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[–]stonepimpletilistsHARD CORE NAVY RED[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (0子コメント)

Here. on account of the major TRP DOXXing in the news, not entirely comfortable with a new user coming in and trolling for info.

He can contact the mods for further action

[–]Flathatter45Unplugging 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Selection bias. We know about the divorces, and we know about happy, successful marriages. But the marriages where one or both parties "fell out of love", but kept things functional and mostly civil for the sake of the kids, you never hear about these because the drama, such as there is, usually ends at the driveway. If you decide to put your kids well being ahead of your desire for a fulfilling relationship, that's a viable choice. Just weigh all the factors and know what you're getting into is, I think, the point of the post.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Just weigh all the factors and know what you're getting into is, I think, the point of the post.

Yup. You do you, just don't hamster.

[–]addictedtoyourfaceMRP APPROVED 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is a decent write up. I'm hoping for some good discussion out of this. I don't fully agree, and as someone who has kids and made the decision to break up his family, are some thoughts:

  • If you're in a shitty marriage your kids will be affected regardless of whether you stay or leave. As man, you have to make a tough decision as to which choice is best and own it.

  • Regardless of your decision, you have to work hard at parenting. A lot of kids are fucked up, because the mom is using the kids as a weapon and the father just gives up. You, as a father can only affect one of these situations, but it can have an incredibly positive impact.

  • Dogma is a poor approach concerning your marriage and your kids. Things can change day to day and one should be flexible to meet the challenges that go with difficult marriage/divorce with kids.

If you don't think you can get full custody, then she isn't that bad.

You underestimate the courts....I've witnessed first hand a drug addict mother get the kids, from a guy who had a studio apartment with a minimum wage paying job. His humble living conditions were considered worse for the children then being around a woman addicted to drugs.

Life is hard. Kids with intact families get "fucked up" too. There are so many variables as to why kids get "fucked up" to say it's always because the parents broke up, and that if you stay your kids will be fine. Also, what does "fucked up" mean? That's a pretty serious phrase. Can you expand on it. Can being "fucked up" be overcome? If so, what can a man do to help his kids get over being "fucked up"? Both my parents come from abusive and broken homes. They have been together for over 40 years and the home I grew up in was fantastic. I would not consider them "fucked up". Did they have struggles to overcome that I never witnessed, I'm sure, but I would not in any way categorize them as "fucked up".

I like your admonishment for a man to think long and hard before he chooses to blow up his family. I don't like the dogmatic statements that your kids will for sure be "fucked up" if you leave a shitty marriage.

[–]FireTemperedMRP APPROVED 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (17子コメント)

Children are incomplete little humans that cannot claim adult status. Allowing them to make adult decisions, per se, or allowing them to control adult decisions by just existing is not rational.

I claim myself to be a higher priority than my children, and my spouse.

I claim my spouse to be a higher priority than my children.

My children are NOT the number one reason to stay married or divorce.

Women and children believe that women and children should come first. Consider the source.

[–]Flathatter45Unplugging 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (6子コメント)

So then, what is a man's duty to the children he fathers?

[–]stonepimpletilistsHARD CORE NAVY RED 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

A wise french man once told me.

you will spend more time with your aduld family than with the children. most of your work is fathering adults

[–]FireTemperedMRP APPROVED 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (4子コメント)

The duty to raise children to adulthood does not change. My comment is not about that. It is about giving disproportionate consideration to what women and children need. It is about making a parent's needs less than or equal to the needs of the children. It is about making decisions based on the needs of others, without first considering the needs of one's self. The result will be unnecessary self-sacrifice.

[–]Flathatter45Unplugging 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I see your point. You have to put your oxygen mask on before you can help anyone else. A man should not enjoy luxuries while his kids go without necessities, but neither should he set himself on fire just to give them light to read by. SOmetimes its hard to strike a balance because in this day and age, any time a man allocates time or resources to himself, he is often castigated as being selfish and immature.

[–]FireTemperedMRP APPROVED 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

in this day and age, any time a man allocates time or resources to himself, he is often castigated as being selfish and immature.

Yes, and women and children are put on a pedestal.

[–]Redpillbrigade17 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

My gut tells me the "women and children" priority is to call out the weaklings and make them fold early among the true fighters. Make them negotiate. Make them emotional (oh my the poor helpless women and children). Then it's been parroted on and on and here we are today. Keep the people busy making women and children happy (good luck) as opposed to follow one's own truth and cause in life, lest they lead or spark a revolution.

