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/loli/ - Lolis

Lolis are Love, Lolis are Life


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File: 1442667506472.jpg (1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Untitled-3-1 copy.jpg)

a9b525 No.28831

This is a new thread for this Project https://8ch.net/loli/res/4077.html

I am starting a new thread for it since the old one is filled to the brim with old information no longer relevant to the original project.

In this game you take on the role of a guy in his early twenties. He is a real looser and he recently got out of jail after spending a few months there for breaking an entering. While in prison he became friends with his cellmate, a man named Ed. Ed is a filmmaker of the erotic variety.

The story begins with the Protagonist moving in to his parents old house in the town he grew up Grimwood. He has to step on eggshells around people as a simple phone call would get him sent back to jail.

Girl Bio's coming soon.

Ps: Background is placeholder from a VN resource pack.

a9b525 No.28869

File: 1442677738306.jpg (454.38 KB, 432x1496, 54:187, niceGirl.jpg)

I saw this outfit in this thread https://8ch.net/loli/res/28798.html and I love it. I have decided to add it to the game in one of the scenes. Feel free to show me more designs like this if you think it would fit the game.

Witch one of the girls do you think should wear it?

6eeb56 No.28910

File: 1442748710686.png (4.26 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, stronger outline.png)

Small suggestion, but I reckon it might help if you gave the girls a bit more of an outline to help them stand out from the background.

I used the png of Kira you posted in the previous thread to demonstrate.

a9b525 No.28929


Good suggestion I will do that :)

I should mention these are design sprites and are not final. I am going to update Mandolyn's outfit a bit for one. Its a bit visually uninteresting.

b0c600 No.28931


More detail on the new girls' respective personalities might help with such decisions, though personally I like the idea of the red-head being the BDSMy one, based on my own preferences.

7e5780 No.28957


Second from left's face needs some work. The eyes don't look like they're aligned properly. All of the girls appear very two dimensional in a bit of a bad way as well. Could be the result of extremely contrasting styles between them and that background though.

Just my opinion.

a9b525 No.28959


Personalities are being written on bio cards as we speak.


All character sprites are made for design purposes and will not be in the final game.

They will all be translated in to cell shaded 3D characters. But I am very picky on how they look and have been working on this for a very long time. I am looking forward to showing it but I will wait until I am

5e0867 No.28993


Keep on keeping, man. Redhead girl a best, by the way.

f3e833 No.28997


So you're pretty much doing an Unteralterbach sort of game with better art?

7e5780 No.29009


>better art

Unteralterbach wasn't about raping or killing either. Only similarity is the inclusion of loli from the sound of things.

a9b525 No.29014


Unteralterbach is a lighthearted funny loli game with loads of social satire.

This game is about being a horrible person to innocent people. Killing is optional tough ^^


Yes ^^

fe8830 No.29015

File: 1442921491729.jpg (34.42 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Why-icon1.jpg)

>make loli game

>you rape the lolis

a9b525 No.29018


Because there really isn't something like this out there. Hentai and games are about living out fantasies you can never do in real life.

So for us sadists this is something we have wanted for a long time. I have no intention of making a game for everyone as I originally did as it ended up burning me out for a long time on the project.

There might be one loli you can actually be romantic with in the game but I am not telling witch one ;)

f3e833 No.29028



Wow, fuck you.

a9b525 No.29032


I take it you do not approve :P

cfd43c No.29047


It amuses me that there are people who visit loli boards and still pass judgement onto other people's preferences in drawn arts

d842b8 No.29049


I can agree, if you don't want to view at it then just hide the thread.

e2b044 No.29050


It amazes me how sensitive edgyfag are.

5e0867 No.29056


So, you come as a user to a board dedicated to loli, and then you judge others. Come on, onii-chan, stop being such a twatty little one.


Some people like things you do not. You just gotta live with it.

e2b044 No.29098


I agree, that's why I called you sensitive, hypocrite. He doesn't like what you like, now you're crying about "being judged".

a9b525 No.29106

No need to dedicate any time to this you should see some of the threats I've gotten on e-mail XD

It honestly is just amusing to me. I have a cruelty art fetish. I do not promote doing this in real life. I am however a big believer in expressing yourself trough creativity.

5e0867 No.29115

File: 1443035659272.png (72.16 KB, 211x244, 211:244, register you as.png)


So someone sees a thread they dont like, and instead of just hiding it because it breaks no rules, he has to go in and start whining about it. And somehow, calling that out is being a sensitive hypocrite.

Nah, someone else is the one that has to live with people liking something they don't.

e2b044 No.29125

File: 1443047032514.png (10.14 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1411412125289.png)


Yep, you are crying over his crying and judging him because he's "judging you", instead of just ignoring his post you start whining about it while bitching about him whining. You are doing the same as him while chastising him for it, like a hypocrite. Sensitive edgyfags are so retarded, it's expected though, your edgy stems from autism after all.

a9b525 No.29152


Is playing games where you shoot people in the head healthy?

Most people fantasies about killing people, but instead they go play a game like call of duty or Mortal Kombat.

And Loli is not child porn. Most of us are only attracted to the drawn loli with adolescent features and make no real connection to the real thing.

And in no way do I condone or preach for anyone to emulate my game the same way a creator of shooting games do not condone or preach for people to go on killing sprees.

I have in fact stated this several times ;)

Have a wonderful day.

7e5780 No.29154


I gotta say, I have zero interest in cruelty as a fetish, so while your project is interesting to me purely from the western h-game standpoint, I probably won't be able to stomach it. That said, draw what makes you happy and don't let anyone's shit fits sway you. We all have our kinks, some are just more accepted than others.

c3e669 No.29196

what happened with SR-18? And who is the new artist?

8a90be No.29207

I'm not so much a fan of violence as manipulation. Will there be a manipulative path, or will it just be violence?

a9b525 No.29236


The people who have been working on the art including SR-18 have only been commissioned to do character design. And I do not think the artist who did the new designs wants me to post their name.


Violence is usually optional, For some scenarios its the only way but then you can just skip it. There is also extortion, drugs and a straight up classic ticking the girl in to participating ^^

There are several scenes with each girl, and some with more then one at the same time.

I am working with an artist who is translating the designs in to toon shaded 3D models. But we will only use them if they are of good enough quality.

5391d5 No.29240

This game will never happen but you assholes keep dragging it teasing us with it.

005990 No.29291

I beat you have a disturbing mind. Like you probably laugh at children crying, hurting, dying and anything else bad. I bet you laugh every time you watch a commercial about children having cancer. We all have our personal thoughts no judgement here.

a9b525 No.29296


Please understand a project like this takes time considering we are very few people and I can only work on this when I am home alone and not working.


I really don't man, believe it or not but I am actually a really nice person in real life :p

I just enjoy fictional sadism stories.

6b76f5 No.29304

>>29296 I certainly don't think you have to be twisted to make a game like this.

People like you (and me) are probably just hardcore progressives. From the sound of it you're making this cause you think it needs to exist.

f07200 No.29325

I personally can't wait for this game.

Don't let the spergs keep you down m8.

67efa5 No.29331

File: 1443285846538.jpg (57.65 KB, 504x398, 252:199, 1441335831291-2.jpg)

How violent is this gonna be? I don't mind a little rape and minor beatings, but can't fap to more intense guro stuff. If there is gore, is it optional routes?

7e5780 No.29412


I think you do. Whether or not you act on it in real life is another matter.

e2b044 No.29415


Yes you do have to be.

>hardcore progressives

Nice fedora.

a9b525 No.29417

File: 1443391285934-0.jpg (483.81 KB, 763x1000, 763:1000, 16515852_p2.jpg)

File: 1443391285935-1.jpg (524.58 KB, 1000x724, 250:181, 16515852_p3.jpg)

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File: 1443391285935-4.jpg (550.28 KB, 1000x708, 250:177, 41305509_p1_master1200.jpg)


There will be no intestice or things like that. There will be some Blood and cutting icluded some images that we use as inspiration for this project ;)

But the violent content can be avoided 100% when give choices in the game it will be quite obvious where options will lead the story.


Lol not sure if I would call myself that ^^

00d538 No.29425

Cruelty isn't really my thing, but this does look interesting and I'll definitely give it a try when it's out.

Don't let the moralfags get to you.

c3e669 No.29469


But where do I find new art by SR-18? after hentai-foundry made this no-loli ban I have no clue where to find his newest art, if he ever does some.

