Arrested for filming : CEO of ThinkPenguin, Inc arrested for filming police : faces up to year in prison
I thought some people here might be interested in a recent freedom related (not software related though) arrest that occurred the other day. I was essentially arrested for filming a police checkpoint in Manchester, New Hampshire (police invoked non-existent law to interfere with recording, made multiple contradicting and confusing requests, and were quick to obstruct and damage video recording equipment). Papers please. I don't think I'll be posting this to the ThinkPenguin blog as its irrelevant to free software / the company / etc. However I thought people here might be interested in following the case. The entire trial will be highly publicized, recorded, etc. One of the officers humorously threatens me with a motor vehicle violation. To be clear I was not drinking, not driving, had no car nearby (got there via another driver which had his car parks two or three blocks away), and in no way under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Most likely I have a slam dunk case against the Manchester police department for violating my rights to record (Glik v. Cunniffe), violations of their authority to conduct the checkpoint (they'll likely end up in contempt once appropriate paperwork is filed with the superior court under which they had authority to operate said checkpoint), and interfering with the freedom of the press. There are multiple related parts to the incident including lawsuits, prior notices to quit harassment of us (the media), further complaints (required to bring a lawsuit in New Hampshire), motions to the superior court in regards to illegal police activity in relation to the checkpoint itself (the authority under which a checkpoint can legally be operated), a possible criminal trial (if it does not get dismissed or similar), etc.
Assuming the charges don't change before my arraignment it's a Class A Misdemeanor with up to a year in jail. This would entitle me to a jury. If instead it gets dropped to a Class B Misdemeanor I'll be denied my right to a trial by a jury of my peers. Provided nothing changes the charges shouldn't stick as I did not violate the all encompassing 'disorderly conduct' charge. To be specific it's a "disorderly conduct" charge that I was arrested for, but this can be changed before the arraignment (doesn't usually happen though). If your interested you can hear more about the arrest on the Free Talk Radio show that I co-host on Friday nights:
There will also be video posted of the incident leading up to the point of my arrest at (my video was seized, but experienced correspondents bring back up, as I did, we had several people apart from the nearly 20 activists protesting the checkpoint with video cameras)
You can also watch other police accountability videos here:
You can find a similar 'stand your ground' video of me in a different context that was posted a few weeks ago (no arrests were made, as again, I'm an experienced media correspondent and aware of the laws, and police tactics, plus it doesn't hurt when you are with people who've already won numerous lawsuits against the police):
Also there are probably hundreds of police, state house hearings, and similar (where I and others have testified on freedom-connected issues like Bitcoin, crypto currency deregulation in relation to money transmitters, and drones particular concerning for drone operator privacy to more mundane issues including drug decrim and bureaucratic employer regulations making employers ask permission for and file paperwork to pay employees every two weeks instead of one- of which only a few states even require), and similar encounters over the past year + mostly of me yet-to-be published (though others have published videos of whom I was with in many cases see above two links).
Correction. At least one video will be posted leading up to the arrest and probably of the arrest itself at and related videos from other media outlets of the arrest that night will be posted at
I do not know what if any major media outlets might pick it up at this point. It's not unusual though.
One thing is too film, the good, the bad and the ugly. but remember, the saying: "the coin has to sides", but to be belligerent, disrespectful, and aggressive verbally gives then a reason to arrest.. one thing is to do your civic duty, but to instigate negatively is a form of aggression. I saw the video you posted the link, yes it is your right to film but to cross the line with those words is too much.
The officers are the ones instigating here. It's not necessarily apparent. They came to us knowing full well that we were within our right to record under Glik v. Cunniffe. When I crossed part of the street I knowingly stayed at the sidewalk between the east and west bound lanes as to not interfere. When an officer comes to you it's them interfering with recording and not the other way around. You can legally get as close as a foot to an officer provided there is no interference. So for instance one can get a few feet from a scene as a member of the press where an officer is ticketing somebody for an offence.
In this case there was a clear violation of the authority under which they had to operate the checkpoint in the first place. Disorderly conduct in New Hampshire is broad, but can't be violated here. I was not being detained here and the officers went to an immediate arrest. Up to the point of the arrest the officers were issuing requests- not orders. The officer post-arrest then retroactively told me he was issuing an order.
If an officer asks for your name while your not being detained you have no obligation to provide it or provide an accurate name. It's only after detainment that I would have to provide a name. The officer asks for ID, not my name. There is no obligation to have ID on you let alone provide it on request. Officers routinely make it sound as if they are giving an order rather than making a request. For instance "I'm going to have to ask for your ID". That's a request, not an order.