[–]FireTemperedMRP APPROVED 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Keep the people busy making women and children happy (good luck) as opposed to follow one's own truth and cause in life, lest they lead or spark a revolution.

I would guess that women and children benefit most. If I was a woman, I would be promoting these messages for my own benefit, and, they might call me a feminist. :)

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (6子コメント)

This post isn't saying that at all.

YOU DO YOU, is the basis of TRP and MRP period.

What I am saying is anyone that claims the kids will be better of is hamster, nothing more, nothing less.

From there, make your decision, conform to your post. Introspective honesty is the foundation of being a healthy man, and that includes understanding that getting divorced might make you happy and fuck them up.

That's OK, really, I'm not moralizing.

This is an anti hamster post, nothing more or less.

[–]FireTemperedMRP APPROVED -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Agree to a point.

My point is an addition to yours. Often children are given priority that makes the hamster-ing you discuss much worse. Giving children too great a priority is detrimental to a rational thought process when deciding the direction of our adult lives.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I think you should consider the amount of happiness raising your kids to adulthood would bring you.

Number 1 regret on deathbed : Should have spent more time with my family.

[–]stonepimpletilistsHARD CORE NAVY RED 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

would that matter, if none of them respected you? Were you around, 6 months ago, when the paramedic MRPer was talking about how the family was divvying up his estate, while standing over his deathbed?

Fuck that, I'd rather spend more time fucking hookers if that was the alternative

[–]FireTemperedMRP APPROVED 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think you should consider the amount of happiness raising your kids to adulthood would bring you

My children are older than most on this sub. No regrets. I did not put my children on a pedestal either.

[–]Redpillbrigade17 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Dude - who is that coming from? Mostly blue pill people and blue pill media. Society makes you ever more sensitive to your children exactly through articles and sound bites like the above regret on death bed. 90-95% of the population is blue pill beta followers, espousing that kind of stuff.

[–]FireTemperedMRP APPROVED 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Number 1 regret on deathbed : Should have spent more time with my family

That's how they have sold the whole Disney vacation ideal. "Making memories" for $100 per hour on average.

[–]Redpillbrigade17 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

My 6 year old asked me the other day if I would give my life for her/ for my kids (can't remember exactly). I was surprised. And amazingly I was even more surprised that I didn't have a clear answer either way. Definitely I didn't have a resounding "Yes" which right there gave me pause. And reason to think. Don't I love them tremendously? Enough? Should I give my life for them if faced with choice ? Would I?

Just for one of them I don't think so, since she's got two little siblings who in order to grow they need me . So if indeed faced wih this horrible choice I may sacrifice one to give a the other two a chance as opposed to leave all 3 of them fatherless. If choice was between all 3 or me, then I'll probably give my life so they can live. But even on that one I don't think I am fully there. Call me cold hearted dark triad whatever but as much as I love them I can always have more, they're all very little and I feel like I have so much more life left in me. Also I am wondering if fact that my ex filed and moved out with them colored my current thinking.

[–]FireTemperedMRP APPROVED 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Should I give my life for them if faced with choice ? Would I?

Each person has to answer that question for themselves. Today's society says yes, sacrifice all for the children. 100 years ago it was no. Is the idea of "women and children" first a feminist idea, or no? I'm older, I go with 100 years ago.

[–]stonepimpletilistsHARD CORE NAVY RED 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It calls you honest, or at least pragmatic.

Your feelings make you want to do stupid things, your pragmatism helps you bring up a family.

[–]stonepimpletilistsHARD CORE NAVY RED 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I was this child of divorce. My problem with these concerns and studies is they never notice the underlying reasons, only a crude correlation.

Those same studies tell whipped and sexless men that they will live longer if they put up with being an eunuch.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

My problem with these concerns and studies is they never notice the underlying reasons, only a crude correlation.

Can you expand? We most likely agree.

[–]stonepimpletilistsHARD CORE NAVY RED 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Disclaimer: Got a client drunk at lunch, rambling commences.

I follow some married dude on twitter that keeps linking 'married people are better' shit, and I read them all (haven't gone through yours yet) and I find the same theme.