549ece No.29685

While I'm not fond of cruelty, i don't mind rape as long its not too extreme. And I dislike gore/death in a porn game.

Still want to this VN finished. When will this be finished? Next year?

02b268 No.30483


I look forward to it. Here's hoping there's some fun shit in there. Like burning fingertips and drowning.

6fc5d1 No.30485

File: 1444974751630-0.jpg (1.04 MB, 1251x1850, 1251:1850, 15_002.jpg)

File: 1444974751631-1.jpg (853.04 KB, 1259x1850, 1259:1850, 15_005.jpg)

File: 1444974751631-2.jpg (866.7 KB, 1251x1850, 1251:1850, 15_011.jpg)

File: 1444974751632-3.jpg (892.95 KB, 1248x1850, 624:925, 15_015.jpg)


I see you took liking to Okina artwork. If i had to pick one loli-rape artist it would definitely be him. It's a miracle that someone like him exist in this world and is able to share his art freely.

Have you read Kawady MAX "Sexually tortured girls"? It's an essential.


(here's a link to full book, there are translated chapters on this website too).

Couple of examples

c89b16 No.30526


I do love that one, though I've only ever seen it start at #2. Does #1 exist anywhere?

cbcfff No.30675


I like the current designs, any place you can sign up, help and give critique that isn't on 8chan?

I am particularly fond of the red haired and the black girl.


You mention that the violent content can be avoided, by what extent do the "violence" extend? As in what are the bare maximum sort of content you can expect to see if you avoid all the violent scenes?

Lastly, I look forward too seeing the personality traits.

a9b525 No.30676

File: 1445367842202-0.png (911.68 KB, 1059x864, 353:288, Gina_Bio.png)

File: 1445367842203-1.png (933.59 KB, 1059x864, 353:288, Kira_Bio.png)

File: 1445367842203-2.png (925.04 KB, 1059x864, 353:288, Lillian_Bio.png)

File: 1445367842204-3.png (952.06 KB, 1059x864, 353:288, Lillith_Bio.png)

File: 1445367842204-4.png (912.13 KB, 1059x864, 353:288, Mandolyn_Bio.png)


Yes I've seen some of this, a lot of good stuff :)


I don't have any other place to talk on other then 8chan right now or maybe my Deviant page http://cruel-cherry.deviantart.com/

The idea is the game will branch in to two in the middle based on choices you made. If you picked a lot of violence the end of the game will have sexual torture ETC. (No decapitasion, no guts)

If you play without violence there is a ending for that to.

Still working on the script :)

a9b525 No.30677

File: 1445367915156-0.png (203.32 KB, 547x1042, 547:1042, Kira_C2.png)

File: 1445367915156-1.png (863.34 KB, 2025x3037, 2025:3037, Kira_C.png)

File: 1445367915156-2.png (692.49 KB, 2025x3037, 2025:3037, Kira_N.png)


The 3 states for Kira ;)

0d3274 No.30679


If there will be any sort of tickling thrown in, Mandolyn just looks like she deserves it.

a9b525 No.30680


No sorry nothing like that.

9b7797 No.30692

You're doing gods work. If you've got any kind of email list with progress updates I'll gladly sign up. For now I'll be watching threads. Got an ETA on the game?

7e5780 No.30697


Bit of an interesting coincidence in that Lillian and Lillith are very similar to the twins (though not identical) I've been creating for my own project, both in terms of personality and appearance. Lillian even has the completely swept back hair thing going for her, which is pretty rare for a heroine. Guess perverse minds think alike.

Looking forward to seeing how these girls look in that 3D cell shaded style you mentioned.

a9b525 No.30702


Sorry no ETA its hard to find time for the project with a house full of family members :)

d66ed7 No.30703

File: 1445425227005.jpg (387.28 KB, 768x1095, 256:365, po_01.jpg)


>In this game you take on the role of a guy in his early twenties. He is a real looser and he recently got out of jail after spending a few months there for breaking an entering. While in prison he became friends with his cellmate, a man named Ed. Ed is a filmmaker of the erotic variety.

Let me guess the general plot: The player ('Ed')'s mission is to meet, and as the game develops fuck each of these girls. Then make porn videos of each of them.

Going from one girl to the next.


In https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popotan that is the story, the difference in that one is only one of the girls is a loli

In this doujin based on that game the guy 'Chris' is the player's character. In the game 'Chris' not only fucks the three sisters and the maid, he also fucks three other girls.

Been theredone thatit was a decent game

ad1751 No.30705


Does he torture them in that game?

d66ed7 No.30706

File: 1445431332279.jpg (123.09 KB, 800x600, 4:3, kon05a.jpg)


Nope, the player character doesn't torture, cut up or snuff anyone.

There is one rape, but the player isn't the one who does it.

Happens at the beginning of the game/story. Gets the whole plot ball rolling.

a9b525 No.30717


Making a video is only one of the scenes. There are more scenes with the same girls that go different based on in game choices.

I put a lot of focus on a interactive story :)

Ed is a side character who's main purpose is to unlock group scenes ;)

50cf9e No.30737

I don't know how old this is or if its nonactive all together but i'm hoping this is still active how far is this project is cause I want to play it.

0d3274 No.30743


Well that's no fun. Oh well, best of luck.

147ecc No.30751

To be honest, I liked the art style better when it resembled good ol' sr-18 more.

7e5780 No.30764


Neither of them look good from a quality standpoint, but this one at least isn't a complete boner killer.

Not that it's relevant either way. They mentioned above that it's all going to be 3D.

0d3274 No.30772


That's a shame. Some good dialogue could come from the torture aspect from that.

79f5fd No.30781



>not good

Eat shit and die, you double nigger.

7e5780 No.30782


I'll settle for ok at best.

db9bf4 No.30840

hope it works out and doesnt become just another dead project.

i probably wont play it though, as i prefer it if[spoiler] the lolis are the ones that rape you.

79f5fd No.30943


Why did you sage then, you dumbass?

db9bf4 No.30957


its on the first page anyway, and this is a slow board.

a9b525 No.31003



This is still very much active ;)


Its a bit to nice :P

We are currently updating some designs.

The script is now 25% done.

a9b525 No.31073

File: 1446017107452.png (488.51 KB, 1133x2181, 1133:2181, Jinxy_C.png)

The final character enters the ring.

She is 12, is a wannabee vampire and has a bit of an eating disorder.

Gina is being redrawn by a professional artist before she makes the transition to 3D look for it ;)

6955e9 No.31082

It is written with that program?

7e5780 No.31107


Are you the one who's going to be writing this thing?

78b194 No.31120

So is this the place to put works.

a9b525 No.31129


I don't understand the question?


I am writing an outline of it. So I am basically writing the story. But after I've written a native English speakers is going over it all and fixing spelling and grammar.


Yes this is currently the main place I put updates.

0d3274 No.31234



>A bit too nice

Involuntary laughter that doesn't stop despite pleading is just as bad as any other form of torture. The difference is that tickling is much more psyche intensive and emotionally anguishing. It's more harsh than you're giving her credit for.

e7c253 No.31239


boobs look a bit big

f64ab2 No.31241

File: 1446232840435.jpg (73.21 KB, 334x302, 167:151, concerned.jpg)


Well, he did say she had an eating disorder, so that may be her ribs…

0d3274 No.31297


If only. There's nothing better than mindbreaking a bully, and when it comes to that, pleasure > pain.

TL;DR, I like the way you think, anon. Too bad it probably won't happen though.

a9b525 No.31302

File: 1446303989982-0.gif (272.27 KB, 216x275, 216:275, 0a903b0cf24b1a985f962d3c7b….gif)

File: 1446303989983-1.gif (6.13 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1c8de1f32ef413a899f22d0b4d….gif)

File: 1446303989983-2.jpg (659.27 KB, 1598x940, 17:10, 550e4a42f927eb1310ce0ad31e….jpg)

File: 1446303989984-3.jpg (387.93 KB, 1400x1014, 700:507, aa6891e7fc4bf6dd8fbf57da5d….jpg)

File: 1446303989985-4.jpeg (226.77 KB, 1000x708, 250:177, dd2d5984724c923be7bb2ce9b….jpeg)


That might be but places like deviantart and other art sites are already filled with tickle artwork. It doesn't really fit the themes in this story.


Yes they do I agree. will fix that ^^


There are other ways to brake a bully :)

5319e1 No.31334


And how is that any different from your post?

e2b044 No.31335


Me pointing out his hypocrisy is not even close to his hypocrisy. Are you so mad you have to respond to a month old post?

