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Gatehammer Fantasy Battles (Warhammer Fantasy Battles/Gate- Thus the JSDF Fought There)

Discussion in 'Creative Writing' started by IRUn, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. Threadmark: Erhardt 1

    IRUn Flying Murder-Kittens better than Dragons

    Fort Griffon, the Gateworld, known to the locals as Alnus Hill

    Erhardt Franz Holswig Schliestein, fourth son of the Emperor, Karl Franz, surveyed the carnage from atop his horse. Already the carrion birds were feasting on the dead, paying no head if the fallen were dressed in either the scarlet and white of his native Reikland, or the strange armor of the locals.

    He thanked Sigmar and Morr that the majority of the slain were of the latter, and not the former.

    After four weeks of bloodshed, the Invader Army had finally backed off, no longer willing to throw their men into the meat grinder that were the Imperial Iron Companies. Erhardt had been in the thick of the fighting for most of the siege, and his formerly pristine armor, was dented, and covered in blood, both his enemies, and his own.

    Erhardt was tall for a young man, and athletic, though he had yet to fill out in certain places. He had inherited the strong jaw of his father's family, and the aquiline nose of his mother. A scar in the corner of his mouth, earned in a fight against a drunken Estalian Prince, made it seem as if he was constantly smirking. He was dressed in black armor, decorated with symbols of both Sigmar and Morr. Many raised an eyebrow at his choice of patron deities, but he paid them no mind. Though it was in Sigmar's name he fought, he, like every other man, was destined for Morr's Garden.

    As he continued to survey the field, his mind went back to the days before the Gate appeared, before an unknown foe had invaded the lands of his ancestors, burning and pillaging on a direct course to Ubersreik, before the Emperor Karl Franz and a coalition army of Empire Provinces had broken the invading army, scattered them to the four winds, and had themselves marched through the Gate.

    On the other side, they had discovered a whole new world, one similar to, yet different from the Old World of their birth. The Gate was the only way to and from the Old World, and it was in the best interests of the Empire to insure that the invaders could not regain it. Therefore, the Emperor had ordered the construction of defenses all across the hill, and had shipped in expensive dwarfen builders to oversee the work. After a month of building, impressive wood and stone fortifications were erected on the hill, surrounding the Gate, allowing for only one way in or out.

    No sooner had the fortifications been completed than the invaders came again.

    The Empire army had the high ground, fortifications, and the might of the Iron Companies.

    The enemy had numbers though, and for every Empire man, the foe had ten more.

    What followed was the greatest industrialized slaughter of human beings that Erhardt had ever seen. He was no stranger to war; when one was a Prince of Altdorf, you had to fight beastmen, greenskins, the occasional undead, and all other manner of mutant and monsters.

    Still though, the foe Erhardt was fighting were not monsters, mutants, corpse, or follower of the dark gods; they were simply men, and it seemed wrong to Erhardt that they had to kill one another.

    However, they threatened his home, and for the defense of his ancestral homeland, he would kill as many of the invaders as necessary.

    And he did. Following the orders of his superiors, he commanded a company of halberdiers, and with them, he fought on the walls, on the ground, the gatehouses, and, when the situation called for it, he mounted his horse, and charged into the enemy's ranks.

    Finally, after four weeks of battle, the enemy left, having been bloodied to the point of near defeat.

    It was thanks only to the Dawi's skill as builders, the Emperor's strategic brilliance, and the Empire's control of the Gate, allowing them to send fresh men and a stream of supplies that victory was achieved.

    Now, Erhardt was put in charge of overseeing the recovery the Empire's dead from the field. He had spent the past weeks barely sleeping, constantly fighting, and it took all of his willpower to keep his body moving.

    "My Prince!"

    Erhardt turned his head to the left, and saw a knight of the Reiksguard ride up to him.

    "Yes, what is it?" Erhardt asked, curtly.

    "The Emperor demands your presence in the Keep, at once."

    "Well, I would be a poor son to keep my father and emperor waiting." Erhardt said to the knight, before turning his gaze to his company, "Captain Klaus!"