Yeah, married couples have longer lifespans, better kids. They define married as never divorced. They also define cohabitational parents as anyone who has a kid that didn't get married.

Of course we know. Chad with his baby momma, and two people who have lived as a married couple, without a license are not the same thing. So of course, when you lump them together, you see it brings the numbers down.

Not to mention a LOT of those studies do P hacking (see the PHD in here to describe this) and a huge problem in soft sciences of the replicatability crisis (70% of them cannot be replicated) and you start to get into a gigantic grey area.

My mom got divorced when I was 5. She stayed with my step dad until college. I almost fought the fucking guy. And I can say 100% I'm not fucked up. I may not ever sign on to get married married, and will probably be the 30 year together couple with no contract.

But the one thing I know is none of these studies reflect real life. They are infused withe the authors bias, clever organization of data to reach a certain conclusion, and never find the underlying reasons why the correlation exists.

Unofrtunately, I've found much more value in the crude manosphere method. Guys swap notes, see trends. A guy doesn't care if marriage is better, or if cohabitation. If divorce is better than suffering through a bitch BPD for the health of your kids.

Also, what does health even mean? Do they get successful careers? Is health meaning 'do they get married and have kids?'. Very few clarify what helath even means. Kids don't do suicide? Kids don't ride the CC? Very few mention the concerns that a father would have for his kids.

I tell you what, (and point me in the direction if you see them) find me one of these studies that show the corelation between divorced parents, miserable married parents, and a daughters N count, career earnings, or lieklyhood of hard drug use, and I guarantee, it will be the singular piece that guys will use to craft their lives.

Until that day, they are not useful in a practical sense.

[–]FireTemperedMRP APPROVED 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Wow, Stoney. I'm feeling you here.

[–]stonepimpletilistsHARD CORE NAVY RED 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

After a second read, I really don't like or trust this guy.

[–]alphabeta49MRP-APPROVED 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Post got me thinking, even though I don't agree with all of it. Ultimately, this:

It got traced alllll the way back for both of us, even though her family never split up.

You shot your whole argument in the foot by admitting that even when parents stay together, they fuck their kids up. I'm an example of that. Parents are still fine and married, but I was a worthless, drifting pussy until a few years ago.

I've had to reassure my wife that, despite our best efforts, our parents are going to come out in us, our own upbringing is going to haunt us, and we are going to screw up our kids. It's a fact of life. Generations of families pass on traits, habits, worldviews, and lifestyles naturally, and it is very difficult to change any of that.

I commend the dads on here for wanting to do it different and raise their kids way better than how they were raised. But it is important to accept that we will hurt our kids, because that's life.

Now, whether or not divorce hurts the kids more than staying together is a case-by-case decision. There is no blanket statement. What I do believe is that using the kids as an excuse to stay in a shitty marriage and not to do the work to improve makes you a pussy. I also believe that bailing on a marriage and using these blue pill studies that claim divorce isn't that harmful as an excuse to avoid the hard work also makes you a pussy.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Already addressed this elsewhere and in the post. Multiple layers of abstraction. Once you digest that, let me know and I'll debate it further with you.

[–]alphabeta49MRP-APPROVED 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I agree with your layers of abstraction. Be the whole package, be a great parent, father (I understand the difference), manager, and husband. That's the best way to do family successfully, and getting there will help you determine if she's really the problem.

I'm great at the parent and father bits. RP has helped my improve the other two. When I was new to this, I "stayed for the kids". But really I was stupidly immature and didn't know up from down. Self improvement has shown me that I owe my marriage a chance. My wife is a good woman, hard worker, not screwed up, relatively self aware, RP dad, etc. I'm the NPD. I digress...

Your a priori argument is golden. A marriage has to be pretty fucked up to actually benefit the kids when it dissolves. That's when you have women who are truly BPD, NPD, etc.

However, I don't agree with

If your wife is BPD, that mean's you're likely NPD.

Some guys are just oblivious. And they need to get out just as badly as the guys with head issues. Crazy bitch is a crazy bitch.

Ultimately, I don't disagree with your post. I too believe that a nucleus family is the best environment to raise kids, statistically. I'm saying your argument is moot on an individual basis because

1) Some marriages ended rightly, some ended wrongly, some endured rightly, some endured wrongly. Each marriage is so unique and complicated due to the nature of upbringings and the interaction between them that I don't think you can make any massive blanket statements. And,

2) You're going to hurt their children, divorce or no. If you're worried about hurting them, then become the whole package. Kids watch their parents interact, whether they're together or not.