The police can't simply setup a checkpoint. They have to get an order from the superior court that lays out a plan to conduct a checkpoint and then must follow that plan exactly. The officers involved exceeded their limited jurisdiction (normally an officer has jurisdiction everywhere in the state of New Hampshire, but not here, and that isn't true of every state). We're going to file a motion with the superior court as they were in contempt of the order. We obtained the document under which they were legally allowed to operate said checkpoint and there were multiple violations. Humorously while they normally take forever to respond we've got some pretty good people here and were able to obtain it that night.
so depressing, the level of corruption in our government and maybe more...
first brexit, then trump, what's next?
NHExit :) New Hampshire's independence movement I hope. The US federal government is hopeless in terms of fixing it. More realistically the short term possibilities are along the lines of fixing state and local government. The most impact happens at the state level anyway. There are more people in prison as a result of state government injustices than federal government injustices. So while the federal government has more of a negative impact when it targets people it's the state governments that generally do the targeting. Which basically means even without an NHExit a lot can be fixed by getting people together in one place at the state and local levels. That's what is happening in New Hampshire because of various decentralized migration projects. There is the Free State Project, the Shire Society, and dozens of groups all over New Hampshire working to end tyrannical government at the state and local levels. It's a migration that's actually working. There are lobbyists for freedom here (and nowhere else) and numerous politicians whom are creating a third party that's actually getting things done.
Whether or not you like what is happening in terms of the level of freedom in New Hampshire it's happening. The government is ending mandatory licensing for concealed carry (passed), has got legislation that passed the house (and I think maybe senate, or they at least heard the bill, might have to vote on it still) on ending regulation on money transmitters where crypto currencies are involved, decriminalization of marijuana is going to pass and get signed into law shortly (89% of the house voted for it, and the new governor is on-board, so the senate should this year go along with it), etc
There is work on gathering more anti-copy"right" folks up here. I'd say the vast majority in the movement don't believe in copy"right" and are big supporters of "open" content and free software (though actually adopting it is tricky when most people even within the scope of those moving here being more technical than the average individual are dependent on non-free software, and many are highly technical even).
If there was a welcoming destination for libre software users I'd definitely say New Hampshire is it assuming you also support other sorts of freedom such as ending mandatory driver licensing, ending mandatory vehicle registration, ending car mandatory inspections, ending mandatory license plates, ending laws on marriage, ending all drug criminalization, ending copy"right", etc.
Copy"right" is a tricky one that many people don't understand. Particularly in regards to seemingly contradictory views when it comes to supporting copyleft. copyleft is basically a poor persons defence to violence enabled by the state and furthered by corporations. It has no real effect on individual liberties. It's not used against individuals. Can anyone name a single individual whose been sued for violating the GPL? It's not even used against corporations and has been a complete failure outside of the moral realm. What I'm saying is copy"right" law doesn't further the cause of freedom within the software realm. Those who would release free software would do so with or without copy"right" and the biggest advocates of enforcing copy"left" and in fact the only ones actually doing it are in agreement with this view point. Short of RMS getting involved in enforcing copyleft there simply isn't anybody doing it who believes it is working in any real effective manor. This is in no way a push for BSD-style licensing. As long as there is copyright I'm favouring GPL v3 style licenses as I see this as a defensive posture to those who do threaten violence against us.
Can anyone name a single individual whose been sued for violating the GPL? It's not even used against corporations and has been a complete failure outside of the moral realm.
It is used. VMware is the latest big example:
Those who would release free software would do so with or without copy"right" and the biggest advocates of enforcing copy"left" and in fact the only ones actually doing it are in agreement with this view point.
Without any additional provision, the simple end of copyright for software would mean the source code of proprietary software will never be released (public domain is negatively defined), what does not make users more free, and this proprietary software would get an edge because it could then reuse software that is currently under the GPL (or any other copylefted license).
Short of RMS getting involved in enforcing copyleft there simply isn't anybody doing it who believes it is working in any real effective manor.
What about the Software Freedom Conservancy?
You're correct on the facts, but I disagree with you (and RMS) on what the end of copyright would cause, for a couple reasons:
1. Copyright would go away one country at a time, and proprietary software is exploited in multiple countries in most cases. So companies would still have to follow copyleft licenses to be safe until they no longer have force in all jurisdictions they are interested in. This wouldn't have a substantial long-term effect, but it would have a minor deterrent effect.
2. Without copyright, proprietary software developers will have to go to efforts to make sure that the EULA must be signed for someone to use the software, that no minors ever use the software (because minors are not bound by the terms of contracts that they sign), and that the EULA actually counts as a contract, because otherwise, people would be able to legally redistribute cracked versions of the software (and would choose to do so), destroying their business. Proprietary software development as a money making model would not be able to thrive in such conditions.
