drkrieger asked:
Hi there MtG developers! I have a question about rare lands for you: There's been a cycle of rare lands that can provide/fetch 2 colors of mana since at least Scars of Mirrodin Block, but Tarkir, BfZ, and SOI have been allied-colors only. Is this temporary, or is development trying to move away from enemy-colored lands at rare?

From Adam Prosak:

We do plan our dual lands very carefully, and we make an effort to balance allied vs enemy lands in any given Standard environment.  Currently in Standard, there are cycles of allied dual lands in BFZ and SOI, while there are cycles of enemy duals in ORI and the creature lands in BFZ/OGW.

There are lots of factors that play into the dual lands that are in any given Standard, and it’s one of the places we put more effort in getting right.  The available dual lands are one of the most important pieces of Standard.

  1. khalimswill said: Here’s hopping for enemy versions of either the BFZ or SOI cycles in Kaladesh.
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