If a man is considering divorce, I would recommend he really dissect your a priori argument. That's the core of it.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Some guys are just oblivious. And they need to get out just as badly as the guys with head issues. Crazy bitch is a crazy bitch.

You're right, I forgot to further delineate. If she's chews through you quickly, you're probably just codependant. We have 3 kids. I'm a sociopath and clearly a masochist.

Crazy bitch is a crazy bitch

I agree. I'm about to find out if such a thing is ever fixable. Mine's no longer ego-syntonic and we've hashed out some agreements that make the arrangement work in the short term. But I'm not sure you can manage what amounts of a logarithmic increase of what a woman is. She's violent, dangerous and highly intelligent.

Which is why I do get bothered by guys venting about very very small issues.

If a man is considering divorce, I would recommend he really dissect your a priori argument. That's the core of it.

It's a strong logical destruction of the idea that they'd be better off and really goes back to what we all know here. It's at least 50% you. Once you can eliminate that, you can work on the next 50%.

Then once you've reached the point where you know in your heart of hearts you can't fix any more, do you want to be happy or have healthier kids?

I wasn't going to let someone bluepill their way out and ask for their red stripe.

1) Some marriages ended rightly, some ended wrongly, some endured rightly, some endured wrongly. Each marriage is so unique and complicated due to the nature of upbringings and the interaction between them that I don't think you can make any massive blanket statements. And,

You do realize this is blue pill right? This is basically what the counter to the n-count study is, almost word for word.

In fact, let me blow your mind.

"Women with high partner counts are a poor choice for a man to have a marriage with."

Some marriages ended rightly, some ended wrongly, some endured rightly, some endured wrongly. Each marriage is so unique and complicated due to the nature of upbringings and the interaction between them that I don't think you can make any massive blanket statements.

You're going to hurt their children, divorce or no.

Wrong again. This presumes your relationship can not be fixed. But first, the parents must fix themselves to work towards a healthier family.

Most rebuttals of this seem to come down to a blue pill defeatism.

My situation is most likely literally unfixable. I'll know maybe in another year. But I was willing to go to the point of it being an issue of "physiologically not possible." As far as a woman with BPD can be managed, I think I am clinically notable territory honestly.

Most of the issues I see are easily fixable, but the men involved are neurotic, self-defeating or weak. Once a guy is being real with himself, willing to endure a lot of pain and take on a ton of strength, no on here I think is surprised by the "holy shit" posts.

Until a guy reaches that point, he probably hasn't done nearly anything. I think most guys can reach a point of very real improvement in their relationships easily but then they give up just as easily.

Point is this. If you can reach that holy shit area, and MOST guys here can, you can button up interaction with her and your kids together, or "the family."

Getting her to function and be attracted in some sense isn't hard. The impossible part is getting a woman to actually be self aware enough to stop operating strictly from their programming and understand their own self destruction.

That I don't know is possible. And that really is the point where you have to decide whether or not you're fighting a losing battle. I'll know my answer soon, and while there is promise, I suspect that she is literally incapable. From there, I can only hope and pray she doesn't become an addict and on the street, down from making 6 figures.

So understandably I get bothered by the low thresh-hold of pain here when I've been flying a plane upside down. Which by the way, is actually possible in case you are unaware ;)

[–]Chump_No_More 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/alphabeta49 called it.

You shot your whole argument in the foot by admitting that even when parents stay together, they fuck their kids up. I'm an example of that. Parents are still fine and married, but I was a worthless, drifting pussy until a few years ago.

OP has an axe to grind... I call this post mostly bullshit because the references he cites are overwhelming from high conflict divorces, no correlation, little background, and do not reflect reality.

Without a doubt, what gives kids the best opportunity to be healthy, whole human beings is having two engaged parents, in a loving (sexual) relationship, with strong boundaries & (ethical) value systems, ideally rooted in red pill praxeology.

If the parents are high conflict, together or apart, the kids are going to suffer. Fortunately, if one is incapable of being a fully functioning adult, the kids WILL gravitate to the 'saner' one.

Kids are sponges... they absorb everything.

