public consciousness, like with the Alt-Right making some headway this election, it often comes from sources associated with Eternal Jew arguments. I think where, as in France, evolutionist’s perspective is obvious in daily life, you’re seeing Jews shift.
2. Regarding the Eternal Jew: the Alt-Right complains, justifiably, about suicidal altruism of Christian Whites. When Russian, or German, or American reactionaries have been pretty explicitly anti-Jew, why would reactionary historians expect anything but lopsided Jewish support for reactionaries’ opponents? Furthermore, a good deal of Christian White “suicidal altruism” is only such under the Alt-Right’s Christian-White vs Else perspective; it’s not so suicidal nor altruistic under Good-White vs Bad-White. Outside Israel, Jews are too few and homogeneous for that kind of splitting to get too organized. In Israel that kind of splitting is quite apparent, though a little less politically dominant, maybe due to more obvious survival questions relative to the US.
3. Both the Alt-Right and NRx perspectives on the JQ seem to grossly over-estimate our organizing capacity. My experience is that Jewish organizations typically have huge “Too Many Generals” problems and a largely true aphorism is “2 Jews, 3 Opinions”. Our synagogues are mostly dysfunctional and IMO rarely managing to fund a decent-looking building despite the wealthy members. But Jewish influence in the US is obviously out-sized: some people focus on the IQ thing, but there are also other traits with shifted distributions (neuroticism, status-seeking, extroversion/social-aggression, economic risk-tolerance), so I’m sticking with Occam’s Razor [status-seeking is personal observation, IIRC I’ve seen at-least-suggestive data for all the others]. I’m not sure how much of the apparent organization even happens without neurotic billionaires, who are clearly a multiple-sigma phenomenon with all that means with shifted distributions.
4. I’ve seen discussions of Market Dominant Minorities before, people ask about the Parsis. Which is weird, because a simple glance at Wikipedia can illustrate how unusual that situation is:
“They settled first at Diu in Kathiawar but soon moved to south Gujarāt, where they remained for about 800 years as a small agricultural community.”
“By the close of the 19th century, the total number of Parsis in colonial India was 85,397, of which 48,507 lived in Bombay, constituting 6% of the total population of the city (Census, 1881)[citation needed]. This would be the last time that the Parsis would be considered a numerically significant minority in the city.”
“The population of the Raj reached 255 million according to the first census taken in 1881 of India.”
They put us Ashkenazim to shame, both in per-capita performance and in affection earned from general society, but those tiny numbers are quite tiny (non-threatening), they became an MDM late and as a small group in a multicultural business capital under friendly rule. India is insanely-complex in the sense of ethnic/religious/caste structures, and frictions between castes and between Hindus/Muslims seem far more relevant to people’s lives than the tiny, stratospheric Parsis. The Brits also make for a convenient Other, and Indians don’t hesitate, especially for any historical questions. OT: I wonder if this also has something to do with how their whole economy is completely dominated by a handful of mega-firms, but no one seems to mind. India is unbelievably fascinating.
Unfortunately, prima facie the Parsis don’t seem an ideal model: comparing their demographic history to their co-nationals strongly suggests “extremely charitable MDM” is highly maladaptive, or suicidal altruism if you will.
5. Seems to me there’s a problem with chronology with the JQ. The problems right-wingers identify trace further back than considerable Jewish influence. I just don’t think we’re that special. It also seems very plausible to me that the higher-ranking secular Jews are mimicking the WASPs. They do that a lot: homes, clothes, names, hobbies, etc, it’s a known thing to those familiar. I’ve been admonished by a friendly gentile for even thinking the phenomenon noteworthy.
Thanks for weighing in.
1. I agree. Everyone is likely to be influenced by the area they live in, and NYC/LA are very liberal areas. I grew up in the South, and the Jews I knew growing up never said anything negative about the South. (and I heard tons of negative things from certain liberals I went to school with.)
2. I don’t expect Jews to side with reactionaries (who are obscure and weird by most people’s standards), or with anyone who is against them. I’m just trying to say, hey, look, here are some people who like you. It would probably be a good idea to like them back.
3. I thought synagogues were frumpy looking on purpose, so as not to attract attention. I’m sure it’s like herding cats, but I do think that if more people spoke out against those trying to overtly use Judaism as a support for SJW projects, it would do some good. (I don’t mind that Jews are disproportionately wealthy doctors who invent Polio vaccines and things like that. It’d be pretty hypocritical for anyone in HBD to get all fussy about some group genetic differences.)
4. Parsis and India are fascinating, but perhaps not very useful in this case. 🙂
5. I think America (and Europe) would basically be where they are today even if all of the Jews went to yeshiva and kept to themselves. Excepted there’d be more polio.
(My dad had polio; it left him with permanent nerve damage. I think often about how thankful I am that so many diseases that used to cripple and kill millions of people have been tamed or outright eliminated. I want a world full of doctors and scientists, not a world where people try to destroy each other.)
Have a great day.
2. I liked your piece a lot and your line of argument was quite clear. I was thinking aloud about the general JQ conversation and didn’t intend to imply that you made any related claims.
3. Depending on the era and location, absolutely, many synagogues have minimal signage and/or design meant to blend in. But newer, fully-marketed synagogues still tend to frumpy. Part of that might just be general decline in architecture. I’m quite sure that many synagogues have financial problems; I’m merely guessing that has architectural consequences. I completely agree that people (especially Jews) should speak out against SJW projects.
I’m sorry to hear your dad had polio. I am likewise amazed by and very thankful for (ie probably would be dead without) vaccines, antibiotics, etc, and all the people who made such things possible.
Thanks for the response, and for your blog in general.
2. Thanks!
3. It may take some time to develop a good architectural tradition. You can be the voice for better future buildings. 🙂
You’re welcome, and thanks again.
“…5. I think America (and Europe) would basically be where they are today even if all of the Jews went to yeshiva and kept to themselves. Excepted there’d be more polio…”
No on the case of polio it would be the same also. There were other polio vaccines being developed at the same time. They were attenuated instead of killed. True with the level of tech at the time a killed vaccine was probably better but the attenuated is used today in a sugar cube.
Seems to me there’s a problem with chronology with the JQ. The problems right-wingers identify trace further back than considerable Jewish influence
Agreed. The damnyankees waged war and committed genocidal acts on the South way before the jews showed up in any large number. Which is why I am a Southern Nationalist vs a White Nationalists but my 1st point still applies.
I am an anti Semite etc as a practical matter. No matter how well individuals may get a long with members of out groups at that individual level, it is always us vs them when it comes to politics, economics, culture etc.
I was surprised to learn recently (via the Internet, not local sources) that my state has a large community of refugees from Bhutan. Say what? The “happiest country on Earth” has refugees? Turns out, in the 1990s the King of Bhutan decided that the Nepalese minority, 1/5 of Bhutan’s total population, needed to assimilate or GTFO, and they chose the latter.
Never has there been a better time for poor countries to undertake ethnic cleansing, since troublesome minorities put up a lot less resistance when expulsion means not death but a new life of luxury in a first-world country.
Yup, you don’t hear much about Bhutanese Refugees.
I hear Bhutan’s current king (who took office in 2006, after the ethnic cleansing) is a good guy.
I’ll point out that apparently, the Orthodox Jews by large supported Trump. Which would show that when discussing the Jewish Question we should remember that Jews ultimately aren’t as homogeneous in genetics and ideology as made out to be.