0f1a54 No.31368

File: 1446356964104.png (127.87 KB, 267x400, 267:400, 1442012209520.png)

I like your idea for the game, but I hope you keep to what you said earlier in the thread and keep extreme scenes separate, so that others can enjoy your work as well.

I'm also gunna have to agree with the other guy and say tickling is a form of torture, could also be a way of bridging the gap between the two audiences that you'll have to keep in mind, the ones who are extreme and those who are not.

Also, Mandolyn, that's totally Mandy from Billy and Mandy, nice touch.

7e5780 No.31445


It's exactly the same.

e2b044 No.31453


No it's not. Typical edgy autism at work, can't even understand hypocrisy.

0d3274 No.31456


So much this. Having options would be so much more interesting.


If it takes too much effort, then one neat thing to do would be to pump out one of the scenarios as a trial, gain more of a following, then take in some more scenario writers. This could be interesting with multiple spectrums; otherwise it's just a nukige with lots of text.

18c0f6 No.31509

File: 1446684844086.jpg (1.46 MB, 1095x1600, 219:320, 04_01.jpg)


Full comic is called Milk System if you were curious. LWB release.

5d5ed2 No.32050

File: 1447561418211-0.jpeg (538.58 KB, 1356x1356, 1:1, Cute.jpeg)

File: 1447561418212-1.jpeg (540.88 KB, 1356x1356, 1:1, Brat.jpeg)

File: 1447561418212-2.jpeg (555.99 KB, 1356x1356, 1:1, Angel.jpeg)

File: 1447561418212-3.jpeg (564.36 KB, 1356x1356, 1:1, Shy.jpeg)

db7379 No.32070


All extreme scenes are assessed by choice and it will be very obvious when you pick them.


A: Fuck her.

B: Rape her with the knife.

If you do not understand witch one of these are extreme then I can not help you :P

And yes that character is a Mandy parody character :)


Fun comic :)


These are all the same model :P

7bcb15 No.32104


i know its impossible to have a ETA at this stage but what do you imagine it may roughly be like?

few months, a year, couple years?

will there be a demo/early version before release?

d624f9 No.32105


Got a link? I know im an idiot but I couldnt find it on the LWB site

db7379 No.32667

File: 1448362737918-0.jpg (182.62 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, Teacher girl.jpg)

File: 1448362737918-1.png (1.47 MB, 1924x2668, 481:667, gina_by_mzzazn-d9h2j3b.png)


Still hard to figure out, I spent so long on the script and I have thrown it out so many times and started over :P

I have added in a 19 year old sister based on this old design I had made back when there where way to many characters :P

And here is a different image of Gina :)

But I think this is the last artist I will hire. the next image is the actual in game look the characters will have ^^

510cbe No.32695


whoa, i remember drawing this commission, had no idea it was for a lolicon game.

db7379 No.32744


Hi NB, what do you think of loli content?

Still super happy with the commissions you did ^^

14a7e6 No.32750


I am glad to hear you have high standards for the script. It is the most important part of a game like this.

82a5f1 No.32753


No it isn't. Who cares about a script if the graphics are bad?

7e5780 No.32755


Normally I would agree, but this is going to be a nukige. The script may as well be one giant sex scene full of moans and grunting.

ec0b76 No.32783


Shut up liar. If some requested something you didn't like you would be the first in the thread throwing a fit and calling them edgy.

ec0b76 No.32784


Hurry up and finish the game!!!!

4b5150 No.32791


What? How can you say something like this without any evidence? I'm very tolerant of whatever fetishes people might have, i just don't comment if i don't like it. Scat, furry, shota, ponies whatever the fuck. What is it to me?

14a7e6 No.32806



If the script doesn't matter, then this is basically a porn slideshow. A good script adds a depth and makes the game 10x more enjoyable.

7e5780 No.32814


>a porn slideshow

That is indeed what nukiges are. I advise you don't get your hopes up for dialogue that does anything outside of delivering and augmenting the sex.

I could always be wrong, but seriously, this is a game about torturing and raping lolis. It's not going to be winning any Newbery Medals.

b9e98b No.32864


You sound fucking stupid. This is porn.

b9e98b No.32865


You have posted calling people edgy fag so quit pretending liar

510cbe No.32894

File: 1448681668797.png (282.73 KB, 774x979, 774:979, oni loli wip..png)


im glad your satisfied with the outcome, you gave me a lot to work on!

As for my stance on lolicon : in the end, its just lines on paper, or just pixels on a screen depicting fictionalized characters. Its not my thing and i dont feel comfortable drawing it, but it certainly shouldn't be something illegal.

i had too many friends do lolicon content that got in trouble with work or ended up getting fired. some even getting into some legal trouble.

so really, theres high risk, low reward.

sorry for the wall of text, but have a loli oni i happen to be working on.

70c571 No.33735

Do you have a patreon?

8ea530 No.33751

>Smallest girl is black

Do not want.

0752cf No.33755


Will you be able to get any of them to assist you in raping the other lolis?

9e82ed No.33764


What about Sita's bio?

77654b No.33782

File: 1449848374938.jpg (857.69 KB, 240x228, 20:19, ugh.jpg)


>wanting to fuck a negress

e2b044 No.33784


Nah he's right, it's not about race, nigger lolis are ugly. But then again with this shitty art and setting so are all of them.

db7379 No.33786


I do :)


There is another small girl being developed and she's not :P


Yes that is a big part of the story :)


Its coming soon, its still being developed :)

After a lot of feedback and requests I have now made this Patreon page for you wonderful people that want's to support this project.


a18799 No.33794


spelling check

>>Ad a character.

add a character

db7379 No.33795


Thank you :)

f269dd No.33819

File: 1449895791851.jpg (746.3 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, dinosfungames04.jpg)


Dino Velvet a similar outfit in the comic at the top of this page


f269dd No.33820

File: 1449896571967.jpg (202.49 KB, 1200x960, 5:4, 093_rz093.jpg)


although not loli, the outfit in this comic from Paper mania looks similar:


f269dd No.33821

File: 1449896839875.jpg (193.02 KB, 1024x1280, 4:5, SaHa_Aya_29.jpg)


Same outfit same artist, but different comic:


fd2111 No.33832

File: 1449916686539.jpg (576.03 KB, 2429x2341, 2429:2341, 1445032277415.jpg)


>game about raping and torturing little girls


shit wont last a month

patreon is sjw haven

3859b6 No.33844


If you need cash for art, why not just openly list characters you need designed? There's no problem commisioning artists, but people are skeptic to the idea of middlemen, especially given the subject concerned.

Some folks have also voiced mixed feelings about this, given that you weren't initially open about all art being commisioned, until called out.

On the other hand, if this ever goes somewhere, it would be somewhat ground breaking, as it would be first game designed with online hired labour (thus proving such a thing is possible).

7e5780 No.33849


If Breeding Season and other deviant games can not only stay up, but make a ton of money, I think this has a chance. I'd be very cautious about what kind of information one should divulge on there though.

I'll be keeping a close eye on it because if it is allowed to stay up and be successful then I'll have no problems starting up a patreon for my own project.

db7379 No.33854



The artist Temon exclusively work on loli rape art and he has been on patreon a while now :) https://www.patreon.com/temon?ty=h


Very soon, I have a proper writer now working with me and the first character sprites and screens will be up early January :)


I do not need support to hire artists to make the game for me, I need it to hire music makers and 2D concept people. I hire the artist that have worked on this project mainly because I do not like making people work for free. I will eventually save up and hire them but support like this will help things go faster. (at this point its mainly music that remains tough)

> Some folks have also voiced mixed feelings about this, given that you weren't initially open about all art being commissioned, until called out.

I told people from post one the concept art I showed was commissioned, have a look https://8ch.net/loli/res/4077.html but I understand its information can be lost when threads run for this long.

The main reason for opening the Patreon was people that voiced an interest in supporting the project.

Note I am making the artwork and scripting this game myself, I have to this point been hiring 2D people to help me out with designs, and a writer with good command of story telling working off my outline. I am a 3D artist by trade and I am making the graphics in a anime 2D shaded style. It is very important to me that it looks right and I have been reluctant to show wip images yet but I will real soon.

7e5780 No.33988


Did you take your patreon down?