There is not a woman in the US that hasn't at some level internalized that they hold the upper hand in family law.

If a woman uses this little factoid as a bludgeon to beat down a man's boundaries/Frame, the kids get a front row seat and this miserable dynamic becomes normalized to them. This is particularly harmful to boys.

You will see few (if any) scholarly research on this because our fem-centric culture would never knowingly fund it.

For a red pill aware man who understands the absolute necessity of imparting a healthy mental point of origin to their kids via integrity, boundaries, Frame, self-respect and abundance, divorce must ALWAYS be on the table.

[–]ramblemnMarried 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

all kids don't have to go to college.

[–]resolutions316 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't think anyone would claim that divorce has NO effect on kids; only that staying in a shitty, loveless marriage will ALSO have an effect, which must be weighed when considering any decision to end a marriage.

How you weigh that question is up to you.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

In a short look through posts and replies, I've seen "kids are better with two happy parents" frequently.

Your job as a father, parent, family and husband are all different.

  • You can be a bad father, but a good parent. (But not a bad parent, and good father)
  • Be a good father, good parent, but be bad at running a family.
  • Be a good father, great parent, good at running a family but a poor husband.

My argument is that if you can reach some degree of happiness and be a good father and parent and run your marriage, it's likely you can make the relationship work. But that is separate.

The term "loveless" I think is highly loaded. No successful marriage gets there by "love." You got 18 months of that. Good luck raising your kids on 18 months of NRE.

[–]Redpillbrigade17 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (7子コメント)

While I think there are a lot of great points in your post, and admittedly I have not read the references (yet) mentioned, how do you deal with the individuality of each case. For example see the Bell Curve by Charles Murray, and looking at large swaths of data to draw conclusions about differences across groups of people- which is perfectly valid. But that does not change and should not impact how you treat an individual of any said group.

Similarly just because all those kids in the studies did worse relative to kids from married families, how do you account and eliminate for all other potentially worse outcome-producing factors. In other words how do they isolate purely the divorce as a cause vs their parents just being shitty .

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (6子コメント)

To be honest, this is the entire basis of the blue pill. This is "how do you explain my special snowflakeness?"

You aren't special, your kids aren't special, your marriage isn't special.

Everything is predictable really. Hey I thought my relationship was special, so did you.

[–]Redpillbrigade17 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Hmmm that seems to oversimplify it a bit and removes agency. Of course I am not special. But does that mean that I will not fight damn hard to make it to the top of my class/ group etc that's predetermined statistically that will perform worse?

Again I think of the Bell Curve: just because the deck is stack against some minority undereducated group, does that mean ALL and ANY individual member of that group will do worse?

I bet there are a lot of great stories of kids of divorced parents who fared better (pick a measure) than a lot of kids from married families. I will work damn hard to make sure my kids are in that category.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Well my post isn't saying that if you get divorced your kid has a 100% of being a total fuckup now is it?

Statistically, it is extremely likely to have profound effects on them and will blunt them.

I mean, you're here aren't you? Why are you really here?

It goes ALL THE WAY BACK brother. That's why we're almost all here.

Weak or absent fathers who didn't lead their families and provide the information required to be good partners and understand women.

[–]Redpillbrigade17 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

It's good to know the odds. Makes one appreciate how hard the fight is. And your post perhaps can be further improved with a note that reads: know these bad odds before you pull the trigger. And fight uber-hard to get your kids to still thrive and have a chance.

As to last part of tour reply not sure I am tracking. I am here for same reasons as most: 1) our dads fucked our moms; 2)we made it alive until this point and 3)now choose to spend time on this forum for self improvement purposes.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Is your marriage rock solid? Or did you come here because of issues?

[–]Redpillbrigade17 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

She filed and moved out +1 year ago. Came here looking for men's group discussion per NMMNG suggestion, early 2015.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Okay, describe your parents to me together and separately.

Not even going to wait.

He was weak\bluepill, she hen pecked him and he either toughed it out or they got divorced?

[–]brattykids123 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I should also ask.

What sort of studies have there been of children in broken marriages that "stayed for the kids".

The fucked up children and men you see often on here and in real life.

To compare like for like you have to compare those with the ones that divorced, not the ones that divorced with the entire population of non-divorced households.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

What marriage is unfixable?

