
Language, Linguistics, Logic, and Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Teresa Elms

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Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe

Posted by Teresa Elms on 4 March 2008

Lexical Distance Network Among the Major Languages of Europe


This chart shows the lexical distance — that is, the degree of overall vocabulary divergence — among the major languages of Europe.

The size of each circle represents the number of speakers for that language. Circles of the same color belong to the same language group. All the groups except for Finno-Ugric (in yellow) are in turn members of the Indo-European language family.

English is a member of the Germanic group (blue) within the Indo-European family. But thanks to 1066, William of Normandy, and all that, about 75% of the modern English vocabulary comes from French and Latin (ie the Romance languages, in orange) rather than Germanic sources. As a result, English (a Germanic language) and French (a Romance language) are actually closer to each other in lexical terms than Romanian (a Romance language) and French.

So why is English still considered a Germanic language? Two reasons. First, the most frequently used 80% of English words come from Germanic sources, not Latinate sources. Those famous Anglo-Saxon monosyllables live on! Second, the syntax of English, although much simplified from its Old English origins, remains recognizably Germanic. The Norman conquest added French vocabulary to the language, and through pidginization it arguably stripped out some Germanic grammar, but it did not ADD French grammar.

The original research data for the chart comes from K. Tyshchenko (1999), Metatheory of Linguistics. (Published in Ukrainian.)


1,225 Responses to “Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe”

  1. […] This is a damn cool map of distances between European languages as measured by the commonality of their vocabulary.  It also confirms my sense that German is a […]

    • I understand this posting is from 2008 and I don’t expect any more recent comments…. but

      I want to develop a way to measure distance among and between languages / dialects, showing numerically that, for example the dialect in Oslo is closer to the dialect in Tromsø than the dialect in Bergen. I would want to take into consideration not only lexical items, but morphology, phonetics, (and sub- super-phonemic phenomena like tones.

      It will be complex, I know, but any help or ideas is appreciated!

      Louis Janus

      • Kjetil Rå Hauge said

        That is a tall order, but you might begin with this article: Peter Houtzagers , John Nerbonne & Jelena Prokić (2010) “Quantitative and Traditional Classifications of Bulgarian Dialects Compared”, Scando-Slavica, 56:2, 163-188 (the U. of Minnesota library ought to have it [men i nødsfall: mail meg]), where “Levenshtein distances” between modern Bulgarian dialects within the Republic of Bulgaria are measured, mainly on criteria of diachronic phonetic/phonemic development, rather than on lexical correspondences (which may be due to borrowing and may be more or less masked by phonetic and semantic developments in the receiving language). Let me also quote a few more sources from the references of that article:

        Heeringa, W. 2004. Measuring Dialect Pronunciation Differences using Levenshtein Distance. Groningen: PhD thesis, University of Groningen. Available at http://

        Nerbonne, J. and W. J. Heeringa. 2010. “Measuring Dialect Differences”. In P. Auer and J.E. Schmidt (eds.), Language and Space. An International Handbook of Linguistic Variation. Vol. 1: Theories and Methods, Berlin/New York: de Gruyter/ Mouton, 550–567.

        Nerbonne, J. and W. Kretzschmar (eds.). 2006. Progress in Dialectometry. Special issue of Literary and Linguistic Computing 21(4).
        Prokić,J.andJ.Nerbonne.2009.“RecognizingGroupsamongDialects”.International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, Special Issue on Language Variation, edited by John Nerbonne, Charlotte Gooskens, Sebastian Kurschner, and Renée van Bezooijen.

        Prokić, J., J. Nerbonne, V. Zhobov, P. Osenova, K. Simov, T. Zastrow, and E. Hinrichs. 2009. “The Computational Analysis of Bulgarian Dialect Pronunciation”. Serdica Journal of Computing 3 (3): 269–298.

        Lykke til!

      • hei og takk Kjetil Rå Hauge. I will get some of the suggested resources and read them. Aldi hadde jeg håpet at noen skulle besvare mitt spørsmål… men jeg setter pris på det.

    • DMQ said

      Looking at the closeness between English & French perhaps gives insight to your leanings towards being slightly Romantic? (D)

    • Colette said

      Despite the fact that Englih has a German origin, 29% of modern English words come from Latin and the same percentage come from French.

      • Well, coming from Latin and coming from French sounds like 60% Romance language?
        I favour the view of English as a hybrid language

      • 88costa said

        I agree with Colette. The chart is a blunt instrument. The language groups (e.g. Romance) should be in a circle, and the links between groups would make sense. As it is, French is shown as related to Greek, but Italian is not. There should be an average of the relationship of all sub-langauges with another language (or language group) and use that. Otherwise, it should be language-by-language. Also, it shows Albanian as related to Slovak, when it means to show that Alb is related to Slavic. In that case though, it should be shown as related to Bulgarian and Serbian, because it has weak statistical links to Slavic , as a group.

      • Gary Rickard said

        @88costa: I believe the chart is showing Albanian as connected to Slovene, not Slovak.

      • @Manuel Herranz
        Lexically. But everywhere else in the language, it’s clearly not a hybrid. It just happens to be a very distant language.

        Besides, look at French’s pronunciation, which is extremely different from the other Romance languages. If anything, French is very distant, and doesn’t really represent being a Romance language.

    • Andreas Melichar said

      I would see a connection between German and western slavic languages, since they lived close to each other: Austrian Hungarian,…

      • Marius said

        Geographic neighborhood is irrelevant. E.g. hungarians and romanians live close together for more than 1000 years, have some regional linvgistic exchanges but are still totally unrelated.

  2. Very interesting. There could be more variation to the size of the circles: now a language with 100 million speakers has a circle that’s just slightly bigger than language with 5 million speakers. But, overall, very fascinating with interesting analysis. There certainly is a very strong connection between English and French.

  3. Matt said

    Very interesting! BTW, is there a key for the language abbreviations used in the graph? Most are self-explanatory, but there are a few that aren’t obvious (Rm, Pro, Sr).

    • Paul Held said

      (RM) Romanian, (PRO) Provencal, guessing from the proximity to Polish that SR is Sorbian.

      • astheart said

        Well, I would say you are wrong, sorry. I have no idea what the author meant by Sr, but there is no language like Sorbian; you can find Serbian (SRB), but it is far from Polish. Moreover, I am a language teacher who grew up and lives on Czech-Polish border, so I can speak both languages very well. I can assure you that there is no language between them. Czech and Polish are very close, but Czech and Slovak are even closer; they are so close that any Czechs and Slovaks don’t need any interpretors, and the can speak their mother languages during conversations without any problems. Still, they are different languages. I think something like Sorbian doesn’t exist, anyway, and Longman Dictionary doesn’t know such an expression. 🙂

      • astheart said

        Sorry, missed a letter: …. they can speak their mother ….

      • carson said

        the sorbs(sp) live ont eh board to germany and poland or germany and the czech republic. They do have there own language.

      • pjt said

        Astheart, what do you mean ” there is no language like Sorbian”?

        See and think why ISO 639-2 has code wen.

        Or do you actually say this in the meaning of the English phrase “there is no language like Sorbian”, i.e. Sorbian is the best of languages?

      • Karel said

        Astheart, Sorbian is what we call Lužická srbština in Czech, it is correctly placed in the diagram. A language (actually two slightly different languages) nearly died out but still spoken by a few thousands people in Saxony around Bautzen/Budyšin. It is a nice language that Czechs and Poles also understand well, and it is not much further from Czech than Slovak. We are used to understand Slovak and often understand Polish, yet most Czechs probably never heard Sorbian. I only read a few texts in it and I understand most of the words.

      • astheart said

        If you had read all comments of mine, you would know I have found out what Sorbian is. Still, I don’t agree it is placed correctly as I heard it and was lost, :). I usually don’t have any troubles with languages that are close to Czech. I keep my opinion that Polish is much closer since I can speak Polish and I learnt it just by listening to it very often during my childhood ( I grew up in Silesia.), 🙂 .

    • ddh74 said

      “Rm” probably is Romansh, which is spoken in Switzerland; “PRO,” Provençal; and “Sr” is probably Sorbian.

    • Barna said

      rethoroman (Rm) in Swiss, provancal (Pro) in South-France, sorb in South-East-Germany.

    • Gerard M said

      Matt, I guess Rm means Latin (Roman), PRO would mean Provençal, I don’t know about SRD but it should be something close to Italian
      CAT should be Catalan
      GLC should be Galician.

    • astheart said

      @Pjt : Sorry I confused you. I had never heard about Sorbian before I wrote that comment, and couldn’t find any information. I mean I didn’t know that expression. 🙂 Then I found some, and I wrote it in my later comments. Now I know what is meant by Sorbian; in my language it is lužická srbština. Still, I keep my opinion that language (if it really is a language, not only a dialect – I am not sure) cannot be put between Czech and Polish as it is totally wrong. I am Czech and I live on Czech-Polish border. I have no troubles with Polish, but when I hear Sorbian/lužická srbština, I have terrible troubles with understanding. Also, Silesian is not a language, it is just a dialect (I can speak it as well.); it changes from a place to place, has not any written code, and no other signs of language. Somebody wrote here that Silesian is Germanic… Well, it cannot be at all (and frankly, it makes me smile). Silesian is a dialect with expressions taken from Czech and Polish, and its “grammar” (It cannot be called grammar in fact) is the mixture of those languages, not similar a bit to German. Though, there are some expressions of German origin, but it’s because of the existence of former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Silesian hasn’t got its written form as well. 🙂

      • mirime said

        As I said before Sorbian belongs to western slavic language group and in history the country Lužice was the part of the Czech kingdom till 1814.In some parts of German Sorbian is official language and it is taught at schools.

      • david said


        Your argument is wrong, I believe.

        The reason you understand Czech and Polish well is because you are familiar with those languages as they are both spoken in Český Těšín, or Třinec, or wherever you live. Your argument would be valid if you spoke Czech, had no prior exposure to Polish whatsoever and then encountered both Polish and Sorbian and could understand Polish better (also, this talks about vocabulary only and not about grammar).

        I had no idea what Sorbian is either…

      • Katinka said

        “Somebody wrote here that Silesian is Germanic… Well, it cannot be at all (and frankly, it makes me smile)”

        The term “Silesian” refers to two different language varieties:

        1) a dialect of the German language that used to be spoken in Silesia. Due to the expulsion of almost the entire German population of Silesia after the Second World War and their subsequent resettlement in various parts of today’s Germany, this dialect is almost extinct. It’s only spoken by very few and very old people.

        2.) a variety of the Polish language with some German influence, which is still spoken in the Silesian region of Poland today.

        “because of the existence of former Austro-Hungarian Empire”

        – Silesia belonged to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire only until the mid-18th century. Then it became a part of Prussia and, after the foundation of a united Germany in 1871, was a part of Germany until 1945 (except for some parts of Upper Silesia, which were granted to the newly established Polish State after WW1). Lower Silesia used to be almost exclusively German-speaking; Upper Silesia had a mixed population of German and Polish speakers. After the Second World War, the entire territory was given to Poland and, after the expulsion of the Germans, resettled with Poles, many of whom had themselves been expelled from Eastern Poland by the Soviets.

      • astheart said

        David, sorry, but I don’t think I am wrong. My view is not based just on my place of living. I am an educated linguist, and I am sure I know what I am talking about. Your opinion is different; okay then, but it doesn’t mean you’re right. I can speak several languages on a decent level, and because of my linguistic education I can see relations among them deeper than somebody who just grew up in Silesia. (It is neither Třinec, nor Český Těšín, 🙂 )

      • astheart said

        Mirime, from the Middle Ages the ownership of Lužice changed many times, and there were some periods when it was ruled by the Czech King. (Anyway, there were times when the Czech Kingdom was much bigger than Czechia is now, and also some Czech Kings were Holy Roman Emperors.) But, in 1632 it was given to the Czech Kingdom as a Saxon pledge, and in fact, it was only a formal act. Czech Kings respected it because of the Catholic religion of its inhabitants, and that is also the reason, why Sorbians weren’t assimilated and their language survived. This is the only thing they have common with Czechs; no common history, no common culture.

      • mirime said

        As an educated linguist to other educated linguist I only want to say that if you compare basic vocabulary you can see that Sorbian as a language is in the same language group and it relates to Czech, Polish and Slovak.It was my basic thought. And if you look at historical or linguistic maps you can see that the land inhabited by Sorbians wasn´t insignificant in past.
        On the grounds of your incomprehension of language you can´t say what you said.It isn´t scientific approach.

      • mirime said

        Only some interesting details: 🙂

      • mirime said

        And last thing do you really think that almost 260 years common history didn´t influenced both nations?Maybe you can explain me why Sorbians tried to connect to our country everytime when the real possiblity appeared (after WWI or WWII) if we didn´t have something in common.

        To sum up from the point of view of history and linguistics Czechs and Sorbians are much closer to each other than you assumed.

    • Soft Accent said

      Rm is most likely Romantsch (or Rheto-Roman), while Romanian is abbreviated as ROM.

  4. Vato said

    Would be nice to see how distanced Georgian, Armenian and Turkish languages are from all the rest of these European languages.

    • Observer said

      Armenian is at least an Indo-European language, but is missing on the chart.

      • Aleks said

        Sorry but is no Turkish language, Pseudo-Turkish language is a mix of Mongolian root, mixed with : Arabic, Persian, Assyrian,Greek and Albanian.

      • Martin said

        it has no european roots at all, it comes from the caucas region so is influenced by arabic languages to the south …

      • Karl said

        Actually, Armenian is not much influenced by the arabic languages. It’s an indo-european language whose roots are in the Persian Highlands, like the other indo-european languages, which spread from Persia to Europe since about 2000-1500 BC, nearly totally wiping out the ancient european languages with the exception of the Basque language. Persian itself is also an indo-european language. Armenian is thus much closer to English than to Arabic.

  5. Nice! It would be greeat, though, to have a legend that explains what the names of the different languages are. I can’t, for the life of me, guess a language that’s somewhere between Spanish and French that could be called “Pro”. Or the Srd…

  6. Oooooh, yeah, just figured it out! Provençal and Sardinian, isn’t it? Still, it would have benn better if I could have found it in the capture… Anyway, very cool graph!

  7. Andris said

    Reblogged this on Tā dzīvojam. Ikšķilē. Latvijā..

  8. […] Sursa: […]

  9. DanielR said

    Romanian has more loanwords from Hungarian and Turkish than from Albanian, but the graph doesn’t show that

    • Barna said

      because of the trakian – illirian relationship! 😛 not dacian- roman!!! 😉

    • Gabriela said

      It has actually very few words from Hungarian. Of course, it has from Turkisch, Slavonian and French a great deal. But we share a lion’s share of our ACTIVE vocabulary with Albanians through thraciana –> Dacians, thracians – Illarians. There will be yet a lot to be discovered. Future genetics research will reveal it.

  10. kalot said

    And the distance between the romanian and hungarian?

    • Barna said

      it is correct! I don’t know rumanian words in Hungarian languages, may be oláh <— vlach (earlier name of Rumanian nation).

    • Daniel said

      Just about accurate in the image above. There are some loanwords but they aren’t even close otherwise.

  11. Tineaux said


  12. Omar said

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    Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe

  13. Kasia said

    What country is this between Polish and Czech?

    • alexander said

      No Country but language : Sorbian

    • It probably refers to the Sorbian languages, spoken in in the Lusatia region of eastern Germany.

    • Marek said

      I can´t find out either. Śląsk – the only possibility. But is there any specific language? Dialect, I suppose. However, it can not be closer than Czech and Slovak.

      • astheart said

        Agreed. I don’t think some language could be between Czech and Polish. I have just found out what Sorbian is, which I didn’t know when I was writing my previous comment. But, I am persuaded Sorbian is spoken by a very small group of people, and it is nearly dead. Anyway, then Sorbian is close to Serbian, but not between Czech and Polish, no way. Moreover, being Czech I can say I don’t understand Sorbian at all, but I understand Polish without any problems. 🙂

      • Karel said

        Astheart, the Upper Lusitanian Sorbian is closer to Czech while Lower Lusitanian Sorbian is closer to Polish. Some words in ULS are closer to Czech than some Slovak words, some not, but you would understand perfectly if you heard the language as often as Slovak.

    • Marek said

      Łużyce (język serbsko-łużycki, po niemiecku Sorbisch)

    • maybe Sorbic, a minority in germany close to the polish and czech borders.

      • astheart said

        Not close to Czech borders. It could be the language of Sorbs, a little group of nearly assimilated minority in Germany close to Polish border.

      • mirime said

        But the country Lužice where people spoke Sorbian was part of the Czech kingdom till 1814. And Sorbian belongs to western slavic language group like Czech, Slovak and Polish.And if you compare words you can see similarities like večer(czech)- wječor/wjacor(sorbian) – wieczór(polish) – večer(slovak) or sníh-sněg/sněh-śnieg-sneh…

    • ddh74 said

      Not a country–a language, Sorbian.

    • Barna said

      no country just a little nation, perhabs sorbs (wends)… ?????

    • Fernando said

      It’s not countries but languages. Silesian is the asnwer.

      • astheart said

        Silesian is a dialect spoken in the region I live in. It cannot be called a language, and it is not Sorbian for sure.

  14. AKMA said

    I wonder where Basque fits into the picture….

    • Karl said

      It doesn’t. Basque doesn’t fit any picture. It’s a language on its own, not related to any other living language.

    • Gabriela said

      Basque should be separate since it is the language of Iberians, at the time in Europe there was Latin as well, but we do not see it either. Basque should be there, Latin in exchange vanished.

  15. Ada said

    Like a lot the idea of building such a map. 2 questions: 1) what is exactly “vocabulary divergence”? 2) If I understood corectly “vocabulary divergence” then there should be more links between Greek and oth languages. What about Romanian and Slavic languages? As far as I know at least 30% of Romanian words are Slavic. Thanks!

  16. Basque said

    When you say “Among the Languages of Europe” you mean “Among the Languages of Europe”, isn’t it? I can’t see the basque language in the chart…

    • Basque said

      Sorry, I correct:

      When you say “Among the Languages of Europe” you mean “Among SOME OF the Languages of Europe”

      • Pilar said

        Pay attention to the text: she said “among the MAJOR languages of Europe” [in number of speakers, I suppose]. Furthermore, Basque do not belongs to Indo-European language family (like Finno-Ugric group – represented, in the diagram, by three different languages).

      • infallible and modest said

        Well, it says “major” languages, and Basque certainly is majorer than most of the Celtic languages that are listed, for example.

      • Bittor said

        Basque has around a milion of speakers!

  17. Rick said

    Fascinating chart, very nicely done. Question: why did you name the Latin language group ‘Romance’? I mean, if you’re referring to the Roman roots of these languages, the “ce”-affix still seems superfluous and unintentionally indicative of a style-period in art history.

    • Daniel said

      Because that’s what it’s called:

    • Jakob said

      This is the conventional way of referring to the descendants of Latin. See

    • Séa said

      Because that is the correct technical term.
      I once was looking at an email of French colleague and it said “recieved at 11.15 Romance time”. I had never encountered the term with that usage before. A quick scan of wikipedia shows multiple entries….
      Speaking of wikipedia:
      “The term “Romance” comes from the Vulgar Latin adverb romanice, derived from Romanicus: for instance, in the expression romanice loqui, “to speak in Roman” (that is, the Latin vernacular), contrasted with latine loqui, “to speak in Latin” (Medieval Latin, the conservative version of the language used in writing and formal contexts or as a lingua franca), and with barbarice loqui, “to speak in Barbarian” (the non-Latin languages of the peoples living outside the Roman Empire). From this adverb the noun romance originated, which applied initially to anything written romanice, or “in the Roman vernacular”.

      The word romance with the modern sense of romance novel or love affair has the same origin. In the medieval literature of Western Europe, serious writing was usually in Latin, while popular tales, often focusing on love, were composed in the vernacular and came to be called “romances”.”


    • Tom said

      That’s the standard broadly-accepted, traditional name for the Latin-origin language group. This sense of the term has the same origin, and is older than, the other sense to which you refer. While Wikipedia is never an authoritative source, their writeup on the topic isn’t bad: and of course following their footnotes is a good idea.