3. There are many programs that are proprietary only because of the license of their source code. Removing copyright would correct that. For example, almost everything in my article The Gaming Trap would become obsolete. That would be fantastic!
4. Even without source code, there are cases where people can learn to competently improve and modify a program. For example, ScummVM has extensive documentation on what the Sierra Creative Interpreter's object code means and ScummVM even applies patches to these games; you can see them in ScummVM's source code as hexadecimal numbers followed by comments explaining what they do. Then there's the possibility of disassembly, where while you can't e.g. return a program to its original C code, you can generate assembly code that has the same result and derive it into workable source code, which can be useful if an emulator is an option (as with a lot of old game systems).
With all of these put together, I think the end of copyright would be a massive net gain for libre software, especially for libre games. Sure, there would be some long-term loss of strategic dominance, and using copyleft while it has legal force is important, but I don't think this loss will be anywhere near the long-term gains of making the proprietary software model unsustainable and removing licensing barriers to making libre programs (especially games).
Yea- your point seem reasonable and are well taken.
June 16 - June 20 there is an event going on in northern New Hampshire called Somalia Fest you might be interested in. It's about civil rights, direct democracy and participation in government, reform of copyright and patent law, free sharing of knowledge ("open" content), information privacy, transparency, freedom of information, anti-corruption and Internet neutrality.
There is another event called Porcfest, and Somalia Fest (happening June 16 - June 20) is sort of an offshoot of that, but run by a different group of people. It's run back to back with Porcfest which is going on June 21–25, 2017 at the same camp ground (motel on site and hotels nearby). The later event attracts about 2,000 people and many will be attending both Somalia Fest and Porcfest.
Anyway- it's an event I'm helping to promote. Porcfest has also had free software GPG encryption tutorials run by Adam (who interned for the Free Software Foundation), myself, and possibly Bob and some others. A great free software presentation was done by Seth King a few years ago on why Free Software is for Freedom Lovers: We also regularly attend Porcfest and have a booth at the event in Agora Valley.
How does Iran factor into this discussion? I believe Iran is not signatory to international copyright laws. It is quite legal there, I believe, to for instance download a torrent of an album of music, make it into a CD and sell it.
Outrageous! It's not the first time I learn about USA Police abuse. At the end of 2015 this has had a tragic impact on our free software community too,
Yea- the circumstances were very different in that case. Ian Murdock sadly had problems. I've got no mental health issues to report. Even during the worst of health conditions I had a number of years ago for which would cause anybody to want to commit suicide I was not suicidal. The problem I had warranted suicide if not resolved quickly and just thinking about it puts chills down my spine. I did not want to die even if I knew I could not live with the pain (I had/have a neurological condition which was at the time causing the most severe constant pain you can't even imagine and no medication would relieve it, the pain was so bad as to keep me huddled in a ball for days on end without sleep, I ended up in the emergency room three times in two days, and it took one of three specialists in pain management in the country putting me on a cocktail of drugs to dull the pain enough to keep living... the pain was lulled to a constant dull pain for about a year on the drug cocktail and then another year after I got off the drugs.. from time to time I have certain symptoms that freak me out where I get certain pain that was a symptom, but fortunately it has not come back, possibly because I take pretty good care of myself now, relative to the insane sleep pattern and a general deprivation of sleep I put myself through to get funds for getting ThinkPenguin off the ground.. fortunately I was only out of commission for three months and I had an old friend who managed to step in and help out with keeping the business afloat during this time).
Humorously I realized just how normalized I've gotten to confronting (that is confronting illegal behaviour against those of us filming other illegal police behaviour, as otherwise when cops don't come up to us, we don't get involved, as we're just reporting on, rather than initiating interactions) abusive and illegal police behaviour on the street. Despite that I've never been arrested I noticed that I lacked any adrenalin rush this night. My heart was not beating severely during any part of the incident, arrest, handcuffing, being put into a transport vehicle, booking, caging, intimidation, mocking (they made fun of my hearing issue and numerous offices insulted me, calling be a "free stater", and illegally labelling me a "free stater", which apparently is my "gang affiliation"), etc.
Personally I prefer to not curse directly at police even when they're acting violently against us. Some of my colleagues on the other hand take full advantage of free speech laws and will respond to abusive police actions with insults and name calling. I don't think that's the right approach to take even if it is warranted. It looks bad and childish. I didn't do a perfect job that night I was arrested. It appears I cursed on camera although it isn't entirely clear in my communication with another correspondent in reaction to the unbelievable behaviour of the officers breaking or attempting to break the camera and that doesn't come off well. However the one person I'm thinking of in particular who will curse at officers breaking the law (at least interfering with our job which is to record) has never been arrested in the seven years of reporting on police. He exclusively reports on police whereas I'm reporting on all sorts of different activists, police, state house hearings, court hearings, protests, rallies, technical topics like EOMA68 and FCC stuff, and similar.