34f498 No.34174

File: 1450551464370.jpg (47.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, eisq.jpg)


>called it >>33832


431c13 No.34176


Maybe if someone reported it. It's not actually easy to delete patreon accounts, there are plenty of loli artists out there, there are also guro artists. You just can't host it on patreon servers, but nobody does anyway since it's easy to pledge\cancel pledge to see posts on patreon and get stuff for free. Until Cruel-cherry speaks my bet would be that he deleted it himself.

db7379 No.34259

File: 1450687809250.jpg (208.29 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 007.tex.jpg)


I find Ben Affleck triggering :P

>>33988 >>34176

I took the page down. I only put it up out of peoples requests. But I have decided to do this myself as I originally intended in the first place.

cb8562 No.34344

You're going to be able to fuck the littlest brown girl, right?

and the other small girl that isn't brown, I hope.

The world needs more TC. Jus' sayin.

f144fd No.34357


10 bucks say the last girl Mandolyn or what ever

like to get dominated / is actually a masochist

f144fd No.34358


keep it 2d faggot

23c979 No.34424


Yes they are both TC characters between 3 and 4 and they can be fucked on the same level as the rest of the cast.




I like Dino Velvet :P, but I am going for a very different style :D

db7379 No.35138

Hey guys!

Hopefully by the end of this month or early February I will release a playable version of the game intro. The art will be temporary, and it will only be put up here so people can test it ^^

I am also asking you guys for fun ideas for things to hide in the background. Like posters etc…

There is a bus stop early in game with a poster on the side and I am wondering what fun thing I can put there :)

379891 No.35169


What about a lolicon meme like pomf?

Pomf Energy Drink(TM)

7e5780 No.35170


How about something original and erotic that ties in with the rest of your game?

379891 No.35171


It's gotta be memes man, memes all around.

Geiger Counter is another one, and loosely ties into the main themes. In fact, I believe that one of the pages in that manga/doujin show a list of all the items that the rapist used. There could be a single poster for every individual item.

e1351c No.35173

File: 1452342021436.jpg (560.78 KB, 1250x1750, 5:7, Tara inspiration.jpg)


maybe put in some innuendo to actual cp. You know… A little girl that was raped by her dad or something. Like Tara or Babyj. Something like that if you know that stuff (wich I assume) ;)

But the Geiger counter thing sounds hot too. Loved that doujin and how the guy raped that worthless childwhore with all the girly stuff around her while she was gagged and cried. God I need your game so bad. Looking forward to it

7e5780 No.35174


Fuck off

db7379 No.35177


Sorry I do not know it?


The posters them selves should not be erotic, as i want the world to seem believable to a certain extent. But more in the line of innuendo, or perhaps even movie parody :)


I am open to adding some memes I should just mention I am not very knowledgeable about such things :)

Thank you a ton for telling me about Geiger Counter to man. I had not read it and it was very much fun :)


I will not add references to any real life sex crimes or people.

I should say ones again this is a work of pure fiction and I do not endorse this type of thing in real life at all.

7841c2 No.35179


>Thank you a ton for telling me about Geiger Counter

What? In the previous thread where i made two posts with artists and links i linked you to Quzilax, haha. It's an essential.

>I do not endorse this type of thing in real life at all

What about references to nn child models like in UAB?

379891 No.35180


http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pomf-3 - rough description of pomf.

379891 No.35182


Also, speaking of Quizlax: You could have in the background, 2 dead guys in a car from the ending of tomodachi.

db7379 No.35183


I love UAB and it is one of my main inspirations. But I think I will avoid any references to real people at all. I can reference characters people have played tough if the actors are currently of legal age.

Lolicon is legal in my country as long its not based on real kids, so I am just staying safe ^^


Yes I can see a good joke be made with that ^^


Sorry must have forgotten but thank you for reminding me :)

I might make some references to loli manga I like ^^

379891 No.35184


>I might make some references to loli manga I like ^^

Yeah, someone like me would eat that stuff up.

If I think of anymore, I'll post it here

7841c2 No.35189


Lolicon is not legal at all in Germany, yet UAB happened. Truly heroes we deserve. But i completely understand trying to stay on the safer side. After all the only reason UAB even referenced real lolis is because it was made for krautchan pedophiles and their memefied 3D lolis like Lera and Mara, and i assume you're just into lolicon. It would be weird to force yourself to do something like that.

fc4a8f No.35210


How can you into lolicon but not know what pomf is?

What are we gonna do on the bed? You've never read Light of Tsukimi Manor?

db7379 No.35216


Cool :)


Yes I only like lolicon on the extreme side :)

My fetishes of this type dose not translate over to real life ^^


I am not very active in online communities, this is really the first erotic project I have ever done.

I have a semi a-social personalty but I like speaking to people about things I like ^^

I checked out the Manga you mentioned and it not what I normally read but the artwork was good ^^

d66ed7 No.35218

File: 1452433714545.png (310.62 KB, 1130x1600, 113:160, PomfItaliano.png)


kym claims the origin is halfchan.

lol no: http://hayamakotono.lolis.net/

379891 No.35221


Yeah, I don't really trust kym for true historical origins for memes, but I felt it was appropriate at this time just to give OP a rough idea of what it was.

d66ed7 No.35244


Search sadpanda for inuboshi, it's amazing how many languages it's been translated to.

But it was they who translated it to English and created the Pomf =3 meme.

Credit where credit is due.

8b67b2 No.35259

Is Matty gone?

2153f5 No.37461

But the real question is, can you put ears on the girls and make them furries?

6c6d47 No.37465

>makes loli game ebcause it's somethign you could do IRL

>claims pregnancy isn't realistic and doesn't happen IRL

I'm getting tired of all these "just a quick fuck and nothing else" games.

e7ea1e No.37497

Wish there was a chubby loli.

977949 No.37499

So did I just read through a large portion of this thread only to be disappointed at another dead game or is this actually going to be a thing still?

db7379 No.37607


>Is Matty gone?

No but she is not a main character :)


100% no ;)


Sorry not in this game.


No not dead. But it is taking a while. it is important for the people working on this that the story is good and the player gets a lot of different choices in how he wants to play ;)

e24018 No.37614

File: 1457488972124.png (319.8 KB, 600x530, 60:53, misery loves company.png)


I just noticed.

>"lightly candidates"

>not "likely"

Also, will there be any girl that resembles Ruby Gloom or Misery in this?

e24018 No.37615


Anon, putting ears on them doesn't make them furry. It doesn't even make them monster girls. It just makes them dorks. Though surgically exchanging normal ears for animal ears does sound like an appropriately cruel idea for a game like this, even if it apparently isn't going to happen.

55c527 No.38413

What happened to this project?

Here I leave another that is currently in development.


55c527 No.38414

File: 1458532638125.png (832.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tumblr_ntky42wJEk1sm5j66o5….png)

f7a5e0 No.38428


>tfw the dev will never add pregnancy to the game

7e5780 No.38429


Why are you shilling that shit? The guy has enough autists following it.

86ad45 No.38546


If you, or anyone else know where to find all the chapters (1 and 3 seems missing) I would very much like to know.

4050bc No.38552

Project Cherry this game is dead or it was released?

23c979 No.38644


Not planed no


Funny you should show that game, I actually did some 3D modeling for this dude ^^


No ones again not dead just slow ^^


I hired a good writer and what he delivered was gold. But sadly he stopped speaking to me about two months ago and now I am looking for a new writer.

If you are a good writer interested in writing content for this game then please tell me.

ee6eba No.38656


Where do we apply?

23c979 No.38661


To apply as writer please send samples and rates here [email protected]

db7379 No.38952


Writer is found and game is back in full production. Here are the first in game sprites :D

db7379 No.38953

File: 1459461747325-0.jpg (76.99 KB, 700x900, 7:9, mandolyn1.jpg)

File: 1459461747325-1.jpg (70.29 KB, 700x900, 7:9, mandolyn2.jpg)

File: 1459461747325-2.jpg (76.46 KB, 700x900, 7:9, mandolyn3.jpg)


Writer is found and game is back in full production. Here are the first in game sprites :D

7e5780 No.38966


I'm glad it's 2D and not 3D.

db7379 No.38974


The game is a hybrid, but like I think I have mentioned before all the 3D will look 2D ;)

The sprites are only 2D tough ;)

db7379 No.39022

File: 1459571793961.jpg (111.46 KB, 778x1000, 389:500, mandolynr.jpg)

Changed her a bit, ;)

Not going to post all the sprites just wanted to show this one :)

db7379 No.39040

File: 1459608658484-0.jpg (128.96 KB, 778x1000, 389:500, mandolynf1.jpg)

File: 1459608658484-1.jpg (122.99 KB, 778x1000, 389:500, mandolynf2.jpg)

File: 1459608658484-2.jpg (134.97 KB, 778x1000, 389:500, mandolynf3.jpg)

File: 1459608658485-3.jpg (124.1 KB, 778x1000, 389:500, mandolynf4.jpg)

Ok here are some of her final sprites.