    • Fernando said

      It is the scientific name for that language group.

  18. Reblogged this on systems perestroika – éminence grise.

  19. Where are Corsican and Basque?

  20. Where is the Basque language?

  21. Mykola said

    I met Kostyantyn Tyshchenko
    in 2004, then in 2007 years. It was very interesting to be on his lecture. Also I love his humor. Real scientist.

  22. ….and where is Malta’s native language : Maltese 🙂 ?

  23. I wish there was a key showing what the abbreviations stand for. Most of them I can guess, but, for instance, I do not know what Germanic language is “Fri” or “Bok”…am I ignorant?

  24. Jesper said

    Yes very cool map! Two things I don’t understand:

    1. Shouldn’t there be lines between all languages, as each pair all must over 71 in common. / what does no line mean?

    2. Shouldn’t there be lines between all in each group? Eg german and swedish? And what about German and French? Why no line?

  25. What about the Basques?

  26. Andrew Constable said

    I can’t find Basque…

  27. selikal said

    what does FRI mean?

  28. Reblogged this on My Twirly Blog and commented:
    Language twirls and clusters. Constellations of words like stars.

  29. […] and quantum physics; ‘Spooky action’ builds a wormhole between entangled particles; Lexical differences among the languages of Europe. And, if you’re interested in learning new things in 2014, Buzzfeed have put together a handy […]

  30. […] via Hacker News […]

  31. tr said

    where is hungary , węgry?

  32. Nicola Tronci said

    Which language is “SRD” ? The one close to Italian in this chart

  33. Steph said

    I can’t see bask language in the diagram…

    • Ash said

      Basque is not related to these Indo-European languages, and that’s why.

      • That’s an unsatisfactory response because other non-Indoeuropean languages are listed. The reason might be that there is almost no loan words exchanged between Basque and its neighboring Indoeuropean languages. The only loan word I know of that the Spanish imported into Castellano from Basque is the word “izquierda” meaning “left.” The source is the Basque “izkerdu.” The Spanish were terrified of the word “siniestra” which derived from Latin “Sinister,” and the Basque word did not include the semantic feature of “evil, unholy, satanic” that “siniestra” held.

  34. Jerome said

    Slavs are not human beings.

  35. Marcin said

    I can’t find Maltese here (maybe I am dumb), can you help?

  36. […] you to Teresa Elms at Etymologikon for putting this fascinating information together, which is based on original research data from K. […]

  37. Antonio said

    What does it mean exactly “vocabulary divergence”? I mean: two languages sharing the same words but with different meanings all of them, would they still be close to each other?


  38. Geir Atle Ekaas said

    Very cool map!
    But not everything is right… one wrong is that Norway shows with to few that speak the language. Norwegian language (No not NN) should be marked as a language spoken by more than 3 million citizens.

    • Geir Atle Ekaas said

      …I got i now: New Norwegian is marked as NN and Bokmål as Bok :-)) Then I guess the dots are in the right size for both of them.

    • Jostein Greibrokk said

      Some more details about Norway: In Norway there are two official languges: The majority – bokmål (“Book language”, BOK) derives from Danish, and the minority – nynorsk (“New Norwegian” NN) made in the mid 19th and based upon the dialects and the old norse language.

      • Trude said

        Sorry, but that is wrong. Norway has two official languages, Norwegian and sami. Norwegian is splitt in two forms (målformer); Bokmål and Nynorsk.

        I miss the sami languages on the map, they are highly relevant in Scandinavia.

  39. Nesib said

    Bosnian language is missing between Croatian and Serbian

    • Karl said

      Until a few years ago, there even wasn’t a Croatian and a Serbian language, it was a common language called Serbocroatian. Language politics in Serbia and in Croatia tried to make a difference where no difference was before.

  40. Of course! said

    So, apparently Turkish is not an European language?!

  41. Where is Latin? The positioning of certain linguas is missleading…Real life is 3 dimentional…

  42. xme said

    and basque?

  43. Missing Basque

  44. […] distance between languages, and language families. I’m definitely going to pull out this infographic on the Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe the next time I have to explain […]

  45. Alex said

    Yes, the original research data for the chart comes from K. Tyshchenko (1999), Metatheory of Linguistics, but this book was published in _UKRAINIAN_.

  46. I’m missing Basque

  47. joe said

    ignoring Turkish and Turkic languages was a fatal mistake as they are the dwellers the of the Europe over 800 hundred years and currently över 6 million Turkish leaves un Europe.

  48. And Basque (Euskera) must be on another planet, right?

    • corcharelli said

      Big mistake. Euskera must be in the middle, without connections with others languages because nobody knows its origin.

  49. what “srd” stands for?

  50. Phaedra Royle said

    What about Basque (a non-European language of Europe)?

  51. Piotrek said

    Sr – circle refers to Silesian?

  52. Jonathon said

    Where’s Basque?

    • Quarion said

      I think because they can’t really place it.

    • Ay S. said

      It’s likely left off because it’s not Indo-European; it belongs to none of the language families shown. In fact, it belongs to no language family at all: it’s an “isolate” language. That said, there’s a great deal of lexical sharing between Basque and Spanish, and Basque and French.

    • Marc said

      Thats what I asked myself, too!

    • Monkey said

      Somewhere out of the map, playing the language isolate game.

    • Carla said

      very far away from everything we know 🙂

    • beca said

      Did you imagine Basque is the only regional language missing?

      For Romance languages alone—where’s Piedmontese (1 million speakers), Lombard (2 million speakers), Ligurian (500000 speakers), Corsican, Aragonese, Leonese, Neapolitan, Sicilian, Emiliano-Romagnolo, Gascon, Ladin, Galician, Fala, Mirandese, and many others—not to mention all the dialects of these languages (which in most parts of Italy varies considerably from town to town).

      Unfortunately, if a language is not “official” it may as well be given a death sentence. God knows how many of these languages will be around in 100 years.

    • Laura said

      Bai! (means “yes” in Basque) How would Basque connect with these other languages?

    • Juan said


    • fccoelho said

      Basque is probably disconnected from this graph. see:

    • Cédric said

      Basque is not Indo-European, man, it’s an isolate.

    • Cédric said

      And… Maybe it’s not considered to be a “major language of europe” 😉

    • I was wondering that myself…

    • Michael said

      Basque isn’t part of the Indo-European family.

    • bartiddu said

      It should be in a circle that’s not connected to any of the others at all!

    • Sean said

      On it’s own little linguistic island, driving everyone around them mad!

    • IMO the chart displays mostly Indo-European languages except some Finno-Ugric (Fi,Hu,Ee) which have had influenced some Indo-European languages. Basque is not IE.

    • Brad said

      Basque is a language isolate, so it wouldn’t be included in an Indo-European language chart.

    • Mak said

      Basque is not a indoeuropean language, basque is an isolated language which has no real connections to other languages.

    • Hannah Gold said

      Basque is not Indo European as far as anyone can tell. It doesn’t fit in with any known family, eg, Semitic (Arabic, Hebrew, various N African languages) or Turkic (Turkish, Central Asian languages).

    • Good question. Basque is not an indo-european language, but neither are Hungarian and Estonian, however shown on the map.

    • bob said

      This is either a very good question or a subtle ironic joke. Nice work!

    • Jules said

      Most theories about its origin seem unable to link it with other existing languages spoken in Europe. I suspect that’s the reason they didn’t include it.

      • Jeff S said

        Best theory I’ve ever encountered regarding the origins of Basque: It was the only language spoken in much of western Europe until Indo-European speakers, emigrating (or fleeing) from eastern lands in the area of Boaz Koj, (near current Turkey) overran Basque-speaking territories and pursued the peaceful Basque speakers, pushing them out of all their communities. Fleeing toward the Pyrenees, found refuge in the shelter of that rocky and inhospitable environment. Below them, the speakers of Indoeuropean dialects which eventually developed into distinct language families, as well as speakers of proto Altaic, and proto Finno-Ugrian eventually carved out areas of settlement. Thus, the Basques were linguistically, geographically and socially isolated from the rest of the European world, surviving as a closed and remotely located culture into modern times.

    • giovanni cacioppo said

      in your ass

    • Peter Rutenberg said

      Basque is unrelated to anything except may distantly to Etruscan.

    • Karlos said

      Basque is not in that chart just becouse it is unrelated to any of the languages in it. Basque is older than any other language in Europe and there is no study that could yet confirm its origin beyond any doubt

    • Basque has no relation to any other language. Which is significant.

    • Admin said

      should be a medium sized blob, probably hidden by the key below Spanish 🙂

    • Pedro Paulo Krahenbuhl. said

      O Basco e o Lapão não são linguas indo-européias,

    • John said

      Agreed. Basque is clearly a European language. Hungarian, Estonian, and Finnish originated in Asia, so they’re less European than Basque.

    • Erwan said

      Basque is not an indo-european langage. The fact that this langage is still alive is amazing.

    • Katie said

      Basque is a language isolate. It’s “mother” language has died out leaving it alone. It is considered “celto-iberic”

      • Xaime M said

        Sorry but it is not true. Basque is not related on any way to celtic languages or to the ancient Celtiberic language.

    • Isissibus said

      Basque doesn’t belong to any linguistic family, and it doesn’t have any relationship with european languages.. It is a “mysterious” language.

      • Aleks said

        So is Albanian . Nobody knows anything about Albanian language, many think that is the very mother of all languages in Europe. I m not Albanian by the way.

    • David said

      Basque is an isolate, with no known cognates.

    • Basque isn’t related to the others at all. It’s a language isolate.

    • Basque is unrelated to any of these, which are all Indo-European languages, and thus I suppose could not be “placed”: it would be equally distant from all of them, I imagine.

    • Altay said

      You count hundreds languages that this so-called scholar has forgotten.

    • Edurne Alegria Aierdi said

      Beacuse the origin of basque language or euskara is still unknown. It does not belong to any known language family.

    • Kim said

      That’s a good question, and I’m pretty sure the researchers themselves don’t know either. As a matter of fact, Basque is a language isolate. So whereas it should have been put on this map, because it IS an European language, where to put it is another question.

    • If you can’t find Basque on the chart, that just means what is obvious – Basque has virtually nothing in common with other European languages (it’s a language isolate).

    • Gerardo Romero said

      El Vasco es una lengua aislada, aparentemente sin relación genética con ninguna de Europa.

    • el jota said

      yes, where is it?

    • i just wondered about the Basque Country. Euskera it supposed not to the linked to any other language.

    • beco said

      I don’t see it, but should be a completely isolated island somewhere in the graphic, since Basque people arrived Europe (iberic peninsule) long before most of other cultures (NatGeo: and some grammatical similarities have been found between Basque language and a tiny asian dialects.

    • 10 cm left from your screen 😉

    • Benjamin Conway said

      Basque is an language isolate, so (I believe) it shares no connection with any other living language.

    • Floating around somewhere in space, totally unrelated to anything ever.

    • Basque is not an Indo-European language. Hindi shares more with these languages than Basque. Interesting isn’t it.

    • sonja said

      Norther Spain.

    • Doniskicheck said

      Basque is not a language… it’s just a spanish dialect

      • Wendy said

        No it’s not.

      • Jaume Saumell said

        With all due respect, you don’t know anything about Basque and Spanish, do you? In simple words, a language is a dialect from another language when a native speaker from one and a native speaker from the other are able to understand each other. Not everything is equal but there’s enough similarities to allow a fluid communication. Basque is completely dissimilar to ANY OTHER LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD, so it’s absurd to say it’s a dialect from any other language.

        On the other hand, Spain is a country with FOUR different official languages (that is Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque). And I said DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, not one language (Spanish) with three dialects. And I should know what I’m talking about since I speak three of them and know a lot about the fourth.

        So please, next time at least read the Wikipedia before saying such nonsense.

    • Frank said

      Basque isn’t connected to any of the other languages, so it drifted away off the chart.

    • Silvia said

      Basque doesn t belongs to Indo-European languages family.

    • Rhina said

      Basque is one of the Finno-Ugric languages, unrelated to Spanish, despite the location of its speakers, except for current borrowings from it.

    • Alexandros said

      Basque is a pre-indoeuropean language and has nothing to do with the rest. But so is Finno-Ugric…

    • AMAIUR said

      As far as I know (with the right of Basque speaker) I know that the basque is a non-Indo-European language, as the Finish and the Hungarian mean to be. But if the article is about the “Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe”, I feel the basque should appear too (more over 50% of the basque lexicon come directly from the Latin according to some researches). So if the article would be about the relation between the Indo-European language we can dispense with the Basque but not when we want to speak about the lexical relations between the languages in Europe (nothing said about Indo-Europeans there).For the rest I like very much the idea of the graphic.

      • Jeff S said

        The presence of loan words in a language is no demonstration of genetic relationship at all. English has borrowed lexical items from a wide variety of languages, many of which aren’t even Indoeuropean. Basque, as I have stated in another entry, is a language isolate which a number of researchers now think was spoken by a population that originally had lived well spread out within Europe and was millenia ago pushed further westward and,ultimately, into Spain by Indoeuropean speakers, and up into the Pyrenees where no one else wanted to settle. This theory was published in the Science section of the New York Times a few years ago. It is a conjecture, but no one has come up with a better one.

      • formiga said

        Jeff S said
        15 January 2014 at 10:45 pm

        The presence of loan words in a language is no demonstration of genetic relationship at all. English has borrowed lexical items from a wide variety of languages, many of which aren’t even Indoeuropean. Basque, as I have stated in another entry, is a language isolate which a number of researchers now think was spoken by a population that originally had lived well spread out within Europe and was millenia ago pushed further westward and,ultimately, into Spain by Indoeuropean speakers, and up into the Pyrenees where no one else wanted to settle. This theory was published in the Science section of the New York Times a few years ago. It is a conjecture, but no one has come up with a better one.

        Except for the fact that Bask is spoken around the Basque Mountains and not around the Pyrenees, where Catalan is spoken…

      • Jeff S said

        Formiga is not quite right. There is no such entity as the Basque mountains. The Pyrenees separate Spain and France. Catalonia (also spelled Cataluña) occupies the extreme northeast of Spain, so it does touch upon the Eastern Pyrenees. But San Sebastian, the capital of the Basque region, touches the base of the western Pyrenees, and a large percentage of the Basque people live within that mountain range, some on the Spanish side, some on the French. Read the following Wikipedia excerpt:

        Basque (endonym: Euskara, IPA: [eus̺ˈkaɾa]) is the ancestral language of the Basque people, who inhabit the Basque Country, a region spanning an area in northeastern Spain and southwestern France. It is spoken by 27% of Basques in all territories (714,136 out of 2,648,998).[1] Of these, 663,035 live in the Spanish part of the Basque Country and the remaining 51,100 live in the French part.[1] Basque is considered to be a language isolate.[2]

        In academic discussions of the distribution of Basque in Spain and France, it is customary to refer to three ancient provinces in France and four Spanish provinces. Native speakers are concentrated in a contiguous area including parts of the Spanish autonomous communities of the Basque Country and Navarre and in the western half of the French département of Pyrénées-Atlantiques. The Basque Autonomous Community is an administrative entity within the binational ethnographic Basque Country incorporating the traditional Spanish provinces of Biscay, Gipuzkoa, and Álava, which retain their existence as politico-administrative divisions.

      • formiga said

        Jeff S: of course there are Basque Mountains; I’ve seen them myself:

      • Jeff S said

        Thank you for your comment. Note that the very article you sent me said: “some consider that the Cantabrian Mountains and the Pyrenees are a single greater range and the Basque Mountains are just part of both [1]” So I suppose both of us have some justice in our conclusions. The major point of what I´ve written regarding the Basque language (Euskara) is the hypothesis that they once inhabited a much larger area of Europe and that millenia ago were pushed further and further west by incoming peoples of Indoeuropean and Finno-ugrian linguistic stocks, and that the Basque speakers could not resist them and retreated further and further west, into the highlands of Southern France and Northern Spain where the terrain was so unfriendly that their pursuers had no further interest in chasing them. Thus, they became the indigenous population of those highland areas. It´s an interesting conjecture and would explain why they are a language isolate.

  53. That’s right, everyone. The most utilitarian Romance language to learn is Italian.

    Take *that*, Spanish!

    (Now, how do I get my lawn guy to stop mowing down my hedges?)

    • Russel said

      I dont completely agree with this chart. I think that it is missing several links, such as Portuguese and Italian, Portuguese and Romance, and others.

      Also, the size of the ballons showing the quantity of speakers is misleading. They needed to create more categories (such as >100 million, >300 million, >500 million). Looking the chart, you think that Polish, Ukraine, German, Italian, Portuguese are in the same level of English, French, Spanish.

      Although I am Portuguese speaker, I still strongly believe that if you learn Spanish, you will be able to communicate with waaaay more more people in the globe than if you learn Italian.

    • carlosarepa said

      Actually not. I think it would be Romanian, since it preserves most original Latin features than any other Romance language. So with Romanian, it would be easier to understand other Romance languages.

      • Anna said

        just learn latin if you want to understand romance languages. plus because its a dead language it should be eaisier to learn

    • Ricardo said

      Looking at that chart, where all bubbles with over 30MM speakers are the same size, you would think so. However, there are about 60MM native speakers of Italian, 200MM of Portuguese and 390MM speakers of Spanish. So the Por-Spa duo has 10 times more speakers than Italian…


    • Someone said

      According to this graph, Spanish is closer to more Romance language than Italian (even though Italian is closer to the classical Latin). Also, the number of native Spanish speakers is nearly 390 million, while only 60 million people speak Italian as a native language. I don’t see why it would be so as you said.

    • Aidan Vey said

      It really depends what you mean by the most utilitarian. For learning other Romance languages, yes, for speaking to many people around the world or learning Germanic languages, no.

    • David said

      Only if you don’t count the millions of South Americans, who also speak Spanish.

    • Rafa said

      It depends on how you define “utilitarian”: either you want to learn more languages or you want to communicate with the greater amount of people in their first language.

      From the image one can infer that if your mother tongue is not in the group of Romance languages, your best bet is to learn French, as it acts as an “entry point” to the group of romance languages. If you already speak a romance language and want to learn another language, then yes, learning Italian seems to be the best option (on average).

      That situation only holds in the case that your goal is to LEARN another language (or many of them). If, on the other hand, your goal is to communicate to a wider audience, you’ll probably want to learn a language that is widely used, then Spanish is the best option of it’s group, followed by French, then Italian.

      On the other hand, Spanish have a lot of loanwords from Arabic, which actually introduces you to a different set of languages. For instance, Spanish “algodón” stands for Italian “cotone”, or “cotton” in English. Dissecting “algodón” you get “al-godón”, which is some how a variation of “il cotone”.

      As for your lawn guy, I prefer not to give any opinion)

    • Roko Ono said

      Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world take that English, Italian might be useful to make a fool out of yourself when going to your local pizza joint, maybe you should learn to mow down your hedges yourself

    • Sans Cosm said

      Ha ha ha…. Not. I would be amazed if you speak other language than english. Dumbass!!

    • Javier said

      Not sure proximity always means ease to learn another language.
      Among latin languages, portuguese speakers are said to be the ones that can learn other latin languages the easiest (spanish and italian at least)

      • Sorin Pop said

        I think Romanian competes very well with this this monopoly of portuguese. Actually, I think a Romanian can learn much easier Italian than a Portuguese. By the way, Romanian and Portuguese seem to sound the most similar to each other from all the romance languages, interesting coincidence.

    • Actually a Portuguese understands Italian, Spanish, Catalunian and Gallegan and French much easier than Italian.
      So learn PT and you’ll speak all the others in a few months.

    • Girl said

      OBVIOUSLY. it’s the direct derivation of latin.

    • bordari said

      Or Catalan.

    • yo mismo said

      F**k off and die

      PS: it is a joke jejejeje

      PS2: no!!!! xD

  54. Is there a legend for this? I’m having trouble with BOK and SRD.

  55. Very nice, thanks!

  56. SRB = Serbian? BOK = something Northern Germany?

  57. Tropylium said

    What’s the metric of distance used here? I’m wondering where the Baltic-Hungarian lines come from. Those two groups aren’t even in contact (nor have they been in the past), it’s about as unexpected as seeing, I dunno, Danish-Albanian would be.