I'm not going to publically post the nearly yellow tape bullshit that went on in this house, but I doubt that all but a fraction of marriages are unfixable.

I mean I am in no-man's land here with BPD nutjob and me being an NPD nutjob. Legitimately homicidal and genocidal.

Still get the kids ready for school, fuck like rabbits, treat her like a filthy whore and I'm not even in shape or pulling any cash in right now since I'm gearing up for grad school.

There really to my mind is little excuse once you understand the way women are programmed and you dispose of the covert contracts and live for you.

It is a lot of work to unwind your conditioning, but you should be willing to fight the fight. You're only growing.

Your marriage is unfixable when she branch swings or you decide you'd rather be happier or your kids healthy.

God knows she's not capable of managing her own emotions, that's why TRP even exists. So ultimately, marriage failure comes down to her not you.

Can you fix her? Because men can fix themselves. And you have to fix yourself before you can get her to work.

[–]Chump_No_More 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

No marriage is 'fixable' because the marriage should never be the focus.

Fix the man and give the woman a compelling reason to live in his world (Frame). Whether she chooses to do so is totally on her.

This is why the 'Stay Plan' is always the same as the 'Go Plan'.

[–]PunkYetii 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (5子コメント)

This hits home man.

I've been so unhappy in my marriage for the past 5 out of the 5 years we've been married. We have a 2 year old, and I only want what's best for him.

My wife is an utter bitch though, I have zero attraction to her, physically or emotionally. She's far too emotional and has some undiagnosed mental conditions involving anxiety and depression, but she is a good mom.

Since we got married, she immediately started putting on weight, gaining probably 100 lbs, and she wasn't a skinny girl to begin with. I have no attraction to that what so ever.

This hurts, because I've been accommodating and beyond giving and a whole wack of BP shit. And tbh, I'm really at the point of zero fucks. But I don't want to harm my kids development either.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Are you doing you?

[–]PunkYetii 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yeah, I'm starting now.

Restarting alot of my old passions and hobbies. Also, I'm going back to the gym on Monday with a coworker. So I'm rebuilding.

But she is just so negative, she has a problem with everybody and 'everybody' is against her. Which is unbelievably taxing on me.

I've made every effort to improve the relationship, I went very red pill with her in the past, no improvement, and I've also been very blue pill after years of mental abuse, with obviously no improvement.

Really it's embarrassing to me how hard I tried and the things I've done to make it work with someone I have no interest in.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Are you being honest with her in what you want? No covert contracts?

[–]zeteomegaleio 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

My parents divorced when I was 5. Things were bad between them, obviously.

The divorce fucked me up. My Dad being shitty fucked me up. My living situation going from awesome to not so awesome, and suddenly moving around between different towns in my formative years fucked me up. A lot of issues as an adult can be traced back to my parents divorcing and the ensuing life that came about because of it over the next 13 years before I was off to college. I royally fucked up from 18 to 25 and even wound up marrying someone that sounds worse than your own wife. Luckily we didn't have kids, but I might have 'tried to work it out' for them despite her being one of the most vile cunts I have ever known.

But you know what? My parents staying together would have been even worse. That would have modeled an absolutely terrible relationship for me, and instead of mostly happy times with them separately, I would have been witness to constant negative energy, fighting, and pain.

The kid is going to be fucked up to a certain extent, whether they stay together or not, if one or both of the parents suck. I'm not advocating all unhappy couples divorce; MRP exists for a reason and lots of guys have turned things around for themselves, their wives, and their marriage as a whole.

But I think it is asinine to go straight to "next her" OR "stay with her for the kids otherwise they'll be fucked up!" without considering each unique situation. Life is not black and white. Everyone has a different situation.

In your case, 5 of 5 years to a now obese, bitchy slob sounds miserable. I've been there and vaguely remember it even though it has mostly faded away now.

You're facing at least another 16 years of that if you stay. I'm sure you already resent her a bit and her you, so imagine how that will multiply over that time frame if nothing changes?

Of course, if nothing changes are the key words there. Maybe you just found RP and need to start owning your shit. Maybe things can turn around. It's worth a shot if you haven't invested a serious amount of work into yourself to fix you that maybe she'll get on board eventually and in time it will go better.

Though, she'll also have to take care of her mental shit too, and you can't force anyone to do that. Only enough pain can do that.