I wasn't aware Ian had any mental health problems. Citation, please?
I'm glad that you take good care of your health now, nobody can do that better than yourself and you can't go on with your work if you are not healthy.
I'm not sure I can cite a source for the mental health issues. Nothing I can find with a two second search or on wikipedia outside that he purportedly committed suicide. It's something that was reasonably well known amongst those who knew him.
Then I wish you haven't said that. He was working for Docker, a well known free software project. I doubt he could work if he had mental issues.
People are usually quick to label others just because they're different. Leah's past description of Richard Stallman as "contemptible human being" comes to my mind now.
Ian is not alive to be able to defend himself, but I hope that others who knew him will defend his memory.
Well, I do not know if you would label "loneliness, depression, plus gender dysphoria and substance abuse" as "mental issues" but these are Leah's words to describe her own issues that have not prevented her from being the main contributor of Libreboot, "a well known free software project". Brilliant developers can have problems. Ian Murdock included:
Actually, all these have prevented her from contributing with a line of code to Libreboot.
"Over the past six months, the Libreboot project has been in a state of discord. [...] Friendships broken, lines of code never written: the chaos needs to come to an end.
Emphasize on "lines of code never written". Hence no release in the past six months.
If I'm not mistaken my choice of words demonstrates a respect within the context of describing someone whose experienced a medical problem within the context of those with any range of psychological, drug related, or similar problems. I don't mean any disrespect to those who have or have had problems. I also do not believe such problems should be looked down upon nor should we be afraid to talk about them particularly when the person is already passed away. There is simply no shame in it and I'd condone those who would imply there is. There simply is no more harm that can be caused to that person which might otherwise be argued had the person been alive. If anything talking about it eliminates whatever shame those with malicious intent would like to spread.
You are mistaken. You shouldn't go on public forums making suppositions about the "mental health" of a dead well-known person without any medical evidence. A traumatic experience (such as being arrested and abused by the police) alone can make a person commit suicide, especially if that person has never had problems with the police before.
People can commit suicide after being abused/humiliated, without having any psychological problems before. Just look at the many cases of rape victims that have hurt themselves or even committed suicide.
I'm not debating you on this. You want to know more about his mental health state prior to the legal encounter go do your own homework. There is this thing called a search engine. Use it. I also didn't state that police interactions can't cause those without prior mental health problems to hurt themselves or commit suicide.
And continuing to claim EOMA68 is NOT libre hardware is libel. Even the schematics were released and just because your not competent enough to understand what was released doesn't make it not libre hardware. Besides the fact the hardware hasn't shipped yet so no code or designs even need to be released. Making the claim when you know full well it's been entirely designed around components which do not depend on non-libre code is libel. The schematics have nothing to do with whether or not it is libre hardware within the context of free software movement. Despite that all meanings of libre hardware have been satisfied anyway to the maximum degree feasibly achievable short of maybe raising 10s of million if not billions of dollars to design each of the individuals chips such that one could release the design files / masks of individual components at the hardware level.
Rather than attacking your competitor maybe you could actually make a useful contribution rather than just taking advantage of those who actually are making real contributions to this community.
No offense, I like your shop, but please take EOMA68-A20 computer is NOT "Libre Hardware" out of your username picture
This is not helpful to you, and its not helpful to him.
Your making yourself look bad, and your confusing people about EOMA.
also, while what your saying is true to some extent about people committing suicide when they are treated cruelly, it is kind of depressing and adds nothing to this thread.
I know your better than this, because you were very kind to me when I asked for the discount that I foolishly didn't add after ordering the product.
don't spread hate, I understand if you don't want to support him. but please don't spread false rumors/deception.
Could somebody please point me to what's been released, or where I would find it. I don't wish to take sides here- frankly, hardware liberty has little to do with my support of the campaign- but it obviously would be good to at least have an objective basis from which to draw conclusions.
Sorry if this shows my ignorance or laziness- not being particularly knowledgeable about hardware, I've simply not been much involved in the EOMA68(-A20) discussion (either passively or actively).
I don't have exact references, because a lot of time has passed since
the discussion happened.
Note that I do remember seeing discussions between those involved in
Libre Tea Computer Card (not EOMA68, but the only computer that is
seeking RYF certification and that is compliant with EOMA68) and those
against it due to not being free/libre hardware.
However, as I said earlier, *some* of these against Libre Tea Computer
Card due to "not being free/libre hardware" are missing a priority
issue. Despite being right in that it's *not* free/libre hardware yet,
we mustn't completely undermine the effort to provide a product that is
seeking RYF certification and *could* serve to foster development of
free/libre hardware.