    Come to think of it, Dutch-Greek looks kinda out of place as well.

    • Oscar said

      Not that strange, we do have (adapted) Greek words in the Dutch language.

      Another remarkable fact is that although Dutch is pretty close to German, there are not that many Germans that understand Dutch but a lot of Dutch people understand (or speak) German.

  58. Kurt said

    Bok is bokmal (Norwegian), srd is Sardinian, basque is a language spoken in Europe but it is not part of the European languages families, it is an isolate.

  59. […] Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe This chart shows the lexical distance — that is, the degree of overall vocabulary divergence — among the major languages of Europe. The size of each circle represents the number of speakers for that language. Circles of the same color belong to the same language group. All the groups except for Finno-Ugric (in yellow) are in turn members of the Indo-European language family. English is a member of the Germanic group (blue) within the Indo-European family. But thanks to 1066, William of Normandy, and all that, about 75% of the modern English vocabulary comes from French and Latin (ie the Romance languages, in orange) rather than Germanic sources. As a result, English (a Germanic language) and French (a Romance language) are actually closer to each other in lexical terms than Romanian (a Romance language) and French. So why is English still considered a Germanic language? Two reasons. First, the most frequently used 80% of English words come from Germanic sources, not Latinate sources. Those famous Anglo-Saxon monosyllables live on! Second, the syntax of English, although much simplified from its Old English origins, remains recognizably Germanic. The Norman conquest added French vocabulary to the language, and through pidginization it arguably stripped out some Germanic grammar, but it did not ADD French grammar. […]

  60. Julia said

    No Occitan? I figured it would be joined with Catalan.

  61. matt said

    BOK = bokmaal = Norwegian
    NN = nynorsk = Norwegian
    both are recognized official languages in Norway.

  62. matt said

    SRD = Sardinian

  63. Ay S. said

    Are you sure that the grammatical simplification from old Germanic is really “pidginization”?

  64. dm said

    I knew it.

    Hungarians really ARE aliens!

  65. Julius said

    I guess it’s Bokmål (Norwegian) and the Sardinian language.

  66. Jean-Marc said

    The Basque language is lacking. It’s spoken by more than 1 million people, including spanish provinces, and isnt indo-european. It was probably spoken in south of France and northenrn Spain before all of these.

  67. Julius said

    By the way: a version with ISO 639-3 codes would be nice.

  68. Zsolt said

    Sr – could be Sorbian?
    Bok – that’s Bokmål, the traditional version of Norwagian (as compared to Nynorsk – NN).
    Srd – could that be Sardinian?

  69. Renton said

    SRD is Sardinian

  70. […] See on – levin’s linkblog: Knowledge ChannelThis chart shows the lexical distance — that is, the degree of overall vocabulary divergence — among the major languages of Europe. The size of each circle represents the number of speakers …See on […]

  71. Carl said

    Seem to be missing Turkish on there. It is a fairly major language in Europe.

  72. BOK stand for Bokmål. In Norway 2 related official written languages are being spoken: Bokmål (translated “book tongue”) and Nynorsk (translated “new Norwegian”).

    SRD stands for Sardinian- the language spoken in Sardinia

  73. mr sandman said

    Luxembourg is missing 😦 stupid graph

  74. Gabor said

    Why is Hungarian closer to Ukrain than Serbian or Slovak? I am pretty sure there is some slight Turkish connection. Bty where is Turkish? Similarly why alban is connected with the furthest south Slavic sountry Slovenia instead of the closest Serbian, or Macedonian? It is almost sure in these cases it is the common subset of those groups that influenced instead of a specific member.

    • Aggelos said

      There is no Macedonian language. This country that says they are Macedonians is mostly Serbians, Bulgarians, Albanians and Greeks. Their language is Slavic and they didn’t even live in this area when the real Macedonian race (part of the Greek nation) conquered the world.

  75. Anna Holmén said

    I would guess “BOK” stands for “bokmål”, which is the name of one of the 2 types of Norwegian. “SRD” – Sardinian?

  76. Very nice map ! But I’d like a legend too : I’m not sure what language I should see behind some of the abbreviations… Thanks !

  77. @Laura:

    Bokmål and Sardinian 🙂

  78. Juha Uski said

    Laura, BOK must mean “bokmål” whereas “NN” stands for “nynorsk”. SRD, I suppose stands for Sardinian.

  79. Anonymous said

    […] […]

  80. nfrankel said

    Basque is unique in that it bears no similarity to any known language, it is an orphan language (see

  81. jabinskyi said

    BOK is Norwegian Bokmal, and SRD, I assume, is Sardinian.

  82. Musungu said

    BOK is Bokmål, one of the two official standards of the Norwegian language (the other one, marked here as NN, is Nynorsk). The status of Silesian as a separate language is debated, so Sr is probably Sorbian, a small Western Slavic language spoken in eastern Germany, while I’d guess SRD is Sardinian.

  83. pjt said

    Laura, I assume BOK is bokmål and NN is nynorsk (the official written standards of Norwegian). SRD must be Sardinian, and I suppose SR is Sorbian (Wendish, spoken in eastern Germany), but why is it shortened like that? The author would have done well to stick to ISO 639.

  84. Spyros said

    SRD stands for Sardinia and BOK stands for Bokmål Norwegian

  85. Sim said

    Polish, unlike many Slavik languages, has an incredible number of Latin words which is not reflected in the graph at all

  86. SRD is Sardinian (and Sardinia is my land). I think its more near to spanish and catalan then Italian. (sorry for my terrible english)

  87. Fotoa said


  88. BOK is Bokmal Norwegian; DSH is Danish.

  89. Jeffrey Shallit said

    BOK is probably Bokmal, one of the two versions of Norwegian. SRD is probably Sardinian.

  90. SRD I think it refers to Sardinian language. I know it’s considered an autonomous language and I think it’s sardinian since it’s linked to ITA and Catalàn. But a legend would be very useful (I also missing Rm and PRO

  91. Nice but.. said

    Once again SVK and SLO got mixed up :/ Slovenia (SLO) has something over 2 mil. people while Slovakia (SVK) has 5,5.. Thus the circles does not size appropriately.

  92. Based on context, I infer that
    NN = NyNorsk
    BOK = BokMål
    SRD = Sardinian

    But I am highly sceptical about the Finno-Ugric results – they aren’t even Indo-European!

  93. Flanders said

    BOK is Bokmål, or standard Norwegian. It think

  94. clau said and
    Rm is Romansh, the fourth national language of Switzerland (would however be missing Friulian and Ladin in Italy). Fri probably Frisian, spoken in Northern Germany. Pro = Provençale, Srd = Sardinian, Fa seems to be Faorese.
    A table would really be helpful, as there seems not to be a clear abbreviation system…

  95. Georgi said

    The only mistake is that there is no independent Macedonian language, it is made by the Serbian nationalists after the second World War, to make it much different fron the Bulgarian.

    • Aggelos said

      The biggest mistake is that there is no such a lamguage because the real Macedonians are a Greek race and Alexander the Great was speaking Greek.

  96. John F said

    I’m assuming BOK is Bokmal from Norway, which as the diagram shows is very close to Danish. Is SRD Sardinian? Spain is much more linguistically diverse than I realised if GLC is Galician and CAT is Castilian. I didn’t realise there were so many speakers of Frisian.

    I’d also love to see Arabic, Hebrew and the Indian Subcontinent’s languages plotted alongside these. Don’t stop there! Plot them all!!!

    • Cluny said

      GLC is Galician. It is touching Portuguese because they were born as the same language, but later differentiated mainly due to political reasons, when Portugal became independent and its “center of gravity” moved south as the “Reconquista” advanced.

      CAT is not Castilian, it’s Catalan. “Castilian” is in fact the real name of what you call “Spanish” in English, because it is the language originated in the Castile region of Spain, which (again for political reasons) along the centuries became established as the “lingua-franca” in the whole territory of Spain. Only a percent of Spaniards (about 75%) have it as their mother tongue, but all of us are required to understand and speak it fluently.

  97. David said

    Legend with ISO 639-1 (and occasionally 639-2) language codes and ISO 3166-1 country codes. I’ve had to guess a couple of times

    ALB = Albanian (sq-AL)

    LAT = Latvian (lv-LV)
    LIT = Lithuanian (lt-LT)

    BRE = Breton (br-FR)
    GA = (Scottish?) Gaelic (gd-GB)
    IR = Irish (Gaelic) (ga-IE)
    WE = Welsh (cy-GB)

    EST = Estonian (et-EE)
    FIN = Finnish (fi-FI)
    HUN = Hungarian (hu-HU)

    BOK = Norwegian Bokmål (nb-NO)
    DSH = Danish (da-DA)
    DUT = Dutch (nl-NL)
    ENG = English (en-GB)
    FA = Faroese (fo-FO)
    FRI = (West) Frisian (fy-NL)
    GER = German (de-DE)
    ICE = Icelandic (is-IS)
    NN = Norwegian Nynorsk (nn-NO)
    SWE = Swedish (sv-SE)

    CAT = Catalan (ca-ES)
    FRE = French (fr-FR)
    GLC = Galician (gl-ES)
    ITA = Italian (it-IT)
    POR = Portuguese (pt-PT)
    PRO = (Provence) Occitan (oc-FR)
    RM = Romansh (rm-CH)
    ROM = Romanian (ro-RO)
    SPA = Spanish (es-ES)
    SRD = Sardinian (sc-IT)

    BLR = Belarusian (be-BY)
    BUL = Bulgarian (bg-BG)
    CRO = Croatian (hr-HR)
    CZE = Czech (cs-CZ)
    MA = Macedonian (mk-MK)
    POL = Polish (pl-PL)
    RUS = Russian (ru-RU)
    SLO = Slovenian (sl-SI)
    SR = Sorbian (wen-DE) – technically regarded as a language group consisting of Upper and Lower Sorbian
    SRB = Serbian (sr-RS)
    SVK = Slovak (sk-SK)
    UKR = Ukranian (uk-UA)

  98. Le_Chat_Noir said

    A beautiful illustration, indeed! Thank you, Teresa and Dr. Tyshchenko! To reply now, if I may: “Laura Blumenthal”: BOK stands for Bokmål (literally meaning “book tongue”), the preferred written standard of Norwegian and similar to Danish, while SRD stands for the Sardinian language. To “St. Izzy O’Cayce”: I respectfully disagree: among the Romance languages, the best to start with is Latin for the basis (vocabulary and roots), then continue with Romanian (that’s a tough one!) and French or Portuguese. Why is that? Well, a fluent Romanian and/or Aromanian speaker would rather easily understand Corsican, Sardinian, Romansh (Rhaeto-Romanian), Italian and Spanish (particularly the Catalan dialect). To “Piotrek”: SR stands for the Sorbian languages in the Lusatia region of eastern Germany, and are closely related to Polish, Czech and Slovak. To “Jonathon”: the Basque language (Euskara) is a language isolate, a remaining descendant of the pre-Indo-European languages of Western Europe, and probably dates to the Stone Age or Neolithic period; otherwise, in Basque there are only a few words borrowed from Spanish and French.

    • Dídac Busquets said

      @Le_Chat_Noir: just a correction. Catalan IS NOT a dialect of Spanish (or any other language). It’s a language on its own, having itself many dialects.

  99. @Laura: Bokmal (Norwegian) and Sardinian, I suppose.

  100. Mick Woods said

    BOK= bokmål (norwegian system of writing, spelling, semi-dialect) as opposed to nynorsk. SRD could well be Sardinian.

  101. Maxus said

    Also, Sami is missing.

    FRI = Frisian,
    BOK= Bokmal (one of two Norwegian languages, closer to Danish) and
    NN = New Norwegian (the other one).

  102. axel said

    What about basque??????

  103. egyeske said

    SRD is the language spoken in Sardinia, I think.

  104. mike said

    For two blog posts, borrowed research, and a needlessly hostile “about” section, this blog is getting some decent traffic. Good work.

  105. Cunnilinguist said

    I personally think that this chart has a lot of mistakes. But I’m focus “just” on these I really know, because I come from Slovenia. Our nation (SLO) has population of 2 million and Slovakia (Svk) has population over 5 million, but the circles’ diameter don’t represent that – is it possible that Tereza Elms switched us just like many people do? I think so 😛 The other thing … slovenian language is on this chart connected to croatian, but not to serbian!? And the distance between croatian and czech should be smaller than the distance between slovenian and czech. Also, why is russian so nicely connected to almost every slavic language but not SLO and CRO? And why isn’t there a connection between CZE and POL??? Oh, gosh … :S 😀

  106. Vlad Iorga said

    Sardinian and Bokmal (Norway).

  107. Wendy said

    Reblogged this on Kiss the Translator and commented:
    Manca l’euskera…

  108. @Laura: I believe BOK is Norwegian Bokmaal I’m guessing NN is Neo Norwegian and SRD is Sardinian

  109. Is not Neo Norwegian (NN) more closely related to Dansih(DSH) than Norwegian Bokmaal(BOK)?

  110. James said

    Sr is probably Sorbian
    BOK is Bokmål – standard written Norwegian
    SRD must be Sardinian

  111. Vaughan said

    Yes, can someone help with the abbreviations? BOK has a similar number of speakers to Danish, Swedish or Dutch, and looks too big to be an obscure minority language (it’s not Afrikaans, is it? Come to think of it, where IS Afrikaans? Very similar to Dutch…).

  112. Jakob said


    BOK: Norwegian Bokmål as opposed to NN: Norwegian Nynorsk. Two standardized forms of written Norwegian, BOK is heavily influenced by Danish, whereas NN is based on North Western Norwegian dialects.

    SRD must be Sardinian.

  113. Closet Linguist said

    I would presume BOK to mean Bokmal Norwegian, SRD to Sardinian and Sr to be Sorbian. Is there a connection between languages labelled in all-caps and ones which only have a capital initial? (I suspected them to be “official language of a country” vs others, but surely Estonian [Est] must be the official language of Estonia — so there goes that theory!)

    Also to St. Izzy O’ Cayce: This is only the lexical distance, meaning how much history of vocabulary the languages share amongst each other. So yes, Italian words look most “average” amongst Romance language. A valuation of “utalitarian” has to take into account other factors as well, complexity of grammar, syntax and pronunciation, geographical proximity, number of speakers worldwide and in a restricted geographical neighbourhood, historical relations etc. All these parameters are dependent on where the learner is situated, what their native language is, which other languages they already know and how proficient they are in them (in order to make meaningful connections between their foreign languages). When again taking the average over all of these parameters, then Spanish, or more precisely Castilian, fares much better, as more people are much more like to have a Spanish-speaking country nearby rather than being close to Italy (being close to both is tie-broken by the fact that there are 406 million native speakers plus another 80 million non-native speakers versus Italian’s total of 60 + 25 million or so). Just my two cents.

    Disclaimer: I am not a professional linguist, but here’s my interpretation of the abbreviations by language group.

    ALBANIAN: Albanian (ALB).
    BALTIC: Latvian (Lat), Lithuanian (LIT).
    CELTIC: Breton (Br), Irish Gaelic(Ir), Gaelic/Scottish Gaelic (Ga), Welsh (We).
    FINNO-UGRIC: Estonian (Est), Finnish (FIN), Hungarian (HUN).
    GERMANIC: Bokmål (BOK), Danish (DSH), Dutch (DUT), English (ENG), Faroese (Fa), Frisian (Fri) [Rem: unclear which variant, maybe all of them], German (GER), Icelandic (Ice), Nynorsk (NN), Swedish (SWE).
    GREEK: Greek (GRK)
    ROMANCE: Catalan (CAT), French (FRE), Galician (GLC), Italian (ITA), Portuguese (POR), Franco-Provençal (PRO), Romansh (Rm), Romanian (ROM), Sardinian (SRD), Castilian Spanish (SPA).
    SLAVIC: Belarusian (BLR), Bulgarian (BUL), Croation (CRO), Czech (CZK), Macedonian (Ma), Polish (POL), Russian (RUS), Slovenian (SLO), Slovakian (SVK), Sorbian (Sr), Serbian (SRB), Ukrainian (UKR).

  114. That’s interesting, but how should we interpret Lithuanian standing between German and Polish? Of course, taking into consideration the geographical proximity, these languages must have some vocabulary in common, but I’m not sure whether putting LIT between those two languages is entirely correct.

  115. Søren Harder said

    BOK must be Bokmål i.e. the Norwegian dialect that comes from the Danish-Norwegian spoken in the cities before NN, New Norwegian was recreated from the more original rural dialects (at the time when Denmark lost Norway to Sweden). SRD must be Sardinian. Some of the links are spurious: Irish Portuguese, Dutch Greek. Why is (Scots) Gaelic not linked to English and why are the other germanic languages not related? (Viking vocabulary in Irish e.g.).

  116. sheaseer said

    Ah, I see that Finno-Ugric Hungarian out on the wing !

  117. Fenno said

    Bok = Norsk bokmål
    Srd = sardininan
    But yeah, I had to google some of the languages too.

  118. Very good and interesting! Thanks a lot!
    Few points:
    I believe there should be a strong link between catalan and provensal since in middle ages it was a single language.
    Another point of confusion is a number of speakers of Slovak compared to Slovenian – seems that circles should be changed.

  119. dipdowel said

    Reblogged this on ::Keep in Dutch::.

  120. Sebo said

    greek is foreveralone

  121. Lori Cole said


  122. Daniel said

    An attempt at a small legend:
    Srd = Sardinian
    Bok = Bokmål (regular Norwegian)
    NN = Nynorsk (new Norwegian)
    Fri = Frisian
    Sr = Sorbian (unsure about this one, but it seems reasonable)
    Rm = Romansh (again, not sure, but considering it’s between French and Italian it seems likely)
    Pro = Occitan (often known as Provencal in English)

  123. KBN said

    SRD may be Sardinian. BOK is ‘bokmål’, that is, standard Norwegian

  124. Peter said

    There are approx. 5,5 mil. innhabitants living in Slovakia and almost 5 mil. Slovaks living abroad, so it should be in bigger circle, and Slovenia should be in smaller. Also, Cze and Pol should be connected with (<25) line.

  125. Kaa said

    It’s not published in Russian, but in Ukrainian.

  126. Martin Vidner said

    Sr: Sorbian, Bok: Bokmal, Srd: Sardinian(?)

  127. A. said

    Albanian connected to Slavic (Slovene)? Couldn’t be more off.

  128. Goran said

    @ Laura Blumenthal BOK is Bokmål, one of the standard variants of Norwegian, and SRD is Sardinian.

  129. BOK=bokmaal and SRD stands for Sardinian, i believe

  130. Maszyna said

    My guesses:
    Sr – Sorbian (spoken in Lusatia)
    BOK – Norwegian Bokmål (as opposed to NN – Norwegian Nynorsk)
    SRD – Sardinian

  131. niefpaarschoenen said

    Did you make this chart yourself? May I ask how? The number of Slovak speaking people is more than the number of Slovenian speaking people, so I’m wondering why the circle is smaller?

    Also, according to my Russian colleague, the book was written in Ukrainian, not Russian…

    Pretty cool though that this chart is becoming viral 6 years after you posted it :-).

  132. Sabrina S said

    @Laura Blumenthal:
    SRD = sardinian
    BOK = bokmål (one of the two forms of Norwegian, the other is Nynorsk = NN in this chart).

  133. Csudi said

    Something is not right here. Hungarian is very very distant from grammar point of view, but in fact, only 10% of the vocabulary is original Hungarian. If the chart shows origins of words, it should be much closer all the three major groups.

  134. Laura, I think BOK refers to Bokmål and SRD to Sardinian.

  135. Basque is unrelated to any of them. One theory is that the Basque were the first Europeans, then retreated into their mountains as others arrived later. Basque has a few word in common with both Aztec and Finn-Urgic, so there’s a puzzle for you.

  136. Mia said

    How did you determine the number of speakers? Slovenian has MORE than 3.1 million speakers (in a country with a population of 2 million), whereas Slovak has LESS than 3.1 million speakers (in a country with a population of 5.4 million people). Also, the lexical distance between Slovenian and Albanian should be higher, I think.

