We live in a meritocracy. Every single decision you make should be one that involves turning a profit. Surely you would be rich if you would do that. If you do not, you are a failure.
STEM is the only logical career choice. Being good at anything else or having any interest in life other than providing value to a corporation is illogical. If you are not a worker bee producing code for a tech corporation, you are a failure.
It's just words on a screen. You can turn off your screen and walk away and concede every part of the internet that harasses you. If you do not, you are a failure.
You can theoretically live like a monk and have no hobbies or interests of any kind and save up money from very low income that way. If you want to live for anything but your shitty job, you are a failure.
Addictions are in the mind. If you can not stop that addiction instantly, you are a failure.
A human female will always give you sex if you press the right buttons. There is no way you aren't her type, and friendship is a lie and means you are a failure. If you don't dreadgame and neg your way to sex with every female you communicate with, you are a failure.
All foods are equal. Calories in calories out. Foods that are more satisfying and cause a sense of fullness are irrelevant. If you have a problem when eating food that gives no sense of fullness and is calorie-rich, you are a failure.
Reddit is obsessed with porn. But also has a massive NoFap cult. If you watch porn and constantly talk about sex, but then fail to abstain from masturbating, you are a failure.
Reddit's dads kicked Redditor's asses all the time, and they turned out FINE. If you disagree, your parents must have been weak and coddling and didn't beat you, or you were too weak to glorify the child abuse, so you must be a failure.
PTSD is in the mind, therefore it does not exist. If you have emotional or memory triggers, you are a failure. And worse than that. You are the primary target of whatever disease infected Reddit since attack helicopter memes flew in.
[–]AbbaTheHorse 20 ポイント21 ポイント22 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Kagyaguy [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]lazyycalm [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]dlgn13 [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)