For more information on the issue: you can contact the people
responsible for the Libre Tea Computer Card (as shown in their Crowd
Supply page), and if you want to take up the other side, you can contact
tct (which is in this forum/mailing list, if I'm not mistaken).
Thank you for your help- I'll try contacting the individuals you mentioned. My point of curiosity was in regard to whether or not it /is/ free hardware currently. At least knowing that it's not is a good start.
As I've said above, though, I don't wish to take sides (beyond what's objectively established). Like you pointed out, this *could* serve as a base for free hardware development- the more important thing is that we've now got a standard for combining computers with peripheral shells. With that, the cost of liberation should drop (because you don't have to replace the whole thing).
You're welcome! :)
The hardware hasn't been manufactured yet so of course the final designs aren't released, but that isn't what makes something libre hardware anyway within the context of free software. The hardware which has been designed is not dependant on any proprietary software pieces. That's the key thing that makes it libre hardware. Anyway. The designs for the hardware have been released (to the extent that it's prototypes have been manufactured, even if never shipped, as they are prototypes). That means no matter what definition you'd like to use it is libre hardware.
On the software side of things Parabola GNU/Linux-libre has been demo'd on the prototypes and there is code for everything here far above and beyond any other laptop on the market. Not just does Parbabola GNU/Linux-libre run on it, but so is the code available for things like keyboard and LCD controller components. The idea it's not librea hardware is just propaganda/FUD by someone whose not putting freedom ahead of his personal vendetta against me. tct is attacking EOMA68 because of an irrational fear that if we succeed his little business won't. It makes no sense when he's building off the work we and others are doing.
I've thrown a ton of money at this in the hopes we can make some real freedom respecting hardware beyond anything that is feasible today within the realm of laptops, smart phones, tablets, and similar sorts of devices, and helped raise another $200,000 USD to see that not only do we get the designs developed, but that it can get manufactured.
Luke whose the head engineer behind this has spent many years on getting this project to work. He's not profiting off it. It's little more than a volunteer position with barely enough money to cover things like rent, food, and similar essentials. If he didn't care about freedom he wouldn't be doing this work and its really sad to see anyone attack him for it.
If it fails it won't be because we didn't give it our all. It was the only project that seemed to have a decent chance of success if properly funded at the time I got involved.
There are medical evidences. And testimonies (e.g., from his neighbor). I have already given you a link and I give it again:
If you prefer the original document to the summary made by a journalist:
Thank you! I knew it wasn't some secret hush hush thing. It's sad what happened, but best to talk about these things I feel than ignore them.
Off Topic
Why is the EOMA68-A20 not Libre?
I guess it's better to start new topic on this.
I can tell you that this is a priority issue, again. People are
undermining providers of hardware products that work (and include) the
most with free/libre software known by mankind by default, because,
according to these people "the product must provide also free/libre
hardware designs". However, this is *not* a requirement for the Respects
Your Freedom certification, see:
However, I do agree with them in regards to that "it's not free", but,
as the certification would suggest, if it gets approved, it "respects
your freedom" to run free/libre software, so much that it runs
free/libre software to the extent known by the certification evaluators.
Another important thing is naming, *EOMA-68 is a standard, not a
product*. The most freedom respecting EOMA-68 compliante product is
called Libre Tea Computer Card, all the other "Computer Cards" aren't,
please be careful with naming, because there where multiple issues with
this in Parabola, so much that I had to spend some weeks helping to
revise some text in the Parabola news section.
> Off Topic
> Why is the EOMA68-A20 not Libre?
- [[]]
- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre, por isso não uso. Iguais a ele prefiro
GNU Ring, ou Tox. Quer outras formas de contato? Adicione o vCard
que está no endereço acima aos teus contatos.
- Pretende me enviar arquivos .doc, .ppt, .cdr, ou .mp3? OK, eu
aceito, mas não repasso. Entrego apenas em formatos favoráveis ao
/software/ livre. Favor entrar em contato em caso de dúvida.