    • Cunnilinguist said

      They obviously mistook Slovakia for Slovenia or vice-versa … nothing new :p
      But – why do you think the lexical distance between Slovenian and Albanian should be higher??? I’m surprised there even is a connection …

  137. Jędrzej Tomasz Flic-Matuszewski herbu Trąbka z Gwizdkiem said

    “Sr” is Sorbian.

  138. Jongseong Park said

    Here’s the key as far as I can work out:

    We: Welsh, Bre: Breton, Ga: (Scottish) Gaelic, Ir: Irish

    Eng: English, Ice: Icelandic, Fa: Faroese, NN: Nynorsk (New Norwegian), Bok: (Norwegian) Bokmål, Swe: Swedish, Dsh: Danish, Fri: Frisian, Dut: Dutch, Ger: German

    Fin: Finnish, Est: Estonian, Hun: Hungarian

    Lat: Latvian, Lit: Lithuanian

    Pol: Polish, Sr: Sorbian, Cze: Czech, Svk: Slovak, Slo: Slovenian, Cro: Croatian, Srb: Serbian, Ma: Macedonian, Bul: Bulgarian, Blr: Belarusian, Ukr: Ukrainian, Rus: Russian

    Alb: Albanian

    Grk: Greek

    Rom: Romanian, Srd: Sardinian, Rm: Romansh, Ita: Italian, Cat: Catalan, Spa: Spanish, Glc: Galician, Por: Portuguese, Pro: Provençal, Fre: French

  139. Jędrzej Tomasz Flic-Matuszewski herbu Trąbka z Gwizdkiem said

    “Srd” is Sardinian and “Bok” is Norwegian Bokmal.

  140. Anna said

    Great chart but some links and languages are missing I think…
    Where’s the link between catalan with gallec, portuguese and french… sometimes, catalan it’s lexicaly more closed to gallec or french than to spanish….
    And where’s basque? I heard that basque had some links with albanian…

  141. Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
    Oh, look, some porn for language nerds.
    I think it’s hilarious how Albanian and Greek are sitting there all alone, like, “Who are all THESE assholes?” Though I also think Albanian would be insulted to hear that it’s lexically closer to the Slavic family than to the Romance family.

    • George m said

      Greek (Modern Greek: ελληνικά [eliniˈka] is an independent branch of the Indo-European family of languages. Native to the southern Balkans, western Asia Minor, Greece, and the Aegean Islands, it has the longest documented history of any Indo-European language, spanning 34 centuries of written records. Its writing system has been the Greek alphabet for the majority of its history; other systems, such as Linear B and the Cypriot syllabary, were previously used.

      The alphabet arose from the Phoenician script and was in turn THE BASIS of the Latin, Cyrillic, Coptic, and many other writing systems.

      The Greek language holds an important place in the histories of Europe, the more loosely defined Western world, and Christianity; the canon of ancient Greek literature includes works of monumental importance and influence for the future Western canon such as the epic poems Iliad and Odyssey.

      Greek was also the language in which many of the foundational texts of Western philosophy, such as the Platonic dialogues and the works of Aristotle, were composed; the New Testament of the Christian Bible was written in Koiné Greek. Together with the Latin texts and traditions of the Roman world, the study of the Greek texts and society of antiquity constitutes the discipline of classics.

      Greek was a widely spoken lingua franca in the Mediterranean world and beyond during classical antiquity and would eventually become the official parlance of the Byzantine Empire.

      Greek roots are often used to coin new words for other languages;
      Greek and Latin are the predominant sources of international scientific vocabulary.

  142. heidilnd said

    Reblogged this on london is my modern babylon. and commented:
    just to prove my point to everyone again – estonia is NOTHING like russian!

  143. My guess is: Sr = Sorbic
    “BOK” certainly is Norwegian “Bokmål”
    SRD presumably Sardinian

  144. Dimitris said

    its bokmal (norwegian) and sardenian

  145. maryxmas said

    it was published IN UKRAINIAN.

  146. Know How said

    Where the hell is Turkish?

  147. Dobroslav said

    there is no Macedonian as there is no Bosnian and Montenegrian!!!

  148. Chris Bal said

    SRD – Sardinian
    BOK – Standard Norwegian

  149. Kiko said

    I think SRD may be Sardinian ( and BOK may be Bockmål Norwegian in order to distinguish it from Nynorsk Norwegian. I also think Sr is Silesian due to its relation with Polish and Czech ( My doubt is PRO in the Romance Languages, may it be Occitan?

  150. Rick said

    SRD is likely Sardinian. I can’t figure out BOK. Anyone got an insight?

  151. Vuperi said

    What is the original work of Tishchenko? He had not a book in 1999 by name Metatheory of Linguistics. (Published in Russian). Hier are his works:


    80. Морфологічна структура сучасної перської лексики // ІІІ сходознавчі читання А.Кримського. Тези міжнар. наук. конф. – К. (0,2 д.а.). Співавтор О. Бєдов.
    81. Службові дієслова у підсистемі діє­слів перської мови // ІІІ сходознавчі читання А.Кримського. Тези міжнар. наук. конф. – К. (0,2 д.а.). Співавтор А. Півторак.
    82. Лінгвістичний навчальний музей // Київс. нац. ун-т ім. Т. Шевченка. Довідник. – К.: КНУ. (0,2 д.а.).
    83. Лекції з генетичного мовознавства (Передісторія мовлення. Палеосигніфіка. Історична синтактика.) – К.: КНУ. (3,0 д.а.).

  152. Marcus said

    BOK = probably Bokmal and SRD Sardinian

  153. cyberj said

    There is a mistake in the size of the Slovak and Slovenian language speakers

    • astheart said

      I think Slovak is okay, but I cannot believe there’s so many Slovenian speakers as there are only 2 mil inhabitants in Slovenia, and only about 83% of them are Slovenians.

    • Cunnilinguist said

      They always make a mess with Slovenia and Slovakia … too similar name, too similar flag, nothing new 😉

  154. Joakim Ringblom said

    Laura Blumenthal: BOK almost certainly stands for “Bokmål”, which perhaps is more known as standard Norwegian/”Dano-Norwegian”. It is slightly different from New Norwegian (NN). Both are spoken in Norway. As a non-linguisticly skilled Swede I would guessed that they are just diffferent dialects, but apparently the real linguistics sees it otherways. I have no idea what SRD is though.

  155. Rollo said

    Where is the Basque language?

  156. czg said

    I have some doubts about Albanian so close to Slovenian (!?) and closer to Romanian than from Italian (not to mention Turkish)

    • Joni said

      The Albanian language is an Indo-European language in a branch by itself, sharing its branch with no other extant language.

    • Gabriela said

      Romanian shares HUGE active vocabulary with Albanians thorugh thracians. Romanian was highly influenced by Latin, not by Italian EVEN IF they are very similar.

  157. Sceptical Badger said

    I know it says ‘major’ languages of Europe, but Manx and Cornish could also be in there with the other Celtic languages

  158. Someone said

    SRD = Sardinian
    BOK = Bokmal (classic Norwegian)

  159. Magnus Markling said

    I would assume that
    NN = Nynorsk
    BOK = Bokmål

  160. edesorban said

    Fascinating! Clearly illustrates my experience with Hungarian!

  161. BOK is probably a variation of Norwegian. Often it is one of the font variations you can get on a computer. From Wikipaedia:
    There are two official forms of written Norwegian – Bokmål (literally “book tongue”) and Nynorsk (literally “new Norwegian”). The Norwegian Language Council is responsible for regulating the two forms, and recommends the terms “Norwegian Bokmål” and “Norwegian Nynorsk” in English. Two other written forms without official status also exist, the major one being Riksmål (“national language”), which is somewhat closer to the Danish language but today is to a large extent the same language as Bokmål. It is regulated by the Norwegian Academy, which translates the name as “Standard Norwegian”. The other being Høgnorsk (“High Norwegian”) that is a more purist form of Nynorsk, which maintains the language in an original form as given by Ivar Aasen and rejects most of the reforms from the 20th century. This form of Nynorsk has very limited use.

  162. Fernanlee said

    where is valencian language in that network?. This is one big mistake. A second mistake, I don’t see a link between french and catalan… why?

    • Dídac Busquets said

      @Fernanlee: well, I know this is a rather more political issue than a linguistic one, but IMHO (and the opinion of most of the linguists) Valencian and Catalan is the same language. The differences between what is spoken in Catalonia and what is spoken in Valencia are so minimal that they are (should) be considered as being dialects (whether the “overall” language should be called Catalan, Valencian, CatValan, that’s also a political thing). Not to mention including the Balearic dialects…

  163. Marko said

    Bok – bokmal? Srd – Sardinian?

    Any comments on Albanian – Slovenian (?) connection? That seems *very* odd.

  164. Jester said

    Spamming ‘what about Basque’ won’t add it to the diagram as data is just not there. If you want to make a new one (with Basque language), please do so.

  165. niklosz said

    What about kashubian language?

  166. Kefalo said

    I believe Sr is Sorbian. SRD-Sardinian? No idea what BOk is.

  167. Cédric said

    I’d be interested in any reference describing the methodology (how — and with what data — the inter-languages distances have been calculated). Is everything only described in the original publication, in Russian? Any translation out there? Is it a book or a paper? Cheers!

  168. Elise said

    Where is Basque?

  169. CgX said

    SRD is Sardinian 🙂

  170. Maury Incen said

    @ Laura Blumenthal: BOK = Bokmaaal, the oldest of the two languages spoken in Norway (the other one is called Nynorsk = New Norwegian). SRD = Sardinian, a language spoken in Sardinia (one of Italy’s biggest islands). 🙂 Hope that helps!

  171. Paul said

    Bok = Bokmål (Norwegian) ; NN = Nynorsk (Norwegian) But I’m having troule with Fri.

  172. Paul said

    …SRD has to be Sardinian…?

  173. Sergi Monreal said

    Dear Ms Elms,
    Respectfully requesting to review the links of CATalan. It is very similar to PROvençal, there should be a black continuous line. I would like to rememeber that they were considered almost the same language in the upper medieval age. However, no line joins them in the graphic today. Similarly, there should be a line between CATalan and FREnch.
    Sergi Monreal

  174. kata-ana said

    To Piotrek:

    SR refers to Sorbian

    To Laura Blumenthal:

    BOK refers to Norwegian Bokmål – SRD refers to Sardinian

  175. […] Per the accompanying article: […]

  176. Paul said

    …Ah, Fri must be Frisian.

  177. Stuart said

    @Chris – At a guess, BOK is probably Bokmål and SRD Sardinian.

  178. Jonah Shepp said

    Bok = Bokmål. SRD = Sardinian. I think Sr = Sorbian.

  179. Seb said

    I would like a legend too, but I think BOK is book Norwegian as opposed to Neo Norsk which is the spoken tongue, SRD is Sardinian? Rom is Romanian, but what is Rm?

  180. liburni said

    Albanian,the language of gods

  181. Philip said

    interesting diagram ! why doesn’t it show ROMANI / ROMANES ? there are at least 6-8 Million Roma people living in Europe so I don’t think you can exclude them from your considerations. I mean Iceland has 320thousand inhabitants which is 25 times less than Roma people all over Europe.

  182. This is wrong…

  183. John Doe said

    It would be nice to see the Turkish language

  184. tom said

    I believe BOK refers to bokmal, or book tongue, the written language of Norway, as opposed to NN or Nynorsk

  185. Chris said

    Wracking my brains but I can’t come up with a Germanic language spoken by 3 million plus people that could be signified by BOK. Surely not Afrikaans, given its lexical distance from Dutch and proximity to Danish and the other Norse languages.

  186. NN and BOK are presumably Nynorsk and Bokmål, respectively.

  187. Roslyn Raney said

    BOK = bokmaal, a version of Norwegian. SRD is probably Sardinian

  188. Why is Irish connected to Português instead of Gallego?Both modern gallego and portuguese descend from the same gallego-portugues medieval language, in that sense why isn’t gallego also connected to irish?

  189. cristina said

    ” As a result, English (a Germanic language) and French (a Romance language) are actually closer to each other in lexical terms than Romanian (a Romance language) and French”.
    What sources did you use for this information? My native language is Romanian and I’m fluent in both English and French and I can assure you that this information is totally inaccurate, you can’t even compare English and Romanian in terms of Latin terms

  190. Séa said

    Where is Klingon? Where is glossolalia? Where is Esperanto?
    Oh that’s right, like Basque, they are not from the Indo-Eurpoean family, and so are not connected to major European languages.
    It is not part of some campaign to ignore all things Basque. Basque just doesn’t happen to be connected to other languages. There are no dots in the graph all on their own.
    Imagine a dot with BAS, not connected to any other dot…adds nothing to the graph.

    Clearly this piece of research was meant to politically define Europe, and if you are not present you obviously don’t count…lol

    Do you honestly expect someone that does research to cover absolutely every possibility, or is it not acceptable to do some research which covers the ‘major’ languages or Europe?

    Also FRI is likely Frisian (Netherlands / German direction)

  191. catbert836 said

    A legend for the chart (I’m pretty knowledgeable about languages, however of course any mistakes are mine)

    Germanic: Eng = English, Ger = German, Dut = Dutch, Swe = Swedish, Dsh = Danish, Ice = Icelandic (obviously). Less obviously: Fri = Frisian, Bok = Norwegian (Bokmal), NN = Nowegian (Nyenorsk), Fa = Faroese
    Romance: Por = Portuguese, Spa = Spanish, Ita = Italian, Fre = French (obviously). Less obvious: Rm = Romanian, Cat = Catalan, Srd = Sardian, Pro = Provencal, Glc = Galician
    Celtic: Bre = Breton, We = Welsh, Ir = Irish Gaelic and Ga = Scots Gaelic
    Baltic: Lat = Latvian, Lit = Lithuanian
    Finno-Ugric: Fin = Finnish, Est = Estonian, Hun = Hungarian
    Slavic: Rus = Russian, Ukr = Ukranian, Pol = Polish, Bul = Bulgarian, Cro = Croatian, Srb = Serbian, Cze = Czech (obviously). Less obvious: Slo = Slovene, Svk = Slovak, Ma = Macedonian, Blr = Byelorussian/White Russian, Sr = Sorbian.

    • Arturo Malvestito said

      It’s Belarusian, not Byelorussian or White Russian. The latter is a political movement against Bolsheviks in Russia, the former is totally offensive and at least 20 years outdated.

  192. Kalle said

    BOK=Bokmål=Norewegian (NN=Nynorsk), SRD=Sardinian

  193. Soulios Christos said

    I find it very interesting! Where is Turkish language? I think that also belongs to the Finno-Ugric arow!

  194. Vuperi said

    This is Tishchenko’s original in Ukrainian:

    “После защиты докторской диссертации на тему “Метатеория языкознания” (1992) принял предложение ректората возглавить кафедру теории и практики восточных языков, впоследствии реорганизована в кафедру восточной филологии, из которой 1995 выделилась кафедра Ближнего Востока. Заведовал кафедрой 9 лет. С 2001 года К. М. Тищенко является заведующим и ведущим научным сотрудником основанного им 1992 Лингвистического учебного музея.

    2. Научная деятельность

    2.1. Метатеория языкознания” (Ukrainian: movoznastva) 1992 (sic!)

  195. Ian said

    I suspect NN and BOK are the two variants of Norwegian (Nynorsk and Bokmål) but I’m at a loss with SRD…

  196. Ian said

    Sardinian maybe?

  197. Davide said

    Most of languages spoken in Italy are missing… And it’s a pity because, for examples, Gallo-Italic languages are a bridge between Italian and the languages spoken in France and Spain… And moreover the border between West and East Romania crosses along the Gothic line La Spezia-Rimini (or more exactly Massa-Sinigallia)…

  198. ogodon said

    Is Basque just off-chart for difference?
    Laura, SRD must be Sardinian, I can’t figure out what BOK is…

  199. anne mcd said

    BOK = Bokmål Norwegian; SRD = Sardinian.

  200. The relationship between English and French is similar to the relationship between Persian and Arabic. Persain (an Indo-European lranian language) has absorbed a lot of Arabic vocabulary thanks to the Islamic conquest. Around 40-50% of Persian vocabulary comes from Arabic. Persian syntax, though, still retains its original Iranian features.

  201. To Laura – yeah, I can’t find the legend either. “Srd” I will guess is Sardinian. FA is spoken on the Faroe Islands. Maybe this for BOK: “As established by law and governmental policy, there are two official forms of written Norwegian – Bokmål (literally “book tongue”) and Nynorsk (literally “new Norwegian”)”.

    Not complete, but a list of abbreviations here:

  202. Simply amazing that Afrikaans with four million speakers, in a very important country, is somehow forgotten as a Germanic language……………………. and the Boers are being slowly murdered! But hey, who cares?

  203. Charlie Alpers said

    I’d be interested to see Yiddish and Hebrew represented

  204. Carlo Persiani said

    SRD should be Sardinian (and Corse) isn’t it? And Basque must be quite outdoor, here.

    • Carlo Persiani said

      Replying to myself, for the basque friends. Not being a linguist, nevertheless I think that the most ancient european language (basque) has no real ties with the Indoeuropean group and for this reason the original author did not put it in this diagram.

  205. Emelie said

    Basque isn’t in because it’s not considered part of any linguistic group, due to its origins.

  206. Sebastià Giralt said

    It is not correct regarding Catalan, which is the closest language to Occitan (Pro) and closer to French than Spanish and probably Italian. It should be placed among Spanish, Occitan (Pro) – French, and Italian. Therefore, its central situation makes it the most suitable to learn all the Romance languages.

  207. Emelie said

    BOK is Bokmål (one version of Norwegian) and SRD is Sardinian language (spoken on the Isle Sardinia)

  208. kate butling said

    SRD is Sardinia, but I also don’t know what BOK is except that it is probably a Belgian area dialect….

  209. Jacobo said

    Very cool! Some odd things here… Don’t more people speak Slovak than Slovenian? Aren’t Slovak and Czech very close? And I have read that Catalan and Provencal are closely related. Is there an analogous technique for measuring grammatical distance?

    • Cunnilinguist said

      They always make a mess with Slovenia and Slovakia … too similar name, too similar flag, nothing new 😉

  210. Roger GS said

    I’m guessing that Sr is Sorbian and Norwegian is split up into Nynorsk (NN) and Bokmal (Bok).

  211. Robert said

    And where are other language? For example from Slavic group: Moravian, Silesian, Kashubian, Ruthenian, Resian, Polesian, Siberian, Lachian, Polabian, Lower Serbian (Lower Lusatian)?

  212. CsendesMark said

    The author had to feel awkward about Hungarian, because those lines not really representing the actual facts!
    It’s Finno-Ugric, but isn’t related to any Baltic languages.
    Hungarian is more closely related to the West Slavic languages (and less to the Eastern Slavic Ukrainian), and also influenced by _German_ Greek and Latin languages, not to mention the Turkish languages.

  213. Pam said

    But the French added the grammar for the comparative and superlative of adjectives with two or more syllables that don’t end in y (for example, more intelligent/most intelligent), didn’t they?

  214. Matthew said

    @Laur Blementhal Bokmal and Sardinian

  215. piggee said

    It is little bit bullshit. Where is the connection between Czech and Slovak language with German?

  216. piggee said

    And the connection of Slovak language with Swedish? (have the same grammar)

  217. F said

    BOK = Norwegian Bokmal, one of the two standards along with NN=Nynorsk.

    SRD = Sardinian

    Sr = Sorbian, Slavic minority language(s, there’s an Upper and a Lower) of eastern Germany

    I want to see the distance between Romanian and Slavic languages — Romanian has a lot of Slavic vocabulary.

  218. Jon Andersson said

    I’m guessing BOK = Bokmål (Norwegian) and SRD = Sardinian? And I agree, there should have been a legend with the map.

  219. xabier said

    where is basque??????

  220. Janusz said

    Piotrek, no, I suppose it’s Sorbian (Łużycki)

  221. Jaume S. said

    Very interesting post and graphic, but there’s two little mistakes. First of all, where’s Basque? (already noted by Jonathon). And second, I’m a native Catalan speaker and I miss a connection line between my language and French, since both are extremely similar. In fact, Catalonian is kind of equidistant between Spanish, Italian and French.