So you guys know what to expect ;)

6eeb56 No.39077


Not bad! Seems like a more anime-esque take on the sprites of the UAB girls.

7e5780 No.39111

File: 1459681622455.png (732.11 KB, 600x1992, 25:83, Aiga a.png)


Looks like we've both got a bad tempered cross armed loli going on for our projects.

Looking forward to seeing the others!

db7379 No.39130


Nice ^^

f73f06 No.39164


Actually you got me curious. Can you tell me a bit about your game?

a54b27 No.39313

File: 1459909146810.jpg (396.78 KB, 1956x2068, 489:517, 1437162043176.jpg)



i genuinely dont know why my autism is so triggered by the suffering of fictional children

e2b044 No.39321


Got that back wards, the lack of empathy is a form of autism, which edgyfags lack. Why they are literally autistic.

f73f06 No.39329


I will consider that fan art :P


I do have empathy for real people, but I have a lot of evil toughs. By inflicting it on fictional character no one is hurt ;)

And I know I will regret saying this but I was actually diagnosed with high functioning autism as a child :P

7e5780 No.39376

File: 1459951212174.png (650.49 KB, 656x2064, 41:129, Shizuko a.png)


Sure, I don't mind.

You play as a young boy living with his family, which consists of his mom and four sisters.

The game plays in real time with you having control over where you go, who you interact with, and how. Each character has their own routine and basic needs (eating, sleeping, bathroom, etc.). Depending on where, how and when you interact with a heroine, they'll respond and react differently, enabling a diverse range of dialogue and scenes. On top of that, ever fluctuating stats and a morality system grants the player the ability to sculpt the main character and his relationship with the girls in a variety of different ways. You can choose to build up on affection for a true love run, take advantage of weaknesses for darker play, or turn the girls themselves into lustful predators through your actions and items, to name a few.

There are no linear routes or preset goals. The player is capable of determining when and how to proceed towards whatever objective they wish to pursue.

f73f06 No.39379


Sounds fun :)

Is the game 2D visual novel style or something more RPG'ish?

What program are you working in?

Is your game censored?

If yes, why?

e2b044 No.39385


Supports my statement. Real or not lack of empathy is still lack of empathy. If you truly cared not of fictional people you would be be playing a self insert game wanting to hurt them.

7e5780 No.39420


It's a blend of both and is being made using Ren'Py.

Nah, it's definitely not censored in any way. This is a huge fetish based game, censoring would completely destroy the point. I just censored that image because I haven't really formally announced anything and my current thinking is that it might be better to leave the sex/nudity as an incentive and reward for playing the game.

c800bb No.39424


So you're going with an incest vibe with this then? What's the premise of the story? What starts things off in the game?

As for the sisters, how would they vary? Age, personality, looks, ect. Are they all blood related or is there step relationships/adoption for noticeable differences?

Sounds interesting that you seem to be considering it to be open ended. Though are you considering a sort of "endgame" to keep things going after players reach the goal they are going for?

The idea overall sounds pretty interesting. Would like to follow where you go with that.

a32f39 No.39440

You got the support of 4chan and /aco/, anon. Keep with the gods work.

8b3146 No.39441



Did you draw those? If so, what do you charge for commissions, particularly for others' game projects?

29c81a No.39442

I just want you to know there are a lot of people pulling for you to succeed. A lot of positive energy heading your way. You draw and write and create, Anon. Godspeed.

db7379 No.39453


You need to understand what fantasy means. Do you think couples who role play simulated rape do not have Empathy for each other?

This is the same thing with a taboo subject, living out evil fantasies without hurting a living soul ;)


Your game sounds like a lot of fun and I would love to play it ;)




I did not draw those, they where commissioned from a good artist working with me on the game. He is open for commissions I think :)


This makes me happy to hear ;)

Let me tell you guys how the diffrent jobs are split up. I write the over all story and pregression. I then have my wonderfull writer come in and write the actuall story.

I have an artist doing the 2D for me, I do 3D art shaded as 2D for the backgrounds. I also animate a few scenes in 3D and they are then drawn over again for a more 2D look. I also do all the game scripting.

People who have followed me for a while know how important a good quality product is to me :)

d79a0d No.39454


hey mate

is your project looking for contributors? i don't draw but I can do story writing, reviewing, fix bugs and work with python in general

let me know

7e5780 No.39458


I don't think I should continue to dilute Cherrybro's thread with a completely separate project, so this should probably be my last post related to it.

They are all directly related, no ifs, ands, buts, or cop-outs. Incest is obviously a fetish of mine, but I also have another pretty huge reason for doing this that'll be revealed after the game is done. I am planning on including unrelated side characters you can hook up with, but that'll be towards the end of development. To be clear though, this is not a family of inbreds who have no qualms with fucking each other. You as the player must plant the seeds that leads to those outcomes. Or not. There's nothing forcing you, and there will be other ways to experience sex in this game without having the main make moves on his mom.

The heroines will greatly vary in personality and age, but will all share certain physical features. Side characters will vary in every way.

If you've played Artificial Academy or Artificial Girl, it will be similar to that, in that there is no main story that drives the main character or heroines and you can move about the environment and talk to girls at your leisure. The difference in this regard is that there's a far heavier focus on each character's individual personalities and actions, their history, and learning about the family and setting as a whole. I'm also planning a few twists and surprises.

Upon starting you'll go through a short intro where you'll be prompted to give the main character, and a pet dog, a name. After that you can roam about the house and do as you like. Given the freedom the player has, there will be numerous unique game overs and endings, some more avoidable/prolong-able than others. I'm designing the game with heavy replay value in mind, along with a variety of things that will carry over between playthroughs.


Thanks for the offer. I'm working alone, but my programming is fairly limited so I've been learning as I go along. Any help in that area to speed things up would be greatly appreciated.

I'm thinking of patreoning this thing once enough progress has been made and there's a demo to show off. If that proves successful I'd be more than willing to pay for assistance, so I'd be looking for skilled people who are serious about helping.

You can contact me here and we can talk things over - [email protected]

e2b044 No.39473


That changes nothing about what I said. And using some couple using roleplay is not a valid analogy.

db7379 No.39474


Then how about enjoying films like Saw?

Or is it the characters age who bothers you?

e2b044 No.39484


If you enjoy a film like saw and like seeing pain and torture then it supports my point, age is irrelevant.

db7379 No.39486


So by your definition everyone who is a fan of the horror genre is a empathy less psychopath?

You wrong mate ;)

But many of us like fantasizing about being the bad guy, the monster and using power over people who can not fight back. Those this mean we do not feel Empathy when er hear about a bombing on the news?

Or get a phone call something happened to a loved on?

Off course it doesn't!!!

A game like this dose not make you a empathy less monster any more then games makes you kill people and join the patriarchy ;)

Not going to to spend more time on this silly discussion I feel I said what I was going to.

e2b044 No.39488


Stop trying to twist words I never said a a shield. When you resort to that you are just helping me again. If you enjoy causing harm, watching harm happen with no empathy towards it or like to self insert as one causing harm (the entire premise of your little "game") you are autistic due to lack of empathy. Stop deflecting and accepts facts, "mate". It'll make you look less petty over making up things no one said.

db7379 No.39490


Did you notice all the question marks?

But in all seriousness how am I helping your argument?

By disagreeing with you?

I know I said i was done with this silly discussion but that whole "your little game" comment kind of triggered me :P

So sure lets agree half of the world are autistic empathy less psychopaths.

e2b044 No.39491


Helping me again, not being able to let things go is another sign of autism. You helped me before by putting words in my mouth, it shows you have nothing to refute with, not that you can refute facts. Also you just again did it, putting words in my mouth and using something I never said and using it as reductio ad absurdum. You can't disagree with facts, you can only look dumb by acting like they are not facts because you say so. The things I said before can be read in any psychology book or a medical book with a chapter on basic psychology. That's all there is, now watch as I do leave when there is nothing left to say, like someone who can let thongs go would do.

18026c No.39492


>not being able to let things go is another sign of autism.

Dude, why the hell are you still here?

> now watch as I do leave when there is nothing left to say, like someone who can let thongs go would do.

"I must have the last word!"