Well, I'm not sure I'd say EOMA68 isn't libre. It's a libre standard. It's available for others to utilize as well in their own device designs within the scope of designing free software hardware. Though that said we can start talking about certain aspects of what is being manufactured. There is the Libre Tea Computer Card. That is going to get RYF'd once there is a finished run and the cards can be submitted to the FSF for certification- which is a condition of RYF certification. The laptop housing and the desktop housing can also be RYF'd. Certain internal issues at the FSF and how it operates have made the crowd funding campaign a bit challenging and tct is taking advantage of that to claim it's not libre. I can't help that the FSF did not have any means of certifying it RYF prior to the finished product being manufactured. We attempted to get them to do that- but it's just not how they've setup RYF. Instead they made a statement of support and looked at and had some of the prototype hardware (we sent them a desktop housing I believe and a prototype card). The prototypes were unfortunately damaged and not properly reviewed. However those most apt to and capable of reviewing the hardware for RYF are those involved in LibreCMC's development and working on the designs (Luke). The idea that the FSF is going to somehow be able to do a better job than us is humorous. This is not an attack on the FSF- but merely it's just an issue of resources and whose got the people with the skills to actually do these reviews. The FSF is essentially placing a stamp of approval (or will be) on hardware we already know should pass RYF. If it doesn't I'd begin to question RYF. The LibreBoot'd RYF laptops are far more questionable than the Libre Tea Computer card, desktop housing, or laptop housing. Right now the devices which you can say are truly libre to the maximum extant seemingly possible amount to the RYF wifi adapters we worked on and the wireless routers. I'm not sure about the 3d printer, but it could be as well. The sound adapter that was RYF'd is also libre. We've utilized the same chipset in one of our products for many many years. If there are some other items I'm not thinking of which were RYF'd there might be some other simple devices I'd agree are similarly equally as libre (again within the software context as none of these designs have had schematics released as far as I'm aware and none of them have had deeper level info released like at the component level).
Something said in your comment stood out to me:
> labelling me a "free stater", which apparently is my "gang affiliation"), etc
For that to be said to you most likely means you've had a federal designation applied. This would mean that you may be subject to enhancements added to any actions/ charges/ sentencings, etc. This changes much and you should exercise extreme caution as 'the rules' are likely different for you than an everyday American. The deal you believe you have in your hand may not be the cards you're actually playing with. I'd strongly advise you contact the ACLU or a local civil liberties legal clinic (many universities have them) who specialise in matters such as yours immediately. There is no margin for "wait and see". This is from a similar case:
(sorry about the youtube)
Yup, it's a glib and bubble gum music vlog but I hope it drives home what you're most likely about to face just by having a designation applied (you really need to find out if you actually have). Do your research and take care of you :)
Yea- I'm aware. Nobody has had harsher penalties applied as of yet so if they did it would be quite a case considering the very meaning contradicts the accusation and labelling. Free stater implies participation in the Free State Project which is a migration of those who believe in freedom and liberty to New Hampshire to partake in peaceful change. The very foundations of which are nobody should utilize violence against peaceful people. Neither the state nor oneself where there has been no violence. That is called the non-aggression principle and it's the bedrock principle of those participating in the Free State Project. This is almost pacifist philosophy if not for the belief in the right to use violence in self defence. ie someone aims a gun at you and threatens to kill you you'd be perfectly within your right to return fire killing the other person. The state comparatively is dependant on violence to exist. If you don't do what it says you will be incarcerated even if you've not committed any act of violence yourself. Even the mere presence of a police officer's statements could be reasonably constructed as an act of violence as failure to obey an illegal order is a crime upon which they are empowered to utilize violence against you (ie making an arrest, incarcerating, kidnapping, etc).
Sorry to hear that Chris, fascism is a big problem indeed. I hope everything turn out fine in the end.
Tell me something what is the difference between a fascism and a total libertarian person in reference to obedience and the law?
Yea- I kinda want to yell out "here piggy piggy piggy, want a doughnut?" sometimes. It would make for a very entertaining video. Hilariously I think it would apply to me more than many officers though. I am unfortunately not in the best shape of my life despite being fairly active. I'm not that terrible relatively speaking. Probably less than 200 lbs. A high calorie diet and a relatively sedentary job and all that, though I am trying to drink more water and less sugary drinks. If I don't watch it I'll be 300 lbs before I know it.
Humorously after one police encounter in Concord we caught half a dozen cop cars all at Dunkin' Donuts. It was funny because of how stereotypical it was and the number of police at that. I've not published the video although I probably should.
I am of two minds of this,
show the video for some laughs
don't because you could get in some very big trouble due to the level of corruption in our country and as it would appear, maybe in the world itself.
haha- I have no fears of showing the video. There are so many people here who have been targeted by FBI, state, and local police I'm not terribly afraid. Not even of the ones that make me look a bit like a jack-ass.
The people here have won numerous criminal and civil cases and some have brought lawsuits against the state for malicious arrests (resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, etc) for filming police. FSP President Carla Gericke Won a Federal Case Against Weare Police just 3 years ago (US Court of Appeals (1st Circuit) ruling in favor)! Carla won $53,000 in her lawsuit against the state. Multiple people won a criminal and then civil case against the city of Keene. That only concluded after multiple appeals by the city after they lost repeatedly again and again. In one of the most draconian states in America (Massachusetts) Ian Freeman had a criminal case dropped for filming and then settled for $5,000 (he didn't wish to pursue it as he had enough on his belt). James Cleveland was arrested for filming for not backing up fast enough! Again- another criminal case that was won.