  222. Luljeta Koshi said

    Would you mind adding Bosnian language to the Slavic group of languages? Thank you very much.

  223. CoolKoon said

    BTW I have to dissent on Hungarian. Sure, it’s pretty far from everything, but vocabulary-wise it has tons of words adopted from German (just like Czech and Slovak BTW) and then Latin, so vocabulary-wise I’d place it much closer to German and the Romance languages. I’d also place it closer to Czech, Slovak and Serbo-Croatian too (and wouldn’t place it anywhere near Ukrainian, to which it’s just as distant as to Russian for instance). I’d also place Slovak closer to Czech, because nothing’s closer to Czech than Slovak (the two languages are mutually pretty much intelligible).

  224. xabier said

    Teresa Elms, you should read this:

  225. Jim Nail said

    Nice, but there’s room for quibbling. For instance, on this graph Albanian is as close to Slovenian as English is to Dutch. WTF?

  226. berta said

    Where’s Armenian,also ^_^ ? (though looks nice)…

  227. And where is the ARMENIAN language?

  228. BOK is a form of Norwegian (‘Bokmal’). NN is the other form (‘Ny Norsk’). SRD, I think is Sardinian.

  229. Fabio said

    The link ITA – GRK is missing!! About 30% of italian words have greek origin, and for sure there’s much more in common between Italian and Greek (Magna Graecia was bassical southern Italy) than between Duch & Greek (????) Lithuan & Greek (???) and French & Greek!

  230. […] * Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe. […]

  231. Marcus Graly said

    Could you provide a table for the abbreviations you used for the languages? Alternatively, using ISO codes would make it easier to look up, at least. Thanks!

    Also, Bosnian is now considered a separate language.

  232. Stephan said

    As pointed out by a number of other people, it would be good to use a more standardized set of language codes/abbreviations.

    One possible source is below; in the language translation and localization industries, we use these codes, and even though they may be new to folks outside of the industry, at the very least we will be able to base our discussions on the same nomenclature:

  233. VK said

    To Piotrek and Laura: Sr is not Silesian, but Sorbian (spoken in Lusatia, Germany), SRD means Sardinian and BOK Bokmål, one of the two official standards of Norwegian (the second one is Nynorsk, here NN).

  234. ocschwar said

    BOK: Bokmal a dialect of Norwegian (the other main one is Nynorsk – NN.)
    Srd: Sardinian, which IIRC is the Italian dialect closest to Imperial Latin.

    Is Rm Romansch?? Does it really have that many speakers?

  235. Christophe Sims said

    English did not ADD French grammar : hopefully, the french grammar being particularly weird, even from latin origin.

  236. Matti Virtanen said

    BOK is bokmål, the standard Norwegian, different from NN or nynorsk, spoken upcountry. SRD is most likely sardinian. Sr would be sorbian, the slavic minority language in Germany. But what’s PRO? Besides Basque, others missed are Letzeburgish (Luxemburg), Moselfranken and Karelian.

  237. BrD said

    What about Sami languages? Some other small languages are missing too.

  238. Tim said

    BOK is Bokmål (one of two written standards for Norwegian, the other being Nynorsk [NN]). I would guess SRD is Sardinian.

  239. Huibdos said

    Bok = Norsk(Bokmal) Srd= Sardinia (Italian isle)

  240. Gentos said

    What have ALBANIAN with Slavic Language? We have more with Romance, Latin!

    • Aleks said

      Albanians have with NO ONE. IT IS A SEPARATED LANGUAGE. It is the mother language of all Europeans. Even ancient Greeks philosophers spoke Albanian, even today the “ancient Greek language” has nothing to do with the modern (KATHAREVOUSA) Even today Albanians can understand what was written 3000 years ago from Greeks. ( Because was pure Illyrian=Albanian language)

      • Aggelos said

        When the ancient Greeks were using their lkanguage Albanians were just a small group af people living next to the Albanos river over Ukraine. How can their language be the origin of the Greek?!!!!


        ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ
        πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσεν·
        πολλῶν δ᾽ ἀνθρώπων ἴδεν ἄστεα καὶ νόον ἔγνω,
        πολλὰ δ᾽ ὅ γ᾽ ἐν πόντῳ πάθεν ἄλγεα ὃν κατὰ θυμόν,
        ἀρνύμενος ἥν τε ψυχὴν καὶ νόστον ἑταίρων.
        ἀλλ᾽ οὐδ᾽ ὣς ἑτάρους ἐρρύσατο, ἱέμενός περ·
        αὐτῶν γὰρ σφετέρῃσιν ἀτασθαλίῃσιν ὄλοντο,
        νήπιοι, οἳ κατὰ βοῦς Ὑπερίονος Ἠελίοιο
        ἤσθιον· αὐτὰρ ὁ τοῖσιν ἀφείλετο νόστιμον ἦμαρ.
        τῶν ἁμόθεν γε, θεά, θύγατερ Διός, εἰπὲ καὶ ἡμῖν.


        Τον άντρα τον πολύπραγο τραγούδησέ μου, ω Μούσα,
        που περισσά πλανήθηκε, σαν κούρσεψε της Τροίας
        το ιερό κάστρο, και πολλών ανθρώπων είδε χώρες
        κι έμαθε γνώμες, και πολλά στα πέλαα βρήκε πάθια,
        για μια ζωή παλεύοντας και γυρισμό συντρόφων.
        Μα πάλε δεν τους γλύτωσε, κι αν το ποθούσε, εκείνους,
        τι από δική τους χάθηκαν οι κούφιοι αμυαλωσύνη,
        του Ήλιου του Υπερίονα σαν εφαγαν τα βόδια,
        κι αυτός τους πήρε τη γλυκιά του γυρισμού τους μέρα.
        Απ΄ όπου αν τα ΄χεις, πες μας τα, ω θεά, του Δία κόρη.

        Where is the Albanian in the Ancient text?
        Where is the total difference between the Ancient and the Modern Greek text that you believe in?

        Stop confusing the others with lies.

  241. Il CAPO said

    That’s not representative. Catalan is much more similar to French than Spanish.

  242. Don Baragiano said

    SRD = Sardinia ?

  243. Irhad Babic said

    And what about Bosnian in Slavic group?

  244. George said

    Greek : there is something mystical and powerful seeing my language stand alone on the center ! One of the most ancient languages still spoken !

  245. Salvo said

  246. Pierre-Olivier said

    SRD stands for Sardagna / Bok could be the Bornholmsk: a mix of Danish-Swedish language talked in a small island, Bornholm.

  247. Allan Lachlan said

    Where’s Turkish, Azeri, Maltese, Armenian and Georgian?

  248. erhan said

    no turkish?

  249. reosarevok said

    BOK would be Norwegian Bokmal I assume, and SRD is probably Sardinian

  250. Martin said

    Basque is a language isolate-not related or not demonstrated to be related to another language so it wouldn’t figure in this representation

  251. Ilkka Salo said

    Where are the other Finno-Ugric languages (Moksha, Mari, Komi and so on…)? They are printed, have newspapers, widely spoken and have even universities.

  252. Altin said

    Thank you Tim, lonely but proudly to be Albanian.

  253. Me and a couple of friends of mine have been digging around this chart for a bit after one of us wondered what “Ir” in the language codes might mean. Right now, even though one of us reads Ukrainian — which seems to be the language the work is written in, instead of Russian — we haven’t been able to find the source data for the graph. A version of it does seem to appear in the background of the cover of the print edition of the book, but nothing else has surfaced. More than a few people who know something about their linguistics have also noted highly suspicious omissions in lexical overlap, and a weird absence of certain languages over all, like Russian, minority Finnish-Ugric languages and Turkish.

    Thus, could somebody help us trace down where the chart *precisely* came from, what its underlying data sources are, and how precisely it came to be associated with a work in linguistic *meta*theory which doesn’t appear to deal in this kind of lexical minutiae at all?

  254. Sr is Sorbian – two Slavic minority languages spoken in Eastern Germany

  255. Carlos Bravo Villalba said

    Where’s Basque?

  256. @Laura Blumenthal:
    SRD – sardinian
    BOK – bokmal

  257. @Laura Blumenthal, BOK is Norwegian (apparently there are two different written forms of Norwegian, one of which is called Bokmål, who knew?) and I’m assuming SRD is Sardinian. Because yes, I am a nerd.

  258. […] Writer and self proclaimed “etymologikonoclast” Teresa Elms of Eytmologikon answers this question in a blog post. […]

  259. armand said

    Albania the root

  260. For Piotrek and Laura Blumenthal:

    BOK – Bokmål (a variant of Norwegian)
    SRD – Sardinian
    SR – Sorbian

      Alb – Albanian

      Lat – Latvian
      Lit – Lithuanian

      Bre – Breton
      Ga – Gaelic
      Ir – Irish
      We – Welsh

      Est – Estonian
      Fin – Finnish
      Hun – Hungarian

      Bok – Bokmål
      Dsh – Danish
      Dut – Dutch
      Eng – English
      Fa – Faeroese
      Fri – Frisian
      Ger – German
      Ice – Iceland
      NN – Nynorsk Norwegian
      Swe – Sweden

      Grk – Greek

      Cat – Catalan
      Fre – French
      Glc – Galician
      Ita – Italian
      Por – Portuguese
      Pro – Provençal
      Rm – Romansh
      Rom – Romanian
      Spa – Spanish
      Srd – Sardinian

      Bul – Bulgarian
      Bur – Belorussian
      Cro – Croatian
      Cze – Czech
      Ma – Macedonian
      Pol – Polish
      Rus – Russian
      Slo – Slovenian
      Sr – Sorbian
      Srb – Serbian
      Svk – Slovakian
      Ukr – Ukranian

      There’s a lot of comments asking about Basque. Since it isn’t related to any known language, I’m sure that’s why it hasn’t been included. I would make a guess, however, that there may be a measurable lexical distance between Basque and its geographic neighbors (such as Spanish and Galician).

  261. Star said

    I love how Hun is way off in the corner, further away from the finno Uralic than Celtic is to English or romance, but somehow people keep lumping them together.

  262. […] Distance Among the Languages of Europe” … via […]

  263. Patrick said

    “but it did not ADD French grammar”

    It did in my brain. Living in France for a few years will do that to you.

  264. Laura Blumenthal – SRD is Sardo, the Sardinian tongue, which my brother in law speaks – he describes it as a cross between italian and Catalan, and when we were in Barcelona he had no problem being understood or understanding, despite never having been to Spain or spoken Spanish / Catalan before. BOK is Bokmal, not a type of Danish as you might think from the map, but the official written form of Norwegian ( NN is Nynorsk) the purest or purist form of Norwegian. As in any post-colonial situation there are as many arguments around as you care to find! A really interesting depiction i must say. Noted the lack of Basque, but again it is unconnected to any other language so maybe it would have felt a bit lonely sitting there with no lines connecting it to anyone else. And I notice the entire Scots language family is missing from the Germanic family too, which would doubtless infuriate our own Ulster-Scots Agency were any of them actually interested enough in language or linguistics to check this diagram out…

  265. Piotrek said

    How have you prepared this this chart? Is there a tool for it?

  266. BOK should be bokmal (a Norwegian dialect), SRD is Sard, the native language of Sardegna.

  267. tolkarover said

    Anyone know how to get the raw data for this chart? I would love to run different clustering and dimensionality reduction algorithms on it.

  268. Wayne Johnson said

    Laura B, I’m guessing bokmal (Norwegian) and Sardinian.

  269. Lee Friedman said

    Basque, Maltese, and Turkish certainly qualify as European languages as much as some of the others on the graph. However they are outliers with regard to lexical distance which seems to be the primary characteristic to be depicted. They could be included as circles on the outer edges.The graph is also not restricted to Indo-European languages nor those written in the Roman alphabet.
    There is another omission that hasn’t yet been mentioned: Yiddish is a European fusion language closest to the Germanic group but with significant Slavic and Romance components as well as Semitic components and it is usually written in a Semitic alphabet. There is even empty space available in the graph between Germanic and Slavic (closer to Germanic) with room for links to Italian and French.

  270. Didier Suomi said

    Bokmål , a standardised norvegian, and Sardu, as spoken in Sardinia

  271. hecate said

    SRD probably stands for Sardinian. NN is Nynorsk Norwegian and BOK is Bokmål Norwegian.

  272. I think it’s also important to note what the contribution of a given language can be to Overall European Babel… If one would like to to find as many words for sports, England will be the best supplier. Like for winds, sailing, rail travel, politics, pop music… The word power of English words must be recognised walking along the streets of London, the largest village of the globe, reading the names of some streets. Oxford Street, Haymarket, Threadneedle Street (in the very City)… These names and plenty
    would sound funny if translated into other languages… And let’s stop here. In some languages the team of best players playing versus the team of a specific country is called the World’s Selection… The English simply call it The Rest of the World… Dignity.

  273. These names and plenty more…

  274. Yes, too bad that there is no legend. I think Sr must be Sorbian, Srd Sardinian. What is Bok and Dut though? And where is Sami?

  275. Elenor said

    BOK and NN are Boksmal and Nynorsk, the two varieties of Norwegian language. The former is basically Danish with some Norwegian localisms. The latter is the standardized version of the old dialects which maintained a more thorough West Norse character.

    SRD is presumably Sardinian, well regarded for its conservative features preserving aspects of Roman Empire era vulgar Latin.

  276. I can’t find turkish…?

  277. andreas said

    basque does not have ties to any of those languages and probably that is why it is not charted

  278. What about Euskera (Basque), one of the oldest languages in Europe and one of the few that does´t come from indo-european languages?

  279. Tonje Folkestad said

    BOK is Norwegian bokmål, (lit. “Book language”), i.e. The variety write by the majority of Norwegians. NN then refers to Norwegian nynorsk (“new norwegian”), a written form developed In the 1800s based on rural dialects.

  280. Tonje Folkestad said

    *written* by the majority of Norwegians… 🙂

  281. Hanna said

    Please add a legend, there are plenty of abbreviations I cannot interpret without one..

  282. Jessica said

    BOK – bokmal Norwegian
    NN – Nynorsk (new norwegian)

  283. Steve said

    I could just add one thing to this.
    There is no such thing as Finno-Ugric languages. There has never existed such a people as Ugric, no remains, no archeological or genetical evidence has ever been came to light that would support this. It is merely a theory that was invented by the Hapsburgs in the 18.-19. century for political purposes (to discredit Hungarian history).
    The truth is, as recent genetical experiments reveal, that the Hungarian
    is the original population of Europe that survived in the very heart of the continent. Hungarian is so different from any other languages due to its age: it’s a neo-paleolithic language, a living fossile, that pre-dates all Indo-European languages around it. Ancient Sumerian (Mesopotamia) texts, and Etruscan scriptures can be still in traces understood even in modern
    Hungarian. Moreover the first human writing ever, the so-called “Tartaria Tablets” from 5200BC are written in Hungarian Runic script. They were found in the valley River Maros by female archeologist Torma in Transylvania (then Hungary, now under Romanian occupation). Scriptures written by Hungarian runic script are allegedly also found in the Bosnian piramyds in Visoko, Bosnia.

    • bulibashescu said

      “Under Romanian occupation” :))))) Yeah, right, Pista, since 75% of the population is Romanian, and the historical percentage of the Romanian population ranged from 62% to 53.8% (source: Get your facts straight, Pista, before you start posting your nationalistic crap here

      • Gabriela said

        And think of the millions Romanians killed by Austro-Hungarian Empire and those before them. So, the Hungarians lived here thousands of years BC and, after going we don’t know where, they came back in about 11th century. BUT hey, no Hungarian was still living there… HMM … Logic… Yeah…

  284. John Smith said

    BOK == Bokmål, one of the two written variants of Norwegian.
    SRD == Sardinian, the language of Sardinia.

    Or so I think, based on the correlation to other stuff.

  285. Leif Pareli said

    The Sami languages (some ten or so) should have been up there near Finnish somewhere. Three of them are official languages in Norway.

  286. Ferko Mrkvicka said

    (My guesses)

    SRD – Sardinian
    BOK – Bokmal (a variant of Norwegian)
    NN – Nynorsk (another variant of Norwegian)
    Sr – Sorbian (languages of the Sorbs)

    Basque is not present because it is not even remotely related to any other known language 🙂

  287. Franz said

    Yeah… what about basque?

  288. Marc Costa said

    Catalan has 7 million speakers and it is quite bound to French and Portuguese, specially Portuguese… So catalan is quite wrong there

  289. Fran said

    the graphic should be tridimensional, horizontal distance should show common origen of a word, for example agua in Spanish and eau in French both came from acqua in latin, and vertically how far the words are from original (close for Spanish far from French). In that case, in the horizontal axis, French will be closer to Spanish (both Gallo-Iberian languages) than Italian, but Italian will be closer in total. Other example: camino in Spanish, chemin in French, from Celt, camminus and via in Italian latin via

  290. Jarmo L said

    Sr probably means Sorbian, Srd means Sardinian, I believe. BOK means Bokmål, one of the two official languages of Norway, and NN means Nynorsk, the other one. And yes, where is Basque? It would be interesting to see what methods have been used. JL

  291. Fran said

    Probably a lot of English word are Latin origen (“to continue” for example) but the most used and normal used one are German ones (“to go on” for example). If you count the number of different entries in a dictionary , English looks Latin but when you count all the words, including repetitions (like the word “the” or “of”) of most of the texts in English (other that scientific), it is definitively a German language

  292. Luljeta Koshi said

    Would you mind adding Bosnian language to the Slavic group of languages next to Croatian and Serbian? Thank you very much.

  293. BN said

    The statement “All the groups except for Finno-Ugric (in yellow) are in turn members of the Indo-European language family” is a bit of a myth, isn’t it? I attended a national history seminar in Finland last year, where this “fact” was contested, at least. Certainly finnish is uncomprehenasable to other scandinavian language speakers (unlike swedish, danish and norwegian, which can communicate quite easily in-between with only little training), but when you analyze it word by word, you find lots of bits that are common. Finnish is also a so-called kasus-language, unlike any other scandinavian language, but it has this in common with russian, german and italian, to name a few other, indeed Indo-European languages. Finnish grammar isn’t alien, like for instance eastern asian laguages. Geographically it doesn’t make sense that one language group, Finno-Urgic, should remain as a vertical island in almost mid-Europe, unaffacted by the huge movement of people from east to west the last few thousand years. For basque, it makes a little more sense that it could remain a language-island, as it lies in an outskirt. As with other “young” countries, like Norway, there was a process in Finland starting in the second half of the 1800s where the nation’s own language was constituted, and where the difference from others was indeed important to stress. This can explain the very different spellings of some words, which has the same origin as the same term used in for instance sweden, the arch enamy. This constructed difference / national myth isn’t as important now.

  294. Altay said

    This chart is totally meaningless! The author had to consider the issue from the perspective of origin and reality rather than political considerations! Example: just in Russia there are so many representatives of different languages, take various Ugor languages. Altai family: Azerbaijani, tatar, bashkird, Volga bulgarians, karachays, balkars, kumiks, nogays. If he thinks that the large space of Russia is only about the Russian language, then his paper work looses its value..

    What about Chechen, Ingush, Adigey, Avar and other languages!

    What about the South Caucasian languages?

  295. Neil said

    SRD is probably Sardinian. And BOK would be bokmal, one of the varieties of Norwegian.

  296. Luisa said

    “BOK” must be Bokmal, one of the two versions of Norwegian. And “SRD” – Sardinian?
    (Just hypotheses)

  297. Søren Bentzen said

    BOK is Bokmål which is one of the two official languages in Norway. The other one is Ny Norsk (NN).

  298. Jan said

    Laura Blumenthal, I assume BOK is Norwegian Bokmål and SRD is Sardinian.

  299. Tina said

    SRD – Sardinian
    BOK – Bokmål (one of the official Norwegian languages) (NN – nynorsk/new Norwegian)

  300. Brian Kane said

    I’m guessing we’re “Germanic” due to the vast hordes of furrinners who were “Viking” around the area way back when.