8b3146 No.39508


Who is the Artist and do you have a link handy to their site and/or commission page? I'd love to look into it and get some useful art for my lewd game

db7379 No.39533


I'm getting close to done with you :)

I am still trying to understand where I have put words in you mouth?

I first tried to explain that a person who might enjoy a fiction like this, about evil things is no different then a person who enjoys pretending to be a rapist. You did not accept that analogy so I came with another one that was basically the same one using the Saw movies (can add in "American psycho" there to). Your response to that was.

>If you enjoy a film like saw and like seeing pain and torture then it supports my point, age is irrelevant.

witch made me say

>So by your definition everyone who is a fan of the horror genre is a empathy less psychopath?

That was not me twisting your words mate. Or perhaps you should attempt to actually explain what you are saying instead of claiming I help your arguments by denying what you have said.

If you argument is that everyone that enjoys simulating hurting people are autistic and without empathy. Then you are including every fan of games like "Evil Genius" "Dungeon Keeper(where torture is a game mechanic)" and everyone who has had a evil play trough of a Bioware game and enjoyed themselves.

Is that twisting your words?

Yes I have high functioning autism I already established that, if that is your whole argument I don't know why we are fighting. But you do know several types of autism can actually gain empathy trough training and socializing trough childhood?

To use your words >not that you can refute facts

>Helping me again, not being able to let things go is another sign of autism.

This is the dumbest thing you have said so far. Everyone who doesn't automatically stop arguing has autism?

You really should "Stop helping me" :P In case you are conduced you should read this mate psychcentral (dot) com/quizzes/autism-quiz (dot) htm

What I am arguing is that having no Empathy for and even enjoying to hurt fictional characters. In essence inserting your self as the bad guy, "rape role play". Dose not extend to real life unless you are in deed a psychopath.

I do have empathy for fictional characters to mate depending on the story and the emotions it sets up for me to feel. I cried when "Spoilers" Han Solo died in the new Star Wars. It's all about imagination. You may call me a sissy bitch to but that would destroy your whole argument XD

Let me close by saying I do have the ability to understand the difference between imagination and real life. If you do not then please stay away from games so you don't start killing people and stay away from this forum so you don't start molesting kids.




You can find the artist on this site :) abusesoft (dot) tumblr (dot) com

7e5780 No.39541


Let it go bro. You get nothing out of arguing with people like them. It's not worth it.

db7379 No.39542


Yeah I said what I needed to :P

e2b044 No.39546

>the self claimed autis is samefag replying to himself

Sad. Autism speaks. Even more sad his autistic ranting still has not changed anything sad nor changes facts. Guess shouldn't expect more from them.

18026c No.39547


Even though I don't like abuse at all, I dislike you far more so I'm siding with the Cherry guy on this.

Also you said that you were leaving yet you really seem to dislike not having the last word, especially when someone calls you out on it.

If anyone is being autistic here it's you, coming back to argue even after you said you were leaving.

e2b044 No.39549


No, I said I let it go and I did. You are the only one still trying. Also a tip, when yu are trying to samefag by turning off your name change your autistic way of typing. The double space sentences are a dead give away. Stop parroting and projecting so hard, you want he last word so bad due to your autism you are samefagging and double and triple posting. NOW I will say I am leaving, the more you talk to yourself making yourself look more like an idiot only discredits you more and more. Enjoy your sad autistic life, edgyfag.

7e5780 No.39550


The only way to deal with this is to not respond.

Unless Cherrybro wants a convenient excuse to keep his thread bumped I suppose. Though it'll be a bit off putting for those coming in to check out the project just to see the thread's degenerated into shitflinging.

18026c No.39552

File: 1460136815425.png (26.83 KB, 1028x424, 257:106, ss (2016-04-08 at 06.27.12….png)


There are multiple people against you here pal. As for the double spacing, that's just how I type.

> NOW I will say I am leaving

No you aren't, we all know you aren't. You came back after the first time after all.


Yeah, I do get a bit wrapped up with dumbasses like that at times. Cherry did seem to want it to stop from what I could see.

Anyways, back on topic. I'm assuming from the premise of the game that there are a lot of chances here for bad ends. Can't imagine it working otherwise.

db7379 No.39570




>Anyways, back on topic. I'm assuming from the premise of the game that there are a lot of chances here for bad ends. Can't imagine it working otherwise.

There are a lot of early and bad endings for the player in the game :)

8b3146 No.39573


Thanks! I'll contact them

7e5780 No.39605


I get the feeling you're the artist

db7379 No.39618

File: 1460243260032.jpg (136.47 KB, 856x1100, 214:275, littlc.jpg)

I did not mean to let that escalate the way it did guys won't happen again. I just want to say that at no point in time did I ever remove my name and agreed with myself.

Back to the what I actually care about, my project ^^

Here is a little teaser for a minor character to make up for the shit flinging.

7e5780 No.39624


What are the age ranges for the girls in this game?

48c408 No.39626

File: 1460255247835.png (12.73 KB, 223x200, 223:200, 1352184919563.png)

db7379 No.39641


The youngest is 5 the oldest loli is 12 and the oldest fuck able girl is 20.

db7379 No.39649

File: 1460300256195.jpg (413.19 KB, 1000x906, 500:453, Beach loli.jpg)


I couldn't resist ;)

929e0f No.39650


Nice art. This project of yours deserves its own thread. It's better that occasionally coming here just to quietly hope the OT concept crashes and burns.

Heck, if there's any hopes of acknowledgement to my silly tickle fetish, you might even have a die-hard supporter.

929e0f No.39652







It would do to ignore this guy as he is too lazy to provide proper counter-arguments while sticking to name-calling and disregarding any beliefs outside of his own. This kind of person is the root definition of a troll (a word that's been skewed to oblivion). He only makes statements for attention, and the core nature of his arguments are invalid, so there's literally no point in acknowledging his existence.

With that being said, fictional characters become existences in another universe that is expanded upon by the minds of each individual, so to say that these fictional characters do not matter is slightly subjective. Of course characters (both fictional and real) sometimes have to suffer cruel fates, and that's just a fact of life. You probably already thought of this, but a way to alleviate their cruel fates is slightly less cruel alternate endings.

e2b044 No.39654


Says one too lazy to type a few words and read the facts, another idiot that can't refute so he screams "troll". And no names, calling one what he factually is and claimed to be is not name calling. It is not subjective at all and the core nature is not nvalid and back by credible psychologist. Far more valid then an edgyfag on the internet saying "nuh-uh". I love how it triggered your autism so much you felt it necessary to dig it back up. I await more of your hypocrisy as you say to ignore me yet do not ignore me yourself.

db7379 No.39659


I agree (minus the me crashing and burning part :P)


I responded to him at first because I tough we had a real discussion. But he never answers questions and with his last posts he lost all credibility so I have no intention of acknowledging him any further :)

I appreciate the comment and agree with this but sadly it only serves as fuel for him to return and post in the thread.


>You probably already thought of this, but a way to alleviate their cruel fates is slightly less cruel alternate endings.

A lot of people are asking for this. The game allows for some pretty evil stuff but there are ways to be a lot less evil to :)

18026c No.39661


>> NOW I will say I am leaving

Called it.


>> there are ways to be a lot less evil to :)

Can you elaborate?

e2b044 No.39666


Except you didn't. I did leave. So quote where I said I would no respond to a different person. Anther sign of autism on your part. Still proving me right.


Now the autis thinks he asked any quewstions. You only asked rhetorical questions that had no validity towards anything I said. Your one sided and circular "questions" still don't change facts.

Just to make you look that much more idiotic in that you think you refusing to read facts mean they are not facts heres a quote.

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Autism Spectrum Disorders Health Center

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Autism - Symptoms

Core symptoms

The severity of symptoms varies greatly, but all people with autism have some core symptoms in the areas of:

Social interactions and relationships. Symptoms may include:

Significant problems developing nonverbal communication skills, such as eye-to-eye gazing, facial expressions, and body posture.

Failure to establish friendships with children the same age.

Lack of interest in sharing enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people.

Lack of empathy. People with autism may have difficulty understanding another person's feelings, such as pain or sorrow.

and the link http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/autism-symptoms

I await your sad flailing attempt to call it untrue now.

18026c No.39669

File: 1460313745846.png (6.65 KB, 317x193, 317:193, ss (2016-04-10 at 07.38.28….png)


>Except you didn't. I did leave.

You're still here though. I never said I was leaving, I'm not here to get upset about something I don't like. I'm here because I have interest in other people and their projects here, even if it isn't entirely to my tastes.