    "Yes My Lord?" a grizzled soldier, with a beard and an eyepatch over his left eye answered from a few yards away.

    "The Emperor desires my presence in the Keep. You will take over our job in my stead until my return."

    "Understood My Lord." Klaus nodded.

    "Well then," Erhardt said, turning his horse around and making for the direction of the fort, "Let us see what my father wants."

    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
    Glitchrr36, Mike5320, ttw1 and 195 others like this.
  2. pattontank12

    pattontank12 Tear it down all of it, so we can start over

    And watched:D
    Damar and TimeForced like this.
  3. Watched!
  4. Ataximander

    Ataximander Revels in infliction of well-deserved cruelty

    Watched with utmost anticipation.
  5. Thank you
    I have been waiting for this type of crossover ever since Gate came out!
  6. Great idea. Can't wait to see where this goes.
  7. Question
    Will we see the warhammer gods interact with the gate gods?
    How will they interact?
  8. Emeroy will shit itself when it comes face to face with Khorne, Khaine, Sigmar or Ulric. Not to mention Gork and Mork. Or is that Mork and Gork?
  9. I think it was gorkamorka. Or maybe I wrong and it actually Gork and Mork?
    Anyway I wonder what going to be Hardy's reaction when she realizes the full extent of the hell she actually unleashed on falmart.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
  10. Chaos ahead.
    Deinokos, Kamzil118 and Koreanwriter like this.
  11. IRUn

    IRUn Flying Murder-Kittens better than Dragons

  12. By Sigmar this will be wacthed
    Haikeu and Koreanwriter like this.
  13. Kind of disappointed that the intro had to trim down the original slaughtering between the EoM and Falmarters such as territorial Beastmen tribes wrecking the latter for ignorantly entering the not-so-friendly forests and worthy mentioning of heroes such as Balthazar Gelt throwing in their cards on the invaders.

    Really interested to see the hands down of Old World "generosity" towards the Falmarters.
  14. IRUn

    IRUn Flying Murder-Kittens better than Dragons

    That'll be elaborated on in later installments.
  15. so having never watched /read Gate, how does warhammer magic compare to Gate magic?
    Lord of the rings likes this.
  16. Arcman

    Arcman Curse You, Being X! Amicus

    I assume this takes place after the Storm of Chaos, right?
    Damar and Ezra like this.
  17. ShogunTrooper

    ShogunTrooper Even if defeat seems certain, Retaliate.

  18. IRUn

    IRUn Flying Murder-Kittens better than Dragons

    Before, actually.
  19. Arcman

    Arcman Curse You, Being X! Amicus

    Oh, oh dear.
    TheStrategist, Clappie, Damar and 2 others like this.
  20. The magic depicted in Falmart shows that learning it takes decades to master despite how powerful it is. So, the Empire of Falmart looked down on magic for being too limited and prefer on what they have for "advance" weapons. But the real potential in Falmart magic is how the user learns, such as Lelei reading about a book of physics and realized the new ideas and incorporated into her skills which makes it much easier.

    The big difference between it and the Winds of Magics is that there is no corruption involve and there hasn't been any account of Falmart wizards going mad and turned into a raving cultist. Now it depends on how the Forces of Chaos enters into the picture...
  21. Arcman

    Arcman Curse You, Being X! Amicus

    Hmm, considering the Gate is a giant doorway between the two worlds, are the Winds of Magic blowing into Falmart, IRUn?
  22. IRUn

    IRUn Flying Murder-Kittens better than Dragons

  23. Z000

    Z000 going mad from boredom

    Gate magic is typical fantasy magic
    take but load of time to learn, accessible to pretty much any one that have the patience and can be enhance by learning about how physic work

    basically the opposite of WH magic which take power from the warp and then use it to alter reality to cause the effect and that only certain people are born with the ability to use it
  24. PsyckoSama

    PsyckoSama Bernie Would Have Won

    I say this as a total fan of WHF when I say this... stop wanking.
  25. 고준혁

    고준혁 useofstrike32

    It probably needs time to build up before anything worse can happen
    Koreanwriter likes this.