  301. Natalie said

    I’m surprised. Ukrainian and Hungarian somehow connected? They don’t have a single common word! And yes, where is basque? Even not connected to any language it must be on the map

  302. BOK is standard norwegian which is based on danish. NN is “nynorsk”, new norwegian, based on old west-coast norwegian dialects. Plattdeutsch (low german) is missing. Modern german is not like low german that often can be understood by a swede if spoken. It provides a link between the scandinavian languages and frisian, dutch as well as german. The three existing lapponian (sami) languages are missing as well. SRD most be sardinian.

  303. Sarah said

    Would be helpful to have a broader definition of “lexical distance”? What’s the math behind this calculation?

    A legend wld help me as well…

    Thx a lot, if available…

  304. Jo Gessner said

    BOK is for Bokmål, which is an official written standard for the Norwegian language and spoken by ca 90% of the population. SRD is for Sardu (Sardinian language). SR maybe for Sorbian?

  305. Frode said

    Laura: My guess is that BOK is Bokmål Norwegian and NN is Nynorsk Norwegian. Also guessing that SRD is Sardinian.

  306. Bulgarian and Macedonian must be in the same circle. English and Scottish English are more different, than Bulgarian and Macedonian 😉

    • Aggelos said

      What they baptised as Macedonian is Slavic. The true Macedonians were speaking, speak and will keap speaking Greek.

  307. Web Owl said

    Strange that Polish would have greater lexical distance to German than to Lithuanian – doesn’t seem right

  308. Anne said

    SRD is sardinian and I guess BOK is a kind of norwegian.

  309. Why is Basque not shown? Is it because it is an ‘Out-On-Its-Own’ language unrelated to anything in Europe and even in the rest of the world? I do like this chart though.

  310. It’s a nonsense that Albanian is closer to Slovenian than to Romanian. It is much closer to Romance languages and has no connection at all with Slovenian(?!), because Slovenians had never got in touch with Albanians throughout history. On the other side, “modern” Albanian borrowed many words from Serbo-Croatian, so I think this is where Albanian should be connected to the Slavic language group.

    • James said

      Goran, for the sake of the truth, neither “modern” Albanian or old one didn’t borrow any words from Slavic language group (Albanians didn’t come from Carpathian mountains like Serbs), so please do some research and read more before you make any comment.

    • Cunnilinguist said

      I’m from Slovenia and I couldn’t agree with you more!

    • Antonio said

      Scholars thoughts are that Albanian must be closer to Romanian due to the Thraco-Dacian-Illyrian connection but never ever to slavic language group. Are you kidding?! Just because of some words borrowed due to the slavic invasion?!
      I really don’t know on what basis the connections here are assumed but if there is any scientific meaning I would say that maybe the Illyrian substrate makes Slovenian and Albanian closer. But I really don’t think there is any real research on this map.

  311. I have trouble with the node “ROM” not being connected with the Slavic group.
    Romania has been under Soviet/Russian influence for several centuries.

  312. SRD stands for Sarda, language of Sardegna, I believe

  313. Wim Peters said

    Since the original source was published in Russian, a short description of the methodology, in particular the computation of the lexical distance score would be helpful.

  314. petrudamsa said

    SRD – Sard (or Sardinian), some peopel regards it as a dialect of Italian, although seems is not.

  315. Balazs Kiss said

    Does the length of the different lines (“lexical distance”) also count? I do not quite understand why some lines (of the same dotting style) are shorter or longer…

  316. Martha said

    BOK would be Bokmål (spoken in Norway) I guess, and SRD Sardinian?

  317. damndyd said

    There’s about 2 million of Slovenian speakers, not over 3.1 million! And more importantly – in what way is Slovenian connected to Albanian?! I don’t think so!

  318. Sven Pin said

    Sr = Sorbian
    BOK = Bokmål (a form of Norwegian)
    SRD = Sardinian

  319. adriano said

    SRD might be Sardinian (which is a language not a an Italian dialect)

  320. Farid Belkhatir said

    Jonathon, Basque is not an Indo-european language, therefore it is not related to any of the cited languages. Laura Blumenthal, BOK should be Bokmal, the educated dialect of Norwegian, and SRD should be Sardinian.

  321. Tessa said

    I think SRD would be Sardinian about BOK no idea. Does anyone know “Pro”?

  322. Dearan said

    SRD – Sardinian I would think

  323. Piotr said

    @Piotrek Lesser and Upper Sorbian from Lusatia. But how Hungarian is related to Lithuanian or Latvian? Ukrainian maybe, thanks to Carpathian Ruthenia but it’s weak. They may have rather some connections with Turkish or German thanks to historical domination of the Sublime Porte and Habsburg Empire.

  324. Mats Sjöblom said

    BOK would be Norwegian Bokmål (an Eastern Scandinavian language actually based on Danish rather than spoken Norwegian, as opposed to Nynorsk, a Western Scandinavian language reconstructed from spoken Norwegian dialects in the 19th century), SRD would be Sardinian.

  325. curious bro said

    What is pro? 😦

  326. Jeff said

    BOK = Norwegian Bokmal… NN = New Norwegian… What’s FRI?

  327. Viktorie said

    I really dig your concept, well done!!!! But please tell me, why there is no Bosnian? Dont get me wrong, Im nor angry nor Bosnian, but I just wonder because Ive been studying South-Slavic languages and I know for sure that Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian may be all very similar languages in general principle, but since this should be the lexical distance and there are a lot of words of Turkish descent Bosnians use and the other two groups dont use, Id assume Bosnian would have its place. Thank you for the answer!

  328. Emanuele said

    There should definitely be a direct link between Italian and Greek, even displaying little or medium distance…!

  329. eva said

    Srd is probably Sardinian, older language than Italian.

  330. MathieuB said

    Yep, a legend would be handy.
    Also, knowing the official “major languages of Europe” chart, knowing where the considered languages start.
    best regards

  331. Yes, where *is* Euskara? I was surprised that surprised Albanian, long touted as another isolate, is closer to Romance than Greek is to, say, Lithuanian. But it appears that Basque is literally “off the chart.”

  332. Fernando said

    I categorically disagree with the apparent lack of common vocabulary between PRO and CAT. They are so close we used to study their joint medieval literature together back at high-school.
    It is only through the Occitan linguistic continuum that CAT and FRE find themselves linked.

  333. Aggelos said

    You use words as “etymologikon”, “monosyllables”, etc. but you do not refer to the Hellenic (Greek is absolutely wrong term) language that is the base of all the others. Very “good” ANALYSIS (another Hellenic word in the English language)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  334. Jens said

    @ Laura: I’m pretty sure BOK stands for the Norwegian variety Bokmål (as opposed to Nynorsk which was apparently abbreviated as NN). SRD is probably Sardinian.
    But a legend would certainly help, I agree! I’m wondering what PRO is supposed to be.

  335. […] this via Tumblr yesterday. It’s basically a map that depicts the vocabulary commonality across Indo-European […]

  336. Elisa Peresbarbosa said

    Do you know which softwere was used to built the graphical representation?

  337. What about the Sami languages? Seem to be all forgotten, just like the Basque.

  338. David Person said

    SRD = Sardinian, guessing that SR = Sorbian, and BOK I have no idea…

  339. David Graber said

    Why would Slovenian be lexically closer to Albanian than any other Slavic language? This is very curious.

  340. Antti Tarvainen said

    I would guess that SRD = Sardinian and BOK = Bokmål (Norwegian).

  341. N Kibre said

    Can we see the underlying data?

  342. Salvatore said

    SRD = Sardinian language

  343. vasdecabeza2 said

    Where are the asian languages? xD

  344. vasdecabeza2 said

    Where are the asian and arabiclanguages? xD

  345. I’m assuming SRD is Sardo, the language of Sardinia??

  346. cameron said

    @Laura Blumenthal
    I am assuming BOK= Bokmål –> NN= Nynorsk
    and SRD = Sardinian

  347. Tamas Mohai said

    BOK is Bokmal (Norwegian) perhaps, while SRD is Sardinian I guess

  348. I believe SRD is Sardinian. (Wikipedia: Sardinian (Logudorese: sardu/saldu, limba sarda, Campidanese: sardu/sadru, lingua sarda) is a Romance language spoken on most of the island of Sardinia (Italy). It is the most conservative of the Romance languages in terms of phonology and is noted for a Paleosardinian substratum.)

  349. orjanvilen said

    BOK must be Norwegian Bokmål and SRD must be Sardinian. But what is PRO and Rm?

  350. andrea said

    Sardinian is a (useful) language?

  351. Mario said

    Why there is
    1, no link between CZE and POL?
    2. no continuos line between RUS and BLR? (the Whiterussian language just vary by <10% from the Russian)
    3. some more strange things in the slavic corner 😮

    • Arturo Malvestito said

      Mario, are you sure about these 10%? Try speaking Belarusian to a Russian – no way they understand it. And do you really want to call Belarusians Whiterussians? It is offensive and historically not justifiable (no matter how Russians want you to believe in it)

  352. Tony Chapman said

    I noticed someone said “where is Basque on the chart”. Well, Basque is a “remnant” language and doesn’t really seem to fit anywhere

  353. Richard Wassell said

    Sr = Sorbian (not the same as Serbian). I think. Srd = Sard(inian). Bok = (Norwegian) Bokmål. Apologies if not correct!

  354. Albert said

    SRD refers to sardinian language. BOK, I don’t know.

  355. Paul said

    BOK – Norwegian Bokmal
    SRD – Sardinian, I guess?

  356. Jiles said

    Where is Latin? Arguably–German, English, French, Italian all get quite a bit of vocabulary from Latin!

  357. Dominika said

    Fri is Frisian. Srd (next to Italian) is Sardinian. Sr (between Polish and Czech) is Sorbian, which is spoken by a small Slavic group in East Germany. Bok (in Scandinavia) might be Bokmal, which is a dialect of Norwegian/Swedish? Not sure about that one.

    • Martin Ž. said

      bokmaal is official norwegian language and it is practically the same as danish cos it was derived around the beggining of 20st as far as I remember. Nynorsk is “new norwegian” that was developed by nacionalists who didnt like the feeling that their official language is based on a country that used to rule over their motherland. I guess it is official but sparsely spoken.

  358. If I had to guess, BOK and NN are dialects of Norwegian, Bokmal and NyNorsk

  359. tanja caric said

    SRD is Sardo, language on Sardinia, Italian island. BOK is Bokmal, Danish language.

  360. That’s Bokmål and Nynorsk … SRD must be Sardinian, Wikipedia estimates at ~1mil speakers in 2007.

  361. slobodan said

    Slavic Bosnia and Herzegovina

  362. Ali said

    Albania unical

    • Sorin Pop said

      Not only Albanian, Greek as well. But you dononly wanna see Albanian as unique, since I assume you are albanian… By the way, I am neither Albanian nor Greek.

  363. […] lämnar er med en sjukt upphetsande överraskningspresent: Det lexikala avståndet mellan språken i Europa. Om jag visste hur man säger totally mind-blowing på svenska skulle jag säga det. Så, klicka […]

  364. David Collins said

    Romance family: SRD would be Sardinian, wouldn’t it? ROM = Romanian, as you might expect, and Rm = Romansch. PRO = Provençal.
    Germanic family: BOK = Bokmål (“book tongue”), the standard classical Norwegian, whereas NN = Nynorsk.

  365. Georgios m said

    It is kind of mystical and very powerful that Greek my Language is in center of this.. Alone .. connecting to every group .. makes me feel proud to speak one of the most Ancient languages in the world .

    • Ignazio said

      This comment reminds me a lot “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”.

      • Georgios m said

        Ignacio don’t forget miller comes from milo witch is Greek for Apple … And it is known ( GOT REF.. )that when GREEKS had cholesterol others where inventing fire still lol lol jk !

  366. […] Vía Etymologikon. […]

  367. BASTA! said

    SRD is Sardinian and BOK is Norwegian Bokmål.

  368. Andreas Gorsler said

    Would be very interesting to see Latin in there. Certainly it is the mother for the Romance famiy but it gave its grammar to German, too. And a lot of its vocabulary to it.

  369. Francu Emil said

    The differences between Romanian and French come from the fact that Romania is isolated surrounded by Slavic countries (such as Ukraine , Serbia , Bulgaria , a Finno Ugric country (Hungaria) and a serious Turkish and Greek influence along the history . Romanian is very similar with some of the dialects spoken in Italy for example .

    • Sorin Pop said

      True, very true. But why this tendency to always compare Romanian with French, and not, another western Romance language. Always french, always french…

  370. Stein said

    bok is probably Bokmål which is a written standard for Norwegian

  371. Guilherme said

    Bok refers to Bokmål and Srd probably to Sardinian

  372. Minna said

    NN= Nynorsk BOK=Bokmål both Norwegian

  373. Danilo Freire said

    Laura: I’m not 100% sure, but I assume BOK and SRD are Bokmål (the official written language of Norway, along NN – Nynorsk, or “new Norwegian”) and Sardinian (spoken in Sardinia, Italy).

  374. […] "Distancia" léxica entre las diferentes lenguas europeas [ENG] […]

  375. Guido said

    I call bullshit! There are, for instance, very distinct similarities between Celtic languanges and both Greek and Slavic, but little with French or English. Don’t believe everything you read. Someone just took a map and started filling it in with data, without thinking…. this means absolutely very little.

  376. leif said

    BOK is norwegian

  377. WeWillSeeIt said

    Yes, Hungary (wegry’) isn’t baltic/ finno-ugric, that is an Russian “thinking” about. I hope, in the near future (10-20 years).. will found the connect with celtic language (I read lot of about.. more similar basic words than finno-ugric/ baltic area..). But that will re-write the history of Europe.. therefore not so easy.. I hope, will be a few very talented people.. who can do it.. that study.

  378. WeWillSeeIt said

    And thanks! 🙂

  379. S.M.W. said

    @ Laura Blumenthal: BOK is Bokmål, a dialect of Norwegian (the other being Nynorsk [NN in the diagram]). Can’t help you with SRD though.

  380. Alan said

    I guess “srd” stands for Sardinian language, spoken on most of the island of Sardinia (Italy).
    But I can’t figure out what “Rm” and “Pro” stand for.

  381. Maik said

    Basque is missing, just write it somewhere without any kind of relation other European languages.

  382. Artur said

    “Sr”, I believe, refers to Sorbian languages spoken in Upper and Lower Lusatia. The region lies on the southern German-Polish border. In fact when you hear it, is sounds like a mixture of Polish and Czech.

  383. Best said

    Is the base of many words Greek?

  384. asli said

    A legend would be great. I’m curious about Fa.

  385. spike said

    SVK is actually twice as big as SLO, so which one is which in this lexical map ???

  386. “Those famous Anglo-Saxon monosyllables live on!” – actually, the SH** word is very old English, but many modern swear words including the F*** and C*** words are NOT Anglo-Saxon, they entered England on the lips of Dutch sailors as late as Elizabethan times. Those poor Anglo-Saxons get blamed for far too much…

    • Kreith Bradford said

      You jump to strange conclusions, Wayne. I think the “famous Anglo-Saxon monosyllables” are words like: and, when, then, so, this, and that (but not the other).

  387. Veb Ko said

    Albanian is language in its own and one of the older languages in Europe along with Greek

  388. pako jones said


  389. Kati said

    BOK = Bokmål, the other Norwegian written type, NN = Nynorsk, the other one.
    SAR = Sardinian?

    But where are all the 6/7 Sámi languages?

  390. tuarek007 said

    Where’s Basque?!?!?!?!?!????!?!?!?!? …

  391. john said

    educated guesses:

    we=welsh,bre=breton,ga=scots gaelic,ir=irish gaelic
    ice=icelandic, swe=swedish, fa=faroese,nn=norwegian-nunorsk,bok=norwegian-bokmal,dsh=danish,eng=english,fri=frisian,dut=dutch,ger=german;
    fin=finnish, est=estonian, hun=hungarian;
    lat=latvian, lit=lithuanian;
    fre=french, rm=romansh (swiss), pro=provencal, ita=italian, srd=sardinian, por=portugese, glc=galician, spa=spanish castillian, cat=catalan, rom=romanian;
    pol=polish, sr=sorbian or serbian, cze=czech, ukr=ukranian, svk=slovak, ma=macedonian, blr=bulgarian, slo=slovene, cro=croat, srb=serbian or sorbian, rus=russian;

  392. Schpouik said

    Except that Dutch got a lot of common words with French

  393. Spain is the best said

    That’s right, everyone. The most utilitarian Romance language to learn is Spanish.

    Take *that*, Italian!

    • Sorin Pop said

      Well, Italian sounds much more beuatiful to me. Spanish sounds like barking to me. I’m not Italian by the way.

  394. Katja P. said

    Laura Blumenthal: BOK = bokmål, traditional Norwegian. Could SRD be Sardinian?

  395. Midas Duiker said

    It is Roman language, not Romance!

  396. Lee said

    Laura, they are respectively Bokmål (a Norwegian language) and Sardinian (spoken in Sardinia, Italy).

  397. SRD Possible explanations but not there

    SRD Suriname Dollar (ISO currency code)
    SRD System Reference Document
    SRD Swine Respiratory Disease
    SRD Service de Règlement Différé (French: Deferred Settlement Service)
    SRD Systems Research & Development
    SRD Science Requirements Document
    SRD Sonar Research & Development
    SRD Secret Restricted Data
    SRD Safety and Reliability Directorate (UK)
    SRD Stress Response Dampening (alcohol study)
    SRD Southern Record Distributors
    SRD Software Requirements Description
    SRD Standards Requirements Document
    SRD Société de Recherche Dermatologique (French: Society of Dermatological Research)
    SRD Serial Receive Data
    SRD Selected Record Drawings
    SRD Standard Reporting Designator
    SRD Société des Régates de Douarnenez (French: Regatta Society of Douarnenez; Douarnenez, France)
    SRD Society for Rural Development (India)
    SRD Specification Requirements Document
    SRD System Readiness Test
    SRD System Requirements Description
    SRD Selected Record Data
    SRD Service-Revealed Difficulty
    SRD Short Range Dependence Model
    SRD Sales Racing Development (New Zealand)
    SRD Service Release Date
    SRD Signed-Rank Detector
    SRD Securities Registration Depository, Inc. (computing company; Dublin, OH)
    SRD System(s) Requirement(s) Document
    SRD Scrambler Resynchronization Delay
    SRD Systems Resources Division
    SRD System Requirement Database
    SRD Standard Renewal Discount (insurance)
    SRD Service-Revealed Deficiency
    SRD System Report Designator
    SRD Science Review Directorate (UK)
    SRD Software Requirements Document
    SRD Summary Receipts and Disbursements
    SRD Sustainable Resource Development (Alberta, Canada)
    SRD Scientific Research Development
    SRD State Registered Dietitian
    SRD Student Research in Diversity (Columbia University; New York, NY)
    SRD Short Range Devices (wireless networking)
    SRD Step Recovery Diode
    SRD Spin Rinse Dryer
    SRD Significantly Revised Down
    SRD Salary Review Date
    SRD Search and Rescue Dog
    SRD Standard Reference Data
    SRD Sem Raca Definida (Brazilian goat: without defined breed)
    SRD Specific Reading Disability (Dyslexia)
    SRD Stress Related Disorder
    SRD Sender Reputation Data

    Pretty similar for BOK

  398. Monica Buckland said

    @Laura: Bokmål (Norwegian, along with Nynorsk) and Sardinian, is my guess.

  399. Gergely Ioan said

    Where is turkish??

  400. Andri said

    BOK and NN are Bokmål and Nynorsk, both official languages in Norway. Some say that Nynorsk is really just a dialect of the older classic Norwegian Bokmål.

  401. joe said

    BOK = Bokmål (Norwegian)
    SRD = Sardinian

  402. Michi said

    SRD is “Sardo”, Sardinian language. no clue of what BOK could mean.

  403. Bert Wilson said

    French grammar is alive in English , in a small way – the phrase “Attorney General” is a French word order.

    • As it is a standard phrase, it is more like a lexical item than a grammatical “rule”.

    • Byron D-B said

      Hey Bert!

      French grammar also survives in the persistence of the feeling that “It’s me!” is grammatical (natural, instinctive). (Along with “It’s them” “It’s her” “It’s him” “It’s us.”) They’re all analogous to the French use of the disjunctive pronoun in “C’est moi!” Thanks Normans! (aka Norsemen/Vikings w silly French accents….)