> So quote where I said I would no respond to a different person.

No, because that's not what I said. I said that you claimed you were leaving which you said here. >>39549 The second time you claimed to be leaving

> Anther sign of autism on your part. Still proving me right.

Again, I'm not Cherry. You're only here to argue without caring about the argument.

You're anonymous here so it's not like you have a reputation to protect by staying. By staying you only make yourself look worse and prove that you can't let anyone else have the last word. You've said that you would be going twice now here >>39491 and here >>39549 yet you came back each time. If anyone is autistic right now, it's you.

18026c No.39670


Okay, couldn't help myself. Ignoring the guy now, he's not here to learn anything so there isn't really any need to talk to him.

Anyways, one thing that I'm not entirely sure of with this game is the driving force in it. How does someone who went to prison for breaking and entering get into this sort of thing in the first place? How do they agree to go along with it too?

e2b044 No.39671


Just deflecting and resorting to personal arguing since the facts have been laid out right in front of you eyes. Also more hypocrisy in that you try to call me wrong then quote my words, so which is it? Also it;s another sign of autism when you take thing far too literal. Did you think I was leaving the internet or something? Also I did leave, coming back to reply to a new moronic post which I blew out of the water just like I did to you changes nothing about my words. You continue to grasp at straws out of spite for being wring and being so upset that not every one is edgy like you.

You have abandoned the entire argument because you lost long ago. You just flail to flail now.

e2b044 No.39672


There's nothing here to "learn" I simply stated a fact and then backed it up. Nothing more nothing less.

8b3146 No.39675


I wish I had that kinda talent. But I did get ahold of them through tumblr and I'm just waiting to hear back about how he takes payments. I like the art style and the options he offered were perfect for what I need on my exhibitionism hgame.

Also, y'all arguing dumbasses need to get over each other. You're both last-word autists who can't let it go. Whatever happened to just ignoring people you didn't like? Why does everyone have to fucking argue nowadays?

18026c No.39680


> Also, y'all arguing dumbasses need to get over each other. You're both last-word autists who can't let it go. Whatever happened to just ignoring people you didn't like? Why does everyone have to fucking argue nowadays?

Don't stir the pot dude, we got down to only one guy still going at it. How about your own game, do you have enough stuff to start a thread for that yet? Pretty cool to have a few game projects going here.

db7379 No.39685


>Can you elaborate?


>Anyways, one thing that I'm not entirely sure of with this game is the driving force in it. How does someone who went to prison for breaking and entering get into this sort of thing in the first place? How do they agree to go along with it too?

So in essence the game is about a bad person doing bad things. He has an attraction to young girls he has not acknowledged most of his adult life. His father recently passed away and left his house to him. The main character then moves back to his childhood home. The first night he sleeps there he has a dream (interactive) where he remembers a night he went in to his sister room. He was 20 at that time and she was 12. He either convince her to fuck tough she is reluctent or her rapes her. The player decides how hard he is on the sister.

This sets the tone for the rest of the game.

After he has lived there a short while he is starting to become broke. He needs to find a job, mooch on his sister or go back to his life of crime. Each scenario shapes what happens during the game.

The sex scenes in game are not romantic. You can be a molester and have fun trough coercion drugs and other means or be a sadist who enjoys hurting people. Up to the player.

The story is fluid as it should be and things may change as it goes forward.

18026c No.39686


Besides the girls of course, do you have ideas for events that may happen throughout the game? You mentioned he has to step on eggshells, I assume that he would be close to law enforcement or some authority figures some times.

7e5780 No.39688


Does he ever have the opportunity not to harm a girl, or will it always be a choice between pain or even more pain?

I'm always happy to see projects like these materialize even though I'm not into cruelty as a fetish whatsoever. I'm just wondering if there are less brutal options where the girls might actually enjoy it, or are at least be somewhat indifferent, rather than there being a whole lot of screaming, blood, tears, trauma, etc.

8b3146 No.39729


Not really, just the intro cutscene, some base ideas, about half a dozen maps finished and some custom editted looseleaf sprites. I'm working with Abusesoft to get some art and maybe new sprites though.

My project was originally in VX Ace, but now that MV has come out with better options, javascript support, and bigger tile sizes, I want to move it over there, which will set me back a bit, but if I have the art done that'll be a good motivation to finish it.

If you're curious though, the main character is a 16-17 schoolgirl, but I've already scripted part of having her younger loli sister as a playable character to switch to after a certain point in the story.

I'm not big for threads or updating because that'll set unrealistic goals and agitate people for something that may or may not be finished properly (see: Akabur, Robozou, or Loli Fantasy from hongfire and some other forums), but if I do finish it I'll toss it out at some standard loli/exhibitionism/hgame hangouts like here.

6eeb56 No.39788

Hey Cherry…

Could you turn this silliness into some H-Scenes?

One of the lolis could be a girl who spends her time shitposting on a loli imageboards and calling people autists. And being someone who just happens to browse the same board, our protagonist decides to get some revenge on her.

When you confront her about her shitposting she starts insulting you for browsing such a board in the first place and, assuming you're still doing the violence/humiliation thing, you get a choice on how to respond.

The violent option has you outright raping her, but instead of her begging for you to stop like you would expect, she just starts arguing with you about the morality of fictional rape and abuse, while seemingly being completely oblivious to the actual rape and abuse that's happening to her at that very instance, all the while calling you an autist over and over.

As for the humiliation option, to lift an idea from the UAB threads. The protagonist forcefully binds her to her computer chair, switches on the webcam, and starts a thread on the loli board with a picture of her bound up, telling everyone who she is, and saying "dubs decides which piece of clothing I tear off". This continues with pictures of her wearing less and less gets posted on the thread, when she is down to just her panties he finally posts "quads gets her naked and decides what I do with her". Desperately she starts laughing at the idea of someone actually getting quads in the thread, only for it to happen and the idea posted being truly humiliating.

db7379 No.39841


If he dose some over the top evil acts the cops will start snooping around :-)


I am currently considering more non evil options. Talking to my writers about it.


Do I want to scrap my game and make yours instead?

No mate ;)

929e0f No.39842


If that were a potential premise for the one named Mandolyn, I would consider that a crowning moment for the script.

b1704f No.39847


Don´t listen to the moralfags. Just make your game as evil as possible. Please. I am looking forward to it since decades.

7e5780 No.39868


Having more options is good thing. Nobody is taking away from the cruel ones.

db7379 No.39875


The possibility for a more good path dose not impact the evil at all ;)

db7379 No.40256

File: 1461165762491.jpg (101.54 KB, 778x1000, 389:500, felicia 2.jpg)


dd231c No.40259


Your girls are looking quite adorable. Also why is she playing a Game Boy Color?

db7379 No.40331


That would be a spoiler :)

db7379 No.40577

File: 1461635434029.jpg (225.81 KB, 700x906, 350:453, Untitled-4 copy.jpg)

2aba74 No.40593


Reminds me of Danganronpa for some reason.

6ac8aa No.40605


That's way too small to represent the original gray gameboy

dd231c No.40607


You know they made gray Game Boy Color/Pocket/Lights, right?

db7379 No.40686

It's not necessarily a game boy either, its just a similar game device ^^

387d2c No.40825

Any ideas on when the game will be released?

tried ctrl+f to find something but couldnt

04c778 No.40830


The creator committed suicide. :(

db7379 No.40831


No propper date I am working on the game when I can. All I can say it is coming out this year :)


That explains my lack of pulse…

f5d959 No.40835


That is not funny. The creator was depressed dealing with some shit. I knew him. A short, ugly guy but real sweet. Quit impersonating him.

db7379 No.40998

File: 1462383886251.jpg (339.56 KB, 1200x280, 30:7, Cherry_Banner.jpg)

The wonderful people over at "all the fallen" has provided me with a place where I can post all content for this game.

I am currently working on it still so please be patient :)


e2b044 No.41002


ATF is pure autism central. Not surprising.

7e5780 No.41006


Not like there are many options for places to showcase your work with a game like this.