I'm one small fish in a pond of sharks. I'm too deep in anyway and have to assume I'm being watched and every other person I talk to is a fed. I assume take reasonable operational security measures already. That is you don't say things to people you trust that might get you arrested. The people you trust most are generally the ones that are feds/moles/etc. I assume if they want me they'll just plant some child porn or something anyway and go after me as they did others here or otherwise make it appear that way.
True story. So one of the activists here has been targeted multiple times by police and FBI agents. He's one of the most prominent leaders in the migration of people to New Hampshire so he's a serious target. Ian Freeman has had his home raided multiple times for petty stuff. One time he was raided via a warrant for housing violations. Do you know what they found? Missing or dead batteries in a smoke alarm. You don't get raided for that sort of thing under any other context. They don't get warrants for people because of missing smoke alarm batteries. You get raided and they use that as an excuse because they're trying to intimidate you into submission.
When the FBI came knocking last year it was all intended to spark fear in the local activist community and discredit a leading activist. The FBI raided Ian Freeman's home, activist center, renters living above, and most importantly a radio studio. They stole computers and radio equipment needed for getting out Free Talk Live. Free Talk Live airs on 170 radio stations across the US, satellite on multiple continents (Europe, Africa, and probably the US), and online, not to mention smart phones, laptops, and other devices of his, and some tenants.
So what happened and what sparked the raid? A co-host Mark Edge criticized the FBI for it's hypocritical stance on the FBI's Playpen investigation two weeks prior to the raid. The FBI argues that distribution child porn hurts children. Well, OK, then why did the FBI distribute child porn? The FBI didn't just maintain a server that someone else setup- they moved it and improved its performance. The attack didn't just happen on Free Talk Live by Mark Edge. The technical media also reported on the Playpen case. However the difference is Free Talk Live was the only major general media outlet to report on it and certainly the only one to criticize it. Taking out Mark Edge would have no impact on the movement. He's just not that important. He has a kid, a family, and merely assists with the radio shows operations and co-hosts it during part of the year. The guy you want to target is Ian Freeman. And that is what the FBI did by most likely fabricating via a sworn statement evidence for a warrant against the address of the radio station, activist center, Ian's home, and those renting rooms above. Now even if someone had accessed the Playpen site there have been hundreds of activists which have used the internet connection. The likelihood of Ian Freeman being the one who accessed the site is probably a million to one. Ian Freeman HATES children. I've never known anyone to have such a strong dislike for children. When he visits a restaurant this guy will walk out if there is even a mother with a baby breastfeeding. The guy finds it distasteful. He doesn't want to ban children from restaurants or anything like that- but he certainly isn't downloading kiddie porn in his spare time. Anyway- the FBI knew that the internet was in his name as he owns the building. They leaked damming statements to the press in an effort to discredit him and make him out to be a child rapists of some sort or another. There have already been targeted attacks pre-dating the FBI raid against him with fictitious posts implying that Ian supports child rape being posted all over Keene, New Hampshire and to keep your children away. This twisted accusation comes from a statement from him on the radio stating a sex act in his youth with an older person didn't hurt him in any which way. Not believing the status quo or myth-like propaganda being spread by a certain segment that all youthful sex is somehow damaging has been grilled into us is hardly the equivalent of one saying they support actual child rape. Anyway. Here is a bunch of stories and a press release:
Ohh- and this didn't kill the radio show. Free Talk Live lost a few radio stations as a result and the show didn't even miss a beat due to the overwhelming public support of those who know him and of Free Talk Live. If it were any other person other than Ian Freeman who'd been targeted they'd probably have committed suicide resulting from the depression which usually follows false accusations like this, being fired, losing businesses, etc. It's been over a year now and nobody has been arrested. I wonder why? And the FBI is losing the cases related to the Playpen investigation. Who broke the law? Not those they're targeting. I already saw whom they're really targeting and it's not child rapists. Rather it was the FBI who lied and broke the law. They lied to the judges that issued the warrant that enabled the FBI to 'legally' break into thousands upon thousands of computers. This clearly illegal and unconstitutional act is what you get from government- sadly. I don't see how it can be fixed and rather just surrender government than let another person be wrongly incarcerated for a crime they probably didn't actually commit- or is otherwise malicious in nature. I've seen first hand how law enforcement have been trained to lie, intimidate, and manipulate. We've got multiple supreme court rulings that clearly say that the police have no obligation to protect and I would say they clearly don't beyond a superficial appearance. I've experienced their aggression first hand again and again. Surprisingly it is only now that I have been arrested for standing up to it. Manchester is one of the worst cities with one of the most corrupt police departments in New Hampshire so it should be no surprise to me that it was here that I got arrested.