  404. Bogdan Nicolae said

    According to wiki: “The lexical similarity of Romanian with Italian has been estimated at 77%, followed by French at 75%, Sardinian 83%, Catalan 73%, Portuguese and Rhaeto-Romance 72%, Spanish 71%”. However, this chart places Romanian quite far from these numbers. Interestingly, Romanian and Albanian (lexical similarity estimated at about 500 words) are about as far as Romanian and French.

    • Sorin Pop said

      While the chart may be slightly over-evaluating the closeness of Romanian to Albanian and under-evaluating its distance to the other Romance languages, I still seems to me that it depicts quite realistically the situation, as Romanian is indeed a little more different and unique compared to the cluster of the western Romance languages and it shows indeed surprisingly many similarities with Albanian (lexically speaking): even the 500 words you mention yourself, I think it is impressive (you seem to overlook that), and one should not be so surprised that Romanian is depicted fairly close to Albanian. On the other hand, I think you tend to slightly fall into the opposite extreme, trying very hard to over-evaluate the closeness of Romanian to the western Romance languages (and especially to French, for some reason) and under-evaluating its closeness to Albanian. But apart from that, what I find strange in this chart is that Romanian is depicted very far from the slavic languages, with whom, as I know, it also shares a vast lexical fund (probably even more than with Albanian, so according to this, it should be depicted closer to the slavic languages than to Albanian) – but I might be wrong here.

      Going back to the many (and surprising) lexical similarities between Albanian and Romanian, there are several more or less plausible theories for their cause. To me, the most plausible one is the one that asserts that the roman legions who conquered and colonized Dacia predominantly consisted of soldiers recruited in the roman colonies of Illiria and Dalmatia, as they were much closer to the south-western borders of Dacia, so on their way to Dacia, the romans gathered a lot of fighting force from these regions, who were inhabited, we can assume, by proto-Albanians. As they became legionaries and roman colonists they of course had to learn and use Latin, but they also kept some of the words from their Illirian origins: so they probably spoke the vulgar latin of the simple roman non-Italic soldier, spiced with their own Illirian words, and this was probably the kind of language that imposed itself in the roman province of Dacia later. Hence the latin character of the Romanian, and hence its “strange” Albanian substratum. Seems plausible to me. Also note that Romanians look much more like the Albanians in their features, than compared to the French, a fact which is easily explained with the theory above as well.

      I wrote these opinions as a simple person, native speaker of Romanian, not being an academic in linguistics, so I might be easily wrong. You never know with these things. Actually, we can never really know for sure anything…

      • Daniel said

        Your theory about Albanian-Romanian connection is interesting and not entirely unfounded, especially when we think of the Aromanian populations in the Balkans. However, in lexical terms, there are a lot more Turkish, Greek and Hungarian words in Romanian than Albanian words…. I think.

      • eda said

        the capital of Rumania, Bukurest is translated by albanian language meaning : is beauty-i bukur eshte. according to a story the founder of this city was Albanian. but there is out of logic to compare the old albanian language and find out similarities with slavic.

    • nick said

      Even if the picture is an interesting approach, I agree that is deeply flawed.

    • Pano Soko said

      I’m not sure you’re entirely correct (anyway I’m not sure). ROM-is I think is for Romance not for Romanian. I believe Romania is that ball up (RM), which is connected with French and Italian with the straight bold line. That makes sense. The only problem is the size of RM ball, which is too small (should have been ROM ball size).
      If it’s correct what you say, and that ROM is for Romanian, then I think this study is totally wrong. Putting Romanian and Albanian in the same distance range as Romanian with French is completely wrong.

    • Nikola said

      Romania-latino i think. But never mind, we are all – Homo Sapiens bro. 🙂

    • Patricia said

      Very well pointed out! I thought I was the only one astonished by this. I might say that only someone who doesn’t have any idea about Latin languages could say that “English (a Germanic language) and French (a Romance language) are actually closer to each other in lexical terms than Romanian (a Romance language) and French”. The idea of making such a graph is a good one but this one is not accurate, unfortunately.

  405. It is hard to comprehend the Dutch – Greek link in the diagram. I can speak the former but understand nothing of the latter. We also use the saying:”It is all Greek to me” when you understand nothing….

    • George m said

      Well if you want to understand the link of Greek to all other languages in EU i can tell you even the word Etymologikon here.. is 100% Greek .. google it 😉

  406. Mashinito said

    You forgot to include Basque….

  407. jack said

    How about Basque?

  408. Doug Laney said

    I love infographics like this but dismissing this one as soon as I saw Icelandic is the 3rd closest language to English.

  409. DaddyPro said

    If there’s no Scottish, it’s CRAP.

  410. Maltese is the only Semitic official language within the European Union.

  411. Reblogged this on mangialibro.

  412. harshT said

    Reblogged this on Harsht's Journal of Random Ruminations and commented:
    Came across this very interesting network visualization of Languages of Europe based on “Lexical Distance” (details in original post). Basically, languages more similar to one another tend to cluster together and these different clusters of similar languages tend to be quite disssimilar.
    Occurred to me that a similar exercise was done on languages used in India, the results could be quite insightful. For one, it could tell us that the idea of using English as a bridge language is neither a natural nor an ideal solution to managing our linguistic plurality. Second , these clusters of proximate (i.e. more similar) languages could offer solutions for second/third language instructions in different states.
    The possibilities are endless. I would appreciate your help in spreading the idea, so that some computationally inclined linguistic researcher can do this and related analyses for India’s Languages.

  413. […] From the Etomylogikon blog. […]

  414. […] Language Family […]

  415. Mike said

    Where is Basque?

  416. Where is Romansh, one of the 4 spoken languages of Switzerland?

  417. thomas gauthier said

    Where is the basque language ?

  418. Anadolka said

    What about bosnian language. It seems it doesn’t exist, does it?

  419. Fascinating from a linguistic perspective. Mathematically speaking, it’s fascinating too. Are there no languages in Europe with more than 3.0 million speakers and less than 3.1 million? None between 300,001 and 300,999? It’s possible, but it is a dodgy legend.

  420. Sorin Pop said

    Just subsequently going through all the comments, as somebody very interested in these things, I couldn’t help not noticing how tiringly and boringly the vast majority of the comments deal with the dull question of what BOK and SRD could mean, and also most of them just boringly assume or state that BOK is Boksmal and SRD Sardinian. Extremely boring. I think I had to read this something like 500 times, the same thing on and on: BOK is Boksmal, Norwegian bla blabla, SRD is Sardinian and so on. Thanks to all of you who had something more to say or ask than this dull question and answer.

    Also, all those lonely frustrated cries for the smaller dialects, without understanding that the chart states: major languages! I feel for the ones who cry for the Basque though (although they are boring to read through as well), as indeed, as I understand, Basque might be the only living language of the first “aboriginal” Europeans, remnant from the times before Europe was invaded by Indo-Europeans and, to a lesser degree, by Finno-Ugors and Turkic people, so maybe Basque should be there somewhere indeed, even if it is not a major language any more. But I have read the word Boksmal so many times while going through this, that I think it is enough for a lifetime, probaly I don’t wanna see it again.

    And of course I was not surprised that Greeks and Albanians could only use this opporunity to re-state that they are the belly of the world and their language is the most unique and ancient and so on. All my respect to the Hungarians, who could say at least the same thing about the uniqueness of their language, but didn’t show up with this. (allthough there was a way out comment by a Hungarian guy, stating something like they are the original and true Europeans and everything, almost going to the point of saying that even Egyptians spoke Hungarian – but just ignore him, that guy is probably completely nuts)

    (I am Romanian, and partly Hungarian as well. Simply put, Transylvanian.) That reminds me! I should cry out for the rights of the Transylvanian variation of Romanian, or the Szekely (a Hungarian dialect, very ancient and spoken in a small Eastern part of Transylvania to this day) languages to be featured on this chart! :)))) LOL

    • George m said

      Proto-Romanian (also known as “Common Romanian”, româna comună or “Ancient Romanian”, străromâna) is a Romance language evolved from Vulgar Latin and considered to have been spoken by the ancestors of today’s Romanians and related Balkan Latin peoples (Vlachs) before ca. 900 AD.

      During the Middle Ages, Romanian became influenced by the Slavic languages[10] and to some degree by Greek. Romanian remains unattested throughout the Middle Ages, and only enters the historical record in the early 16th century.
      Early history
      Anyway us Greeks we or i.. didnt say we are the only important language .. just that i am proud of it beeing in the center it seemed nice.. and that its ancient witch also is kind of nice for some reasons .

    • blodeuedd said

      Best comment ever. I was thinking the same thing 😉

  421. Gabri said

    Romanian it is quite easy to learn if you have studied Latin at school.

  422. Mike said

    “The original research data for the chart comes from K. Tyshchenko (1999), Metatheory of Linguistics. (Published in Russian.)”
    One note: K.Tyshchenko is ukrainian scientist and “Metatheory of Linguistics” was published in Ukrainian – not Russian.

  423. Christina Spjut said

    Where is sami and basc languages?

  424. Ajem said

    Hungarian in fact has much more connection with the Sumerian than Finno-Ugoric languages. Some “clever” scientist found it out around the 18th century and since than this is the official statement. Just one interesting fact: currently there are 55 grammar rules known in the Sumerian language and 51 matches with the core Hungarian ones. With Sumerian a Caucasian one has the second more matches (I don’t remember its name precicesly) but even in that case there are only 29 matches.

  425. Roanna Larsen said

    …any idea where Basque would be on this map?

  426. Juliana said


  427. Rose said

    Really interesting, thanks for sharing. However, I can’t help noticing that Basque is missing. It is certainly a European language, its speakers add up to 720.000 according to recent surveys, and it shares some of its lexicon with the languages that surround it, Spanish above all.

  428. Javitxu said

    What about Euskera? Where is it?

  429. Edvin Pacara said

    This chart is not correct. At least for Albanian and Estonian. The connection of Albanian with Slovenian is completely wrong. Lexically, the closest to Albanian is Romanian, and Slovenian would be the last language in the Balkans, with which Albanian is connected lexically. Also Estonian is not closer to Hungarian, than German. Lexically, 10% of words, and part of the grammar in Estonian have been influenced by old German. whereas with Hungarian, Estonian might have not more than 10 words which are a bit similar.

    • M said

      I was just wondering who on Earth could find any similarity whatsoever between Slovenian and Albanian. (The broken line seemingly indicates there is some.)
      Being Slovenian myself, I can from time to time understand one or two Albanian words, however the only reason is that I know some French.

  430. Gorka said

    Excellent linguistic map of Europe,
    but where is the basque lenguage (euskera)?
    One of the oldest leguage in Europe.

  431. Mira said

    Nice work, except there is no Bosnian. Why is it not enlisted with Slavic languages?

  432. Reblogged this on Progressive Geographies and commented:
    An interesting linguistic map of Europe.

  433. Perhaps the arrow from FRE to SPA should go from FRE to CAT

  434. DanielR said

    the data used for this graph is bullshit or very vague at most; useless talk

    • Explain, please. Why do you think so? The illustration is without data.

      • ME said

        it is misleading in population. missing some languages. Basing stuff off wrong languages. not explaining enough. shall I continue?

    • Hernan Gonzalez Bordas said

      I agree, is very vague, for exemple catalan and provençal should be as near as portuguese and gallician

    • Flying Frog said

      We all suppose that you are an expert – Could you , please, support your intrinsically vague statement and adjective used ? Or, are you another frustrated teenager missing shooting game button ?

  435. poochie said

    What about the Basque?

  436. Jordi said

    I think that Catalan and French are much more close related than seen in this graph. And Occitan, should be between the two.

  437. Basque language missing said

    So, where is the Euskara?

  438. Cancer said

    You forgot the Basque language….

  439. Mariano said

    Where is the basque, the only truly european language?

  440. Mugerre said

    Ok.And what about euskara (basque language)?

  441. […] » noticia original ( […]

  442. Alen said

    Add Bosnian Language next to croatian and serbian, as it’s slightly different from both…

  443. John Doe said

    The size that you have set in your graphic with the number of speakers doesn’t correspond to reality, my advice, you should add an additional legend with a ranking number of speakers of each language to make it look more clear that languages ​​have more speakers.

  444. Bendis said

    I think that the Albanian language should be placed closer to the Romance languages and ​​away with Slavic languages.

  445. Khispa said

    If there is catalan and galician, I wonder where is basque. Because I’m very curios where is it drawed.

  446. Aritz said

    What about the basque lenguage?

  447. Nemesis said

    Great work!

    Being Catalan, I would only add that Catalan language has a minor influence from French..

    It’s not too big, but certain stuff like the use of apostrophe, verbal forms, or some vowels can resemble French in a way.. also some words are shared, or derived

    Also i’m learning Italian lately, and it’s amazing to see how many peculiar words are shared!

    But of course italian has a completely different mechanic than Catalan/Spanish in certain aspects… some of it is more simple, while some of it seems needlesly complex to me..

  448. Gahndi said

    Where is Basque?

  449. jc said

    and where is basque? i think the oldest language of europe should appear…

  450. D.Warr said

    Odd that Greek stands alone…Kalimera

  451. Pado said

    What about Basque language???

  452. Lena said

    If I understand correctly SLO is Slovenian and SVK – Slovak. Then I wonder why do the authors think that there are more speakers of Slovenian than of Slovak language? Thinking logically Slovenia has cca 2 million and Slovakia cca 5 million people..

    • Cunnilinguist said

      They always make a mess with Slovenia and Slovakia … too similar name, too similar flag, nothing new 😉

  453. ibra said

    No basque no party

  454. […]  Lexical distance among European languages – Nice graph representation how close we in Europe speak to each other. […]

  455. Aitor aranburu said

    Where is the oldest live lenguague of europe? Vasque or euskara

  456. Zelenka Balázs said

    Hungarian is far away any European languages, but you missed out the Basque language. This is more isolated

  457. Alessandra Ribolini said

    Reblogged this on Alessandra Ribolini.

  458. Ezra said

    I wonder where Romani fits in. I understand the modern language has several different dialects influenced by the majority language in each location.

  459. Jordi said

    CATalan is of the same family as PROvençal, both of them right in the middle between SPAnish and FREnch

  460. Jan Tisztaság said

    What about Basque and Maltese?
    – also non Indo-eEropean.

  461. Plismon Iaith said

    Where’s Corse?!

  462. wiel said

    Any clue what “SR” between Polish and Czech stands for?

  463. noname said

    il Piemontese PMT???? 3.000.000 speakers unesco language but in italy is not recognized !! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,…………………………………………..

  464. William said

    Looks rubbish to me – a usefull method is a measurement of transparency of languages, which shows the similarities between languages. E.g. English and Dutch are over 95% transparant. So are Danish and Dutch – why is there no line there?

  465. Joxe said

    And what about basque language (euskara)? I can’t find this on the map!

  466. Xino xano said

    Catalan should be closer to French and in any case, very close to Provençal (the real name is Occitan. Provençal is just a dialect of Occitan).

  467. martin said

    where is basque?

  468. Da said

    where is euskera?

  469. grege said

    A really bad graphic, specially with the population, have you made it with a dice?

  470. Marsme said

    Where is the basque language?

  471. Nineu said

    And Basque?

  472. Itsaso said

    Where is Euskera? or Basque language?

  473. bengrafton said

    Reblogged this on bengrafton.

  474. Gjuha tregon lashtesine,dijen dhe historine e njerezimit ne pergjithesi.(E para ishte fjala)!!!!!!!!! Ne rastin konkret pozicionimi i gjuhes Shqipe ne rrenjen ose fillesat e gjuheve Europiane tregon ne nje fare menyre fallcifikimin qe i eshte bere historise se shkruar boterore dhe ne vecanti asaj Europiane nga historiografia e politizuar e interesave te fitimtarit ose me te fortit ne dem te kombit Shqiptar dhe te vertetes.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  475. jlba said

    And Euskera?

  476. Basque?

  477. John Tucker said

    Interesting etymological and epistemological point, DanielR. What is the scientific basis for your comment?

  478. dim said

    …feels kind of lonely….heheheheh
    Love from Greece.

  479. Bambu said

    Since when the Catalan has not lexical relation with the French? It makes not sense at all, the data used for generate this graph is not correct or not enough big to get a real thing.

  480. Anais said

    This is cool. I particularly enjoy seeing my native tongues sitting apart from most, as they do.

  481. Jeff S said

    The French “c’est a dire” was directly translated into English: “That is to say…” Another minor example of French syntax being absorbed into English. These are quite minor. Actually 60% of the 10,000 most frequently used words in English derive from French via the Norman Conquest.” English has also absorbed huge numbers of words willy-nilly from other languages. “Willy-nilly” itself is a reshaping from Classical Latin: “Volle-Nolle” (pronounced [wo-lay no-lay], meaning, “he wants, he doesn’t want” (or whether he wants it or not). “Ketchup” derives from Cantonese. “Skirt” and shirt are doublets borrowed from Norwegian, “Dollar” from Dutch “Taler.”

  482. Zortzigarren said

    Where is the Basque Language?

  483. Geurtz said

    Where is Basque? Over 800.000 speakers in Europe and by far the most ancient language in the continent!

  484. Catalan, during centuries, has been considered the same language as Occitan. And by the way, Provençal is a dialect of Occitan; not a language itself. And, on the other hand, Catalan and French are as close as Catalan and Italian…

  485. haatik said

    And the Basque??

  486. Pepa said

    PRO = provençal i guess.
    But “Rm”? It’s killing me. Rumansch?

  487. Kapitain Planet said

    What about Basque?

  488. where is basque?

  489. Alex said

    there must be a link between Catalan and French !!!

  490. GaryBellamy said

    Where is Basque in all of this? DLI used to teach it was a separate root language like Albanian per Prof “Magoo”..(his shortened Basque name)

  491. lucas gring said

    Euskera is missed!!

  492. aitor said

    and Euskera?

  493. tanierik said

    The amount of Slovak speakers (Svk) is bigger than that of Slovenian speakers (SLO), but the picture shows otherwise. Mixing up Slovak and Slovenian is a common mistake. Here, however, just the example of the author´s “highest” reliability.

    • Cunnilinguist said

      Yup, they always make a mess with Slovenia and Slovakia … too similar name, too similar flag, nothing new 😉

  494. miquel amengual said

    basque language missing….

  495. filogarte said

    Reblogged this on Filogarte and commented:
    Estudiando ruso me estoy alejando más de lo que pensaba 🙂

  496. Jan-Erik Løken said

    BOK = Bokmål (most common version of Norwegian). NN = Nynorsk – a less common version of Norwegian.

  497. alfab said

    It’s a pity that we cannot see the distance between Provenzal and Catalan.

  498. Joe said

    And what about the Basque Country and its language? It’s one of the eldest languages in the world and different to any other one!

  499. Joaquin said

    Where is Euskera? Out of frame?

  500. Matt said

    What is the unit of lexical distance and how is it worked out?

  501. dewex said

    Where is Basque on the diagram?

  502. Francisco said

    Basque is missing. It is a million miles of lexical distance from any of the other European languages anyway, but worth mentioning though.

  503. txapu1 said

    No place for the Basque?

  504. encovert said

    Where is the basque language?

  505. Jon said

    What happen with the Basque?

  506. elquevulguis said

    I am Catalan, I speak Spanish and French,
    I am pretty convinced that Catalan is closer to French than Spanish is to French.

    • formiga said

      I agree. For instance: table is taula in CAT and table in FRE but mesa in SPA. Window is finestra in CAT and fenetre in FRE but ventana in SPA. And so on… Catalan was related to French and Occitan until the 15th century. Afterwards and because of the Spanish invasions, it started being influenced by Spanish, too.

  507. Anna said

    I couldn´t find basque, that is also an european language.

  508. I still do not understand how come so many people mix Latvian language with Russian, I mean they’re so different, so far from each other, how can it sound the same to someone??! I hope they’ll know the difference some day.