My point in all this is that I think it is great you're considering your little guy. I'm not so quick to jump on board with many others here about divorcing when kids are in the picture.

But staying with your wife isn't a guarantee that your kid will be better off than if you leave, and you have to consider what is best for you to be the best man and dad you can be to him. If you reach that point where there is no hope whatsoever for reconciling a good marriage between you two, then you should probably leave. Good luck until then though.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I royally fucked up from 18 to 25 and even wound up marrying someone that sounds worse than your own wife.

How do you get worse than homicidal?

[–]ScurvemuchMRP APPROVED 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (5子コメント)

as amicable as it could have been, despite it being a divorce rape scenario.

that makes no sense.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Well she wasn't capable of supporting kids otherwise, so this would instead turn into a debate about alternative child support laws. That is irrelevant.

All I'm saying is, outside of the financial issue, my parents did a good job of coparenting and trying to make things work for us. Pretty minimal amount of parental alienation and brainwashing.

Was convinced by teachers, other parents and therapists it was in our best interests.

In hindsight, strong families easily saw the dysfunction that was being levied on me and tried to help. I am eternally grateful to those people.

That says everything that needs to be said about this. Strong families get it. They can literally see it from a distance.

[–]ScurvemuchMRP APPROVED -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I think the issue is/ was that the parents weren't strong parents. And if she couldn't support herself without divorce RAPING your dad... well I'd say it's all her fault

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

It most certainly wasn't all of anyone's fault, it never is.

She was a SAHM with no education.

Thank fucking god we weren't thrust into 50\50 cycles of poverty as teenagers.

Don't look at this as an individual, look at it as a parent, man.

[–]ScurvemuchMRP APPROVED 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Then the one making money should retain full custody. She has no means of self support? Well she is an adult isn't she?

[–]sadomasochrist[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Do you have kids or are you armchairing?

Please for the love of christ do not have children.

[–]bogeyd6MRP MODERATOR 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Randomly going to one of your reading suggestions landed me here. Most important quote is "Exposure to high levels of parental conflict is predictive of poor emotional adjustment by the child regardless of the parents' marital status". Sociological and Psychological studies are highly unpredictable and correlation doesn't equal causation. In which the entire premise of your post is compromised by your own research.

Children are better psychologically served by strong and happy families than they will ever be in a dysfunctional family. Children are clearly better off with two happy parents, and as a special bonus if they share two happy families. Now, let's not go into the whole village thing here, that's not the point I am making. Clearly, if you are in a very poor marriage then it's time to divorce so that your kids have a chance to well adjust to life. Will they be impacted negatively as you suggest? Probably less impacted than having mom and dad fighting all the time.

In all my years of fatherhood, children can clearly feel the vibe in the home. They are very good at reading body language. I would not want my children growing up in a family where mom and dad are basically at war with each other all the time. The real decision making comes when it's time to decide how much is enough. When are the children impacted more; either by the marriage or by the divorce?

I must also disagree with your entire custody argument. Women win custody over 80% of the time. Pretty much unless they are incarcerated, proven addicts, or dead. Women will win the custody battle. Men sometimes win because of extreme differences but its really more rare. Therefore, decision making based on flawed data is a bad decision process tree.

Anyways, I really liked the write up and thought you put into this post. Just don't agree with it.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think we agree but that you've only slightly misinterpreted it.

By no means am I advocating a dysfunctional relationship. What I am saying, is that if you can fix your marriage, do it. Your kids will be much better off.

And for most guys in here, it's fixable.

If you've fixed yourself, fixed your parenting and family life, but she refuses to fix herself, this is what I am saying.

You choosing to leave will not make your kids happier because of this, the reasons are more complex as you're saying. Accept that choice. It's okay, no one is moralizing here. This is just an anti-hamster post. That's it. Don't tell yourself the kids will be better.

I'll use my parents marriage as an example.

My father was physically abusive because he had lost control of himself and his marriage. His marriage issues were one part my mom, and one part him.

Now this is a clear example of two happy parents benefiting the kids right? Nope.

The real answer here, is they both needed to fix themselves before they could work on fixing their relationship and the family.

Only after they fixed themselves, could they really comment on whether or not they should have separated.

As an example to further illustrate this, me and my other half are MUCH higher conflict than my parents who divorced. By orders of magnitude. And we've managed to turn things around in the house and with us to a large degree.