1d373d No.41113

File: 1462578385421.jpg (184.13 KB, 792x612, 22:17, 1413157675212-0.jpg)

I keep forgetting to post this but the hottest thing in the world is when adult/older teen women help rape/torture lolis. you posted some pics in the old thread where a woman basically pimps out someone elses kids and they were seriously fucking hot. If your game has plenty of that I am 100% certain that people ill love your game

db7379 No.41143

File: 1462627188075-0.jpg (1.1 MB, 3930x2950, 393:295, Vamp and Loli 1.jpg)

File: 1462627188075-1.jpg (780.24 KB, 3148x2562, 1574:1281, Vamp and Loli 2.jpg)

File: 1462627188075-2.jpg (116.8 KB, 743x554, 743:554, Vamp and Loli 3.jpg)

File: 1462627188075-3.jpg (152.93 KB, 741x713, 741:713, Vamp and Loli 4.jpg)


Older girl assisting in loli rape is definitely in the game :)

Its a scenario type I personally love. Let me share this old commission I bough a 5 years ago. The plot is a Vampire brakes in and forces a older sister to help fuck her younger sibling.

1d373d No.41146


Im not a huge fan of short hair, but the first two are right up my alley. If you got lots of this stuff and lots of anal (preferably together), im sold

8b3146 No.41147


>you commissioned

>5 years ago

>2 different sets, one is only 4 years old

>You said the same thing about the set from >>41113, "you" commissioned the whole set

You don't have to claim you commissioned them to use them as inspiration for your game. These sets have been around for ages, and not to mention your filenames are just the pixiv filenames; if they were your commission you'd have the originals straight from the artist.

Noone will think lesser of you just because you didn't actually commission these, many game makers get inspired by pictures they find, including my own. Just be honest.

db7379 No.41152

File: 1462649905948-0.jpg (1.21 MB, 2093x1143, 2093:1143, Untitled-1 copy.jpg)

File: 1462649905948-1.jpg (1.24 MB, 2093x1143, 2093:1143, Untitled-2 copy.jpg)


>you commissioned

>5 years ago

>2 different sets, one is only 4 years old

Started this set in 2011 but it went over in to 2012, didn't think to mention it since it didn't seem relevant ^^

>You don't have to claim you commissioned them to use them as inspiration for your game. These sets have been around for ages, and not to mention your filenames are just the pixiv filenames; if they were your commission you'd have the originals straight from the artist.

You do know this site renames all the files you upload right?

And Here are the original work in progress images I got while commissioning this :P

I said I wanted the older girl to look like Ariel Rebel and the loli to be a younger version of her.

>Noone will think lesser of you just because you didn't actually commission these, many game makers get inspired by pictures they find, including my own. Just be honest.

I did commission both sets ;), there was no game being made at the time tough. That came later.

In the other set I shared before I designed the lolis myself, but I wasn't the best artist back then :)

e2b044 No.41157


Careful, you're gonna set off the autism with those provable comments.


Neither one of those milk titted cows are loli.

f4a4ef No.41176


You will never release this, you probably aren't the the orginal poster. This is a dead project but your edgy autistic ass keeps trying to tease us with it.

db7379 No.41224

File: 1462742273781.jpg (165.03 KB, 864x1111, 864:1111, tomboy.jpg)

It seems trolls are very similar to mice in nature, if you make the mistake of feeding them they start multiplying like crazy :)

Regardless here is another Sprite in progress of a Tomboy character ;)

ebceda No.41225


Cant wait to see her dying painfully and see that smirking disappear from her dead fucking whoreface

a6d371 No.41228

File: 1462753494694.png (147.75 KB, 864x1111, 864:1111, !1462742273781.png)


db7379 No.41231




I honestly did not expect that to happen XD, nice work man ^^

dd231c No.41234


She looks like the kind of girl that would love to be on top with you bucking like a rodeo bull. Also a squealer.

1d373d No.41253


Mmmmm… that would be ultra dope if you can snuff lolis in this game. Us psychopaths need a good loli game

db7379 No.41263


I tough I had said that all ready, but it is possible to have a serial killer play-trough in the game ;)

1d373d No.41272


I love you

bc9d12 No.41392



>better art


e2b044 No.41419


Don't point out their delusions of this shitty art, they will just cover their ears and scream "y-y-you're just a troll" like the special children they are.

18026c No.41423


This special child is being more creative than you are so I'd rather see what the special child has to say than you.

e2b044 No.41424


Shit art will never be creative. Neither is the generic uncreative edgyness.

18026c No.41425


If you think the definition of creative includes quality then you need to double check your dictionary.

e2b044 No.41426


Check yours for the meaning of "generic" and "uncreative". Enough said, if the special children can read. ;) bye.

7e5780 No.41460

What do shitposters get out of trying to prevent the creation of something they don't care about? It's not like it's going to affect them one way or the other, so why bother?

3a89f1 No.41494

Will you insert a fair share of memes in the script? :^)

f73f06 No.41525


I don't even know what they are talking about any more :p


Maybe a couple, but I am not a big meme guy :)

56c727 No.41560


if random people on the internet hurt your little feelings then get the fuck off.

56c727 No.41564


Maybe if you spent more time working in it instead of running your mouth then nobody would talk shit about you. Hmmmmm.

f73f06 No.41568


Fuck you dude

7e5780 No.41571


I'm not the one who seems upset bro.

86b1de No.41572


You just said "fuck you" then claim not to be upset. Change your tampon. You clearly upset. I don't care if this game us made or not. My happiness doesn't depend on it. Also you seem really sensitive, maybe the internet is not for you…

7e5780 No.41576


Do you not know how anonymous imageboards work? It's not just you and me on here mate.

But I know you're just fishing for replies, which, ironically, bumps the project that's upsetting you so much. You can shitpost all day, it won't do you any good.

f0629c No.41815

File: 1463677104736.jpg (1.02 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1462074652062.jpg)


tbh part of the appeal to me is that same cruelty without any of the pump and dump, but then, I self insert as the loli, so ymmv. cruelty becomes so much better when you're a desolate slave girl who has to feed meekly on the scraps of love you're offered in exchange for abuse rather than just stark blackness at all times.

db7379 No.41842

File: 1463719439024.jpg (151.78 KB, 750x964, 375:482, mandolyn bound_.jpg)

Oh dear Mandolyn seems to be in a bad spot. But you know how you can help her out right?

7e5780 No.41893


Release her binds, cover her up, give her a cookie, and call her parents?

db7379 No.41905


that cookie better be gluten free you monster!

7e5780 No.42207


>denying a growing child delicious and nutritious gluten

I would never

dd2912 No.42258


>gluten free

What the hell kind of sicko are you?

5b872a No.42364

So this still a thing or did the guy making it go to prison, kill himself, get kicked out his mom's basement, etc?

7e5780 No.44158

You dead in here Cherry?

af5c1f No.45176

I guess I'm the next in a line of people wanting an update. Slowly, I'm realising this is likely dead in the water. Shame, that.

dd2912 No.45180

I'm waiting too; but for different reasons than others would.

eef8f1 No.50264

File: a382bf2ac9555d4⋯.jpg (508.53 KB, 1000x708, 250:177, 69728d5d9d12e3cd1736e8dd8e….jpg)

File: 9ed0b0bcb1c4382⋯.jpg (531.66 KB, 1000x708, 250:177, 950d7e29569849bd68019a034f….jpg)

File: a382bf2ac9555d4⋯.jpg (508.53 KB, 1000x708, 250:177, 69728d5d9d12e3cd1736e8dd8e….jpg)

File: 365bbfb648567d3⋯.jpg (551.65 KB, 1000x708, 250:177, a71935d9f530dbcb2fe2d3eb36….jpg)


Is this project dead? I really hope not. It sounds like it has the potential to be very exciting.

674b80 No.50660


I want to protect Gina's smile!

And then creampie her

db7379 No.56678

File: 62709fa3c4de964⋯.jpg (410.9 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 01_Undress.jpg)

File: 8881f670cd970c1⋯.jpg (401.43 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 02_Stuffing.jpg)

File: a6b83a080cf2edc⋯.jpg (405.97 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 03_FuckingPunching.jpg)


The game is not dead. For various reasons the project has been delayed. I am at a point now where I think the best thing I can do is to have a series of short games focusing on much fewer lolis.

I commissioned this recently by the wonderful Temon to keep me motivated.

dd2912 No.56702


If you're looking for shorter ideas and limited to the five girls provided, start with a short story about the sisters Lilian and Lilith. Introduce a scenario where you can play with them freely, with several options that will cater to enough people.

f8b813 No.66678


Not sure if you're still checking here but my 5 cents is to put the time into one project rather than many different ones. Make it something memorable like UAB.

dfe84f No.66688


>better art

Delete this.

46fd31 No.66755

Is this the game where you rape and murder loli's or am I thinking of something else?

db7379 No.66861


Yes it is ^^

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