I listen to the to the free talk show where you was invited, my best advice, get a real good lawyer, and buy a bicycle and ride the bike trails in Marietta, I use to ride the comet trail and did discover some one willing to ride with you, I lost my weight by exercising by riding my mountain bike in the trail. Still doing it, but I still climb the hills of tagatay 2500 feet above sea-level, but the traffic is lavish.
Yea- I've got a few good lawyers on speed dial these days. I'm literally surrounded by them. The day of this incident just prior to the checkpoint event I was hanging out with one. I'm not sure she is a practising lawyer at this point although New Hampshire is unusual in that you don't have to hire an actual lawyer. You can have someone represent you who is not a lawyer. I have an email though of a very good lawyer and have already reached out. I've already written up a complaint of the night of the event, etc. Basically video and good detailed documentation of exactly what happened helps win cases.
True and very true. Chris, stay cool is my advice, is simple one, stay focus and start working out your body, you will feel better about yourself physically and mentally sharp..
Bicycling has helped me mentally during times of extreme stress, so I second that.
Also, as hard as it is right now, sleep is of prime importance. Whatever helps you get enough of it needs to be guarded.
I replaced my printer of 15 years with a TP just because it wasn't worth it any more but still might be able to toss a few bucks in the hat for that very good lawyer if the time comes and so would a lot of other people who have to hunker down and keep their own mouths closed because of various life circumstances.
Stay strong; you are appreciated and very much needed right now.
>Bicycling has helped me mentally during times of extreme stress, so I second that.
Bicycling is for open sores fanboys. Hard core free software doods do base jumping. I myself grow out of it years ago, now I just run blindfolded on the superhighway. I'm very fit.
Why would I want to base-jump out a bridge or a mountain? Well. the answer is found on your age!..Either you mature and every bone starts hurting, at late age.
Me, I have to admitted my record stands at 60 jumps. Yes, I got my jump wings "airborne" at age 21.. Will I do it again?
HELL yes!.
It help paid for my bills all the time. plus it was fun to do, except, when some one try to shoot at you, while you are coming down fast, from a 500 feet combat jump. lucky no one got killed, except the jerk who was firing.
but TO run blindfolded on the superhighway that takes cojones de locos.....LOL
cojones de loco indeed
Not sure if I followed you, but I'd probably contribute to Bogatov's legal defence fund if you got a few dollars:
At this point I'm still mostly waiting on some motions I filed to get the evidence and anything else they might try and use against me.
A story has been written and the video has been posted:
The video you see here is video from another media correspondent of me, and it does not place me in the best of light. I had no reason to think I'd be arrested that night. I took no initiative to make myself look good for the camera. I admittedly look like a 'hoodlum' (or a 1990s teenager) in both the image Ian decided to use (it was a protest for NH independence) and the video itself.
Without understanding the background and routine abuse by police of media in New Hampshire it's hard to see this in its proper context and my choice of clothing doesn't help. Manchester police are the worst. You don't want to be arrested in Manchester. The police in other parts of New Hampshire can be jerks- but they tend to refrain more from making arrests due to other lawsuits from prior filming arrests which were found to be illegal.
That's the problem with non-antagonistic action. If you intentionally go in and 'bait them' the police look bad and people will call you out for it. If you don't you end up looking bad when they come to you- and people still make that accusation- because it's not initiated nor planned- so the police do things that make it appear one way when it's not that way at all. There is something to be said of those who 'bait them', but I don't partake in that. I was purely acting as a media correspondent here trying to get better video, and the officers came to us. I had intended to cross over to the middle sidewalk as we've done many many times before without issue (in other areas, and it did surprise me at how unprofessional the officers were in the scenario after ward, they think they are all powerful, and in some respects are). There is no 'jaywalking' offence in New Hampshire outside of specific conditions for which we did not violate.
See rsa 265:36 for details of what is and isn't legal:
This was what happened:
The sidewalk on the other side was closed off far in advance of any 'safety' issue so they had clear intent to keep us from filming. That was not authorized by the superior court's order which made this a 'constitutional' checkpoint. I don't believe any checkpoint is constitutional, but to the extant the courts say it is they (the police) should be obeying the law themselves and they were clearly not. The checkpoint plan that was authorized also states various other things like the officers have to be courteous and polite. It also states they are limited to two minutes per car and they can't make anybody step out of the car. The officers were opening peoples car doors and committing various other violations of the authorization. Much of this I only picked up on after I saw the videos from others.