This I think demonstrates my point much more concisely by allowing you to see the layers of abstraction here between the two cases.

It's about fixing yourself first. You're in no position to question the happiness of your kids until you both fix yourselves.

As Athol Kay points out, maybe after you fix yourselves you figure out that without dysfunction, you don't really like each other all that much. Maybe she wants a dependant. Maybe you were just addicted to her.

But your kids deserve a chance to see you at your best first, and it's likely 9\10 that you both have a lot to improve before you can decide the relationship is unfixable and staying in it is hurting them.

But it is VERY difficult, you don't have to tell me.

[–]ReddJiveMRP Approved 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You make solid points and they are worth considering for a man in this position.

The only thing I would say is that each man must make his decision. If a man makes a decision within his frame then who are we to judge?

Make your decision. A bad plan violently executed is still the right one.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

We agree. Just so long as its not hamstered.

"I just wanted to be happy."

No moralizing here.

[–]brattykids123 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm in the process of divorce and this weighed heavily on my mind.

My parents never divorced, even though they should have. They are still married, but by any measure, they have a broken marriage and they laboured through it FOR THE KIDS.

You know what, I trace a lot of my poor relationship problems and my BP tendencies to that upgringing. I directly trace the same problems in my brother and sister.

I never understood how to properly set boundaries, how to enforce them and how to deal with a bad partner until it was too late precisely because i thought bad relationships just happen and you're supposed to labour through them just like my mom and dad.

Individually mom and dad are fabulous, even near perfect. Together they are a disaster.

I am not blaming my parents. I am my own man and I am working on myself.

There are things out of your control no matter how much you'll want to labour through. Your presence together with that woman triggers an unhappy dynamic in the household that conditions children that it's ok to be in that sort of relationship.

It isn't. ANd I want them to understand to walk away from crap before it is too late.

My ex wife was a good mother.

But when I was around, she was terrible.

She would openly criticize me in front of the children. "Your dad did this and this, he's baaad, look what he's doing, etc..."

When I am around, she initiated fights in front of them. She openly objected to everything i do in front of them.

What absolutely killed it for me was when she started asking my sons about OTHER MEN in front me to get me to go jealous. like "ooh your teacher, he's hot, what's his name, i better go to your school more often". Absolutely pathetic, but no child EVER should hear that sort of thing without knowing that it's a deal breaker.

When she said that my son looked at me dead in the eye with this puzzled look, as if to say: "wtd dad, what are you going to do about this, dont be a fucking pussy?". I couldn't disappoint him.

There are such situations where staying together is WORSE.

[–]sadomasochrist[S] 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You know what, I trace a lot of my poor relationship problems and my BP tendencies to that upgringing. I directly trace the same problems in my brother and sister.

I made a post about this up above. There are layers of abstraction here.

The place where your parents didn't have issues

  • The relationship you have as a father to your children
  • The relationship you have as a parent to your children

Where your issues were

  • The relationship you have with their mother, and as a family.
  • The relationship you and her have together.

Your dad needed to fix the last 2 for it to have worked. And divorce would NOT have helped.

The problem with this thinking is that it is "divorce or miserable blue pill dad."


Your dad needed to fix being blue pill regardless. He needed to run a family regardless.

There are things out of your control no matter how much you'll want to labour through. Your presence together with that woman triggers an unhappy dynamic in the household that conditions children that it's ok to be in that sort of relationship.

Oh you mean like the female expression of psychopathy? BPD. Sorry, but I'm going to be the one to say don't be such a fucking pussy here.

No one in here has it easy.

I am not blaming my parents. I am my own man and I am working on myself.

It's not about blame. Blame is blue pill. Acceptance of a pragmatic reality is red pill.

Your parents created a situation for you which primed you for the problems you encountered later in life. This post is aimed at PREVENTING that in people who have the ability to possibly salvage their marriage.

If anything, this should help you understand why divorce is even WORSE than staying together dysfunctional. You paint them in a very good light.

Literally the only thing left for your dad and mom to do was for him to get her to conform to a good family role and tie up any remaining neuroticism your mom had if he had the balls to do it.

NEGLIGIBLE issues once you can solve the other issues. But it absolutely requires that each level of abstraction be dealt with.

And to be truly primed for a life of success, your kids need all layers dealt with. Not one or the other.