  509. András said

    Hungarian has nothing to do with finno-ugric languages. There exists not even one artifact, that can proof this bullshit finno-ugric theory. This theory was made by the Habsburgs in order to supress the truth: Hungarian is a very ancient language (perhaps the oldest language in the world), much older than any european language. We have for example a lot of words that are identical (!) with words which were found on sumerian clay plates. We have perhaps the oldest writing in the world. There are several artifacts with the Hungarian rune writing, which were made 6000 BC, or even 30000 BC (in the pyramids in Bosnia).

    • ME said

      I totally agree. This(map) seems very un-researched

    • Grainsmith said

      Here’s another well-educated young urban Hungarian professional revealing “the truth”. You forgot to mention the Hungarians also invented gun-powder and compass before the Chinese and drank hot chocolate 4000 BC.

  510. […] Source for the quote and diagram above […]

  511. Byron D-B said

    Where would Basque be? (Did I miss it somehow?)

  512. Mts said

    Points to a far more detailed set of slides which address many of the issues mentioned. Unclear about copyright protocols plus am a bear of very little brain, so obviously interdict this if it infringes anyone’s rights. (-;

    • AABB said

      There’s actually a lot of mess in that powerpoint file.
      Strongly doubt if there’s a neuter gender as such in Lithuanian (slide 9);
      Some word examples (table, slide 4) are misspelled or use non-nominative noun case – Polish “ists” (go?); Lithuanian “rankų” – stands for “of hands” (genitive plural) not “hand”; some spellings are semi-phonetic, some others regular spelling.

    • Ivi said

      there are some mistakes in this presentation

  513. Where do you place Basque?

  514. Where is Turkey in this map?!

  515. Olta said

    I love my language u are unique “Albania”

    • bujar said

      Albanian language is a unique and the oldest one. It is the roots of Indo European. All the others diverted from Albanian language. We can learn any other European language much faster than any other one. This is because we do have a rich alphabet enabling us easier acceptance of other words often similar with Albanian ones. There is no single Albanian, eveng young children, who does not speak minimum two languages. I do speak 4 languages and able to communicate in at least three more.

  516. […] reading this article which was immediately recognized among my friends because it distinguished Albanian as a stand […]

  517. Daniel said

    There some inacurate representations on the map, altough the idea is brilliant and enlightening. (Congrats, BTW). One such inacuracy is the fact that on the map there is no connection between Romanian and the surrounding slavic languages (Bulgarian, Slovak, Serbian, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish). Romanian is a Romanche language in its structure and most of its vocabulary, but it shares at least 20% of its vocabulary with Slavic. Those words can be found with similar or related meaning in one or more of the Slavic modern languages mentioned above.

    • Daniel said

      Also, the connection in lexical terms between Romanian and Albanian is so thin that it is negligible in comparison with Romanian’s inclusion not only of Slavic, but also with Turkish, Hungarian and even German vocabulary…

  518. […] Fuente: Etymologikon […]

  519. Frank Institoris said

    Some people need to do some proper research before making comments about something they obviously know nothing about. I’m a Hungarian whose mother language is Hungarian which I speak fluently. I was born im serbia and my parents speak serbian/croatian. I know romanians, have family in Russia and the ukraine who speak all those languanges. Also know quite a few turkish people. I know for a fact that none of the these languages have any distiguishable similarities to Hungarian in language apart from the pronunciation of odd letters or words which have most likely been borrowed from each other in the last few hundred years. As for only ten percent of the current vocabulary being original Hungarian is probably true in regard to very ancient Hungarian, it is not correct for the current vocabulary in respect to the viewpoint of borrowing as even with “modern” hungarian, it is still very unique with no other language speaker coming close to understanding hungarian other than english influenced adapted words which have only come about in the last hundred years or so.

  520. […] Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe « Etymologikon™. […]

  521. Landa said

    Albanian language does not have any similarity with Slovenian language…

  522. If the pre-Greek Pelasgian is survived in Albanian language, than this chart should be different, as we now the Pelasgians (or whoever was their name), were the core of PIE or the latter Indo-Europeans. If it not so, at least the first Indo-Europeans in contact with autochthonous have contributed of affected in their language. So, take a look on these people. That’s why Albanian should be proven that is connected with all these languages, but not from the later period of borrowing, but from the period when these languages were created.

    The Pelasgian language was split in ancient Greek and Latin, and from these two languages are created many other Indo-European languages. So pre-Latin or pre-Greek idiom is the core and this core is more preserved in Albanian language.

    As Jean-Claude Faveyrial wrote in his “History of Albania”:
    “…instead to draw from Albanians borrowed words from Latin and Greek languages, would not it be better to see the borrowed words in Latin and Greek from Pelasgian language, which passes, irrefutably, as first language arrived in Italy and in Greece, and which naturally transmitted to Albanians as the only language preserved to our days ?
    Let’s assume that the Albanian is poor, ie, it is not cultivated. But, if we take off from more cultivated languages the scientific words borrowed from others, in what a bad condition they will lay ?!

    Edmund Martin Geldart, in his “Modern Greek language”:
    The popular notion of the Greeks themselves that the Albanians are the ancient Pelasgians, may be after all not very far from the truth. Certain is, that in Albanian, in spite of its corrupt or modernized state, as seen in the poverty of its case endings etc., we do undoubtedly find the meeting point of Greek and Latin.
    The fact that we find in Albanian the Greek and Latin sounds combined, proves general identity of the modern with the ancient Greek pronunciation to something very like demonstration.
    …Albanian presents us, in a mutilated shape, with the Graeco-Italic language before it had split into Greek and Italic.
    We have already seen that Albanian preserves many of the Sanscrit forms which Latin and Greek have lost… (pages 128-137)

    Another work upon the Albanian language is that of F. Ritter von Xylander (Die Sprache der Albanesesn oder Schkipetaren, 1835), who has elucidated this subject, and established the principal facts upon a firm basis. An account of the positions at which Xylander arrived will be found in Prichard (The Physical History of Mankind, vol. iii. pp. 477-482).
    Translating from his book in German language:
    “Words of Albanian language, without substantial changes and partly from the root, we also found in other languages​​, as in the ancient Greek, new Greek, in Latin, in Romanian languages, in old and new German, Swedish, Danish, English, Slavic, Persian, Arabic, Celtic, Basque and ancient Indian language.
    The extension suffix node and its more developed flexion, more than in Basque, Icelandic, Swedish and Danish, is not found in any of those languages ​​that have influenced later on Albanian.

    Compliance of Albanian with Persian and Sanskrit show about communion and direct than the intermediate relationship, common relations with the trunk than with the people who show up later in history … ”

    Robert Gordon Latham in his “The eastern origin of the Celtic nations proved by a comparison of their dialects”:
    “They (Albanians and Basks) survived to suggest to ethnologists of the nineteenth century a time (long anterior to the dawn of history) when a complex series of kindred populations was continuously spread over all Europe, from Albania to Finland, from Spain to Scandinavia-a series of populations now broken up and separated”
    “So did the Albanians of Albania. These survived, because the inaccessible nature of their areas had preserved them from the fate of their congeners in Gaul, Germany, Italy, Greece, and Sarmatia. They survived, because woods and mountains had been to them what the cold of the Arctic Circle had been to the Laps, and his swamps and fens to the Finlander.”

    + Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza’s “Genes, Languages and People”, in page 163 he wrote: In our tree, several languages have an early, separate origin: Albanian, Armenian, and later, though somewhat less clearly, Greek. On page 164 is the IE languages tree, with Albanian dating 9,000 years, followed by Armenian at 8,500 and then Greek 7,000.

    And many, many, other scientists who have the same conclusion for the Albanian. At least, you have to take them into consideration !

  523. How is possible, The Albanian language connects to Greek before German,it is so laughable… from linguistic and geographical point of view.
    Greek and Albanian should be simply swapped in this map.

  524. Ainars said

    Where is Latgalian LTG?

  525. Romanian is much more close to Italian and distant to Albanian. I am not a Philologist, only a simple Romanian intellectual, so I can only recommend you to find more information about. The scheme seems me generally suggestive.

  526. Iker said

    Where is Basque (Euskera)?
    The Basque language is the oldest in Europe, still alive is the biggest treasure we have. The European culture has in the Basque language the most interesting and valuable linguistic form. Unique in the world. And beautiful.

  527. […] Con la inestimable colaboración de Marià de Delàs y Carlos Enrique Bayo (jefes), Antonio Turiel, Inma Vendrell, Nacho Cabana, Débora González, Lurdes Fernández. Información adicional de Hispanismo, foro de WordReference, Esencial Blog, Una antropóloga en la Luna y Apalabradas. Más información de Distancia Léxica entre Lenguas. […]

  528. krox said

    Actually Estonian and Hungarian have hundreds of similar words, in spite of our Sumerian fellow Hungarians say here. They are not the same words but clearly similar. Btw I speak both languages fluently, one of them is my mother tongue. But Turkish should also be on the map. Estonian, Finnish and Hungarian are related to Turkish.

  529. mary said

    I’m curious how far Turkish would be from these other languages. Part of Turkey is technically in Europe (west of the Bosphorus), and I know of Roma in the Balkans who only speak Turkish…. so really, the language should be included…… and would be interesting to see, since it’s from another language family.

  530. mary said

    oh yes, and Romani, speaking of the Roma…..

  531. Finn said


    Very intresting though not a complete map or chart. I was teached that Hungarian is part of the Finno-Ugric group but have never understood it completely as Finland and Hungary have quite a distance geographicly and I being a Finn I don´t understand a word of it. Also would like to inform that in the northern parts of Finland, Sweden, Norway ans Russia they is an ethnic Group called Saami whom speaks all an dialect of Saami but hey have more than 10 different influance of other languages.

  532. ME said

    Could someone possibly decipher all the abriviations and post a key somewhere?

  533. Maria said

    This work for the continent of Europe seems really interesting indeed! As long as the clues for the lines connecting the points (circles) and the points keep on increasing, the map comes closer to reality, fun is more and evolution is for the best 😉 This chart is a good start, more research and reconfiguration on it would be of benefit! cheers (wasser ≡ water ≡ woda ≡ voda ≡ eau ≡ uje ≡ ύδωρ (νερό) ≡ … we ‘re closer than we think)

  534. acb said

    Is there a CSV file (or similar) of the raw data available anywhere? It’d be good to make this into an interactive visualisation using D3 or similar.

  535. From the main heading lexical, distance and Europe are Greek words…. about 38% of the English Language comprises of Greek words if you take words that are made of part Greek words and endings this goes up to 68%……….

  536. Snowy Bottles said

    It would be interesting to see where the “Scots” language, sits.
    I would guess in between modern day Norwegian (norse) English and French..
    Also, would the Sami languages form part of the finno-ugric group?

  537. Jen said

    I would have expected to see Basque on this map as well, being a language (albeit non-Indo European) spoken by ca 720,000 people.

  538. […] Source: Etymoloicon […]

  539. Brussels' Fernando said

    I would go one step further than the comment of Peter Green: the fact the absence of the Basque language – arguably the oldest living European language and most probably the most difficult to locate in this graphic – can only be explained by two reasons:
    – a gross lack of profesionalism (since we are talking here about someone who has evidently shown a deep understanding of European languages either indoeuropean or not) or
    – a political biais once again (this is not political paranoia because I repeat it is obvious the philiogic knowledge demonstrated)

  540. formiga said

    Which unit do you use to measure lexical distance?

  541. Cra CraCra said

    Ok English has taken many words from French and from Latin, but French comes from Latin ergo…

  542. dev said

    m sikhna chahta hu english meri english blkul week h

  543. Marina Radogost said

    Not perfectly accurate, especially regarding the East European languages, sorry to say.

    First of all, Croatian and Serbian are not two separate languages (tired of repeating it already): it is one only language, unique for having two names and two alphabets (due to historical and political circumstances). It is either that, or they are the closest pair of languages in the world, because they share say 95% of the vocabulary and a bit more of the grammar. But than you must hurry and give the language “status” to American English as opposed to British English, and to Argentinian Spanish as opposed to European Spanish, because the difference between Serbian and Croatian is pretty much like that. I say this as native speaker of the two-headed dragon SRB/CRO and a fluent speaker both of English and Spanish

    – Albanian has no connection whatsoever with Slovenian, but with Serbian/Croatian (although not nearly as strong as shown here, since it is not a Slavic language).
    – I can’t claim anything regarding the connection between Albanian and Romanian, since I don’t speak neither, but I strongly doubt there is a significative one – the only possible connection between the two I can think of would be through the influence of Turkish, which certainly wouldn’t be as strong as shown in this graph),
    – Belarusian is overwhelmingly far closer to Russian than to Bulgarian, to which it is no closer than to SRB/CRO or to Slovak, for instance;
    – Macedonian is nearly as close to Serbian/Croatian as to Bulgarian (not shown at all)
    – Catalan is at least as close to French as it is to Italian (I’d say more, but I won’t split hairs), which is not shown at all
    – Greek and… wait, Dutch??
    – What happened to Basque? Yes, it’s not a Indo-European, but still – it exists in Europe and has acquired some connections with the neighbouring languages

  544. […] Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe « Etymologikon™. […]

  545. paintermezzo said

    anyámborogass, méghogy a magyar, mint finnugor nyelv…!

  546. missleksy said

    I’d like to say about a link between romanian language and slavic languages which was not mentioned here..

  547. Fiona said

    Arabic has a big influence on so many of our languages – it’s a huge omission. So many of the Mediterranean languages have Arabic as does English … it’ would be interesting to see how it’s included here.

  548. […] […]

  549. Leutrim Kosova said

    Albanian ‘The Divine Language’.Only God knows how and when was it created.It’s special.Proud to be my mother tongue

  550. jan said

    A true Macedonian knows that his language is the origin of all others 😀

    • Aggelos said

      A true Macedonian knows that Alexander the Great, his teacher Aristotelis and all the race of the ancient Macedonians were speaking Greek because they are part of the Greek nation.

  551. Shati said

    Though Albanian has borrowed loads of words from (whoever conquered the region) namely Latin such as aux werb “est” to be alb. “është”; Slavic languages, namely Serbian, srb. “shta?” what alb. “çka” ofter pronounced in some regions “shka”; Greek and last but not least Turkish. Albanian itself must have just few original words from the proto-Albanians, nonetheless it keeps its original structure and that differs it from the other languages.
    Lately in the region of Albania, Italian is taking over.

  552. Hi. Is the Romanian language really so far from the rest of the Latin languages? My professor of Italian in US told me once that Romanian is one of the most Latin languages…

  553. I have some doubts about the Greek and its relation to Italian (because of the Latin): shouldn’t be closer than to French?

    • Aggelos said

      Loukianos, a Roman writer said that the Latin language was too poor until the Romans started using words and parts of the Greek language. So, Latin language became better thanks to the Greek language and this means that every language that is related to Latin has its base in the Greek.

  554. […] data from linguistics research by Kostiantyn Tyshchenko, Teresa Elms clustered European languages in this network graph. If you look closely, you might wonder why English is considered a …read […]

  555. […] Source […]

  556. choeferle said

    Reblogged this on Southeast Schnitzel and commented:
    A friend shared this with me recently. While I realize that this post has been out there for a few years, I still think it’s a good visualization of how western languages are related to each other.

  557. Please change ” K. Tyshchenko (1999), Metatheory of Linguistics. (Published in Russian.)” to “K. Tyshchenko (2000), Metatheory of Linguistics. (Published in Ukrainian)”

  558. […] on Facebook, this 2008 chart illustrating graphically the lexical distance between Europe’s major languages is insightful […]

  559. paff said

    So ..with simple words, Greek Language is the mother language most of all! No surprized …

  560. Martin said

    actually the population speaking the language is pretty off… at least the slavic ones … cause more than 3 million speak slovak, and slovenian … that surprises me tbh since no one outside of slovenia speak slovenian and slovenia has a tiny population, same goes for bulgarian … waay more people speak bulgarian

  561. […] — mapping 2,5000 breweries in the United States. From Celtic to Slavic, the degree of vocabulary divergence among European languages. And for a little levity, Washington types get down on the dance […]

  562. […] Etymologikon: […]

  563. […] the chart comes from K. Tyshchenko (1999), Metatheory of Linguistics. (Published in Russian.) – Quelle […]

  564. Meg said

    You all missed an important point: “The original research data for the chart comes from K. Tyshchenko (1999), Metatheory of Linguistics. (Published in Russian.)”

    The population is off because the data is OLD. Some languages are not included because the original researcher did not include them, probably because there wasn’t any easily available data or corpora to study.
    But there is no way to tell because the maker of this chart didn’t include a good way to find the original study (title of journal it was published in?)
    We just have to accept that some of the flaws in this chart come from the limitations of the original study.

  565. Peter Herz said

    A very interesting chart.

    Is English, apart from its technical vocabulary, really 60% Romance in vocabulary? I think not. It seems that every concept used by English-speakers has both a Teutonic and a Romance term. This was driven home when I read John Rawls in Political Science, in which he famously “discovered” that “justice is fairness” (English synonyms, one Latin, one Germanic). Further, they talk of how the “deep structures” of English are Germanic; although English is so grammatically streamlined (a process begun when the Danes settled among the Anglo-Saxons) as to be almost a Creole of something.

    Further, does linguistic distance among languages decrease with the higher the education of the speakers in question? People whose educations may have included exposure to certain languages might readily recognize a number of technical, legal, and likewise terms used by speakers of a rather “distant” language far more quickly than someone with a less extensive education, especially if those specialized terms are drawn from common sources, such as Latin and Greek for much of Europe.

  566. Reblogged this on Knocking on Doors and commented:
    Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe…very interesting.

  567. […] asemănări/deosebiri între limbile […]

  568. […] data from linguistics research by Kostiantyn Tyshchenko, Teresa Elms clustered European languages in this network graph. If you look closely, you might wonder why English is considered a Germanic language. Elms […]

  569. […] wondered why English is considered a Germanic language, yet borrows many words from French? In her map of the lexical distances between European languages, writer Teresa Elms uses linguistic research by Kostiantyn Tyshchenko in […]

  570. J said

    Fun chart but curious why the minor link is shown between Swedish and Finnish but Russian is all the way on the other corner. Russian certainly has minor links with Finnish language, as well as links between modern Russian and English (where many words are borrowed).

    I understand a simple chart showing all that would be difficult, but certain minor factors like that are misleading. Overall, I really liked this chart, though.

    It is true that many minor languages are missing while others are not, but I assumed that was done mostly for the sake of brevity rather than total completism.

  571. […] Необично е дека англискиот јазик е член на германската јазична група, но благодарение на Норманските освојувања на Англија, околу 75% од современата англиска лексика доаѓа од францускиот и латинскиот јазик што значи дека англискиот (припадник на германската група) и францускиот (припадник на романската група) се всушност лексички далеку поблиски отколку романскиот и францускиот јазик иако припаѓаат на истата романска група на јазици. Остатокот од истражувањето ќе го најдете на: […]

  572. […] Англискиот јазик е член на германската јазична група, но благодарение на повеќевековните Нормански освојувања на Англија, околу 75% од современата англиска лексика доаѓа од францускиот и латинскиот јазик што значи дека англискиот (припадник на германската група) и францускиот (припадник на романската група) се всушност лексички далеку поблиски отколку романскиот и францускиот јазик иако припаѓаат на истата романска група на јазици. Остатокот од истражувањето ќе го најдете на: […]

  573. […] Англискиот јазик е член на германската јазична група, но благодарение на повеќевековните Нормански освојувања на Англија, околу 75% од современата англиска лексика доаѓа од францускиот и латинскиот јазик што значи дека англискиот (припадник на германската група) и францускиот (припадник на романската група) се всушност лексички многу поблиски отколку романскиот и францускиот јазик кои припаѓаат на истата романска група на јазици. Остатокот од истражувањето ќе го најдете на: […]

  574. […] From […]

  575. There are more than a million Vasque speakers, however it is not present in the diagram. I guess it has been sacrificed for the shake of clarity, given its isolated position among European languages.

  576. […] Etymologikon blog by Teresa […]

  577. […] heard or experienced that Estonian is not the easiest language to master. It sounds and is composed unlike most other languages, which means that English, German, Spanish, French, or Russian are more similar to each other than […]

  578. […] via Etymologikon […]

  579. edesorban said

    Reblogged this on Genea-Search and commented:
    Hungarians have always been on the edge.

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